Content overload! A reaction from a returning player.




Firstly, hi, everyone! Some of you old-timers might remember me; I posted here pretty frequently from 2004-2006. CoH was a different game back then; I loved it, god knows, and I really loved the world and the storytelling, and I played the hell out of it till I was just straight-up, legitimately burnt out - but coming back to it now there's no denying that what we have is a vastly superior, more user-friendly experience in almost every conceivable way.

Except one.

As a huge fan of the lore, which I tried to keep up with even when I wasn't playing, what going through the game again with a bunch of new friends has really driven home that while I love the gameplay and quality-of-life changes, some of the cool story stuff has been lost or obscured. One of my friends, a new player, was complaining the other night that she feels really disconnected from what's going on or what anything in the game is, and I can't really blame her, because she is constantly being presented with possible options (go here! do this!) that she then outlevels, sometimes while in the middle of a story. Hell, I'm an experienced player, and I just finished Jim Temblor's missions only to get the cold shoulder from Penelope Yin - again. Imagine what it's like for all these new folks!

As an example, she's got a level 20something now, and she's encountered the Vahzilok and the Lost all of once, in the new sewer trial, with no idea who they were, and no explanation given, and now she's out of their level range for good. In 2004 the idea of playing through the first twenty levels without encountering those groups would have been absurd unless you were one of those people who started powerleveling at Peregrine Island right out of the tutorial.

CoX is in the weird position of having so much content that it's all crowding itself out. You might be interested in the Faultline story, or First Ward, but god forbid you take any missions or spend a night grouping outside of those zones, or you might be locked out of seeing the middle or end of the story. And none of this is presented in any sort of consistent way - get to a new level range and you'll have five or six contact popups appear, with no indication that this guy gives you a seven-year-old Clockwork arc, that guy gives you Ouroboros content, and this other guy leads to a zone arc.

My friend was legitimately surprised when she overheard me and another friend excitedly discussing the implications of the new Desdemona underground trial. She had no idea the game's lore had that kind of depth. And really, how could she? CoX is packed chock-full of exciting mysteries and revelations, but if you miss the setup - which is *incredibly likely* - everything after is going to be a confusing mess. Discovering the truth about the Rikti, or the relationship between the Council, Arachnos, and the 5th Column, are exciting moments - but it's only exciting if you actually are invested in the story behind the Rikti, or if you've ever actually done missions against the Council, Column, and Arachnos and had a chance to explore their background. Otherwise it's just a blur of noise and color.

The story of Paragon City really has the potential to be an exciting, drama-filled tapestry, but so much of it is locked away in tiny, individual text clues in obscure story arcs that may not even be accessible anymore without the use of Ouroboros. What's the number of players who have fought the Hamidon versus the number of players who have any idea at all that he was once Hamidon Pasalima, fanatic biologist, and that there is an interesting story attached to him beyond being a zone-sized blob?

I'm back in Paragon City for the long haul, I think, but what I would really like to see in the future is a rethinking of the mission and arc paradigm combined with a project of going back and revisiting/revamping old mission chains, cutting out the fat, and making them actually do-able in a five level timeframe; then presenting all of that in a way that lets you customize your experience beyond taking missions ad-hoc and hoping you don't outlevel the contact or the zone before you finish up the story.

Back before the game came out - waaaay back when I first saw it on the cover of PC Gamer - I seem to remember whoever was talking about it then (Rick Dakan, maybe?) mentioning that they wanted to have it where, like, you could roll up a dark urban avenger, or a magic dude, or a cosmic hero, and do dark urban avengery things or cosmic things or whatever all the way from level one to forty. And to some degree that's actually possible now! If you, as a player, were really dedicated to having a specific experience for your new magic guy, and were willing to do a lot of planning, you could, for instance, cobble together a "magic campaign" by starting in on the Hellions and Hollows stuff before moving on to the Midnighter Club, doing the Circle of Thorns and Banished Pantheon in the 20s, and then Croatoa followed by the high-level CoT and Mu arcs. Alternatively, you could do a "patriotic hero" campaign, where you spend your time dealing with Arachnos, the 5th Column, the Sky Raiders and the Council - and going to places like Striga Isle and Faultline - before topping off with Malta.

