Returning Player Diary




as a 5 year subscription vet I was already on the 'premier' train, if I understand these things correctly.

Store Review:
As SwellGuy noted, the interface is opaque enough that finding neat stuff to buy on the Paragon Wiki then searching for it is the way to go. Not a ringing endorsement of the platform, but hardly unexpected given the game's history of fumbling the promotional ball. Note to NC- you gotta spend money to make money. Kicking down for a better 'storefront', or putting someone with more marketing savvy in charge of the existing one would pay off handsomely over the long haul.

On the other hand, once I found the stuff I wanted paying for it was a breeze which is a big improvement.

Logged in the Goat and poked around the First Ward zone- couldn't get any missions, but it was an interesting, cool environment.

Ran enough scanners to get a contact in King's Row for Lizardroid, remembered why I always used to street sweep my way past it in the old days when the guy wanted to send me to the Hollows, logged out.

I may actually run the Hollows, I haven't been there since they reworked it....

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Not a ringing endorsement of the platform, but hardly unexpected given the game's history of fumbling the promotional ball. Note to NC- you gotta spend money to make money. Kicking down for a better 'storefront', or putting someone with more marketing savvy in charge of the existing one would pay off handsomely over the long haul.
That's the horrible thing. They PAID people to make this dreck.

And the even more horrible thing is the people they paid to make this dreck have made beautiful, well-connected, intuitive storefronts for other MTX games. And Paragon, instead of looking at the crap they were fed, were just excited to not have to do the work themselves and so accepted the crap they were fed and shoveled it on to us.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
And the even more horrible thing is the people they paid to make this dreck have made beautiful, well-connected, intuitive storefronts for other MTX games. And Paragon, instead of looking at the crap they were fed, were just excited to not have to do the work themselves and so accepted the crap they were fed and shoveled it on to us.
In fairness, I'd expect those other wonderful storefronts cost a lot more up-front than the bare bones Paragon Market. I'd blame the parent company's history of ignoring the forest for the trees rather than some unslakable hunger for garbage in the ranks of Paragon Studios.

You'd think a publisher of MMOs would understand better than most how every single hurdle, however surmountable, placed before a group of players decimates the population willing to continue on. Alas, NC's handling of CoH over the years indicates otherwise.

It's like a web site with a rinky dink proprietary search engine- sure, it's easy enough to hit Google and search their site for what you want, but not many people are going to bother with that extra step. Plus, it makes you look rinky dink.

They should've worked out a deal with Etsy or someone to list their stuff... =P

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
I felt like whoever was writing for Dillo was trying too hard. That character is more of a cutout than the rest, to me.
He's also more connected to the Coming Storm than the rest

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Okay, leaving the shiny, new Atlas and it's shiny, new content behind and heading to King's Row has been an unpleasant wake up call.

I still love the zone, it's my favorite of all the originals.
But the content..blech!

So, I run my radios to open up a contact. I even did the lame-oh Safeguard mission, more to catch a glimpse of the original Atlas than anything else- with Ninja Run I don't need the temp jetpack. Right off the bat my contact sends me off to chat with a dude in the Hollows.

It's been so long since I touched the Hollows I figure 'oh heck, why not'.
I bop over to Atlas & hoof it to the Hollows...where the guy says "oh hey, this is the missions for you, but thanks for stopping by!"

Gee, thanks for NOTHING.

Back to the contact, which would really bother me if I didn't have my ninja run- hard to believe jogging all over hell and gone on wild goose chases was what passed for 'content' back in the day.

He gives me the opportunity to street sweep for skulls, or do a timed 'kill all' in Atlas. I take the kill all, hoping it'll open up more storyline. Do it, try and call him- oh no such luck, gotta run all the way back. Feh.

Okay, make it back, talk to him, and he offers me......street sweeping for Skulls OR talking to the Perez Park Security Chief.

It's like I took the Back to the Future car to 2005 or something.

I did level at some point, so I'm closing in on ten & the next bit of the Shooting Stars arc- I think I'll talk to the Perez chief then street sweep my way to the next level- I think this guy can handle the spawns.

