A plea
Probably Suggestions and Ideas, or Issue 22 Feedback.
The SERVER forum is definitely the wrong spot for this sort of stuff.
I have no idea what section this should actually go in, but I'll put it out here.
Dear Devs, Please for the love of all that is good in the world, will you lower the minimum team requirement for the LGTF? The damn incarnate trials have made it near impossible to do anything else. Finding a full team of 8 is just ridiculous. Make it 6, or even better 4. Then some of us who don't give a flying rat's *** about the incarnate stuff will have a better chance of being able to actually do some of the other content that is still in the game. That is all. |
Try harder. Dunno about you folks on Champion but Pinnacle has zero issues forming TFs along with Incarnate Trials. Plenty of people have plenty of alts that need plenty of XP, and TFs are the best place to get it (assuming you're not just PLing).
Why just the LGTF though? It's far from the only TF that requires 8 people. Also, have fun defeating Weakened Hamidon with a team of 4 on a PUG.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Try harder. Dunno about you folks on Champion but Pinnacle has zero issues forming TFs along with Incarnate Trials. Plenty of people have plenty of alts that need plenty of XP, and TFs are the best place to get it (assuming you're not just PLing).
Why just the LGTF though? It's far from the only TF that requires 8 people. Also, have fun defeating Weakened Hamidon with a team of 4 on a PUG. |
Now if Pinnacle is such a kosher server why trepse over to championland with your little quip parade.
Uman makes a valid point often repeated in the general section that not everyone wants to participate in incarnate trials, and given that teams made up of just two players (or fewer) have thrashed through every tf maybe it's time to lower the minimum requirement with a warning that your chances of success will be lower if you start with the least number.
And I've run a lgtf with just four players after d/c's so a team of six should be capable of the task, the same goes for all other tf & non-incarnate trials.
I'd suggest you should repost this in the suggestions area but that's a wastleland of bitter gatekeepers who've opposed virtually every innovation that's tampered with the original game (or cov expansalone), but if you repost I'll lend a post in support, also it couldn't hurt to send Synapse your idea and link to the thread.

Now if Pinnacle is such a kosher server why trepse over to championland with your little quip parade.
;] |
Uman makes a valid point often repeated in the general section that not everyone wants to participate in incarnate trials, and given that teams made up of just two players (or fewer) have thrashed through every tf maybe it's time to lower the minimum requirement with a warning that your chances of success will be lower if you start with the least number. |
I'd suggest you should repost this in the suggestions area but that's a wastleland of bitter gatekeepers who've opposed virtually every innovation that's tampered with the original game (or cov expansalone), but if you repost I'll lend a post in support, also it couldn't hurt to send Synapse your idea and link to the thread. |
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I'd discuss only abiding by the confines of what a game mechanic was intended to do, but I'd either wet myself from laughter or fall asleep from boredom.
Now I'm off to load my character onto the champion boards to farm clauses missing subjects and verbs.

Drop it down to one person, then ill actually run it when i fell like it
@Black Tabby, @Black Tabby2
S.H.A.R.P, Order of the Champion Member
Champion Server, 1402 Badges (recorded July 18th 2012)
Also lower the shard TF's to 4 to start, maybe finally get Dr Q. split in to two like they did to Positron's TF. But hey, if it's not broke, wait a while and it may be...
@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...
http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)
With free accounts you can get as many of your own pads as you need. The content isn't designed to be run by a small number of players, the fact that there's a few edge cases where it can be done is meaningless.
And wow dude, to each their own...I say good for your server that you have no trouble...since you do not play on Champion you have no clue what happens here, correct? ;]


Umann, if you post something in another area of the boards and link it to this thread I'm sure plenty of us would be willing to /sign it =]


�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne
�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin
THIS is the perfect reason for the devs to start thinking: SERVER MERGES.
Busiest to the least and so on down the list.
Just sayin......

