Do teachers exist anymore? does anyone mentor now?
oh and by the way Acemace it is time to post the first hammy raid defeat for the new "elite" of champion server so they can see what a fun hammy raid is all about. and of course for the none believers in MY DADDYS GUN! to see who was responsible for bringing down hammy, so they can quit calling me a liar. I brought him down the first time thanks to Maruts leadership, vets team work, and the power of My Daddys Gun!!
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I have fun at the hami raids, is this to mean they are not fun... I'm confused...

Back in October I stumbled onto a duo runnin around the Hollows that needed guidance.
one was a Invul/Stone tank and the other was a Fire/Regen scrap
I tried to take em both under my wing but the tank figured out right away that bigger teams = more xp. The scrapper was more into arcs and learning the game. The tank went off to join SF and then went to Virtue or Freedom or something (then he took me off his global friend; broke my heart )
but I try to teach new players a few things, but lately all i see are AE Zombies runnin around *sigh*
I don't think it's a question of teachers existing, but a question of students existing.
One of the responsibilities I've taken on in my SG is training newer players. There are a few out there who are eager and willing to learn, but they are a rare breed. Most are too arrogant to admit they are wrong (often because they've been playing for X months and think they know better) or simply don't care because they are farming their [censored] off. It's an incredibly frustrating experience trying to help someone who doesn't want your help, even when it's for their own good.
I seriously challenge all the veterans out there who think they know everything to pull their heads out of their [censored] and start looking for ways to improve their gameplay. I'll start: I need to get better at keeping Speed Boost cycled on teams all the time.
oh and by the way Acemace it is time to post the first hammy raid defeat for the new "elite" of champion server so they can see what a fun hammy raid is all about. and of course for the none believers in MY DADDYS GUN! to see who was responsible for bringing down hammy, so they can quit calling me a liar. I brought him down the first time thanks to Maruts leadership, vets team work, and the power of My Daddys Gun!!
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Sounds like someone is jealous that they're left out. Tryin' comin' out to the Raid and contributin'. Or, even better, not cling to the past. Give it a shot. It works.
Edit: As for the rest o' your post, comin' from someone who farms and PLs, I can't really buy what you're sellin'.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Farming does not make someone ebil. PL'ing the AE noobs...makes me sick though.
Clearly farming is some sort of evil when a "nerf" (Read: Balance) of a farming tool causes a number of whiners and complainers to leave the game.
Yes mentors still exist and always will, it's just a matter of timing and finding the right mentor as well as being a good student (willing to listen). That is the same for new people and vets alike. I have been ingame for a year and a half and still have tons of things to learn.
(I tank better than most tanks using my EMPS, but when i use my actual Tank, i scream for help!)
I try to get 4 lvl 50's then round out the team with lowbies. This is a faster way to get a team together than waiting for a full team of 50's to respond.
Bringing in new people to a vet team lets us share our knowledge and the lowbies get to level but they also get to try their powers with backup from more experienced heroes.
To answer your question Blackmelee, yes i do constantly mentor new people daily.
yes i do constantly mentor new people daily
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There's a frightening prospect.
- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)
Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.
It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.
Sure, I teach new players every day, I have even gone as far as to exemp for sewer teams, talk about low level action with the newbs....I even had a guy asking me how to respec his toon, he didnt seem to have fly, I was like "hey, yer only lvl 6 dude..." he didnt seem to get it, oh well.
@Viking Queen.
Badly written post is badly written. (Still, credit for at least making an effort, even if it's a bit inconsistent.)
Hami raids: i like the new Hamidon raids considerably more than the old raids. This is speaking as someone who has attended 40+ of both.
Teaching newbies: Okay, i don't sit in Atlas Park and invite newbies to my PL farms, but i do answer questions regarding the game whenever they are asked. Mostly stuff about where to go for new costume slots, how enhancements work, how to earn a respec, where to go for detailed info on how to play AT's/the game in general, general game lore, who Nemesis is and why he's plotting. Stuff like that.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
have you found a newbie with a good attitude you like teaming with
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If I did, I would suspect a trap immediately. Dangling cheese. Demons.
have you found a newbie with a good attitude you like teaming with
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If I did, I would suspect a trap immediately. Dangling cheese. Demons.
[/ QUOTE ]
A Nemesis plot?
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I seriously challenge all the veterans out there who think they know everything to pull their heads out of their [censored] and start looking for ways to improve their gameplay.
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It's funny because we've been on a couple itf runs recently with some very good vets, and they turned out horribly, real head scratchers.
Sounds like someone is jealous that they're left out.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't think black cares about hami raids anymore after 4-5 hundred back in the day, he's just making a statement about how epic & fun the old raids were with 200+ in the bowl (lagerific) & a lot wearing specific raid colors for their AT.
It was a lot of fun & machine like, & yes black got the kill on the first successful raid feb 05.
ps, you have to take blacks post's w/ a grain of salt. ;]

Didn't we just go through the teaching thing like a week or two ago? And wasn't the consensus that it was all well and good to help new players learn the game, but there are a few problems- like finding them, finding the ones with an actual interest in learning from a mentor, and whether or not it is bad to recruit for your sg based on mentoring?
