Good to be alive... (Re: Batman shooting)




Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
Now I'm asking myself, did he shoot up the 2D or 3D showing? There were two midnight showings in two different theaters (though it appears there were bullets that went through the walls into the other showing too.) I would have been in the 2D one... so bizarre.

I can honestly say I'm now a little freaked out at the prospect of going to the movies. It's irrational, but damnit it's there, stupid anxiety. Gonna take a while to process this.

Only two?

Every theater at the Cinemark near me was doing TDKR 16 theaters with a mix of standard plus an IMAX. Never seen the parking in that place so crazy-full.

Maybe idiot-boy couldn't get a ticket and was just stupid and nerd-ragey.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Only two?

Every theater at the Cinemark near me was doing TDKR 16 theaters with a mix of standard plus an IMAX. Never seen the parking in that place so crazy-full.

Maybe idiot-boy couldn't get a ticket and was just stupid and nerd-ragey.
Actually he had bought a ticket, went into the theater then left via an exit door and left it propped open so he could gear up and re-enter.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Chazz, they're having a conference on tv with the cops from that town. They said there's a hotline set up for people to call if they need help dealing with the situation (or something along those lines). It might be something to look into for yourself, if you need to.



Glad to hear you're alright!

Sad to see this happen though :|

And from what I've read, Nolan "hates" 3D so that's why there's no 3D of TDKR movie.

There is an IMAX version though...

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Ahh, I had actually read about the no-3D thing, but forgot. I guess It might have been Imax vs non-Imax or some other format difference. I just saw on Fandango that there were at least two theaters and I think I assumed one was 3D. In any case. Glad I didn't go.



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
Best headache EVER.

Psychos suck.

Definitely the best headache ever. Something I never thought I would say to anyone. And I'm very sorry this happened in your town let alone that it happened at all.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Y'know, right about now I'm really wishing I had even ONE of the powers that any of my characters have.

Gunman: *pulls out weapon*
Me: *grabs the gunman with Lift and slams him into the ceiling* (or for the nonviolent route, Gravity Field)


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Gald to hear your okay Chazz, and my sympathy's to all the victims involved.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
(or for the nonviolent route, Gravity Field)

Depends on how strong the gravity field is.



So glad to hear you're alright, Chazz.

I have a childhood friend who lives near the theater who opted not to see the film last night because of work this morning. Though we're not terribly close anymore, I was still very glad to find out that she's safe.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Depends on how strong the gravity field is.
Bah. A standard 1.0 would be fine, provided the started from 6+ stories up.

Unlike CoH, the real world doesn't reduce you to only 1 HP.

And, believe it or not, bodies hitting concrete actually bounce.

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Glad to hear a fellow player is well considering what could have happened to you. If this does not make you believe in something such as Fate or Guardian Angels I do not know what will.

As stated on other message boards about this, it is a shameful act by someone that picked his spot to do what he did. Looking at his mug shot, he has a smirk and if you really look at his eyes they look as though he may have some sort of psychological issue. Not saying that he shouldn't be held responsible, because he should, just pointing out what I saw.

Went to the 11am IMAX screening of DKR and enjoyed it. The only real draw back/complaint I have (and my room mate too) is that whenever someone would be shot (I know, I know with what happened) Nolan would usually turn away and then come back to the aftermath of what had occured.

As for how DKR was released it was only released in Standard (35mm) and IMAX (which if you can afford TDKR in IMAX, you can thank me later! ). Nolan has stated that he does not really care for the 3D format.

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Y'know, right about now I'm really wishing I had even ONE of the powers that any of my characters have.

Gunman: *pulls out weapon*
Me: *grabs the gunman with Lift and slams him into the ceiling* (or for the nonviolent route, Gravity Field)

I hear ya. Being the midnight premier of a Batman movie I would expect there to have been more than a few people dressed up in costume; I'm sure it would've been pretty cool to see (or hear about) Batman/men swooping in and subduing the guy in some way.

Good to hear one of our own is ok, but sadly not everyone involved can say that.

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Just read this:

Holmes, a graduate student at a nearby college with a clean arrest record, entered the movie auditorium wearing a ballistics helmet, bullet-proof vest, bullet-proof leggings, gas mask and gloves. He detonated multiple smoke bombs, and then began firing at viewers in the sold-out auditorium, police said today.

