Dark Knight Rises *there be spoilers here, seriously don't click if you don't want spoilers*




I enjoyed it , I'd give the movie an a+

Bane - I understand the Bane criticisms, but simple question to the Bane critics, would you rather have Joel Shumacher's version of Bane? While there were differences here, I think this Bane was fairly close to the comic version.

Catwoman - w/o a doubt, Anne Hathaway is the diffinitive Catwoman

John Blake - the name obviously meant as a curve ball, but JGL would make a crediable Robin and successor to Batman. Despite being a pastashio of at least three Robins, came off as very crediable, overall I liked John Blake, if they continue the iteration with JGL, I could see him as either Nightwing or Batman II( its clear he'll succede Bats, buts not clear under what identity

Miranda - there were some hints about her, so that part wasn't a complete suprise. What dissappointed me here was with all the build up, with her being the kid who escaped the whole, I would've expected someone tougher.

Ending, overall I liked the ending

Bruce and Selina together makes sense in a way the end with Bruce being presumed dead and everything mirrors how the first movie began, I also have no doubt he had made arrangements for just such situation, and isn't living in the poor house.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
She got Bruce to willingly give his company to her and literally took over Gotham City with an army without anyone realizing that she was the actual mastermind. What else do you want???
Some sort of martial fighting ability? Or at least the ability to get out of the truck before it wrecked. Bruce would have gotten out, and this is Talia whose skills are supposed to be as good as Bruce's.



Originally Posted by Tocharon View Post
Bruce and Selina together makes sense in a way the end with Bruce being presumed dead and everything mirrors how the first movie began, I also have no doubt he had made arrangements for just such situation, and isn't living in the poor house.
A more satifying ending for me would be Bruce and Lucious Fox meeting with Commisioner Gordon to lay out a plan to help rebuild Gotham and strengthen its Police force with tech from Wayne industries and those gathered as the Batman. He then leaves Lucious and Gordon to discuss the matter, then fly off with Selena. This makes it so that Bruce displays his growth by changing his tactics to making a better Gotham through his knowledge and recovered resources instead of donning the Batsuit as Alfred suggested. It also makes it so that Bruce remains true to his parents legacy to do honor to their memory instead seeking to avenge it.

With the ending they currently have, Gotham and its police force remains in shambles and have to start over from scratch on their own, with Bruce basically abandoning them to their own devices. This also makes it so that Ra's plan to destroy Gotham and forcing them to start from scratch succeeding.



Well, he didn't leave them entirely to their own devices. He did leave them someone to take up the mantle of Batman.

That said, there were a couple of story threads that were either tied off at the wrong place, or left dangling.

The main one was the money issue. We last see him so poor that the electricity is cut off at Wayne Manner, it was seems to be within a day of him losing all his cash.

Just how is it that he and Selena are well off enough to live their new lives. Has she suddenly changed her ways and stopped being a theif?

While it's implied, it is never flat out stated to the Selena character that her actions are as much to blame for what's going on in Gotham (near the end). Why was she so willing to leave (holly? don't remember the character's name from the comic and it was never stated in the movie). Why were they friends?

If Bruce is leaving "robin" to take up the mantle of Batman, how can he without the resources of Wayne Enterprises at his disposal?

My only assumption is that when Miranda took over control of the company, her infusion of funds is going to keep it going. With Fox still there to helm the company and R&D still in existence, that somehow Fox and Blake will end up working together.

The movie would've been just fine without the inclusion of the other cop who died at the end and Selena's friend. But outside of these nitpicks I found the film to be really good.

The pacing was a little fast, but that was because we had so many characters to follow. We never got to sit with some of the heavy moments when they came and quickly went to the next scene which kind of robbed those scenes of their weight.



Just got back from the movie and I enjoyed it. Not the best but not the worst.

First off, Batman isn't dead. The auto pilot was fixed.
Second off, how did Robin get the coordinates to the bat cave? Did Batman KNOW he was going to die?
Third, Christian Bale himself has stated that if the script was good he would return.

What does all that mean?

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by Next_Spirit View Post
Just got back from the movie and I enjoyed it. Not the best but not the worst.

First off, Batman isn't dead. The auto pilot was fixed.
Second off, how did Robin get the coordinates to the bat cave? Did Batman KNOW he was going to die?
Third, Christian Bale himself has stated that if the script was good he would return.

What does all that mean?
That if it makes enough money on this Batman, they can probably get Bale and Nolan to return!

