What are you thankful for, Champion?
My child.
My family.
My brand new car (which is on a ship somewhere over the Atlantic ocean as I type this)
New house I will be moving into at the begining of next month.
I have the holiday off.
I have paid all of my attorneys fees.
I am now single as a result.
Happy Thanksgiving!
"Yes, Cajun, you CAN have a pony!" - Dusk Hammer (11/11/2008)
The 'Mute' button in Ventrilo
The Chicken Nuggets Team - Freedom League 2011
The wonderful friends I have in CoX (might as well be family)
Chinese Food
Thread Bombs
Razor Naga Mouse
Oh, and I have very thankful that my parents did get together in the old Dallas jail and had me..
-insert forgotten things here-
Is my list long enough?
Have a wonderful Holiday everyone!

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
Thankful for health & wealth (a roof over my head and a dollar in my pocketl) Friends & Family, DGN & all the hilarity that includes, and TURKEY and PIE of course!
Ima Mankiller@Ima
Dee's Facebook SG & Coalition Site
The Phoenix Phalanx,The Phoenix Phalanx Elite and Dark Phoenix Phalanx
Quite a pile of SBEs that will be had tomorrow.
"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon
"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight
Hey I resemble that remark.
I'm mostly thankful for my father in laws homemade spiked eggnog, any combination to the words "amish" and "homemade pies", and like Myrm I'm thankful for the School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences they do great work.
A couple days off is also not a bad thing. ;]

My husband, Joyrock, for getting me into this game and it's wonderful community.
My children (both biological and step)
Finally having a house instead of a tiny cramped apartment.
The support of my mother in law, husband, and his side of the family as I make the shift from working constantly, to going back to school
The fact that my ferret doesn't try to steal shiny things or gnaw on the electric cords. (He just has a thing for nerf weapons and has a large stash under my bed)
I'm thankful for good food, fun family and paid bills.
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
Rise from the dead!
Thankful for the many years playing this game.
What is blackmelee thankful for you say? ha! that's easy!!
The Man
The Myth
The Legend
good lord if meowtch makes another one of these, loving , kind, sweet and sugar dripping with honey threads again I am going to throw up!!! sheesh quit trying to get another million reply thread again. good lord the game is over!!!
The Man
The Myth
The Legend
I am thankful for @Most Amazing!
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
An Introduction to I14 PvP

Damn.... Fang nailed this one.... thats hard to beat right there

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
As I watched the first part of the president's speech today, while he pardoned this year's two lucky turkeys, it made me think about what I am thankful for...

My loving, caring and perfectly imperfect husband
My health, family, friends and animals
America and those that selflessly serve our country in the military
Having a safe place to live
The material things I am fortunate enough to own
Fairing relatively well in a tough economy
Living in a state that remains warm even during the "winter"
...and so, SO much more!
What are you thankful for, Champion?
Wishing everyone safe travels and great times with family & friends, Happy Thanksgiving Champion