Some general observations-

the new zone splash screens are nice. Not a jarring departure from the old ones, just....better. Cleaner, more modern, showcasing some of the graphic upgrades. I like 'em.

I'm enjoying Electric Melee, a set I've always wanted to try but never got into. I tried a couple of brutes back in the day, but they didn't stick. This scrapper is a lot of fun- solid single target damage, and already pretty good AoE at level 8, not even counting my Sands of Mu vet power.

the jarring transition from new Atlas to old King's Row makes the already weak older content look worse by comparison- it's like downing a mixed drink after brushing your teeth, just a really rough transition. it's nice that they've added what amounts to an official 'sewer run' PL system so folks in the know can skip past this rough patch, but hopefully they'll be re-working Kings along the lines of Atlas sooner rather than later.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
the jarring transition from new Atlas to old King's Row makes the already weak older content look worse by comparison- it's like downing a mixed drink after brushing your teeth, just a really rough transition. it's nice that they've added what amounts to an official 'sewer run' PL system so folks in the know can skip past this rough patch, but hopefully they'll be re-working Kings along the lines of Atlas sooner rather than later.
Positron said recently that a Kings Row revamp would be his personal choice for the next zone revamp, because of the big break between it and the new Atlas content.

I think it'd be really cool - it could become out Gotham, and would make a nice turn to the darker side of the city after the bright face players first see in Atlas park - and once KR was done, players could head back to the brighter stuff in Steel Canyon, or stick with the urban decay in Skyway City.
But there are several design/financial problems with revamping KR, starting with with co-op problems - the devs have said that they prefer to add co-op environments to get the most bang for their buck - but the level range of KR makes it hard to see what kind of epic threat there could be there that'd need Heroes and Villains to team up.
One solution could be to have 2 versions of it for each side, like Ouroboros.
The next problem is its level range - the Atlas and Mercy revamps were needed as the first intro to the game for new players - but spending the same amount of time and effort on KR when low level progress is so fast mightn't be seen as a good return on their investment.
A financial problem would be the way that they seem to be going with the plan of VIPs getting new zone content for free, while non-VIPs pay for it - that's not a problem for DA, as it's a unique Incarnate zone, and Talos was already overflowing with content before First Ward was added - but having KR be a purchasable content zone feels like it'd be not only too early, coming right after the opening zone, but also that there's not really another free zone for non-VIPs to use instead, unlike Talos as the alternative to First Ward.

KR is bacically hard to make into a co-op zone, is at the level where it can be blasted through very quickly, and is also at the level where it'd be difficult to charge non-VIPs for its content.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Positron said recently that a Kings Row revamp would be his personal choice for the next zone revamp, because of the big break between it and the new Atlas content.

I think it'd be really cool - it could become out Gotham, and would make a nice turn to the darker side of the city after the bright face players first see in Atlas park - and once KR was done, players could head back to the brighter stuff in Steel Canyon, or stick with the urban decay in Skyway City.
But there are several design/financial problems with revamping KR, starting with with co-op problems - the devs have said that they prefer to add co-op environments to get the most bang for their buck - but the level range of KR makes it hard to see what kind of epic threat there could be there that'd need Heroes and Villains to team up.
One solution could be to have 2 versions of it for each side, like Ouroboros.
The next problem is its level range - the Atlas and Mercy revamps were needed as the first intro to the game for new players - but spending the same amount of time and effort on KR when low level progress is so fast mightn't be seen as a good return on their investment.
A financial problem would be the way that they seem to be going with the plan of VIPs getting new zone content for free, while non-VIPs pay for it - that's not a problem for DA, as it's a unique Incarnate zone, and Talos was already overflowing with content before First Ward was added - but having KR be a purchasable content zone feels like it'd be not only too early, coming right after the opening zone, but also that there's not really another free zone for non-VIPs to use instead, unlike Talos as the alternative to First Ward.

KR is bacically hard to make into a co-op zone, is at the level where it can be blasted through very quickly, and is also at the level where it'd be difficult to charge non-VIPs for its content.
Quoted for posterity; this response from GG contains no smilies, no tongue, no smarminess.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Positron said recently that a Kings Row revamp would be his personal choice for the next zone revamp, because of the big break between it and the new Atlas content.

