Dark Knight Rises *there be spoilers here, seriously don't click if you don't want spoilers*




Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
There was also a bit in the trailers, that didn't make it to the movie, where Alfred says "You are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. I swore to them that I would protect you...and I haven't."

So his apology seems to me to be towards Bruce's parents.
He said that line.

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Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
There was also a bit in the trailers, that didn't make it to the movie, where Alfred says "You are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. I swore to them that I would protect you...and I haven't."

So his apology seems to me to be towards Bruce's parents.
Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
He said that line.
But he also tells Bruce "I've stitched you up. I've set your bones. I'm not going to bury you." (apologies if the quote is innacurate). This, in my mind, is a failure to keep another promise.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
He said that line.
Really? I saw the flick twice and I don't remember hearing it, and I was looking for it. Guess I'll have to wait till BluRay.



Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
Really? I saw the flick twice and I don't remember hearing it, and I was looking for it. Guess I'll have to wait till BluRay.
It's at the same time he tells Bruce about Rachel's letter if I recall.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I just got back from seeing it and don't recall that line. I wasn't really, looking for it though.

I personally didn't feel this one was as good as the first two. To me, it just seemed like there was a lot of erroneous stuff in there like they were trying their best to drag it out to 3 hours when it would've been fine as a 2-2 1/2 hour movie. It didn't feel like it meshed with the first two nearly as well as they did with each other. There are other little nitpicks but I won't go into them.

Anne Hathaway definitely pulled off Catwoman better than I expected, but I can't say I liked Bane much (doesn't matter who played him, I didn't care for the character). I have to say, though I'm glad this series is over, and most likely someone else will don the cape and cowl for a re-launch or JL movie (whichever comes first). I've always felt Bale played Bruce Wayne well, but wasn't as good at playing Batman (vs. Michael Keeton who I felt played Batman well, but not Bruce). Hopefully, whoever plays him next can get both characters down.

Overall, I'd say it was a good movie, but I left feeling about the same as I did when I left Spider-Man a couple weeks ago. More "meh" and not wow'd like The Avengers and Captain America before it.


Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
My understanding is that Tim Drake did the same thing.
It just hit me: Blake --> Drake -> Robin -> Red Robin..... WE GET A RED ROBIN MOVIE!!!!

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So I finally saw the movie this past Saturday for the first time and now I can come into this thread and read posts!

I will say the movie was pretty good but nothing spectacular. Avengers > TDKR that's for sure.

I had quite a bit of issues trying to hear what was being said throughout the movie (not just issues with Bane either).

Oh and I totally saw that girl as being a villain. I kept waiting and waiting for that "twist" to come.

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Am I the only one who *still* doesn't know what the hell Selina's "cat-goggles" were for?

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



I will assume night vision but their really wasn't anytime in the movie they could go to "Selina-vision". At some point the general public should realize that if a character is wearing something over their eyes in a dark room that it's some kind of night vision without resorting to having to show the view a first person shot showing night vision.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I will assume night vision but their really wasn't anytime in the movie they could go to "Selina-vision". At some point the general public should realize that if a character is wearing something over their eyes in a dark room that it's some kind of night vision without resorting to having to show the view a first person shot showing night vision.
I also assumed night vision as well, for the reason you mentioned.

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Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Then why wear it during the day? From my personal experiences in the Navy with night vision...that's kind of an epically awful decision.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



The are transition night vision lenses?

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Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
Then why wear it during the day? From my personal experiences in the Navy with night vision...that's kind of an epically awful decision.
Presumably they have an off button. As I recall, she only kept them on her face during the day when riding the Batpod, where their main use would be protecting her eyes from debris.

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In any case, that was *my* one beef with it, so...that's a win, in my book.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
Am I the only one who *still* doesn't know what the hell Selina's "cat-goggles" were for?
My guess for these is the same as I made like six months ago when we first started seeing pictures of Hathaway in the outfit. I think their function was left vague in the movie precisely to allow them to serve as implied "cat ears" (for the hard core comic geeks) without ever having to directly call her "Catwoman".

Basically it didn't really bother me that they were never fully explained because it was clear they were there more to serve as a "nod and a wink" towards the history of the character as Catwoman without having to be campy about it. I actually liked how she was handled as far as that goes.

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
I took it that he was speaking to the parents - apologizing for failing to take care of/keep safe Bruce.
Oh, definitely.
If I saw it correctly at the time, I enjoyed the camera angles during that scene... It left a tiny bit of ambiguity about who he was addressing as he started speaking, but moved a bit and we saw that he was definitely facing Bruce's parents' graves and apologizing to them.
I liked that, as it somewhat upped the emotion and history with that little reveal. Either that or there was no play with the camera angle and I was just a bit slow in realizing that he was definitely talking to Bruce's parents. Regardless, that was all just within a few seconds during his words there.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
they were there more to serve as a "nod and a wink" towards the history of the character as Catwoman without having to be campy about it.
Yes, we wouldn't want to be campy about anything.

