What's with ALL THE SERVER MAINT?!?!?!!??!!?




Why is it that CoX(which has been around for years) is experiencing the type of issues that 99% of other games go through during their initial launch??

Here's are rhetorical question also... Why am I paying for this game when there is more down time than play time??

This is absolutely pathetic!



Probably because the game essentially is going through its initial launch; they've made huge changes to the basic functionality of the game and it's inevitable that it's going to introduce issues.

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Originally Posted by KalakasTank View Post
Why is it that CoX(which has been around for years) is experiencing the type of issues that 99% of other games go through during their initial launch??

Here's are rhetorical question also... Why am I paying for this game when there is more down time than play time??

This is absolutely pathetic!
1) Hyperbole will get you nowhere. The game has NOT been down more than it's been up recently.

2) They are upgrading the servers to better handle the increased load that Freedom is expected to bring in. New hardware means that they need to make sure that it's running properly, and is doing everything that it needs to be doing. This means a bit of extra maintenance right now, but it should calm down soon.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



If its down a few hours a day for a month it will still be smoother than most MMO launches.



lol emotions

Here you come with a stupid name like Fixer - brutalkillz_



Noun: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

Why is it that CoX(which has been around for years) is experiencing the type of issues that 99% of other games go through during their initial launch??

1) Hyperbole will get you nowhere. The game has NOT been down more than it's been up recently.

OMG!!! WHAT... Hyperbole does nothing for me???? This is insane! Let me call the news networks!



Originally Posted by KalakasTank View Post
Noun: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

Why is it that CoX(which has been around for years) is experiencing the type of issues that 99% of other games go through during their initial launch??

1) Hyperbole will get you nowhere. The game has NOT been down more than it's been up recently.

OMG!!! WHAT... Hyperbole does nothing for me???? This is insane! Let me call the news networks!
Selectively referring to the section of your post that wasn't hyperbolic isn't really helping your cause...

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I'm sorry OP but with a title like that, it is going to be extremely difficult for anyone to take you seriously.
I saw the title and assumed this thread was going to be a parody of all the other threads with the same complaint.

To read that you were serious and chose to have that title anyway, was shocking to say the least.



RAWR!!! Me angry!

Yeah it wasn't constructive, but, it's the first thing to pop into my head.

As others have stated this effectively is a new launch, alot of background work was needed to be done with all the new stuff, plus, the increase in server load. I can understand how it must seem like alot but, the devs do have a company to run and alittle downtime is a necessary evil.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Neither was posting in the first place.
I am disappointed there aren't more of these kinds of posts this morning. This is my downtime entertainment.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Oh look, it's this thread again.



Well, you want the game to work properly when it's up, don't you?


Then downtime is necessary.

Sure, they could keep the servers up 24/7 so as not to inconvenience people. But then we'd have a week or two of downtime after a month or so of laggy, buggy gameplay when the servers collectively have a meltdown.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU
Probably because the game essentially is going through its initial launch; they've made huge changes to the basic functionality of the game and it's inevitable that it's going to introduce issues.
I reckon thats a pretty good way of looking at it. The downtime annoys me, but I dont think its unreasonable at this point. Bloody annoying trailings off grumbling ... and don't feed the trolls while you git off my grass.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I think that returning players are more likely than not going to make their own judgments, and considering they left the game at some point, I would guess it is likely it will not be with a fair judgment.

So all "hyperbole" aside, understandable or not it doesn't bode well for the games rep with returning players. You guys had better start understanding that. Defending this excessive down time will not help keep those returning players.

Pushing the devs to find a solution for the sake of the game is probably a better way to go. The concern has merit.



Originally Posted by quickfire View Post
Pushing the devs to find a solution for the sake of the game is probably a better way to go. The concern has merit.
We don't need to push them. They are more aware of what is at stake than we will ever be.

Seriously, does your livelyhood depend on the game being profitable? We're just playing it. If the game tanks, they all lose their jobs.

It is very safe to assume they are taking it seriously.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Eh...for me just more 'thumb twidling'...no biggie

@Ik's Last Stand

"When war turns whole populations into sleepwalkers, outlaws don't join forces with alarm clocks. Outlaws, like poets, rearrange the nightmare." -Tom Robbins



I love all the armchair generals out there that making the assumption that freebies/returning players will flee in mass because, of the downtime.

If anyone has a lick of sense in their head then they will realize that with all the huge changes this game has undergone downtime is a neccesity to get everything right and implement said changes. Doom and gloom folks you ppl are the best form of entertainment.

I prefer this approach, if I do not understand something or have a question about something I have no knowledge of, then I learn as much as I can or ask questions. That way I have a better sense of things and how they function. I prefer to be sensible and take a logical approach to it all.

But, that's me and I guess it's easier to make an *** out of yourself with doom posts and internet threats. Downtime=ppl quitting..whatever..




and OP...can I have your stuff please before you leave CoX to play Ms Pacman online?

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
I love all the armchair generals out there that making the assumption that freebies/returning players will flee in mass because, of the downtime.

If anyone has a lick of sense in their head then they will realize that with all the huge changes this game has undergone downtime is a neccesity to get everything right and implement said changes. Doom and gloom folks you ppl are the best form of entertainment.

I prefer this approach, if I do not understand something or have a question about something I have no knowledge of, then I learn as much as I can or ask questions. That way I have a better sense of things and how they function. I prefer to be sensible and take a logical approach to it all.

But, that's me and I guess it's easier to make an *** out of yourself with doom posts and internet threats. Downtime=ppl quitting..whatever..
I know of almost two dozen people who have quit due to this.
The downtime might not seem a big deal to those of you in America, but it is very significant in Australia.
The OP's statement about the server being down more than it is up may be hyperbole but not so much down under. When it comes to Australian Prime Time, the game is down more than it is up.
The subs lost might not seem very significant but trying to downplay their loss as non-existent isn't sensible nor logical at all.



...I think if anyone had sense they would stop sticking their heads in the sand and realize this is bad for business.

...and I love how any suggestion that it's not a good thing is thoroughly trounced, constructive or not.

...my how I missed the forums.

At any rate, if the devs were aware it was a bad deal THEY WOULDN'T be allowing it to happen in the first place.

So, by evidence it appears that either...

A. They have no choice. Means poor planning.
B. They think it's a non-issue...like many here. The same guys that said the game is healthy as is, doesn't need F2P, didn't lose almost half it's playerbase....yep. Fans are the best people to take critical advice from.

This game deserves better than lip service from the fanbase. It deserves a kick in the rear.



Well you certainly don’t need all caps and “?!?!?!!??!!?” that’s for sure. And it’s true, “servers down more than up” isn’t going to help.

Nevertheless, in a reasonable assessment, there has been what I would term an “excessive” amount of downtime of late.



Ah, my first day back after 5 months away. Oh, game is down, let's check out the forums and see if they've changed...

Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Apparently not



Who needs Eastenders when you have this drama on the forums during every downtime?
It's awesome!

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



Originally Posted by Doctor Wishbone View Post
Well you certainly don’t need all caps and “?!?!?!!??!!?” that’s for sure. And it’s true, “servers down more than up” isn’t going to help.

Nevertheless, in a reasonable assessment, there has been what I would term an “excessive” amount of downtime of late.
Hah but people jumping all over it does big time! Nothing helps like picking out one exaggerated statement, harping on it, and ignoring everything else!

Mmmm forums..

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]