I think it'd be really cool - it could become out Gotham, and would make a nice turn to the darker side of the city after the bright face players first see in Atlas park - and once KR was done, players could head back to the brighter stuff in Steel Canyon, or stick with the urban decay in Skyway City.
But there are several design/financial problems with revamping KR, starting with with co-op problems - the devs have said that they prefer to add co-op environments to get the most bang for their buck - but the level range of KR makes it hard to see what kind of epic threat there could be there that'd need Heroes and Villains to team up.
One solution could be to have 2 versions of it for each side, like Ouroboros.
The next problem is its level range - the Atlas and Mercy revamps were needed as the first intro to the game for new players - but spending the same amount of time and effort on KR when low level progress is so fast mightn't be seen as a good return on their investment.
A financial problem would be the way that they seem to be going with the plan of VIPs getting new zone content for free, while non-VIPs pay for it - that's not a problem for DA, as it's a unique Incarnate zone, and Talos was already overflowing with content before First Ward was added - but having KR be a purchasable content zone feels like it'd be not only too early, coming right after the opening zone, but also that there's not really another free zone for non-VIPs to use instead, unlike Talos as the alternative to First Ward.

KR is bacically hard to make into a co-op zone, is at the level where it can be blasted through very quickly, and is also at the level where it'd be difficult to charge non-VIPs for its content.
WOW this is the longest post I have ever seen from GG,who is this impostorgive us back the true GG please.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



I don't want to derail Nethergoat's player diary, especially since there was a recent thread discussing zone revamps (that I can't find at the moment) but one thought on a possible Kings Row revamp:

- extend the range of Atlas Park to level 10, allowing players to transition from it to Steel Canyon or Skyway City
- revamps Kings Row and change its range to level 30-40, filling a much-needed content gap

This shifts the new player experience from shiny new Atlas to not-so-shiny Steel or Skyway, which may not seem like a huge improvement over Atlas -> KR but Steel in particular at least has some new mission arcs in it.

An alternate would be:

- extend Atlas to level 10
- extend/change Kings Row to level 10-20

This would make it easier to preserve the existing flavor of KR (since the villain groups there would not need to be changed as much) but still provide a smooth transition for the player. It would also make KR serve as an alternate to Steel Canyon and Skyway City, giving players more choices.



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
I don't want to derail Nethergoat's player diary, especially since there was a recent thread discussing zone revamps (that I can't find at the moment) but one thought on a possible Kings Row revamp:
The thread is here to spark discussion, and give me a reason to pay closer attention to things than I usually do.

In long ago threads on the subject of the awful low level game the some people made the argument that it should be left alone since players don't spend enough time there for it to matter. While that's true to some extent, it's the first experience new players are going to have and the value of putting your best foot forward provides benefits beyond the short time invested getting to Steel Canyon.

In fact, having taken the step to revamp Atlas I'd argue they're obligated to re-do King's Row. The King's Row content so dreadfully retrograde, the transition so jarring you can't afford not to.

In my pose as a new FTP customer, the game I experienced in Atlas Park would definitely keep me playing & seems like something I'd consider investing a few bucks in....the game I'm experiencing in King's Row has me looking for a way out.

Yeah, I could just run radios or do the new lowbie trial or street sweep or whatever, but those seem like a downgrade after my enjoyable trip through Atlas.

And the upgrade could be as simple as junking a couple of the awful existing arcs & replacing them with fairly basic but modernized missions- get rid of the aggravating security chief fedex's, thin out the herd of 'hit the streets and take out some ______' mishs, dress up the 'go to this warehouse and kill all these _______'s.

KR doesn't have to be spectacular, but it shouldn't be painful.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Okay, back to the grind after an evening off.

So, off to Perez to talk to the security chief and get that wretched 'kill X CoT in Perez!" mish....morbidly amusing that I *still* remember it in spite of switching to CoV exclusively at its release & not having run it

Happily, in the modern world I can take the train to Atlas- while the missions are old and stinky, at least I can make use of structural improvements to the game.