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Originally Posted by Tocharon View Post
Bane - I understand the Bane criticisms, but simple question to the Bane critics, would you rather have Joel Shumacher's version of Bane?
The existence of a worse option does not make it good.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Got back from Dark Knight Rises and... Honestly the movie was great until I got to the end. What a big [censored] disappointment it was. Batman quits, passes the mantle off to Robin John Blake and moves to Paris with Catwoman. I kid you not, that's how Nolan decides to end this trilogy. When I saw that ending I felt like he took a collective [censored] on the Batman mythos.

I'm sure there probably be some of you who will say "Batman didn't quit because the mantle was passed on to someone else" I don't care because as far as I'm concerned he quit. he quit because he found a gal to settle down with and some guy he could pass the job off to.

There was a line in the movie were Bane tells Bruce that he plans to kill Gotham with the deadliest poison in the world, hope. Truer words have never been said, because I had hope for this movie and instead got something that just killed me inside.

If you're a fan of Nolan you'll probably love this movie. If you're a fan of Batman, well your mileage will vary. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Good ending but not great. Nolan said this was the end of his trilogy/Batman run. It is so completely open ended. How long do you think he'll stay settled down? Also, do you think Catwoman is someone that would be settling down?! Nope. In this version I can see Bats taking time off and if there's ever a significant threat, he might just make a comeback. To join forces with Robin and maybe Catwoman. After all, he just came off an 8 year hiatus in the movie.

Yep, no probs with the ending. The movie was ok but not great. Bane was not as interesting as Joker. Dark Knight was amazing and a lot of it was due to how well the Joker was portrayed.

I'm wondering WTF happened to Bruce Wayne's health? Batman was 'retired' for 8 years. How is his health so iffy?! They should have gone with the comic story more where Bats gets beaten down and then Bane takes him out.



Some sort of martial fighting ability? Or at least the ability to get out of the truck before it wrecked. Bruce would have gotten out, and this is Talia whose skills are supposed to be as good as Bruce's.
Actually I don't remember it being said at any point that Talia has League of Shadows combat training. As for her accomplishments in the film, "It is not supreme excellence to fight one hundred battles and win one hundred victories. Supreme excellence is to win a victory while fighting no battles at all." -- some dead Asian guy.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
The existence of a worse option does not make it good.
Bane as originally depicted in "Knightfall" also qualifies as a "worse option".

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Next_Spirit View Post
Just got back from the movie and I enjoyed it. Not the best but not the worst.

What does all that mean?
First off, Batman isn't dead. The auto pilot was fixed.
Or maybe it's just Alfred's imagination.

Second off, how did Robin get the coordinates to the bat cave? Did Batman KNOW he was going to die?
He either expected to die, or to stage his own death. Either way, Batman likes to be prepared.

Third, Christian Bale himself has stated that if the script was good he would return.
Bale will do anything if you give him enough money.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Bane as originally depicted in "Knightfall" also qualifies as a "worse option".
I prefer that version to the Ubu-in-a-Proto-Vader-mask that we got. And the DCAU and Arkham City versions above that.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I prefer that version to the Ubu-in-a-Proto-Vader-mask that we got. And the DCAU and Arkham City versions above that.
You have to admit, this Bane is a vast improvement over Shumacher's brain retarded bane from Batman and Robin



Originally Posted by Tocharon View Post
You have to admit, this Bane is a vast improvement over Shumacher's brain retarded bane from Batman and Robin
I already admitted as much when I said the existence of a worse option does not make this Bane good.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Actually I don't remember it being said at any point that Talia has League of Shadows combat training. As for her accomplishments in the film, "It is not supreme excellence to fight one hundred battles and win one hundred victories. Supreme excellence is to win a victory while fighting no battles at all." -- some dead Asian guy.
Actually, she said herself that she and Bane were trained by the League of Shadows.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I prefer that version to the Ubu-in-a-Proto-Vader-mask that we got. And the DCAU and Arkham City versions above that.
You are entitled to your opinion. But a burly oaf in a wrestler costume with a stupid accent and a Xantos gambit was never what I would consider a good villain.

"Knightfall" was a very long way from the best written Batman stories.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
You are entitled to your opinion. But a burly oaf in a wrestler costume with a stupid accent and a Xantos gambit was never what I would consider a good villain.

"Knightfall" was a very long way from the best written Batman stories.
If he was an oaf he wouldn't have had a Xanatos gambit. Wrestler mask is better than steampunk-facehugger-makin-sweet-love-to-his-face. Stupid accent is better than acid-gargling-distortion.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Or maybe it's just Alfred's imagination.
I've heard this theory but I didn't see anything in the film to even suggest the ending wasn't what it appeared to be.

But then people keep borking up the end of Inception, too. (No, it was not a dream, and the point wasn't whether or not the top fell, it was that he stopped looking to see if it did.)