But of course that all relies on a lot of preknowledge and planning. What if there were something like that for *new* players? A roadmap for new characters to let them - in as much as possible - experience a certain side of Paragon City, encounter an enemy group often enough to become invested in its story and therefore invested in seeing that story through to its conclusion. I don't know - it's just a thought. What I do know is that my friend really loves the game, and has gone from F2P to having spent $30+ in the last week alone, but she enjoys it purely for the gameplay and the flexibility of the character creator rather than for its "confusing" story. That seems like a shame to me.

Crimson Archon - 50 bs/inv scrapper

The Stain - 40 dark/dark corruptor
Astro-Avenger - 47 ss/inv tanker
The Scarlet Spectre - 26 ill/storm controller



First off, welcome back and glad ya brought a friend with ya

Secondly, there is a lot of content now and a lot to do. Best advice I could give is to turn off the XP if you are a lore hound like I am. Your friend will still get all the drops, influence and if she is in an SG prestige but will be able to see all the content for each level.

The story is all there and it's easy to get distracted from all the directions you can go but turning off XP is the best way to ensure you get to see everything at a certain level.

You can turn off XP in options/general

I have to say, this is a great complaint to have though lol! Again, welcome home!

Crimson Archon - 50 bs/inv scrapper

The Stain - 40 dark/dark corruptor
Astro-Avenger - 47 ss/inv tanker
The Scarlet Spectre - 26 ill/storm controller



I still think arcs should exemplar you if you are 'too high'.

Not to mention it being stupid that 'Oh, you're too powerful for this'. Who's to say that a Hero wouldn't pause to help with any situation? Or that a Villain would kick back with a nice bit of easy bullying, extortion and general head-cracking?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I still think arcs should exemplar you if you are 'too high'.

Not to mention it being stupid that 'Oh, you're too powerful for this'. Who's to say that a Hero wouldn't pause to help with any situation? Or that a Villain would kick back with a nice bit of easy bullying, extortion and general head-cracking?
Agreed. Aaron Thiery berates the heros for ignoring things 'beneath their notice' I so wanted to tell him, "Naw man, the joker wouldn't give me the mission!"

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I feel that a lot of the low-level content needs to be extended another five levels to cover a 10-level range. Back when we got debt at level 5 and levelled up significantly more slowly, it was feasible to run three or four low-level contacts, but these days all of one or two will get you from 1 to 10, depending on how you go about it.

Furthermore, the game needs a much better way of identifying what missions and arcs a contact will offer BEFORE we pick said contact. I'm not sure how that could happen, but I'd really rather not have to go to ParagonWiki to find out which contact has the next step of a multi-part story like the Library of Souls -> Envoy of Shadows one.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Crimson_Archon View Post
As an example, she's got a level 20something now, and she's encountered the Vahzilok and the Lost all of once, in the new sewer trial, with no idea who they were, and no explanation given, and now she's out of their level range for good. In 2004 the idea of playing through the first twenty levels without encountering those groups would have been absurd unless you were one of those people who started powerleveling at Peregrine Island right out of the tutorial.
Maybe you shouldn't have encouraged a new player to do DfB. Just sayin'... It's there for content skipping.

Also, she is not out of their level range for good - Ouroboros doesn't care what level you are, as long as you are at or over the maximum for an arc - do it through there. If you really care about the story. Heck you even get XP while exemplared now so it *really* doesn't matter.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



The single biggest way to improve this fast is to have Matthew Habashy (and the redside equivalent) introduce you to one of the old school contacts. Effectively locking all of the original content behind radio missions was a huge mistake.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



This is something I've been thinking about too, and it's especially noticeable in the level 20 area. First Ward is great. Faultline is great. There's a couple great villain contacts there. Tips start. There's so much going on right there, there's no way to do it all. Faultline was crawling with players when they updated it, and for good reason. But now it's as empty as ever because the Next Big Thing keeps overwriting it.

