Your Biggest SG Meltdown
I'll throw mine out:
I retired from my first sg after I planned on getting married. So I left access to the sg site I created and paid for, to remaining active leaders, and one of them decided to remove me and my wife's name and any mention we had existed along with access, though I was continuing to pay for the site, lol. I used my wife's access, booted them, miffed a bit on those forums, end of story.

I'll throw mine out:
I retired from my first sg after I planned on getting married. So I left access to the sg site I created and paid for, to remaining active leaders, and one of them decided to remove me and my wife's name and any mention we had existed along with access, though I was continuing to pay for the site, lol. I used my wife's access, booted them, miffed a bit on those forums, end of story. ![]() |
Ugh so many MMOs to think about. I would have to say events that happened during my DAOC career. This is before vent really took off and EVERYTHING was online via text chat. There was so much guild drama because of the way people would read into typed words. I also think back in MMO infancy worlds collided when people that had always been playing games online were unwittingly grouped with complete internet noobies. All the sudden you had this sub set of gamers who just did not understand the lingo, jargon or the jokes. Wait that still happens!
Tanker aficionado
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.
My SG drama has mostly been caused by cases of one prominent leader of a SG deciding that they hate another prominent leader, and everything going to hell. It's happened on about three separate occasions for me...
A friend of mine got me into the game. We originally made a tiny little SG with just us, but eventually we befriended some others in game and joined their SG. There were two main leaders, a girl and a guy. There had been other leaders, but they had stopped playing. My friend and I quickly moved up the ranks. Also around this time, an Australian couple joined our SG. We were all friends, and played a lot, and it was happy.
Then the original leaders came back. They started changing things without asking any of the new people, and taking advantage of the massive amount of prestige that we new members had built up. We were not pleased. So the six of us and some others all took our characters and made a new SG! Yay! We had to start over, but we all played tons, and soon everything was happy again.
Then, the girl and guy who invited me and my friend to the first SG had a falling out. My friend had become close friends with the girl, and there was a general feeling that the guy had been a jerk, so the five of us left, minus the jerk, left and made another new SG!
Somewhere around this time, we had all joined the Australian couple's redside villain group. So there were some good times again, for a while. We branched out over four or five servers, having SGs for our characters on each. Over time, the girl from the first SG and the Australian girl spent less time playing with us. Then the Australian guy and my friend had a fight over several things, and the result was that my friend was kicked from the villain group and the Australian guy took all his characters out of the hero SG. Not long after that he stopped playing. And then a while later, my friend drifted away from the game too!
End result: I'm in a crapload of SGs where most of the leaders don't play anymore. Yay?
ETA: Oh, my own worst point in all this... right... well, during the second big split up, I did some childish edits to the SG description, MOTD, and ranks, inserting random subtle typos, and then changing the SG colors to slightly off shades. Yeah, I'm such a rebel.
Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
Full, detailed character list
On Vanguard I was the Guild leader and was approached by another guild leader to see if we wanted to merge with them. I spoke with my crew and they said ok but only if I was given co leader rights.
All was ok for a while but then the other leader started blind inviting a BUNCH of ppl. There was no guild cap on that game so we had over 400 people. Aaaannnddd then he left.
So here I was, the sole leader of a guild of 400 or so ppl and NO ONE knew what was going on. I made the best of it, set up a dkp list, made a website so that ppl could actually see the items that were available, run vent... yeah I would spend 8 hrs a day JUST on maintaining the website and dkp list and making sure ppl got credit for their guild donations.
I burned out hardcore. My second in command said he would take over if I needed time. So I left and I only went back once. I joined the guild my old core group was involved in, received horrid tells from the current leader who was afraid I wanted to stage a coup and have her removed.. I lold. Then left again.
Well...this one time I asked Amy for a pony and she was all like "No, you're gonna let it die like the last five." And I was like "No way! This one will probably live longer!" She called me a nerd and I called her a dork. Some pretty serious words.
I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

Well...this one time I asked Amy for a pony and she was all like "No, you're gonna let it die like the last five." And I was like "No way! This one will probably live longer!" She called me a nerd and I called her a dork. Some pretty serious words.
I just can't cope under the weight of your demands!

