Your Biggest SG Meltdown




Personalities were always the hardest thing. There seems to be more internet cupcakes and internet tough guys than those that land in between.

Now I just login and play - kinda nice. SGs/VGs are moot where I play. Everything is ran on globals.



Originally Posted by Fan_Mail View Post
... internet cupcakes ...
wait for it..... wait for it.... xD



Hmmm been a while but I actually kicked out an old friend over an incident.

I've been involved with bases for years and had a great deal of salvage stolen which sort of left me leery of anyone I didn'f know well. My "friend" wanted to do the Valentine Day missions in Pocket D and this was back before SSL so low levels were still hooking up with higher level characters, running low level missions with a 40 or 50 along to blast through everything fast so you could get the badge and rewards. Well he sent me a tell asking me to invite this guy into the SG I'd never heard of and from chatting with my buddy he'd just met. His reason.. They were going to team up and the guy wanted to use our TP direct to Pocket D cause it was too risky for him to try to get from Atlas to the Pocket D entrance in KR.

Well my paranoid alarm started ringing.. This guy can't make it from the train station to the pocket D entrance safely? Anyone can do that just by hopping a few walls and running in practically a straight line from the train. Also if the guy is THAT low what's he worried about anyway since he's obviously way below 10 and not getting any debt anyway.

Anyway I explained my concerns based on all the stuff we had in base and told my friend I'd prefer not inviting someone into the SG neither of us knew just so he could get a couple badges. I THOUGHT I had made my self pretty clear and given him the reasons I didnt feel comfortable with it.

Well I logged off for dinner and when I came back my "buddy" had switched from his Villain to one of the heroes in the SG, invited the guy inspite of everything I'd told him and then LOGGED off and left the guy alone in the base. Now I rushed to base and was relieved to find that nothing was missing but I was very upset. I spent 6 months basically alone in that base building up all the things that were there. Those Tier three inspirations were a direct result of a number of my characters running TFS and cashing in all their Reward Merits. Same with the rare salvage.. now I had no problem sharing with him but I had no desire to see all that stuff i worked hard to earn get stolen because HE wanted a couple Holiday badges.

I went to bed that night and couldn't sleep worrying that by the time I got back from work the next day everything in the base would be gone. At 1AM I couldn't stand it and got up and kicked the new guy oout of the SG. I emailed my friend and told him what I'd done and why and informed him that I was kicking him out as well. I felt betrayed and like he'd completely ignored my feelings on the matter and went behind my back and did whatever he felt like doing. After I sent that email I logged back into the game and kicked him out as well.. every single one of his characters.

For a very long time after that I joked with friends i played with that I was Batgirl with my own well equipped Bat lair.. I had ethat huge base and no one to share it with at all. Eventually I made new freinds and a few joined the SG.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I never had one, really.

I met an alt named Treah that invited me into my SG back when I first started here, took it on a whim more than anything else. Hung out with him on occasion, a few times with other members - then RL got in the way and activity dropped for all of us.

I was on maybe weekends, once or twice a month and two years later that alt Big Chill finally hit 50. Interestingly enough the only 50 in the SG at the time.

At some point I got my friend that got me into this game over on Champion and into the SG along with me when I got my own account. The rest of the SG wasn't that big either, but I didn't mind then, though during it all activity just kinda died off. Some long time after hitting 50 I finally heard from Treah whom left me an e-mail congradulation me on 50 as he was leaving the game - which pretty much marked everyone shy of one stray other member in the SG inactive. To be honest I never even met her (I think its a her cause of the name) only cause activity times are kinda opposite. I only know she logs once in a blue moon.

That pretty much left a SG between me and my friend. We kept playing in SG mode and kept it up with the old Prestiege costs and earnings... then the change of that left us with an incredible ammount and nothing to do with it. Kinda slacking off SG mode now that the rent's a joke, but its not like we need it.

I think I finally got it to look nice, but its really been nothing but a storage bin, nearly-free travel and a place to call our own these last few years. Not sure it counts as 'drama' but that's my only SG experience here in Champion.



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
To be fair, the first four ponies you gave Horus were already dead.
I don't really want to bring up past SG drama, but I feel the need to tell this story from my perspective and confess to something I’ve had bottled up for so long...

...You never think that when you send that SG invite to another player, your base will soon be invaded by a most pink, galloping obsession. Such was the case when I invited Horus to the SG. At first he tried to play it cool, walking in the door saying he rescued this pink pony from [insert natural disaster here]. Noble enough, right? Soon he ran out of natural disasters to blame, and instead went with excuses like "but they were going to use it as a test subject for laser hair removal".

I tried to look the other way, hoping that others in the SG wouldn't notice. The last thing you need as an SG leader is "So about that new guy... yeeeeeaaah." But it got to that point where you couldn't not notice. Pink ponies in the clubhouse playing truth or dare, pink ponies drinking all the Guinness at the SG bar, pink ponies watching Leave It to Beaver in Spanish. Heck, there were as many pink ponies in the SG as there were members. It was time to step in and do something.

At this point, I was still convinced we could resolve the issue like civilized, rational, calm, pink pony collecting... *sigh* do you see my problem? So I found Horus in his room teaching pink ponies how to Shield Charge.