A lot of content takes multiple characters to really see. We start learning about Vahzilok, for example, and fight a bunch of his schemes (including the Sewer Trial), discover his full backstory, and finally defeat him once and for all in Posi pt. 2. There's a full story arc that we're supposed to accomplish there. Same thing with Clockwork King and the Synapse TF, with a bit of Penelope Yin thrown in. Clockwork King's story arc again becomes important when you're experiencing Praetoria and some of the cross-dimensional high-level missions, and many players aren't even going to know who he is. I see problems like this fairly often in the brand new lowbie content, as well as the newer high-level stuff. I've been playing for nearly 7 years, and I know a goodly amount of the game's lore. These missions expect that I know that. They're putting the Praetoria/Coming Storm storyline front and center, but that story is built on the foundation they've spent several years building. So to understand what's going on, I'm supposed to know seven years' worth of content, even as a new character. I do feel bad for the new freebie players in this respect. I've got several freebie friends and all they want to do is team and do the new stuff like the Sewer Trial. One friend started Jim Temblor's arc because I encouraged them to, telling them Faultline had a cool storyline. First of all, they didn't know anything about Faultline's destruction and reconstruction. Secondly, they didn't read most of the text and had no idea that there were other contacts that would continue that zone's story arc. This problem is mades worse by the lack of Ouroborus- as a VIP, I have the luxury of running as many characters as I want. Freebies get two, with no potential of going back and doing missed story arcs without teaming with a lower level character and reading their mission texts. It's a real shame that they're going to miss out on so much of this great game.



Part of the problem is that as a rule the devs have put all the new (non-incarnate) content into the 15-30 range because "that's where most of the players are", but it means that there's now a *massive* amount of content 15-30 and still something of a dearth of new content in the 30-50 range (no, retconning Praetoria doesn't count as new content).

Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes

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CoX Chatlog Parser Feed



I think pushing Praetoria has become a larger problem with the game as a whole. It used to be relegated to level 40-50, but now it feels like it's everwhere.



Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
The single biggest way to improve this fast is to have Matthew Habashy (and the redside equivalent) introduce you to one of the old school contacts. Effectively locking all of the original content behind radio missions was a huge mistake.

Yes, exactly.

I've had the same concern as the OP. There should be more overt options for players to choose what content they want as they level. There are so many paths -- which is a wonderful thing! -- but getting to each part at the right time is tricky, if it's even always possible.

I think having way too much content to do on one character is great, but without a guide, in game, where everyone will see it, people will end up just doing the same things, the things they know, every time. Which is a shame. They could get bored with the game without ever knowing what they're missing.

Proud member of Heroes Inc.
I'm not like other moms.



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
We start learning about Vahzilok, for example, and fight a bunch of his schemes (including the Sewer Trial), discover his full backstory, and finally defeat him once and for all in Posi pt. 2. There's a full story arc that we're supposed to accomplish there. Same thing with Clockwork King and the Synapse TF, with a bit of Penelope Yin thrown in. Clockwork King's story arc again becomes important when you're experiencing Praetoria and some of the cross-dimensional high-level missions, and many players aren't even going to know who he is.
This got me thinking. In the longer term, they should take these longer, multiple contact story arcs and put them on one contact. Then when you get offered a choice of contacts and it says Bill Johnson is investigating the Vahzilok, it will take you thru the whole Vahz story. There may be some points where a contact has to send you away til you hit the next level block, but you've still got access to the whole story. Big, whole game groups like Council or CoT could be broken up into 3 or 4 contacts over the course of the game, each with a more-or-less complete and cohesive story.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



Originally Posted by Spectral_Ent View Post
I think pushing Praetoria has become a larger problem with the game as a whole. It used to be relegated to level 40-50, but now it feels like it's everwhere.
Well, I think they never were and still aren't here ENOUGH. What they do is in some ways as big as Rikti War. But apart from the First Ward and 40-50 content they're nowhere to be seen. The whole zones got invaded with little consequence. No remnant IDF troops making last stands, no NPC chatter, no arcs, no tips, no nothing. Especially jarring since one of the invaded zones was Steel, easily within range for use of standard Praetorian mobs.