He bought a ticket to the movie, slipped out of the theater once it began and propped open the emergency exit before gathering his weapons and gear and coming back into the theater.

police found him in full riot gear and carrying three weapons, including a AR-15 assault rifle, which can hold upwards of 100 rounds, a Remington 12 gauge shot gun, and a .40 Glock handgun. A fourth handgun was found in the vehicle.

police and bomb squads have found a large number of explosive devices and trip wires at Holmes' apartment

According to police sources, Holmes told the officers arresting him that he was "The Joker".

and worst of all...

At one point the shooter exited the theater only to wait outside the doors and pick off patrons as they tried to exit.

this is truly a vile person who needs to be put down, permanently....

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



This is why I am "seriously" all for Pre-cogs ASAP! That is the only way to stop the people that just up and go nutzo.

Glad you decided to delay your movie trip OP.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones, and to those who survived.

This was an act that took time, effort, money... pre-planning. There is no doubt that this guy planned to "look the part" for this particular show. sick.

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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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My condolonces to everyone in Aurora and Colorado right now. If there's even a thread of a silver lining in this horrible act, it's that now we see what happens in real life when someone decides he wants to be the Joker - he gets caught, recognized as the pathetic loser he is and gets to rot in jail.

I'm glad the OP's okay, and the rest of the people who made it through shooting. And I'm so sorry for all the families who lost a loved one over something as insignificant as deciding to go see a movie...

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



So many radio stations had this on this morning as I was driving to work that I actually felt compelled to email and send my reaction. . . Which ultimately boiled down to this:

This heinous act was committed by a moron. .. I dont care what he was in school for, or how smart he was, or what political leaning he was. . . This man was a moron.

My wife will reaffirm this but I am not a strong proponent of humanity (though I work personally with people on a very intimate level every day) but I still believe that the vast majority of us are decent, honest, and morally "ok" individuals. We all have our faults and failings but what disgusts me most is that morons like this will be scrutinized, sanitized, and held up as a reason to do this or this with our country, with our populous, or with us an individuals.

I said it the day after September 11th, i would get on a plane immediately because I have that much faith in humanity. I will be attending Batman tomorrow with my wife knowing that everyone in that audience and that 99.999999% of people in this world would never, ever contemplate, let alone act like this vile excuse for a human being.



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
I'm feeling particularly lucky to be alive today. The theater in Aurora is MY theater. I was planning on attending the midnight showing there until I started getting a headache and decided to do a morning matinee instead. Best headache EVER.

Psychos suck.
I go the same theater as well heck I saw the avengers there the first Friday night. I too was planning on going but did not had the funds to do so. I was mad that my hours are being cut at work till I heard about this.



I think there has been value in the study of people that "go off" as well as serial killers etc.. These people are "human" beings and it does all of humanity some good to try to get to the bottom of what makes a person tick in these significantly horrific ways.

I do want this of any of the past serial killers or mass killers to get any props or glorified attention, but as we have seen from the past, trying to get into their heads is an important factor moving forward.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
I go the same theater as well heck I saw the avengers there the first Friday night. I too was planning on going but did not had the funds to do so. I was mad that my hours are being cut at work till I heard about this.
Were I you, honestly, I'd actually PERSONALLY think my boss for the rollback in hours.

On a personal and professional level, it sucks.

But in this case, suckage has possibly kept you alive.

And who knows? It might just humanize and ingratiate you to your boss enough that he tosses some extra hours on your schedule...

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Originally Posted by LSK View Post
I go the same theater as well heck I saw the avengers there the first Friday night. I too was planning on going but did not had the funds to do so. I was mad that my hours are being cut at work till I heard about this.
Glad you didn't go LSK.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



My condolences to the victims and their families. It is a sad day indeed when a joyous time is marred by this senseless tragedy. Christopher Nolan as issued a statement on this tragedy...

Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of The Dark Knight Rises, I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community.
He says more just look here---->

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There is so much about all this that's wrong, I can't begin to express it all.

I feel so conflicted for my feelings. As well as the obvious reaction to the senselessness and sheer cruelty of what this man did to the poor people at the cinema, it's also the impact it's had on so many others as well.

I saw the film this morning, before I heard about what happened and I loved it, seriously loved it. I was on my way home, thinking about the film and actually working out what to post on these forums about the movie. I was actually excited to discuss another fantastic movie with like minded people.....and then I saw what had happened and felt instant guilt about it.......and then felt angry for being made to feel like that....and then feeling more guilt for feeling angry about feeling that way!

It's not just the nastiness of what has happened, it's the way it's affected the simple enjoyments of the world and the things we love. Making people feeling guilty for just enjoying doing something normal. And I feel guilty for feeling like that, knowing that real, normal people have suffered FAR worse than I have

Why do these nutcases have to do things to spoil the world in so many ways

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