I get the mish, hop into Perez and check things out- wait, there's a HOSPITAL here now? Dang, nice! And I can buy inspirations from the nice lady medic? SWEET!

I load my tray with defenses and head into the woods, looking for a giant spawn- I think my AoE's are good enough to 'arrest' everyone before I my inspirations crap out- let's find out!

Also, I'm now certain inspirations are dropping more liberally than I'm used to- took out one big spawn and my insp tray is half full again. Burn them all off and charge into the next spawn- I figure I'll keep this up until they get me, as the hospital is right next to the zone exit.

I wend my way through the trees, avoiding the clockwork, enjoying the new CoT costumes as I apply the beatdown.

Eventually I bite off more than I can chew, but mission complete and I'm about 1/2 a nugget from level 10 and more Twinshot story arc.

Turn in the mish. Check my salvage, remember I have the super cool /ah command and pull up a market window. 30 seconds later, I've sold 6 arcane commons for over 400k, 175k for my two Luck Charms.
Nice to see some things *haven't* changed in my absence!

Finally, something other than street sweeping or kill alls- defeat toothbreaker & bust up his Superadyne operation. Not too far away- bop over with Ninja Run (amazing how much *nicer* this makes the lower levels), level after the second spawn then sprint for the boss before my 'big' inspirations wear off.

Always a pleasure to use Sands of Mu on a Bone Daddy, as I still have bitter memories of the good 'ol days when they'd one-shot you with a Shadow Maul.

Finish the mish, hop over to Blue Steel to level (my favorite trainer by far), pick up Lightning Field- I haven't had a single stamina problem yet, so why not? I love the way it looks and I'm a big fan of damage auras.

Time to log off- I want to save the next Twinshot mish for tomorrow.
I'll mess around with the character creator a bit before bed.

Oh, and I need to post another screen of Lizardroid- for some reason my graphic settings were flatlined in the new install. Bumped them up to 'recommended' and he looks MUCH more stylish.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I don't think my appreciation for the 'new' Perez Park Experience came through quite sufficiently in that last post, so I thought I'd do a compare/contrast with the olden days.

Which, at the time, I was quite fond of!
Getting together a bunch of pals and running laps around the park, battling GIGANTIC spawns, was great fun. Let alone those halcyon days before the aggro cap when sufficiently powerful characters could 'herd' the entire park for a map-clearing nuke.

Even so, PP had its discontents- the maze of forest you inevitably got completely lost in, and trying to do anything, ANYTHING level appropriate while solo. Not to mention that horrific fortune teller mission, always buried deeeep in the forest where you could waste an entire evening just looking for the entrance.

So, if I'd been trying to run last night's mish back in the day I'd have had two choices- get a team together, or ignore the mission and have it take up a slot until I'd out-leveled it and everything was gray- remember, no dropping stuff in the old days, you either finished it or you carried it around your neck like the fabled Albatross of the Ancient Mariner.

This time around the modern amenities of hospital and inspiration vendor made it eminently solo-able. I still got lost in the woods, my new install not having the invaluable Vidiot map pack, but with debt being a non-factor and a hospital right by the gate there was no downside to using the 'fatal teleport' back to civilization.

The only down side to these improvements is providing less incentive to team. But the elimination of SO MUCH potential frustration wipes that out. It seems the game is shifting slightly to the endgame is where the action is model, which even as someone disinclined to spend much time there looks like a positive development.

The 'old' game was full of artificial drags on leveling. Lots of running around, lots of intentionally confusing time sinks (the Perez maze, certain of the mission maps that persist to this day, the organization of the enhancement system for goodness sake!). If the focus on end game power and content systems inspires these sorts of QOL improvments at the lower levels, that's a win even for players who'd just as soon eschew Incarnates and their like entirely.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



also, poking around the costume editor last night I happened across something called PATH AURAS.

Very, very nice!
IMHO way cooler than the ever-contentious Power Slide sprint, I have several characters who'll be making use of these if I ever get their slots unlocked. I'm assuming these are Paragon Rewards of some sort- other than collecting all my familiar vet reward stuff I haven't poked around the system much.