Meh; I live to solo when I play, but am always willing to help when someone asks a question in my coalition. I try not to answer questions in other places anymore because when I try to answer a question that I've asked and relay the answer I was given, I'm often told by the same people who gave me the answer that it is wrong. I'm still trying to figure out why they lied to me when I asked my question.
have you found a newbie with a good attitude you like teaming with
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If I did, I would suspect a trap immediately. Dangling cheese. Demons.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah. He was trapped once already by some lamer Ice/Axe Tanker at a Tanker Tuesday. He invited that guy into his SG and hasn't been able to get rid of him since.
Sneaky Newbies.
Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*
... You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink..
[/ QUOTE ]
But you can shoot him in the head in front of his horsey family as a lesson to the rest of the herd.
That's mentoring, Villain Style!
Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*
I play lower leveled characters some. I character and server jump a lot. I PuG about 95% of the time.
I do try to help players out and teach them new things when I'm playing the lower levels.
Yesterday I was on a level 14 or so team in Steel Canyon. Another person was leader, and we ran the second Midnighter arc mission that I had set to rugged.
I'm playing a Scrapper. There was a controller, a sk'd up defender, and a blaster on the team. The leader is looking for more.
Just inside the door, we set up. There is a good sized mob of Lost. The leader is ready to go. I asked the team strategy, and it was not to die. And the ranged fire started. So I cornered it and nailed one with the vet Nem Staff and fell back behind the corner to wait for them to start to close.
I think it was the blaster that rushed in. I tried to go into cover, but there were too many and the blaster was in too far. He was cut down right away. I had to start falling back toward the others. No heals happening that I have seen. I attack the ones that are around the controller and the defender, but they were shooting down the hall or something. The defender goes down. I turn to fight, but I'm at about 1/4 health. The Controller starts going down and I door'ed it.
More players are recruited. We go in again. I try to convince them to help me set up a pull trap so that I could keep the Lost mez'er facing me and away from them. They don't want to listen. Another scrapper joins the team. We manage to get through about 4 groups and the other scrapper rushes down the hall and agros two groups. More rushing in and splatterage. I'm yelling to fall back, and they are to some extent. They are too many and are over running the group and the I think me and one other character were still up. We fall back all the way to the door, I think one fell in route.
The whining starts about how rugged is too hard and we can't do the mission. I said that I had soloed the last one on rugged and that I was going to go an start my own team if we needed to set the diff down.
Leader recruits some more, we go back in and two characters are still laying face down on the ground. We yell to them, but no answer - leader kicks them after sending tells to them to send tells to get a re-invite when they come back.
We went back in. Set up pulls for the first group, told them to target through me and it went down so smoothly. The next group is a rush in. Team gets banged up pretty bad a couple fall, and we need to fall back.
More whining about the diff and how it will go to slow if we pull all the time - note :: there is still no tank on the team and the defender and other scrapper are gone. I think we get another defender at this point. I talk them into doing the pulls and it won't be that bad.
It goes smoothly through a group or two and then we get a tank. The tank sees what I'm doing and rolls with the plan. lure them back to where he is and he grabs them. I race back down to where he is to set up the line. We start decimating. (note since the tank isn't rushing in, the others aren't rushing in any more).
The Boss goes down easy. Everyone on the team leveled. I gained almost a level and 1/2 xp from the mission (I had patrol Xp rolling the whole time).
Team breaks up.
I'm not sure if they newer players learned anything or not, but we did show them what team work was about regardless if they could understand what was going on or not. I tried to explain somethings and the leader started chiming in a bit with info as well.
The point is that we were trying to mentor/teach some newer players, but the question is also "Do newer players want to be taught/mentored?"
I have run into many players that they think that they know how to play CoX because they have played WoW a lot. They tend to be pretty arrogant about it too. It's hard to mentor/teach players that fall into this category as their preconceived notions of the game mechanics hampers their ability to look at what is going on logically.
They don't want to admit that rushing-in is not the only tactic. The Tanker-centric team is not the only kind of team.
I'm off the subject, time for me to stop....
Yes, I try to mentor/teach new players as they are willing to accept information.
I keep seeing everyone complaining bout how the newbies are bad players including me. but i do remember how i was mentored and had teachers from higher levels when i first started playing even though i started about a month after release. i remember logging on and getting invites from players wanting to show me new strategys or higher level friends of theres on a mission. but then again if you were 5 levels higher you looked almost god like to us in those days, because it could take days to get one level then.
So again i say have you found a newbie with a good attitude you like teaming with but doesnt know game? did you take him or her under your wing?
again i ask do teachers and mentors still exist.
Everyone look for a repeat of my favorite post coming!!!
oh and by the way Acemace it is time to post the first hammy raid defeat for the new "elite" of champion server so they can see what a fun hammy raid is all about. and of course for the none believers in MY DADDYS GUN! to see who was responsible for bringing down hammy, so they can quit calling me a liar. I brought him down the first time thanks to Maruts leadership, vets team work, and the power of My Daddys Gun!!
The Man
The Myth
The Legend