Day jobs in new zones
Isn't there one in the Magisterium? I seem to recall getting the Day Jobs Location message when entering the plaza a couple of times (different characters) although I can't recall exactly where.
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Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
That's the notice for the Patroller badge. What you get for earning Patrol XP. You get that no matter where you log out, even Praetoria.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
You can get Banker/Thief. The CTA and Trading Houses may have Commuter and Marketeer respectively, but I haven't checked. I know Studio 55 doesn't have anything.
There's one in the transit stations also.
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Granted, there is also an exploration badge on the station floor in Nova Praetoria that doesn't trigger.
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Thanks all.
Yeah, the badges in the transit stations are for hitting all three of them. Then you get the badge.
I've seent he day job icon show up in several places, even if I didn't get the message. Including the transit areas.
The CDEC building in Imperial City grants the professor day job badge.
The Day Job hawker in the central square where Preator White is lists them all in his conversation with you. If I were at home I could pull them up and post them but I am stuck at work...wanna play not work!
Laile - @Kaie
Yes, the glass is half full, there is always another perspective and no they are not following you.

Anyone experiencing trouble with the patroller badge in Praetoria? I have 339/504 hours toward this badge on a Praetorian char but in the last 7 days logged out on the street the 339 hours has remained the same. I have another char on another server also experiencing the same problem.
It's me isn't it? As this is a first post for me, hopefully it's in the right place... Thanks
Thread necro, but kinda-on topic-ish...
Anyway, you do know you can only accumulate 10 bars worth of Patrol XP, and that until you expend some of it (earning XP or getting Debt), you won't be able to accumulate anymore, and therefore, you won't accmulate credit for the Patroler Day Job, correct?

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Thread necro, but kinda-on topic-ish...
Anyway, you do know you can only accumulate 10 bars worth of Patrol XP, and that until you expend some of it (earning XP or getting Debt), you won't be able to accumulate anymore, and therefore, you won't accmulate credit for the Patroler Day Job, correct? |
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Praetorian day job badges I've found thus far.
Patroller - earn 10 bars of patrol xp, nicely detailed above.
Professor - Logout in CDEC as normal
Caregiver - Logout in Hospitals
Monitor Duty - Logout near Pocket D's base portal
Banker - Logout in Pocket D's vault reserve

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Is the hospital the only day job in the new zones? It is the only one listed in paragonwiki but I thought I would see if anyone else had found one yet.