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Before todays update:
click badges under navigation....bottom of drop down click supergroup badges...goto achievements and it would list the badges both achieved and not achieved. Mouse rollover the yet unachieved badges and it will give you a percent of completion and the description of badge tells you what needs to be done.
After todays live publish:
under nav menu is "collect"but clicking provides you a drop down and if you go to supergroup and click it provides a second drop down....click achievements and the badges whether achieved or not are gone???
Am I missing something? As my SG is pursuing these badges, it would be beneficial to see what is/isn't or has/hasn't been done. Is this a bug issue or did the necessary descriptions go elsewhere to look at the progression of SG badges? -
Well it was just an observation. I don't use that many f2p accounts for farming 1/2 of what top doc uses. Generally I don't play the buy low and sell high....usually just sell high and avoid the buying games. I wont blame it on top doc....he is always forthright. But some out there are lowballing.
so started playing market again since my billions got spent amongst different things. The price drop in PVP enhancements has me concerned. this was a main inf builder but it seems to be dropping rapidly. Watching for the last week recipes that were selling for 70 million are now hitting the 5 million mark. Recipes that were 500mill + as well as the procs seem to be hanging out in the same ranges still, but damn disappointing some of them are.
Monitor is great....no problems the reason for the upgrade is simple. Some in my family are in need of a newer computer so with me rebuilding I can help them out by giving my current system to them. I figure I know what I want but was reaching out to see if any were having direct issues with p67's, z68's and so on.
Appreciate the feedback. Since this will just be for gaming and some daily web stuff. The rest of the system is pretty much nvidia based gpu, corsairor kkingston mem, basic optical drive. And am debating on ssd....but unsure yet. It was deciding on the MB chipset that was causing me some cognitive debate. But it looks like z68 may be the answer and I appreciate the feedback -
talk to your old contacts and they will "introduce" you to new contacts.
Well its the upgrade time of year. Currently I am using an EVGA MB x58 chipset with a 920 quad core 1366. Thinking about the p67 chipset and am wondering about its stability (I have seen many many mixed reviews). Anyone out there having issues with it and if so what MB are you using. Although I usually use asus stuff I am impressed with my current EVGA board and may go that route. Gigabyte MB's seem a popular choice but I have never used them. So just curious if some fellow COH players have run into many issues. I have been through newegg reviews but trust tomshardware more so. So just looking for some input for those that have gone the p67 1155chipset sandy route
and just for a minute I thought it was Thursday and I was late for work.....geez i hate a confusing still un-awake moment in the AM.
Quote:Your not the only one. Also, to the rest of this stuff. Infinite Double Facepalm Indeed. I think we need to give the daycare a phonecall, bunch of rampaging babies on the attack.
The EULA states "You're paying for access to the service at all times BUT designated service intervals (which this is) and unforeseen events (like crashes)." So what the **** people? (Don't tell me it doesn't. I've freaking read it several times in a row out of boredom.)
You are not going to die, you are not having your heart ripped out and stomped on, the world is not going to EXPLODE. So what in the name of Mike are you people acting like five year olds for?!
its reasons such as this post that has driven our cattle prodded society to accept the unacceptable and be lead through whatever gate we are lead too. Its simply that there are a few people left who are and expect a level of professionalism that is continually shrinking away. Oh but please keep your shrinking expectations and be lead to the gate....or perhaps you can break free and discover the blinding flash of the obvious. -
Disgrace....yes. UStream??????? why dont you give an extra fricking hand and get things rolling on your end???? this really is getting ridiculous. Please dont think that the game is so very popular with masses of people knocking on the door to play. Read the posts......your continually shrinking, small player base is getting smaller and ticked off. Please dont think since the game is going to be free that you can increase these disgraceful acts and remain a small contender within the ranks of MMO's. Really guys??? The BS is getting deep.