*glances at guy wearing bat mask and using bogey-man voice*



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
I will say the movie was pretty good but nothing spectacular. Avengers > TDKR that's for sure.
So, I'm a bit late to the party, but this pretty much sums up my feelings about the movie. It was pretty good, but it wasn't fantastic like the first two. It seemed long and oddly paced. It was really hard to keep track of when it was 'next day' and when it was 'oh yeah, a month later'.

And, booty aside, I'm not sure what Catwoman (is it even accurate to call her that?) was even doing there. She just kinda showed up, did some stuff and married Bruce. I felt a lot more could have been spend on developing her as a character.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
Yes, we wouldn't want to be campy about anything.

*glances at guy wearing bat mask and using bogey-man voice*
Well compared to the height of the Adam West era in the 1960s this version of Batman/Catwoman in these movie are just about as "realistic" and serious as a heart attack. I suppose everything's relative. *shrugs*

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Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
Yes, we wouldn't want to be campy about anything.

*glances at guy wearing bat mask and using bogey-man voice*
Using the boogey-man voice is part of the act to keep his identity a secret. Really, why doesn't it seem anyone gets that?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
... It seemed long and oddly paced. It was really hard to keep track of when it was 'next day' and when it was 'oh yeah, a month later'....

I agree with this too...

"We have 3 months before the bomb goes off!"

* next scene *

"It goes off in a day..."


Yes, yes, I know they couldn't have the movie go on for 3 months but...just a lot of time jumping it seemed.

The other thing that irks me (not just TDKR) is the whole "bomb is so unstable!"

Oh but we can predict when it's going to go off to the exact second. O_o

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Using the boogey-man voice is part of the act to keep his identity a secret. Really, why doesn't it seem anyone gets that?
Oh, I get it just fine. And I actually defended it a little when it became a big sticking point in the second movie.

But you must admit; it IS a bit camp. Which can't be avoided since Batman (any comic book hero actually) is inherently campy. Some comic book movies embrace it, but incorporate it poorly (i.e. Batman and Robin), some embrace it and incorporate it well (i.e. Avengers, Iron Man), and some seem to be actively fighting it, which is where the Nolan Batman movies fit IMO.

I thought all the Nolan movies were really good, but it does seem to constantly be on the verge of seeming a bit ashamed of it's source material. Heck, I thought Bane's head-thong was MUCH campier than the luchador mask. I mean, you can't tell me that if they had a black and white full-head mask with the red lenses explained as night-vision or something; it wouldn't have been perfectly believable.

Instead we got the H.R. Geiger rebreather, which just looked kinda silly.



Just got back from Cinema (I like to wait to crowds thin out, and have a nice quiet screening).

Hmm, not my cup of tea, don't think I've ever gone to a Batman movie and well seen so little of Batman, on the odd occasion he wore the suit it was a complete waste of time as everyone knew who he was anyway lol.
I did find the lines that were spoke to the would-be Robin character about hiding his identity to protect love ones as a bit farcical.

At times I wondered whether or not Catwoman, was Catwoman or Batgirl, they manage to seperate the two much better in the other films.

As the conclusion to Nolan's trilogy I felt he let himself down, but take nothing away from 1 and 2 they were excellent.

The darkness in the first 2 films seemed to be lost in this one, and maybe a better choice of villian would have been better to bring out the darkness in previous films, Killer Croc, Penguin or Riddler could have been portrayed much better and darker than Bane and kept the feel of the trilogy together.

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Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
But you must admit; it IS a bit camp. Which can't be avoided since Batman (any comic book hero actually) is inherently campy. Some comic book movies embrace it, but incorporate it poorly (i.e. Batman and Robin), some embrace it and incorporate it well (i.e. Avengers, Iron Man), and some seem to be actively fighting it, which is where the Nolan Batman movies fit IMO.
I sort of think there's a difference between "camp" and "suspension of disbelief" that has nothing to do with superhero shows/movies specifically. I for one don't think that anything superhero based must automatically be labeled as campy.

For instance I think we can all agree that Adam West's portrayal of Batman was the very quintessential example of campiness. There was very little to make you think that he could have been an "actual" superhero like that in the real world. On the other hand apart from some of the more science-fictiony bits of technology Nolan's Batman uses his take on the character is just about as "realistic" and NON-CAMPY as you can get with this material. Sure one can argue that Bale's boogey-man voice was a little over-the-top, but I would hardly call it full-blown campy given the context of Nolan's movies. Overall the suspension of disbelief Nolan's movies offered was orders of magnitudes greater than many other previous superhero movies.

So where you say Nolan is trying to "fight back the campiness" it's really more to the point that there's effectively NO campiness to Nolan's vision to begin with. Hard to fight against a supposed negative quality that doesn't exist in this case.

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Well sadly most non-comic book fans consider the concept of a costume superhero as automatically camp. Actually anybody dressed too differently than the general public is considered strange and probably should be avoided. I think Iron-man got a bit of a pass by the general public because his armor is his power, not just something to disguise himself or instill fear in the cowardly hearts of criminals. Thor on the other hand would get beer cans thrown at him by drunk teenagers out joyriding.

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