Thank You, Virtue
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
I will miss this game, and our characters. I will not miss you. Why? Because I will still be in touch with you, and the friendship we built during our 8 years on this game will continue on.
I am thankful for the day that you were under the tram station and overheard our RP. You joined Project Rebirth, and from that moment on, added RP, fun and insight to my life.
Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit
I think it summarizes my feelings entirely.
If you already haven't bookmarked, please do so!
Megajoule, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed your stories. You are a talented person and I hope you take all your wonderful ideas and bring them to life somewhere else.
I'm glad I ran into you the night the announcement was made. I was feeling silly for sitting there crying at my keyboard. You (and a few others) let me know that I was not alone.
I'll miss you. I'll miss your reasonableness and insight. I'll miss the stories on the forums. I'll miss coming off the tram and seeing Miss Megajoule passing me as she goes to another zone and thinking to myself, "Wow, that was Miss Megajoule!" We didn't rp much, but your presence was still a big part of my CoH experience.
I'll miss you and a whole lot of other great people I've met here.
I am thankful for the day that you were under the tram station and overheard our RP.

No, you're not silly at all. Or at least, you're not alone. I'm crying again as I'm typing this. Lots of other people on lots of other threads, too.
But as Gandalf said, and someone else quoted on one of those threads: "I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are evil."
It hurts because we care. If we didn't care, this wouldn't matter - but it does, so much. The measure of the love is how deep the hurt feels. And in time, the hurt will fade and we will still have the love, and the memories.
Take care, and thank you again.
EDIT: One more thing!
I wanted to make this post now, because the future is uncertain and a lot of people are checking in and doing the same right now. But I'm not going anywhere - I intend to keep playing, and reading and maybe posting, right until the end.
So come and find me in game, or send me a PM or a tell to @Megajoule. I'll be around, whenever I'm able.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
Some of this, I said before on the thread in the general forums. But this server has been my home. You are my people. I have never wanted to play anywhere else. And so, this is for you.
Friday was my 8th anniversary of CoH. (I think so - I may be off by a week in either direction, depending on how accurate billing is.) I held out all summer of 04 - I wasn't into MMOs, had gotten my fill of generic fantasy MUDs back in college, wanted to buy my games, not pay a monthly sub - but my friends kept telling me how good it was. And I've made new friends here in those eight years. I had to say goodbye to some of them this evening.
I've been crying all day, at work and then at home. I'm finally done crying, at least for the moment, and can say the things I wanted to earlier.
Thank you to all the players - the friends, and the strangers. The PUGs, the Mothership raids, the Incarnate trial teams, the people who put stuff on the Market and bought my scraps, the people talking on the global channels and filling up Atlas and the other zones so that I wasn't alone, even when I was soloing. Thank you to those who gave us lines like "kill skuls" and "GONE TO THE AMERICANS" - you gave us something to laugh about, whether you ever knew it.
Thank you to everyone who ever played one of my mission arcs or read my stories. Thank you to everyone who inspired me or took the time to offer praise and/or feedback. This game gave me so many new ideas - some of which I never did finish, and now perhaps never will. I'm sorry about that, but I look back on what I did complete with pride. And I would not and could not have made any of it without this game.
I am going to miss this game so damn much. I already do. But I'll try to remember the good times, and even some of the bad ones - perspective is good.
Thank you for getting a single-player gamer to try, and enjoy, MMOs.
And thank you, Virtue, for being the best server in the whole damn game. I'll miss you more than I can possibly say with my poor words.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City