Return of The Fifth was handled much more gracefully by the devs.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
Part of the problem is that as a rule the devs have put all the new (non-incarnate) content into the 15-30 range because "that's where most of the players are", but it means that there's now a *massive* amount of content 15-30 and still something of a dearth of new content in the 30-50 range (no, retconning Praetoria doesn't count as new content).
I agree strongly with this. Levels 20-29 in particular are a content jungle, while 30-39 are a content desert. I notice that to make it through the 20's and get in most of the arcs I want, I have to solo, while to make it through the 30's, I have to do every arc I consider "good," exemplar down through Ouroboros for some stuff from the 20's, do all of my own AE arcs (getting through this range being one reason I made them), and do a couple of task forces (most of which remain painfully unenjoyable i0 stuff) in order to make it through. Yes, you should spend more time in the 30's than in the 20's, requiring you to go looking for more things, but it shouldn't be that different an experience from the 20's.

Bottom line: Developers, please stop cramming content into the 20's. I know it's easier to balance, but it can't hold any more.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think we might get some new 30+ stuff soon-ish

EDIT: And welcome home
Yes, Welcome back!

And when Golden Girl says something about events in the future , pay attention...she knows things..I still think she is either the daughter of a Dev, or a Dev in street clothes


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



The problem is that the developers are beset by a myriad of conflicting requirements: players want to level quickly; players don't want to outlevel contacts; players want new content because the old stuff is boring; players want new zones and interesting locations; players want new and interesting mechanics; players want shorter trials and arcs; players want access to the old stuff.

Every time the developers add something new something old is displaced because you level past it too quickly. Keeping long-time subscribers happy is more important than making it easy for non-paying players to run through the old content.

The devs do have a solution that they've already used to bring to your attention missions that they feel are worthwhile. The Find Content button on the Contacts window will teleport you to the Hollows and Faultline at level 5 and 15 (I assume other contacts will show up at the appropriate level, but I haven't noticed them).

Arcs like those and Croatoa aren't in the "mainstream" of the old contacts, but the arcs are shorter, don't require you to waste as much time running all around the city, have better mechanics than the old stuff and are better written.

All of that just makes those missions more fun to do. Missions like Frostfire in the Hollows are still fun after 7 years, but many of the oldest arcs and task forces are way too long and way too repetitive.

The old arcs and trials consisted of up to a couple dozen missions that can take days to complete, while the new arcs are much more compact and streamlined, and can often be completed in an hour or less. Considering how fast characters level now, long arcs just don't make sense anymore.

So, rather than dump players into content that the devs know is outdated and, frankly, tedious, they choose to send players through arcs that are shorter and more fun.

What I'd rather see is the old arcs be revamped like the newer content, with each contact having only three to five missions that pack in all the interesting and useful information. The update of the Positron trial is a good case in point.

At that point the Find Content button can be used to direct players to those revamped contacts, which I assume will also mean that you can just walk up to those contacts and talk to them at the appropriate level and get the mission (the way you can with the Croatoa arcs).

For now you can always do those arcs in Ouroboros. I'd actually like to see the system changed so that you can walk up to any contact and do their missions, and if your level is too high, you'd get exemped down to the level of the mission once inside. That would also solve the problem of having missions from contacts that you've outleveled. Ouroboros would still be useful for the conceit of doing these missions repeatedly.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
The old arcs and trials consisted of up to a couple dozen missions that can take days to complete, while the new arcs are much more compact and streamlined, and can often be completed in an hour or less. Considering how fast characters level now, long arcs just don't make sense anymore.
When the game was designed, it was assumed that things like TFs would be played by a group over several days - it was part of the "casual MMO" approach they were going for - but the new design idea is to make TFs that can be played in a single short-ish session, with lots more chained objectives in each missions, meaning that fewer missions are needed for each TF.
For example, the Tin Mage TF has 3 missions, and the Apex TF only has 2 - but the chained objectives, multiple maps on missions, and in-mission talk-to objectives make them much more dynamic and faster paced than the older TFs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
When the game was designed, it was assumed that things like TFs would be played by a group over several days - it was part of the "casual MMO" approach they were going for - but the new design idea is to make TFs that can be played in a single short-ish session, with lots more chained objectives in each missions, meaning that fewer missions are needed for each TF.
For example, the Tin Mage TF has 3 missions, and the Apex TF only has 2 - but the chained objectives, multiple maps on missions, and in-mission talk-to objectives make them much more dynamic and faster paced than the older TFs.
The irony being that at the time the game was launched it basically wasn't possible to run TFs over multiple sessions 90% of the time because of SK/EX bugs, rejoining quirks and other issues but now that they've changed everything to be "2 or 3 missions in an hour or so" the TF system is actually solid enough on the whole that you could easily run them over several days without running into issues.

Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes

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Originally Posted by Crimson_Archon View Post

Back before the game came out - waaaay back when I first saw it on the cover of PC Gamer - I seem to remember whoever was talking about it then (Rick Dakan, maybe?) mentioning that they wanted to have it where, like, you could roll up a dark urban avenger, or a magic dude, or a cosmic hero, and do dark urban avengery things or cosmic things or whatever all the way from level one to forty. And to some degree that's actually possible now! If you, as a player, were really dedicated to having a specific experience for your new magic guy, and were willing to do a lot of planning, you could, for instance, cobble together a "magic campaign" by starting in on the Hellions and Hollows stuff before moving on to the Midnighter Club, doing the Circle of Thorns and Banished Pantheon in the 20s, and then Croatoa followed by the high-level CoT and Mu arcs. Alternatively, you could do a "patriotic hero" campaign, where you spend your time dealing with Arachnos, the 5th Column, the Sky Raiders and the Council - and going to places like Striga Isle and Faultline - before topping off with Malta.

But of course that all relies on a lot of preknowledge and planning. What if there were something like that for *new* players? A roadmap for new characters to let them - in as much as possible - experience a certain side of Paragon City, encounter an enemy group often enough to become invested in its story and therefore invested in seeing that story through to its conclusion. I don't know - it's just a thought. What I do know is that my friend really loves the game, and has gone from F2P to having spent $30+ in the last week alone, but she enjoys it purely for the gameplay and the flexibility of the character creator rather than for its "confusing" story. That seems like a shame to me.

I'd love this added to the game, where upon character creation, you pick a 'theme' for your character and it then only notifies you of the contacts within that theme. Of course, all those other pushy contacts would still be available, it just would pop you in the nose to tell you...only the ones within your theme. This may actually alleviate some of the complaints people have with the particularly annoying contacts.

As is, I already try to do this with all of my characters. My sorceress only bothers with magic-themed missions, my mercenary with hit-jobs and so on. It'd be wonderful if they added more to the old regular contacts that fleshed these themes out some more. I'd love more theft jobs for my hunter/thief character without having to repeat paper/tip missions. I'd love 'call-out brawl' themes where metas/vigilantes try to prove they can take me'd make me seem infamous vs needing to drag myself to a PvP zone.

That said, I'd also think adding an option to level a new AT/powerset combo on the same lvled character would allow one to go back and play content without needing Oro. And what happens when you get to 50? You're basically just getting inf as your reward...If my MA character is already 50, why can't he train in some StJ and play that old content? Or pick up a pair of pistols and volunteer some facetime with the PPD?