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
If you know you know, if you don't then there's no point in talkin' about it.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
I have never had a SG meltdown. Everything has been calm and relitively drama free. The closest I've ever had to a story to tell would be certain members who "didn't fit". Even then I'd say it was a mutual breakup.
Do get me wrong. I have kicked out SG members, but I'm talking about the rare "child behind the keyboard who says "F" every second word.
My SG drama has mostly been caused by cases of one prominent leader of a SG deciding that they hate another prominent leader, and everything going to hell.
To be fair, the first four ponies you gave Horus were already dead.
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
I deleted a SG because no one was earning prestige.
Okay, it was a one-character SG and the decision was driven by practicality instead of true anger/frustration.
One of the nice things about solo SGs is if members start fighting, you've got bigger things to worry about than the SG.
Haven't really had much in the way of meltdowns in this game. Just some small personality clashes, people who didnt quite fit with the group, but nothing that was a serious blow-up. Which, given my experience with some other games, was quite a surprise.
My worst experience by far was from back in Ultima Online. I was a Master Smith and a kick-*** treasure hunter, and some of the people in my guild felt that they were entitled to some of the things I'd made and found. I gave access to my house to someone I trusted for them to pick up one thing, and he betrayed me and they looted a bunch of stuff. So, I pretty much made it my mission to destroy them. Which I did. Repeatedly. And that was the end of that guild.
But, that pretty much turned me into a huge ******, so I swore I'd never go down that road in a game again. And I haven't. Mostly cuz the folks in B.O.S.S. are quite tolerant.
�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne
�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin
Hmmm where to start I was in a sg which I left for numerous reasons a lot people of people may have already known or experienced themselves but I think the final straw when our favorite in game SG Leader/Villan came when he wanted all members on Teamspeak one day. He stated that all members must have all alts in the Sg with no villans, no personal sg's, and amongst all no playing with other folks outside of the SG or with, "Blacklisted" players What he called security threats. He went on to say that no members of the SG were to use the SG's resources like Teamspeak to power-level people's alts espicially villans in TF's such as the ITF. So as a result a lot of people quit including myself. From his point of view he kicked everyone that didn't agree.
I have never had a SG meltdown. Everything has been calm and relitively drama free. The closest I've ever had to a story to tell would be certain members who "didn't fit". Even then I'd say it was a mutual breakup.
Do get me wrong. I have kicked out SG members, but I'm talking about the rare "child behind the keyboard who says "F" every second word. |
I have been really blessed to have been around so many quality people and players.
I deleted a SG because no one was earning prestige.
Okay, it was a one-character SG and the decision was driven by practicality instead of true anger/frustration. One of the nice things about solo SGs is if members start fighting, you've got bigger things to worry about than the SG. |
So a friend of mine and I joined a themed SG based on a well-known group of young heroes who had a clubhouse. Everyone made a tribute character and we would get together for SG events every week and almost every night I could count on a couple of people from the SG being on who would throw me an invite.
That lasted almost two weeks.
One of the members (who was not the SG leader, but was highly ranked) took it into his head that he was in charge of EVERYTHING that everyone in the guild was doing. Down to sending tells telling you who to invite to your team, what mishes you should be running etc, etc, etc. Anyone who bucked him was kicked, and when the SG leader tried to re-invite people he would just kick them again.
This dissolved in the course of maybe a couple of days. It was absolutely the fastest up and down of an SG I have ever seen.
I'm on my first character, Peterbilt, and I just made the switch to Port Oakes and got an invite from a level 11 MM to join a team. We played that night and as we ended he asked if I wanted to join his SG. Not knowing what it was I said yes and was the second member.
Over the next month or two we recruited about 30 or 40 characters/members and started to get teleporters and all the other goodies for the base. Except we knew nothing about what we were doing and couldn't get the Cap banner for the teleporter. The leader got it in his mind that we couldn't get this one because we had members who were part of the group who joined after we got the banners for our characters outside of the SG mode. Neither of us knew that all we had to do was revisit the beacons, so instead, he starts kicking all the members so he can visit the beacons and get the banner. I kept telling him this couldn't be right, and then I started to tell him we were losing prestige, and then I told him we were getting negative prestige. He stopped when there were only 5 characters left, me, 2 of his, and 2 other people. He logged in frustration that night.
The next day I log on and there is a message from him saying he was sorry he destroyed the base and that he was quiting. I looked at the base and there were only two characters left, apparently one of the other players decided to quit too. We were over 100,000 in debt and I was in no mood to recruit, so I quit too.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
I have never had a SG meltdown. Everything has been calm and relitively drama free. The closest I've ever had to a story to tell would be certain members who "didn't fit". Even then I'd say it was a mutual breakup.
Do get me wrong. I have kicked out SG members, but I'm talking about the rare "child behind the keyboard who says "F" every second word. |
I was crushed. It was then I decided she needed to be kicked from our then SG - a themed group open to people who love Canadians, The Leaf Blowers - where she was the star attraction. She went on to form some SG called the Greek Columns of Superhuman Strength or something... while I drifted from blind invite to blind invite... played on teams filled with Scooter-drones taunting huge swarms of mobs into blaster cross-fire AoE chokepoints... those were the dark days for me.
But I'll never forget Paris, or what she said as she left the room. "Thanks for the dings, baby, but I'm gonna re-roll."
This is all lies. After a torrid 12 days locked in a Parisian hotel room and smelling of dark roast coffee and desire, Dinah left me for another man... three other men, actually. I should have known one just wasn't enough for that love tornado. My mother had warned me about her temptress eyes and hypnotic-hip-mambo, but I was in a trance brought on by maple syrup smelling perfume and lipstick redder than a dog-sledder's nose.
I was crushed. It was then I decided she needed to be kicked from our then SG - a themed group open to people who love Canadians, The Leaf Blowers - where she was the star attraction. She went on to form some SG called the Greek Columns of Superhuman Strength or something... while I drifted from blind invite to blind invite... played on teams filled with Scooter-drones taunting huge swarms of mobs into blaster cross-fire AoE chokepoints... those were the dark days for me. But I'll never forget Paris, or what she said as she left the room. "Thanks for the dings, baby, but I'm gonna re-roll." |