Me: Hey, man. We need to talk.
Horus to the pink ponies: Now if you go with Dark Melee for your primary, you will be just like Bulwark! And you can customize your colours so that they look pink and fluffy, just like you!
Me: I think you have a problem.
Horus: No I don't.
Me: That's what people say when they're in denial.
Horus: Dork.
Me: Nerd.
Horus: 'Kay.
Me: Good talk.

Just as I was walking away, one of his pink ponies Shield Charged the haunted house I built in the base and it crumbled to the ground. At this point I snapped. I was so angry I locked myself in my room for a week plotting and scheming on how to bring this Shield Charging, pink pony loving mother down. I woke up after a long night of drinking red wine and reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas equipped with a plan. The solution was clear: go down to Whoville and banish every last pink pony to Mount Crumpit... or something.

So I ended up killing them. I killed every last one he had. I was frantic trying to decide how to hide all those dead pink ponies, so I stored them in my Port-a-gloo (portable igloo) where I knew no one would look. But I realized getting rid of the ponies wasn’t enough. Horus would still be obsessed, walking the streets alone at night, looking for his fix of pink ponies. I did the only thing I could do. I strapped Horus down on the closest thing to an examining table I could find and performed a procedure known as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). I had read about it once and it seemed kind of cool, so I did what any do-it-yourself experimental scientist would do: read the Wiki article on ECT, skip right past the part about informed consent, and find the word I was looking for… ‘amnesia’. I figured I could grab some electrodes and wing it.

At first I thought I was successful. Days passed and no mention of pink ponies. It was like it never happened. Then one day I was leading a CoP and I asked everyone on Vent if there were any questions. To my shock and dismay, Horus says the unthinkable: “Can I haz a pony?” Well [censored]. You think you run enough electric current through a guy’s brain and this happens. I thought maybe he would stop asking, but he just kept asking over and over. And you know what? I’ll be honest, I felt kind of bad. Maybe I had gone overboard with the ECT. What was wrong with the guy liking pink ponies anyway? (Don’t answer that).

I felt guilty but really didn’t want pink ponies running around the base like last time. That’s when I decided to become a Wiki-certified taxidermist. Every so often I have to take a pink pony out of the Port-a-gloo, ‘spruce’ it up, and give it to Horus. He’s so happy to see a pink pony again it takes him several days to realize that its lack of movement isn’t just because it’s a little frosty…

…So, yeah. Technically, those four ponies weren’t the first four ponies ever. But I’m pretty sure that was my biggest SG meltdown to date.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Wow Amy,

I never realised until reading your post that you were the model for the Statue of Liberty. hows the phrase go again? Give me your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning for pink ponies?

And as for Horus?..three words...Up the Voltage.





I usually avoid SG meltdown by not being on much.

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



I had an interesting experience with my first SG. It was sometime after I3, I joined the SG because my roommate had run some missions with them and thought I would be a good addition to the group.

The group was well-organized with an official website, rules and regulations, and a formal command structure of 3 leaders and 6 sub leaders. They introduced me to TS, and we became vast friends as we would meet up on line each night and form play teams. The leaders were fair and just, and while they maintained order, they also kept a sense of humor.

Things were going really well, and eventually we decided to get together for a real-life meeting, so we spent a long weekend partying in Chattanooga, Tennessee with 14-16 folks from all over the US including one fellow from Belgium!

Everything collapsed quite rapidly with the release of World of Warcraft by Blizzard and Enhancement Diversification in this game. There had already been talk on our forums about who was going over to WoW, and nearly half the members agreed to transition to WoW but stay in CoH. Then one month later, ED came down like a hammer in this game, and everyone in the SG who was thinking about staying with CoH threw a fit on the forums and completely left!

So there we were with about half the SG in CoH, and the other half with all the leaders completely quitting CoH for WoW. I was close to the SG leaders and had been exchanging some pms with them during the whole SG collapse. One of the leaders and I exchanged some pretty angry words. He felt we were being ungrateful when I told him and the other leaders that SG rules and leadership were going to have to change since there were no leaders playing CoH anymore. We remaining CoH players were not going to submit to leadership decisions being made by people who weren't even playing our game anymore.

To this day, I don't know if I was being ungrateful to the fellow. To admit; I was quite angry and feeling a bit abandoned. He was the one who set up the forums and TS. He organized the real-life get-together, and he ran the SG with a fair hand until he held that SG emergency TS meeting. The emergency meeting was to be a vote on my and another fellow's continued membership. I was ok with that. I wanted the opportunity to state my views to the SG. Problem was though, the leaders excluded me and the other guy from the meeting and the vote about our membership.

It worked out in the end. The remaining CoH players were so appalled by the leader's behavior that they all quit the SG and formed a new CoH only SG, and I and the other fellow were the first new recruits of that SG!

Global: @FuzzyOne
Find me playing these servers: Champion, Justice, Freedom, Virtue and Pinnacle



Most of it boils down to miscommunicatoin and misunderstanding! No Merits for squabbles or nonsense..

Where most would let their pride get in the way, what happens in the aftermath?

Love having you back Miss Shay!!!! Goodness comes when pride can go to one side.. I'm living proof.. (shock and amazement)

Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"

"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead



DG for life, B!

If we can't drop our egos in honor of friendship we might as well move to Freedumb.

Love being back too!



SG Meltdown! SG MELTDOWN!??!!... this is a stupid @!$ thread!!!!!!! All your SGs are smelly!!!!! Mine is the BESTEST of ALL!!!

Scatterpack Rad/Rad
~ Earthguard ~