Originally Posted by Crimson_Archon View Post
I'm back in Paragon City for the long haul, I think, but what I would really like to see in the future is a rethinking of the mission and arc paradigm combined with a project of going back and revisiting/revamping old mission chains, cutting out the fat, and making them actually do-able in a five level timeframe; then presenting all of that in a way that lets you customize your experience beyond taking missions ad-hoc and hoping you don't outlevel the contact or the zone before you finish up the story.

Oh and welcome back!

Maybe someone similar to Hero Corps/Fateweavers, that allow you to select a chain of enemy groups and follow that story.


Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



I doubt we'll ever get something like this, honestly. Sure, it'd be great to be able to follow the "magic track" or to follow the "Circle of Thorns track" and learn everything there is to know in those areas. It'd be really, really cool. But the Devs have a hard enough time updating old arcs with the new retcon of what REALLY happened with each new issue. To really do this well, they'd need to do "Issue 25: The Content Update!" which was just updates of the old stuff, better mission story progressions, and maybe revamped contact skins. Sad truth is without something New and Shiny or For Sale Now in the Paragon Market, we probably won't see these sorts of big sweeping content updates.



I agree there is too much content between level 20 - 29. I already had to turn off XP twice on every toon to finish Faultline, Mercedes Sheldon's mission arcs, Striga Isle, the new Talos Island mission arcs, and Croatoa. Then they added First Ward. Which I've skipped completely on new toons, 'cause, as I said, I already have to turn XP off twice between levels 20 - 29, and doing Striga Isle and Croatoa stuff unlocks task forces.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
To really do this well, they'd need to do "Issue 25: The Content Update!" which was just updates of the old stuff, better mission story progressions, and maybe revamped contact skins. Sad truth is without something New and Shiny or For Sale Now in the Paragon Market, we probably won't see these sorts of big sweeping content updates.
Although a content update would be nice, I think a lot could be done just by organizing Contacts by content, and having a few new 'hub' Contacts that send you to the appropriately levelled guy in the chain.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
The single biggest way to improve this fast is to have Matthew Habashy (and the redside equivalent) introduce you to one of the old school contacts. Effectively locking all of the original content behind radio missions was a huge mistake.
I suspect they are slowly working on getting rid of a large chunk of the original content.

With the number of ridiculous "Kill 5 billion of enemy group X in a zone where they only spawn in certain areas at night" missions handed out by old school contacts, I can see them wanting to do that.

They've effectively gotten rid of the low level original content already. They need a few more arcs that will take you from 10 to 20 while introducing you to some of the enemy groups and they're largely good to go. They also need a little more variety, but that will come with a little more time I think.

There's a LOT of stuff to do from level 20 to 30 nowadays. I don't even recall the last time I ran any of the original contacts in that level range. Striga and Croatoa are still viable, and I think some of the new contacts should introduce you to those contacts at the end of their arc. Give us an actual story arc or two taking place in Dark Astoria and Boomtown and I'll be satisfied with the 20-30 range.

30-40 needs new content, and there should be more options in the 1-20 range, but I sort of like the direction they are going with the new content. Any new content that doesn't force me to run 7 kill all missions in a row in gigantic warehouse maps is great in my book.

40-50 needs some help as well. Some of the longest, most grueling arcs in the game are in that range, and a few of them could stand to be streamlined. (Harvey and Unai come to mind) For the most part, 40-50 is setting you up for high level TFs and Incarnate stuff, but the people who don't care about that stuff need more to do that isn't so mind-numbingly tedious.

One thing I have to add: PLEASE don't make any and all new content revolve around Praetoria and assorted silliness. There are plenty of bad guys on Primal Earth in need of a good drubbing (and good guys in need of the same). I'd rather not see CoH become Us vs. Them for 50 levels.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.