Surprisingly in the almost 6 years the Hammers of Justice has been around I have never had any major SG problems. I think maybe the biggest bump as an SG we had was that we had a leader (He still plays the game and is very active in the community so I will not use their name out of respect) who decided to make a new HoJ chapter without communicating to the other leaders the decision; any major SG decision is voted on by the council of leaders in a democratic fashion. When said player was asked to disband the SG; no one was mad just disappointed really, said player became angry and left. Sadly he wanted do whatever he wanted without recourse for the feelings of the other SG leaders.
That was preety much the biggest problem as a SG we ever had, not a bad track record I may say.
A new member once joined and stole all our stuff. Ages ago though, back when the most valuable items were Hami-Os. He took about £5m worth of enhancements and everyone was angry then blame started getting tossed around.
I tracked him down, realised he was just some young kid and the conversation went something like this:
Me: Hey, so do you like superhero movies?
Him: Yeah.
Me: Like Spider-man?
Him: Sure. He's cool.
Me: So like, you think Spider-man is cool, but what do you think he would say if he heard about you stealing my stuff? It's not the sort of thing he would think is good, is it? If you wanna be a good person then erm, should'nt you give that stuff back?
Him: Meh. I guess. *gives stuff back*
Me: Thanks!
He then also gave back a bunch of stuff stolen from Elf's base too. Was kinda sweet really.
The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!

I don't recommend trying to run a SG with three leaders. It's the worst number.
Inevitably, one of the three leaders logs in feeling happy and enthusiastic, only to discover the other two have had a big argument, stolen half the loot each, kicked each other's friends and smashed the base to bits.
The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!

This is all lies. After a torrid 12 days locked in a Parisian hotel room and smelling of dark roast coffee and desire, Dinah left me for another man... three other men, actually. I should have known one just wasn't enough for that love tornado. My mother had warned me about her temptress eyes and hypnotic-hip-mambo, but I was in a trance brought on by maple syrup smelling perfume and lipstick redder than a dog-sledder's nose.
I was crushed. It was then I decided she needed to be kicked from our then SG - a themed group open to people who love Canadians, The Leaf Blowers - where she was the star attraction. She went on to form some SG called the Greek Columns of Superhuman Strength or something... while I drifted from blind invite to blind invite... played on teams filled with Scooter-drones taunting huge swarms of mobs into blaster cross-fire AoE chokepoints... those were the dark days for me. But I'll never forget Paris, or what she said as she left the room. "Thanks for the dings, baby, but I'm gonna re-roll." |
...What was it over..?

Phires thread made me recall my first sg and some of the hijinks that went on.
So... in your SG career, what happened to make you go bonkers, and what did you do (quit/kick people/leave a nasty motd..etc).
We're all well adjusted enough to have some fun with the topic, especially since with time comes perspective and likely what caused us to meltdown seems less important and possibly silly today.
[According to Dr Phil sharing will refresh your soul (or some ****)...]