My email's clogged with assorted weird things like "enchancement unslotters" and the like, I guess I should find out what they all do...

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
also, poking around the costume editor last night I happened across something called PATH AURAS.

Very, very nice!
IMHO way cooler than the ever-contentious Power Slide sprint, I have several characters who'll be making use of these if I ever get their slots unlocked. I'm assuming these are Paragon Rewards of some sort- other than collecting all my familiar vet reward stuff I haven't poked around the system much.

My email's clogged with assorted weird things like "enchancement unslotters" and the like, I guess I should find out what they all do...
Enhancement unslotter is special salvage which allows you to pull an enhancement out of your build and put it in your tray.

If you have none in your character's personal inventory it will offer to take you to the Paragon Market.

There are also boosters:

And a large variety of other items you may want to review at Paragon wiki before claiming.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
And a large variety of other items you may want to review at Paragon wiki before claiming.
yah, anything I didn't recognize I just left alone- caution is ever my watchword!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Okay back after a short hiatus.

Quick question- ran across one of those 'gift card' kiosks at the grocery store today and lo, it had CoH timecards. But the card promised 30 days of VIP access for.....$19.95?

Last time I checked CoH was $14.99?

I picked up a Hulu Plus card a while back and it was exactly one cent less than the online sub price.

What makes NC think they can get away with a five buck convenience fee?

Anyway, back to business.

I noticed one of those ex-Gamestop preorder freebie IOs has a knockdown proc, so I slotted it in my Lightning Field. Knockback procs in AoE's are one of my guilty pleasures- this won't be as hilarious as the Goat's Ragnarok KB in his Rain of Fire, but then what is?

So I ring up Twinshot to keep on with that arc.
They're in shiny new Manticore funded King's Row digs, and when I stop in to check up on Proton the place is swarming with Skulls.

I like the terminal interaction- y'know, I'm realizing it doesn't take that much extra effort to spruce up a completely generic mission. I've done countless 'beat up bad guys, click/destroy glowies' in my CoH career, but the simple addition of a little in-mission story progress made it seem fresh.

The enemies were pretty tough- orange lieutenants & yellow minions. No problem for Lizardroid, but if I were playing a blaster it would have been tedious.

The last glowie was tucked away in one of those intentionally confusing lab rooms, but my Spider Sense is still sharp after a year away and I found it without much trouble.

(One benefit of Ninja Run is using it as a kind of poor hero's stealth to bee-line through missions- it's fast enough that you can zip past most spawns taking scattered or no fire.)

Popped out, called Twinshot and was sent aaaaaaall the way across the zone to have a chat with Dillo.

I logged out there, as things were heating up around the house and I wanted to be able to fully enjoy his dialogue.

Hopefully I'll be able to finish up the arc tonight.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Were you looking at a Game Card instead of a Time Card?

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
Were you looking at a Game Card instead of a Time Card?
It seems likely!

Conundrum solved- thanks.

although I question its utility in the post-FREEDOM world, where there's no physical game to own anyway.
I guess if you really like a temp jetpack?

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Yeah, the jetpack is 30 days of unlimited flight from level 1, and used to cost five bucks by itself. So you weren't really paying more for anything.

However, the jetpack is now $2.50ish on the market, so you're actually paying an extra $2.50 to get the game card. Looks like they haven't rejiggered the price, and probably won't because that's just a hassle.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Okay back after a short hiatus.

Quick question- ran across one of those 'gift card' kiosks at the grocery store today and lo, it had CoH timecards. But the card promised 30 days of VIP access for.....$19.95?

Last time I checked CoH was $14.99?

I picked up a Hulu Plus card a while back and it was exactly one cent less than the online sub price.

What makes NC think they can get away with a five buck convenience fee?
That's not NCSoft. That's the brick and mortar's markup.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Back in the saddle!

Last night I ran around King's Row doing some targeted street sweeping- I've always loved jumping around Kings just for the heck of it, and inspired by a thread Sam Tow posted on an old story arc that made him remember why he wanted to play the game I decided to bust up as many muggings/threatenings/CoT sacrifices as I could.

This AM I had some unexpected 'alone time'- I got up at my now traditional 7am, but my son was still inexplicably asleep. I set his Easter Basket out for discovery, made a cup of coffee & fired up CoH.

I managed to finish the second Twinshot arc before he rousted me to witness the anarchy of jellybeans & beheading of the chocolate lambs, and it was fun.

An upgrade I liked was persistent waypoints- I took a few unlucky hits against the final spawn in Manticore's Mansion, hit the hospital and was not looking forward to wending my way back across the entire map. But lo, I popped in and was greeted by convinient waypoints steering me in the right direction.
Quite nice.

One of my tricks for skating through the lower levels is to stock up on Medium defense inspirations on the market- price is usually no object for my characters, but sometimes the annoyance of running to the market to check bids means I don't bother, and then mishaps like dying in the final room happen.

But of course NOW I have the portable market window, which I had totally forgotten about until dying. Never again need I head into a mission without a full compliment of big inspirations, whoohoo!

Tried pulling it up inside the mish and no dice- which makes sense from a balance standpoint.

The final mission was really fun, running around destroyed Galaxy City, stumbling across Maelstrom & mulching praetorian Clockwork. The enemy supervillains seem to have had quite a bit more thought put into their design than usual, which I appreciated.

I don't get the next installment until level 14, which isn't bad as I ding'ed 12 with a little street sweeping after the mission.

I headed over to the University to run the invention tutorial & pick up the badge, and found one more small annoyance of being FTP- no mission complete button. I reflexively tried to autocomplete the 'create an IO' mish so I could sell the Luck Charm, but the button was blanked out.

Oh well!

Finished that off, then picked up the Midnighter arc before logging off- that should get me to 14 or near enough.

Differences from the olden days:

inherent stamina is a huge improvement. It was around before I left, but at that point I was mainly playing my high level characters and hadn't bothered to respec any of them- this is my first time playing a new character with the new system.

Not only am I not running out of end every other spawn, but between inherent stamina & Ninja Run I've been able to take pretty much everything useful in my primary and secondary as it comes up- no deciding what to skip or having to make do with a weak attack chain because I have to get everything set up for a travel power and stamina.

It's really nice, having enough attacks without having to rely on vet powers.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



oh, and from a money/outfitting stand point:

Lizardroid's bankroll topped out at a bit over $1,000,000, mostly from selling his big green insp from the tutorial and unloading a bunch of arcane commons from running missions.

Right now, after kitting out with level 15 generic IOs & spending profligately on stacks of medium defense inspirations, he has roughly 400k in the bank.

This is without "buying smart" on anything- I just found what I wanted and bid what I thought would get it for me without excessive typing- bid creeping is for ridiculously expensive stuff & losers, in that order. I also have standing bids on a couple of ten-stacks of medium defenses so I won't run out.

In my last couple of missions I was reminded of the awful feeling of getting the great orange RARE SALVAGE! & RARE RECIPE! alerts, then remembering "oh wait, I'm level nothing." Drives me nuts!

The rare salvage I actually sold for 11k, which was amazing- is there some kind of new market mechanism that would inspire people to buy up junk like this? I had no such luck with my level 11 Snipe recipe- ah well!

I might engage in some minor flipping, just for some spending money- I see in the market forum some misguided altruist has been trying to "crash" the price of luck charms, which smells like opportunity to me. =P

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Just as an aside, the villains you faced in the Galaxy mission are the team from Dr. Graves's arc. He's the Red Side equivalent to Twinshot. I definitely prefer Twinshot's arc over his (Graves constantly insulting my characters got a bit tedious after a while, though his dialog does have funny moments).



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
Just as an aside, the villains you faced in the Galaxy mission are the team from Dr. Graves's arc. He's the Red Side equivalent to Twinshot. I definitely prefer Twinshot's arc over his (Graves constantly insulting my characters got a bit tedious after a while, though his dialog does have funny moments).
I liked them- I'll definitely check out that arc when I switch over and start playing my 'new free account with no cool vet upgrades' villain.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone