supergroup badges achievements list....gone?
It's frustrating. The only badges that are displaying are under 'Supergroup Badges \ Exploration' and in 'Supergroup Badges \ Achievement' I've got a progress bar for " Members of your Supergroup can earn this badge by healing 1,000,000 points of health."
I can no longer find how many CoT missions I need to do, which I presume should be under 'Defeats' but isn't. *Edit* It should be under Achievements, but isn't there, even after I've completed a few CoT missions.

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Same problem with my SG, I didn't see this problem reported in the know issues for E21.
Can we have an update on this ?
Before todays update:
click badges under navigation....bottom of drop down click supergroup badges...goto achievements and it would list the badges both achieved and not achieved. Mouse rollover the yet unachieved badges and it will give you a percent of completion and the description of badge tells you what needs to be done.
After todays live publish:
under nav menu is "collect"but clicking provides you a drop down and if you go to supergroup and click it provides a second drop achievements and the badges whether achieved or not are gone???
Am I missing something? As my SG is pursuing these badges, it would be beneficial to see what is/isn't or has/hasn't been done. Is this a bug issue or did the necessary descriptions go elsewhere to look at the progression of SG badges?