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

THIS is the perfect reason for the devs to start thinking: SERVER MERGES.
Busiest to the least and so on down the list. Just sayin...... |
Why server consolidation is not a good idea. Welcome to the forum. You have posted one of the oft repeated suggestions, "Consolidate the servers." Disclaimer Yes. This is a cut and paste reply that I keep handy, as well as a quick bit of instruction on how to search. Neither are meant to cause fights or to be insulting. The search instructions are in, not just because forum rules say flat out to search, but to help you and anyone else reading this use the search tool effectively. The body of the cut and paste reply is the way it is because we've seen these arguments numerous times before. They're a summary of the salient points that come up each time. They are not here to insult you, make you feel stupid or otherwise "bring you down a peg." Instead, they are meant as instruction and information. Please read through the points and the explanation behind them to see the issues that are commonly brought up in response. They may not always match your suggestion 100% - in fact, you may have explained around one or two of them - but they're there for consideration and refinement of your idea. Yes, I do look forward to the time, with some of these suggestions, that someone not only addresses all the points, but does so exceptionally well. It'll probably be added to the end of the cut/paste reply, with credit. For now, though, read and consider the points. They really are just there to help you, and move discussion along to help ideas evolve. If you're going to see this and say an "evil forum vet is just shooting down your idea," or "You think you're the last word because of your post count," you're wrong. Heck, if you say the second, you've just worried more about my post count than I have in the last four plus years. Tongue-in-cheek comments in here are meant as hummor, not put downs. TL,DR section. First, my stock answer, one which I stand by and repeat with all due fervor. HELL NO. Searching effectively 1. Click on "Search" up at the top of the forum. 2. On the left, under "Forum(s) to search," select "Suggestions and ideas." 3. On the right, Keyword Search Terms. This is probably where your problem was if you did search. Try the following, exactly as typed: +server -pvp -"re: " This will search for anything with "Server" in the title, including Servers, Combine Servers, Consolidate Servers, and The Server At Mcdonalds Is Rude. it will eliminate "PVP," so you won't see PVP server requests, and the -re: portion of it removes replies, so you'll see the root of every thread that comes up, letting you see just how many threads there are on this. (The last helps for other subjects, as well.) 4. Click the "In subject" radio button. This is a search, not a cute blonde in a bikini. Here, you want to ignore the body. 5. Leave Username Search blank. 6. Date range, Newer Than, change the 1 to a 3, and the time to Months. 7. Result format doesn't matter. Click on "Submit." As I try this now, (12/3/08,) we have: Consolidate Server Server Stats RSS Feed $server modifier ofr chat Fix the forum server Earlyissue server Merging low population server Combine slow server Server status Global chat on the Character and Server Screens Rated M server Add Ponies, Nerf Vills, merge Servers, PistolMelee Server Visiting Display Central Time on Server Status Page Ignoring the smartalec reply, that's three full discussions about this topic. You should have read one of them if (inevitably) something similar comes up in your search. Now, on to the topic at hand.... Why server consolidation is not a good idea. 1. Just because YOU like living in New York City doesn't mean I can't like Kansas. Yay, you love having huge lag spikes as you get near the black market/wentworths and a busy broadcast. Congrats. Enjoy Freedom. Some of us - many of which you will get replies from with this subject - like *low population* servers. If we *wanted* to be on Freedom, we'd *be* on Freedom. I have characters on Freedom. I rarely play them (and actually moved a character OFF of Freedom to finish leveling it to 50) because *I DON'T LIKE FREEDOM.* I dislike the banality of broadcast, the high percentage of *horrid* teams I've come across there, the lag around any gathering point- and I've got a decent connection and system. For much the same reason, I typically startin Galaxy City instead of Atlas Park - I don't *want* to log in to a costume contest with several 50s spamming powers and nonsense arguments in broadcast. Some of us *like* nice, quiet servers. 