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
The reason he shelved the reactor, seems... kinda dumb. Something that contains nuclear material could potentially be turned into a fairly standard nuclear bomb. Shock horror! Thats a good reason to deny the world clean, renewable power!
Yeah, that was pretty egregiously dumb. I quite enjoyed the movie overall, but I had to ignore this because it was so silly.

Too many alts to list.



First, the reactor was stated to be a fusion reactor. One that apparently a single scientist figured out how to turn into a neutron bomb. So, within the context of the film, this isn't something that was easily weaponized. Capable of being weaponized yes, which is the source of Wayne's trepidation, but the improbability of that occurence outweighed its benefits well enough that he had it made.

He still took plenty of precautions, Its location was secret, heavily fortified, and beneath an entire river.

It was a plot device and one I found no more difficult to swallow than a man dressing up as a bat to fight crime.



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
Actually, she said herself that she and Bane were trained by the League of Shadows.
Now that I think about it, Miranda/Talia suffered from Hathaway's Catwoman,

-Hathaway hit Catwoman right on the nail, and generally did a great job here

Miranda unmasked as Talia only had a very short amount of time.
and in contrast was generally unremarkable, despite the build up. Truthfully, the movie would've lost nothing had she been revealed as just another generic member of the League of Shadows( and would've been better off going that route)
And in truth, trying to fit Selina AND Talia in the same film was bound to cause this problem w/o adding another 30 min - hour to the film, there simply isn't enough space there to both of them justice



Alfred's reaction at the end has me believing it isn't his imagination at all.

He saw Bruce, they nodded to each other, and he left.

That's what he wanted. If it was his imagination I think it would of kept with generic girl we saw when he first talked about his wish, not Selena, and I don't think he would of left as he did.

As for could Bruce and Selena settle down. Who's to say they did? I get the feeling, that Bruce still had money and the two of them traveling about they're likely to run into some petty crooks to relive those exciting moments on.

In Nolan's universe Batman didn't fight that many serious criminals. He fought mostly street thugs.

And that left him battered and beaten according to his doctor.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Tocharon View Post
Now that I think about it, Miranda/Talia suffered from Hathaway's Catwoman,

-Hathaway hit Catwoman right on the nail, and generally did a great job here

Miranda unmasked as Talia only had a very short amount of time.
and in contrast was generally unremarkable, despite the build up. Truthfully, the movie would've lost nothing had she been revealed as just another generic member of the League of Shadows( and would've been better off going that route)
And in truth, trying to fit Selina AND Talia in the same film was bound to cause this problem w/o adding another 30 min - hour to the film, there simply isn't enough space there to both of them justice
Well, it's not as if they could have had a cat fight.

The name alone tells you who'd have won.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
No. Other way around. Fission reactions are used to ignite fusion.

Decades ago one of Jerry Pournelle's friends asked him how to make a nuclear reactor explode like an atomic bomb (for a book the friend was writing). Pournelle said "put an atomic bomb in it and set it off". The friend, FWIW, didn't like that answer and ignored him. (I don't think the book ever achieved liftoff; can't imagine why.) Reactors don't explode like nuclear weapons (except, perhaps, a breeder reactor but AFAIK even that is real long odds). They can misbehave in a number of ways but they don't go kaboom. Fusion reactors, as previously noted, are even more fragile that fission ones. If the proper conditions aren't maintained the reaction will just stop. We've been working on maintaining those conditions since the 70s and from what I've heard we're actually farther away now than when we started. That's how difficult the reaction is to establish and maintain.

Of course, this is the kind of thing you have to overlook in a superhero movie. The dubious physics involved in the fusion reactor wasn't exactly the most improbable element of TDKR.
The device removed from the reactor is said to be the core, not the entire reactor (the thing left behind is the rest of the reactor). Its possible the core is something that can be converted into a nuclear bomb in a non-obvious way. One theoretical possibility is that it contains transuranic elements that have certain properties which can be manipulated in certain ways, perhaps to force them to decay into fissile material that can achieve criticality (i.e. detonate).

It is fanciful, but not impossible. Its certainly far more reasonable than the microwave vaporizer from Batman Begins that vaporizes water contained in metal pipes but does nothing to the walking bags of mostly water that are standing around unprotected.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It is fanciful, but not impossible. Its certainly far more reasonable than the microwave vaporizer from Batman Begins that vaporizes water contained in metal pipes but does nothing to the walking bags of mostly water that are standing around unprotected.
Those walking bags of mostly water would've been in a lot of trouble if they were wearing metal pipes!

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