Please dont think that you can appease the many folks who know, understand and work within the same realms as you all. We know that live publishing can be an ugly mess, but it seems you guys simply lack the management of resources to make this work. STOP already. -
"This maintenance is unfortunately still on-going, as we work to resolve issues uncovered by the downtime this morning. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding and support.
Kevin Callanan
Community Moderator
Paragon Studios"
Pretty much done with my understanding and support....long enough guys. Yes flamers....flame away.....but this is worse than the nerf wars of '05 & '06 My only day off is Thursdays for the next 11 weeks until Nov 17.....this is gunna suck! -
Quote:not bent outta shape.....keep building/upgrading....you will learn eventually and things will be problem freeAlways easier to talk about how things could be done when you are not having to actually do them.
I know I have never had any unexpected trouble when building/upgrading my computers!
It's the nature of the beast. I'd hoped that they would be done by now, but I was expecting some possible trouble. Getting bent out of shape about it is a waste of energy, imo. -
Quote:Ummm....yeah.....maybe you need to be around a little longer.....Do you really think they have enough ppl working there to replicate all the messed up ways we play this game during downtime?
Sometimes it takes the servers coming back up and being populated by actual players for bugs to show up.....
Welcome to MMOs....
Oh, and I'm not one of the Dev fanbois, I've just been here long enough to know stuff happens, no use in cryin about it.....
Let em fix the game...
Hopefully itll only take ONE hotfix...
Spyke -
....oh yea fix issues....make them stable...take as long as you need....i cant wait....I am glad they are doing maintenance....yada yada yada yada. Fact is they dont plan well, they dont inform well. Major upgrades can be done efficiently without many issues if things are planned well. Any issues that arise should already have contingencies in place. Very rarely do issues arise if things are planned appropriately. I am sure they have beyond the resources to execute this type of "system maintenance/upgrades"...unfortunately they seem to suffer from unskilled management of such resources. The round peg goes in the round hole.....it really is that easy if it is known.
I hear the flamers now discussing unknown issues and that unplanned things happen, and again I say that is a lack of managed resources and ill plans of attack. -
A little update would be nice to know what kinda time frame are looking at.....
Epic Fail guys.......EPIC EPIC fail. Lets try not to do this stuff again and if so then please can we get better info....All your APATHETIC messages on timing are a complete failure said to just appease the gaming family that you have made feel ******. I would have rather seen...
"Servers are down, sorry we messed up, consider doing something else today as servers will be down until 9pm. We know we screwed a bunch of you and apologize....we will have a double xp weekend starting next weekend due to our moronic epic fail!!!!" -
Yeah in game messages are fine if you are not in the middle of hashing through IO for a build....back and forth between slotting and market. I didn't see it. Sure maybe should have paid more attention. Haven't even begun any winter lord stuff....probably wont either, didn't really enjoy it much last year and it has nothing i want, need, nor make my char advantageous in anyway during normal game time play.
I hope I dont lose any of the things i was in the middle of purchasing and slotting nor the alt billions I put in my email (yes now its an issue) to use this afternoon to build my incarnate. -
Saturday early afternoon.....prime playing time. Was their an announcement about this?? I didn't see it anywhere
I usually try and run a couple tip missions each day, this includes cruising through Portal corp parking lot and taking out some COT. Usually within a couple minutes or less I get my TIP mission. While doing this first TIP mission I usually get one or two more. I spent 35 minutes in portal corp parking lot taking out lots of COT as well as jumping the fence and taking out groups of nemesis. No TIP yet??? keep grinding through the bad guys....hmmmm.....nothing yet. Do two radio missions.....No TIP yet.
Has the Drop rate changed??? Anyone else experience this??? Did I miss something in I19 patch notes??? -
nothing in RV either. Played for several hours (like 12) with bro-in-law. No inf, prestige, insp, shards, recipes.......nothing.
So played for 12 hours in RV with my bro in law....no inf, no insp, no recipes, no shards........absolutely nothing.
Anyone else????