2, Kansas, part 2. In addition, servers have their own personalities. No, I don't mean that literally, there's no AI to worry about if you start hearing "Daisy, Daisy" over your speakers or headset. Freedom's a crowded mess. Virtue is the RP server. Pinnacle is the "Drunk" server. Others have specific communities, such as those from Australia/NZ, Europe, etc. 3. "I only saw one other person. World of Conancraft has eleventy billion!" So what? We don't run around camping spawn points in this game. People are in missions. People are spread across many zones. Search on a map or do a /whoall and you'll miss those in missions, as well as those who are, for whatever reason, on /hide. Your "search" there didn't give you a full picture, not in the least. I understand the "feel" of things being "not very populated," but take a good look around when you're in game. Typically, you don't really have a lot of visibility. Standing in steel canyon, there could be multiple, full 8 person groups surrounding you, and it's likely you'd never see them. We have buildings, walls, architecture, trees and more limiting our visibility. Yes, it can make you feel more alone... but that's rarely the case. Add to that that the population is spread between many, MANY zones, most quite large, and among two sides... well... 4. "I put up my LFT flag and nothing happened!" Learn to search. Don't just wait. Form a team yourself. 5. "I AM SPARTACUS!" No, not any more. Remember logging in and seeing all those slots? Everyone has those - some buy more than the base 12, you get an extra one each year, you could have a total of 36 on any server. Everyone does. Every one has a character with a unique name. Maybe not a *good* name, but a unique one. Every one has a character with a unique name. Maybe not a *good* name, but a unique one. Now merge servers. Suddenly, CoolBlasterDude from server 1 is getting merged with CoolBlasterDude from Server 2. Who gets to keep their name? Nobody has been able to answer this with any degree of satisfaction. Add a number? But I am NOT CoolBlasterGuy1. And what if the name's too long? Does the older character keep it? What if they're not as active? People are *VERY* attached to their names. They are, quite obviously, part of their character. 6. "This Is SPARTA!" Sorry, Sparta exists already. You are GenericSG 8734 287 9798. What else has a name? Supergroups. And I can *guarandamntee* that the same name is in use on multiple servers. Sometimes it's 'branches' of the same SG, sometimes it's coincidence. But with *everything* involved in an SG - from its identity and reputation on the server, to everything stored in the database about what it owns, what its base is like and such, this would be a disaster in the making. And no, auto merging them when the servers merge, even if they have room to, is not an option. This, of course, assumes that they *CAN* move supergroups as a unit. More than likely, it'd just be a mass character move, with bases, prestige, anything stored in bases and all SG affiliations just gone forever. 7. "I am... where'd Spartacus go?" Remember all those slots? Well, you start with 1/3 of the available ones. You can buy up to 36 total (24 on top of the ones you get initially.) Now, what do you suppose would happen if you merged two servers, and someone has, say, 20 characters on each? Not unusual. In fact, before those extra slots, I had *filled up* several servers. Do those characters just disappear? Do they move? Free move to another server sounds great, right... well, except you now kick them from their supergroup, remove them from their friends lists and more. This makes for angry and unhappy customers. Or rather, ex customers. 8. I will play where I damn well want to. And you can too. And that should be blunt enough. If I want a crowded server, I'll go to Freedom. If I want an RP server, I'll go to Virtue. I do NOT want to be shoved onto another server I *don't* like. If I wanted to go there, *I'd be there.* If the server you're on isn't "busy" enough for you, you have two options that won't bother anyone else. (A) If it's low enough, reroll. You have a ton of character slots for a reason. (B) If you don't want to reroll, server transfers are available, and relatively cheap. They also finish fast - you should be up and running and being spammed to join someone's SG on the new server in a few minutes, in most instances. So YOU can go to the server of YOUR choice without screwing ME over. 9. "It'll free up server hardware for Freedom!" No, no it won't. Freedom, because of the load it tends to have, already has more resources dedicated to it than other servers. And ALL of the servers have been upgraded multiple times. The servers are not allocated exactly the same. The servers that handle less of a load have less dedicated to them. So this argument doesn't fly. 10. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Last but not least (at least until better points come along to be added,) server consolidation is widely viewed in the industry as an MMO going on life support. No, we don't have WoWs numbers (and you should actually pay attention to when and how they got those.) They're an abberation in the MMO industry. COH has had and does have a very successful, sustainable population even at its lowest points, so there's no economic need to combine anything. The flip side of that, of course, has been suggested above - you crowd people together, break up their SGs and friends lists, cause characters to go missing and poeple definitely *will* quit, both out of annoyance and a sense of "The game is almost dead!" In conclusion.... As stated before, when it comes to server consolidation... HELL NO. |
Thanks for playin'.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Awesomesauce....notice everytime I post something Blue boy and son of blue boy have to throw their totally lack of intelligence out on the table?
So predictable

