The Amazing Spider-Man -- Spoiler Free




Yeah, it's not like heroes ever go down sewers City of Heroes...

I really should do something about this signature.



Oh, and Stan's cameo? Quite funny and felt very Spidey-ish to me.



I thought it was really good and he fits the Peter Parker build more than Toby.

Another good one for the house of Marvel.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Nothing against the quality of this movie, but I'm not interested in seeing a film I feel like I *just* watched.

It represents a sort of galloping creative bankruptcy I refuse to support.
Don't have school age boys then!

As suggested, my boys demanded to see this immediately. I thought it was...OK. Decent reboot, the boy who plays Peter doesn't look even a bit like a science nerd. It's entirely sensible he would end up with someone like Gwen Stacy (as played by Emma Stone).

Sally Field as Aunt But she's 65 so it's not a stretch really.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
...Decent reboot, the boy who plays Peter doesn't look even a bit like a science nerd. It's entirely sensible he would end up with someone like Gwen Stacy (as played by Emma Stone)....

Yeah he seemed a bit "twitchy" to me and my he had some sort of tick that never let go.

*shrugs* I understand it a little bit but...*shrugs*

I think he could be a good/great Spider-Man; just needs less focus on the love/romance thing and more smart-alec/wise-cracking/fighting villains stuff!

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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I'm thinking I'll skip TDKR and catch Spider-man, myself. Which is the opposite of how I ought to feel, being more of a fan of Batman than Spider-man. But the more I've seen from TDKR, the less interested I've become in seeing it in theatres.
I'm with you there. I saw Spiderman and thought it was pretty good, but for some reason I just can't...get into the Dark Knight Rises yet. I dunno why, the previews just haven't done anything for me. Nada.

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Originally Posted by Silentkilla866 View Post
I thought it was really good and he fits the Peter Parker build more than Toby.

Another good one for the house of Marvel.
Curious to know if Sony pulled in any creative input from Marvel for this flick (a la Iron Man, Captain America, etc.)?

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
I was going to go to the matinee today, but it's 100 frickin' degrees out. I'd much rather take a nap in my nice cool basement.
I know you ended up seeing it, but really when it's horribly hot outside is one of my favorite times to go to the theater. You get to spend ninety-plus minutes in a dark excessively air-conditioned room being (hopefully) entertained. Heck, with the theaters around here sometimes you end up wishing you brought a jacket with you it's so cold in the place.

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Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I know you ended up seeing it, but really when it's horribly hot outside is one of my favorite times to go to the theater. You get to spend ninety-plus minutes in a dark excessively air-conditioned room being (hopefully) entertained. Heck, with the theaters around here sometimes you end up wishing you brought a jacket with you it's so cold in the place.
Well, I don't like to run my pickup when it's that hot out. Plus, just the act of driving into town saps my energy when it's excessively hot out.

I'm pretty much calling a mulligan on this summer. It's just horrible. I don't mind the heat too much, it's when that humidity gets jacked up that it becomes miserable. I really feel for the guys that do road construction, roofing, and especially the firefighters when its this bad out.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Nothing against the quality of this movie, but I'm not interested in seeing a film I feel like I *just* watched.

It represents a sort of galloping creative bankruptcy I refuse to support.
This. Why a remake of the origin story? The first one was really good. Couldn't they have just kept going with a new story (Spiderman 4) and a different actor as the lead?

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Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
This. Why a remake of the origin story? The first one was really good. Couldn't they have just kept going with a new story (Spiderman 4) and a different actor as the lead?
Raime kind of painted the character into a corner. Parker in college, both Harry and his father dead, and having the relationship with Mary Jane locked in.

Yes, it seems too soon for a re-boot, but by re-booting and putting Peter back in High School, it makes a lot more stories available.

While I'm happy to see Tobey and Kristen out of the Spider-Man cast, I really liked many of the actors playing the other characters. I thought Rosemary Harris was wonderful as Aunt May -- sometimes too preachy, but that was the writer and director, not the actor. And, of course, J. K. Simmons was born to play J. Jonah Jameson -- he was one of those few situations where the absolute best actor for the role got to play the role. Since Jameson is not in the new film, can they please, please bring him back? The Bond films had the same actors roll over, why not Spider-Man?

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Saw it yesterday and enjoyed it. Not up there with Avengers or Batman but still a good film.

Best thing for me was the portrayal of Spider-Man. LOVED seeing the joking, fast talking, non-stop quips we all know and love from the webslinger, something sorely lacking in the Raimi run. Even being smashed against a wall, he's making with the jokes.

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I liked it. I give it a strong B+.

The quips from Spidey is what sold me on the actor. Toby just wasn't able to pull that off.

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Walking out the theater I thought this movie was okay, not good but okay. However the more I think about it all, I start to really realize this movie is just as bad as the 2003 Hulk movie. That might sound extreme but there just massive plotholes that undermine and conflict with the entire movie as a whole. The only thing that the movie had going for it was that at least most of the actors were trying their best to make it work despite how badly the script was.



Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
Walking out the theater I thought this movie was okay, not good but okay. However the more I think about it all, I start to really realize this movie is just as bad as the 2003 Hulk movie. That might sound extreme but there just massive plotholes that undermine and conflict with the entire movie as a whole. The only thing that the movie had going for it was that at least most of the actors were trying their best to make it work despite how badly the script was.

I'd have to agree to some extent.

Trying not to be spoilerish but...just in case..



The "biggest" plot hole, for me, was at the beginning when Parker was snooping around. You saw how he got inside the main door but then the huge door where the spiders were said: RESTRICTED ACCESS....yet he just opens the door? o_O No key card access again, no combination, nothing?!

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That might just be because of their security precautions at the outer door.


I think the only plot point that made me go, "Huh?" was at the end with the roof. Do businesses really keep liquid nitrogen on rooftops? Seems to be a fairly big deus ex machina there, IMO.



Well if nothing else I thought it was a rather charming two hour ad for branzino.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post



The "biggest" plot hole, for me, was at the beginning when Parker was snooping around. You saw how he got inside the main door but then the huge door where the spiders were said: RESTRICTED ACCESS....yet he just opens the door? o_O No key card access again, no combination, nothing?!
Peter entered the combination. He moved the circles around on the keypad in the right order after observing Irrfan Khan entering the code while Peter was hiding around the corner.

The Nitrogen on the roof was the biggest WTF in the movie.

If I had to rank the Spiderman movies my list would go
SpiderMaquire 2
Amazing Spiderman
Spidermaguire 1
Spidermaguire 3



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I thought President Bartlet and the Flying Nun myself.
You're oooooooold.

And yeah, that's how I remember her, too. At least, it's not as Gidget... that's even older.

As far as the movie: I liked it.

I liked Peter being more twitchy than passively sedate. I liked the struggle for adapting a hero's morality. I liked a hotter Peter, too... ladies... ... and some men...

I liked how hard it was to hide his identity... and how easily it was to discover for some, which is more realistic. But I didn't like how his abilities on display in school didn't get more of an examination from others, as it would have been in real life.

But compared to the train wreck that is the animated Ultimate Spider-Man... tAS-M is the height of Western Civilization.

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
I liked it. I got my laughs out of it. Gwen was decent enough.

I do think this kid might make a better Peter Parker though. One of the things I disliked about Tobey was that he just looked...greasy...I guess is the best word for it, in the movies. Like if you touched him, you'd want to wipe your hand off. It bothered me. This kid felt like an actual geek that got powers rather than an almost-parody of a geek.

One thing that bothered me...the sewer bit. Not so much the action, but rather Petey in there with open cuts on untreated New York City sewer water.
That water was crystal clear. The didn't even attempt to make it look like a sewer. It was remarkably clean all around. Hell it looked new.

Something witty and profound



Meh. Some of it was pretty good some not so much. Found it very slow. Also didn't like how the portrayed Dr. Conners. Stone steals the movie.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
That water was crystal clear. The didn't even attempt to make it look like a sewer. It was remarkably clean all around. Hell it looked new.
Ya, when he was sitting on his little web thingie, they made the attempt of having 'garbage' in the water, when it disappeared down the hole. Overall though, that looked more like mountain runoff than what you'd expect in a NYC sewer.

There was also a distinct lack of hobo-ness within those sewers.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Peter entered the combination. He moved the circles around on the keypad in the right order after observing Irrfan Khan entering the code while Peter was hiding around the corner.
I get that but...again, why isn't there layers of security? There's layers of security at my work...just cause you can get into the 'room/floor' where servers are doesn't mean you can get into where the servers are....

Anyways...that's just me the security minded person...

The Nitrogen on the roof was the biggest WTF in the movie.

I didn't even really flinch at that...but now that I think about it, it is a bit weird. *shrugs* :P

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I get that but...again, why isn't there layers of security? There's layers of security at my work...just cause you can get into the 'room/floor' where servers are doesn't mean you can get into where the servers are....

Anyways...that's just me the security minded person...
Well...there are layers of security. Look at the kid that got dragged out of the building.

I get the feeling that that wasn't really that high of a security zone. Given that they were producing those pellets in there, it was probably more of a production floor rather than a research room. And the apparent speed at which those boxes were produced, having someone go through multiple levels of security just to remove a box for sale/distribution might be a bit much.




But compared to the train wreck that is the animated Ultimate Spider-Man... tAS-M is the height of Western Civilization.
USM makes me nerd rage. Hard.

Bendis and Dini are listed in the credits as creative consultants or exec producers (or something) but I refuse to believe they have any input whatsoever. Someone must have a contract "gotcha" on these guys, that they have to be on the credits.

You know how there are petitions to keep a show on? Here's one to cancel this crapfest:

I'm going to sign it...

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