What's your favorite zone and why?
My two favorite zones to PLAY through the content would have to be Striga followed by Croatoa.
My favorite zone as far as visuals go would have to be Creys Folly. CF has an interesting history, as does Faultline.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Croatoa and St. Martial.
1st off, @Force's love for waste lands explains his blue skin...
2nd, My favorite zone story wise is ST. Martial, it has a little bit of everything, and it wraps up nicely at the end with Johnny Sonata.
Visually is Imperial City, its a gorgeous zone that is relatively small which is nice in my opinion.
And lastly Dark Astoria, It has so much potential story wise that it could be a new 20-30 story arc zone. It's based off an enemy group that barely has any story in the game,and it own GM. I've actually thought of submitting ideas on the forums but really havnt had the time after winter Vacation to finish
@Black Tabby, @Black Tabby2
S.H.A.R.P, Order of the Champion Member
Champion Server, 1402 Badges (recorded July 18th 2012)
Shadow Shard. There's literally no other zone like it and its got a great, and under-appreciated, story.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
This will seem weird but...Mercy Island. I especially love the clock tower and buildings with their alleyways in that area.Yes the place can be a trick to get around, but I just find the old architecture to be quite beautiful despite the situation it's in. It's also not build in a more 'artificial' straight grid, meandering in some of the ways that older streets do.
On the other end, Imperial city. It's got a straight structure and shining class and steel...yet it's twice as believable as many other 'city' areas, to me at least. Sky scrapers, apartments, little seating and food spots, parks and civil structures all believably situated. It's still a place I enjoy flying around, just for the look and design.
Shadow Shard. There's literally no other zone like it and its got a great, and under-appreciated, story.
2nd would be Galaxy City. Hardly anyone ever starts there though.
I'll toss my two cents worth into the pot with:
1) Perez Park
2) Eden
3) Croatoa
I've always appreciated the attempt to create a wooded labyrinth in those zones. I've always wanted a TF tied to one of the woodland zones or a contact giving missions to hunt the labyrinth.
Global: @FuzzyOne
Find me playing these servers: Champion, Justice, Freedom, Virtue and Pinnacle
Favorite zones & why...
I love the new zones in Praetoria, but none of them make my top 3.
1. Shadow Shard. The uniqueness of it and the feel of the zones is amazing, plus the back story.
2. Peregrine Island. Just because it has a island chain dedicated to monkeys XD.
3. Brickstown. I love the feel of the city and the Zig, & the hidden entrances.
My favorites:
1) Croatoa
2) Shadow Shard
3) Dark Astoria (especially without the fog)
In order:
Red Side:
No favorites, though I seem to do the missions in Sharkhead Isle a lot. The Task Force in Cape Diablo is nice.
Honorable Mention would go to the reworked Hollows.
Kings Row, It was the first new zone I went to when my first toon left Atlas for the first time. I remeber just loving the grittiness of it. My Supergroup "The Kings Army" is still centered around King's Row and I run all my tips there.
Croatoa is not far behind. The fact that the bad guys are based off of Irish lore plays off of my Irish pride to suck me in. That and when it was first introduced and I just happened to be writing a research paper about the Lost Colony of Roanoke.
Founder of The King's Army
@Emperon, @Twisted Humor (Shared Account)
I love Faultline. It was a really neat zone to explore back before I8, with these enormous chasms hundreds of feet deep. It lost a bit of that with the transition, but the new zone looks great and has a great story behind it.
Also on Steam
Hmmmmm...Tough choice for me.
I play alot redside and prefer the feel of the zones. I seem to always want to get to Shark for the arcs. From Doc Buzzsaw and Maros to the newest one from the contact whose name escapes me but for some reason he likes to stand knee deep in water on a broken down dock. Lots of good stories and well done missions on Shark. Really for most of the redside zones.
Blueside I am not sure I really have a favorite. I find steel, skyway, and founders to be rather bland. The Shard is unique but I dread the distances on many of my toons. I would probably have to go with Faultline. I like the nooks and crannies, the tunnels and abandoned base dig sites, and it has a good flow to the stories.