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
I know the devs may be hesitant as lowering the minimum team size might be skewed as playing to power creep, after all they say they don't balance around IO's, and I doubt they would ever say they balance high level sf's/tf's around incarnate abilities. With that said, people already are accomplishing these tasks just using bypasses to the team minimum. Rather than using a bypass, there should be a big red:
This Task is designed for a larger team than you have, do you still wish to proceed? Yes/No
This way you allow people to give it a try, and if they fail, they were warned. If the limit is to keep them from succeeding at what they can succeed at but you do not wish them to accomplish with a small team because small teams can't handle it, that's another matter entirely. I hope that isn't it because that's a logical fallacy right thar.
The warning method allows people to try and fail. If they fail, it proves its necessity, but allows people to access content they want to try in a way they wish to try it. The minimum bypass, using fillers and such, proves the lack of necessity for the minimum size limit and undermines the whole reason for a team minimum. ("Four people could never do this 8 person task! So have four people afk/quit while 4 do it!")
I know the devs may be hesitant as lowering the minimum team size might be skewed as playing to power creep, after all they say they don't balance around IO's, and I doubt they would ever say they balance high level sf's/tf's around incarnate abilities. With that said, people already are accomplishing these tasks just using bypasses to the team minimum. Rather than using a bypass, there should be a big red:
This Task is designed for a larger team than you have, do you still wish to proceed? Yes/No This way you allow people to give it a try, and if they fail, they were warned. If the limit is to keep them from succeeding at what they can succeed at but you do not wish them to accomplish with a small team because small teams can't handle it, that's another matter entirely. I hope that isn't it because that's a logical fallacy right thar. The warning method allows people to try and fail. If they fail, it proves its necessity, but allows people to access content they want to try in a way they wish to try it. The minimum bypass, using fillers and such, proves the lack of necessity for the minimum size limit and undermines the whole reason for a team minimum. ("Four people could never do this 8 person task! So have four people afk/quit while 4 do it!") |
As it stands, I can run 7 clients on my rig. A little tweaking and I'll be able to do 8. All I have to do is use free accounts to start them and I can "solo" every non-incarnate TF in the game by using "everybody quits except for your one logoff pad to keep the TF alive" workaround.
It sucks, but the fact of the matter is that the devs believe the majority of their playerbase are a bunch of drooling retards that even with such a big red notice they'll all come crying to the forums that such and such TF is too hard because they didn't take enough people (or have good enough builds/skills) to handle it.
It's the same low opinion of the playerbase that has blocked kheldians from the flight and teleport pools all these years.
Be well, people of CoH.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
That would require me turning my brain on long enough to figure the whole process out for doing that, and I just don't know that I can generate that much caring about it... but thanks for the support!
Seldom & Bill, that option would be fantastic but you are probably right, they may not make changes to allow for that option at this stage in the game but boy would that rock


I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

God how I have missed this place.
Never change, Bud. Peace. |
Speaking of "total lack of intelligence".....
Oh hai Cherry.....

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
I have no idea what section this should actually go in, but I'll put it out here.
Dear Devs,
Please for the love of all that is good in the world, will you lower the minimum team requirement for the LGTF? The damn incarnate trials have made it near impossible to do anything else. Finding a full team of 8 is just ridiculous. Make it 6, or even better 4. Then some of us who don't give a flying rat's *** about the incarnate stuff will have a better chance of being able to actually do some of the other content that is still in the game. That is all.
�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne
�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin