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  1. Meowtch


    I just found out now...and I'm at a loss for words...I can't even read what everyone is saying because I have to be up in 5 hours and because I don't want to think about it all night.

    So I'll say that over the last several months Acey and I have not been able to find time to play and had actually discussed turning our accounts off for good but even when we agreed to do so, I asked him at the end of last week if he had and much to my anticipation, neither of us did.

    This is where we met, married over 6 years ago and having both played for longer than that, this was where we met. It is almost like losing a real city, the city in which you met and began dating the person that you intend to spend the rest of your life with...even if we had turned off our payments, it was still FTP and the idea that it was still here was as if we moved from the city we first met but could always go back for a visit.

    Not now, not ever like EQ seem to go on forever, it makes my heart feel empty to know that CoH isn't even going to be an option any longer.

    I guess I should close by saying thank you to everyone that has been a part of my CoH experience, whether good or bad...anger filled or happiness abundant, thank you. My hope for all of you is that you all live your lives in joy, peace, happiness and especially in love. Love those around you, find something special, wholesome and wonderful in the real world, enjoy your family and do something amazing with every day you have.

    Hugs and kisses everyone, hugs and kisses.
  2. Meowtch

    Adieu Blackmelee

    Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
    Can I have his daddy's gun before he leaves?
    So glad you posted this CA...daddy's gun indeed.

    Love BM, like the hubby said, he's good peoples...a kind-hearted and loving person who gives everyone the benefit of the doubt even when not given to him. He's a hubband, daddeh, a hard worker, man of faith and gamer...busy man!

    Hugs BM, hope you KIT!
  3. Meowtch

    Memorial Day

    God bless them and their families, much love and respect to them for their sacrifice, ditto on the /em salute!
  4. Meowtch


    About damned frikkin time they didn't totally screw up Hulk!

    This movie was so full of win...and it was so funny...they really know how to do it right =]
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

    Got scooped, did ye?

    For posterity it looks like Ace's was there for more then 40mins, but Nuclear was probably still so giddy from the summit that he didn't even notice it.
  6. That's awesome Scatter, reminds me of the marine layer that would come in every night living in San Diego!
  7. Meowtch


    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    haha. This is why Cobalt is awesome.
    You really don't know the history, do you?

    The "C" in his name = controversy...there, that should cover it.
  8. Meowtch

    Welcome back!

    Originally Posted by Netherflare View Post
    I also decided to just come out and say it, but I am running for Mayor of Champion again
    The ONE and ONLY Champion Mayor!

    Awww Nether it is SO awesome to see you back for however long you are able to spend with us...I hope life has treated you as well as you deserve and that you've had a great time these years you were gone!!!

    Welcome back lady!
  9. Converted Clock, CC!

    He ran the Olympics...another oldie but totally goodie...Acey and I were talking about him recently and now you are thinking about him too...his ears must be ringing somewhere out there!
  10. Meowtch


    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    I've gotten 11 purple IOs, 2 respec recipies and 5 catalysts since i22 went live.

    The RNG giving me good drops right now is no different than the RNG giving you low drops. Soon enough I'll be back to getting crappy drops, and you will be back to thinking the drop rates are fine. It's just RNG.
    Temp powers still make me sad and angry, regardless...I like Myrmy's idea!
  11. Meowtch

    Big Bang Theory

    This show is full of so much makes me happy to have smart and goofy humor rolled into a neat package and placed on TV, we are totally addicted
  12. Meowtch


    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Temp Power drops should be moved to a vendor and taken out of the drop pool.
    THIS!!! Do it do it do it, Myrmy!!!! Make this suggestion and I'd bet a lot of peeps would support it!
  13. Meowtch


    Originally Posted by ReDorthy View Post
    ...I was told by support to come to the forums and talk about it. So I am. I see that over 300 people have seen this thread yet many don't leave a response...Post here! Let the Dev's and others know...
    ReD, if you want to get the general population and as many people as possible on board with your plight, you will need to post in the main portion of the boards...and of course subject yourself to whatever may happen next when the general population begins to do their thing...

    Also, I know I've viewed this thread at least 10x to see differing responses, subtract that from your 300

    But in all seriousness, the devs will not do anything unless there is an overwhelming response to your thread and that will not happen with it tucked away on Champ's boards...IMO anyway
  14. Meowtch


    lol, love eeeet! back to being
  15. Meowtch


    Temp power drops make me very angry
  16. Meowtch

    A plea

    Originally Posted by Ultraamann View Post
    That would require me turning my brain on long enough to figure the whole process out for doing that, and I just don't know that I can generate that much caring about it... but thanks for the support!
    Totally understandable Umann!

    Seldom & Bill, that option would be fantastic but you are probably right, they may not make changes to allow for that option at this stage in the game but boy would that rock
  17. Meowtch

    A plea

    Umann, if you post something in another area of the boards and link it to this thread I'm sure plenty of us would be willing to /sign it =]
  18. Meowtch

    A plea

    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    With free accounts you can get as many of your own pads as you need. The content isn't designed to be run by a small number of players, the fact that there's a few edge cases where it can be done is meaningless.
    Who in the hell would want to have to level a toon up on 4 different free accounts just to be able to meet the level requirements for each of the TFs in order to start a TF...what a waste of ******* time eh? ;]

    And wow dude, to each their own...I say good for your server that you have no trouble...since you do not play on Champion you have no clue what happens here, correct? ;]
  19. Pretty rockin' to have ITF be the WST for another TT!
  20. Belated Happies everyone, we were away for the weekend & just seeing this!

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Zombie Man, Professional Internet Psychiatrist.

    ...yet one more talent we...or I...didn't know about him!
  22. He must have a really sad home life that he feels he needs to take it out on customers...

    Putting marketing aside entirely, who in the world ever "gets away" with speaking exactly what is on their mind to a customer, co-worker, etc.?

    He has some pretty serious issues, both anger as well as behavioral...
  23. I had no issues yesterday while playing, haven't gone on today as of yet but feeling very lucky that it has been behaving so well for me!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Or folks can speculate, discuss, and have fun playing what ifs and guessing games, just like any audience would do with their favorite fictional outlet.

    If the talk bugs ya, ignore it.
    THIS...and that I would love to see States go