In Preatoria, I like Neutropolis. Looks most like redside which suits me. It looks like there should be gangs of destroyers and resistance roaming the streets. Unlike Imperial, or especially Nova, which are so bright and shiny and full of cops that it seems astounding there are any evildoers out and about.
The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!
Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!
Shhh! Rangle is plotting.
My favorite zone? Metrop... Okie, okie.
Imperial City is my favorite, much for the same reasons as Tabby gave. It's beautiful, compact, and has the best auction house in the game.
Rikti War Zone is a honorable mention, 'cause I practically live there.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
I must say.. Recluse's Victory! 1v1 or FFA there is good times in Champ cuz you know you're gonna have to fight for your life, and that's the idea! Even though zone is quiet, I check constantly just to see who and no matter who I love to show up for a challenge.
Albeit Champ isn't really a PvP server, some quality ones here and even those that bring PvE toons know what they're getting into.
"Play like a Champion Today!"
Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
1) Striga : Becuz I loved the landscape and content in it when i actually use to play toons to lvl 50.
2) Croatoa: Same reasons as above, plus i love the Loch Ness Lake Feel.
3) Shadow Shard: I love the Dr.Q TF and the other 3 shard TFs ( no lie ).
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
As far as zones go my favourite would have to be Atlas Park. Yes, I love Crotoa and the perpetual Samhain there...and the Shadow Shard for being so visually beautiful. Atlas Park is nice...Crime rate is relatively low. Cars run to and fro with no visible gas station. To Top things off my most favourite spot is there and thats my stoop No other zone is really a social spot like Atlas either. Makes it easy to hang out, enjoy the n00b fodder and get my fifteen bucks worth
Modir vid Braije lvl 50 DM/SD scrap
Sinny-Redux lvl 50 fire/regen scrap
Sinny Sonancy lvl 50 rad/sonic fender
"Greatness is fleeting! but Obscurity is FOREVER!!" Napolean Bonaparte
As far as zones go my favourite would have to be Atlas Park. Yes, I love Crotoa and the perpetual Samhain there...and the Shadow Shard for being so visually beautiful. Atlas Park is nice...Crime rate is relatively low. Cars run to and fro with no visible gas station. To Top things off my most favourite spot is there and thats my stoop
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Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
The Hollows, but only for sentimental reasons as I used to Taxibot there for hours and hours. It was the zone all the lowbies went through and there was always some good conversation to be had.
Scatterpack Rad/Rad
~ Earthguard ~
The most visually impressive for me would have to be Eden.
I just love the feel of a world overgrown. Makes it feel very apocalyptic.
Most stunning the 1st time you see it would be a tie between
Boomtown and the Crashed mother ship.
My personal favorite zone to play arc wise is always Croatoa.
Favorite zone to just chill in has to be Atlas.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
CROATOA is my favorite for the Celtic Mythos that runs rampant through that Zone. It's like being in Ireland (And No I am not Irish, but after beating the whosis out of those witches, the Red Caps, the Rascals and Hooligans, the Fir Bolgs and the Tuatha deDannan and other members of the Fey I began to speak in the thickest brogue and my wife came in and said "Oh, you're magically delicious" and then bonked me on the head with a bar of Irish Spring)
Question for Croatoa veterans: Do they also have Leprechauns or the Banshee or Peg Powler or Selkies?
Well Fayth n Bejayberrs, Oi muust be moovin' on. Keep yer eyes open fer the four leaf clovers, and magic hearts and pink stars and
"Another bar of Irish spring?"
For me, undeniably and without serious competition, its Croatoa. The entire Hallowe'en vibe makes my day. Two fun GMs to kill (three if you count Sally, but she poses as much of a threat as an emp defender on a tequila bender), a great TF (with witch hats!) and you've gotta go there anyway to unlock your salvage costume slot.
If there was a gate to the Shard (2nd favorite zone--I think of the SS zones collectively) from Croatoa I don't think I'd ever see PI again!