blackmelee here, had a good time
Star Wars Old Republic for me .
Secret World will be mine. Shotty Mario and I will be migrating and shooting zombies while strengthening conspiracies, so far it looks like your typical "Powers with cooldown click" combat but seems RP focused story-line wise, and the skill system is...different. The game takes place in real-life locales like New York, Egypt, Japan, Transylvania and so on.
I'm going to try it at least.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
AION, Star Wars, Secret world, MARVEL Heroes.... Going to check them all out

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
NOW you start posting!
Twas a good time and I have some of your r/l emails so don't be strangers.

yo ace email me again, the wife deleted your last one so i cant send you one.
The Man
The Myth
The Legend
I'm at Champions Online running with my orignal namesake SteelDominator, my global is @SteelDefiant. There's already a channel there for us COHers called, "COX Refugees". Yes they have Global channels there and yes you can recreate your SG.
I'm at Champions Online running with my orignal namesake SteelDominator, my global is @SteelDefiant. There's already a channel there for us COHers called, "COX Refugees". Yes they have Global channels there and yes you can recreate your SG.
"Et tu, Brute?" Enjoy your SPAM Steel. If it turns out the "rumors" arent true, and cryptic had nothing to do with the CoH demise, AND if Im reallllllllllly desperate, I may join you for a large helping of that SPAM myself.
But I will be here till the lights go out on that final day.

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
hi everyone
i know you are used to me and my rebel cant say it serious, mad at devs outburst.
This will now be done that way. just wanted to say good bye to everyone. I've played with
some of the best gamers in the world. going to miss the drama. going the hours of gaming.
After 8 years i probably know more about this game than most, but if you noticed i let others take the lead and just acted like i didnt know as much. that is just the way i learned to get along with just about anyone in the game. you had to be a complete jerk not to get along with me. very interesting watching people who dont know as much think you dont know a thing. anyway when everything is said and done. i had a good time.
a good time being band from a channel and reinvite the next 5 minutes because i know so many people. a good time being on farms ( against my will of course) . a good time on the early hamidon raids getting yelled at by marut. a good time pling people ( against my will of course i'm no scumbag pler) a good time doing 7 hour trails in the early days and doing 2 back to back like a idiot. and other good times.
tomorrow i will post how we leveled to 50 back in the day for you newbies.
last thing today. what game are you going to play after this? lots saying guild wars. please if you know of a good game let me know bout it. send tell to @blackmelee or post here. 2 things i like to know, graphics are they good, and character animation, does it make you feel like its you doing it. content tons of it will be great. let the old guy know please.
blackmelee out
The Man
The Myth
The Legend