Memory Lane




P.E.R.C. Presents: Memory Lane
April 16th - 30th
Every character has a defining moment in their career; maybe they stopped a powerful Archvillain in their tracks, saved their team from immenient peril, or perhaps they are that cackling villain who constantly stymies the heroes. Do you have such a story to tell? We want to read about it!

P.E.R.C. is looking for stories that show off what you consider your favorite character's crowning achievement. What made that character stand out to you? What daring plan did you pull off (or thwart)? Here's your chance to share the tale and potentially win a prize for your creativity!

Entries will be accepted from April 16th until April 30th.

Ten stories from the top 20 we pick will be randomly selected and awarded a prize. In addition to that, 5 qualifying stories will be picked by the judges and awarded a "Judge's Favorite" prize.

(10) Random Prizes:
1. 500 mill Inf.
2. 200 mill Inf.
3. 100 mill Inf.
4. Full set of Gladiator's Strike PvP IOs
5. Full set of Javelin Volleys PvP IOs
6. Full set of Gladiator's Net PvP IOs
7. Full set of Fortunata Hypnosis Purple IOs
8. Numina's +Regen/+Recovery, Celerity +Stealth, and Miracle +Recovery IOs
9. Steadfast Protection +3% Defense, Steadfast Protection -Knockback, Karma -Knockback, Blessing of the Zephyr -Knockback, Performance Shifter +Endurance IOs
10. Luck of the Gambler +Recharge IO

(5) Judge's Favorites:
500 mil Each

Rules & Additional Info:
1) Only one entry per player.
We will only accept the first story submitted by a player. You may edit and update the story as you see fit until the deadline of April 30th.

2) Your story must be between 150 and 600 words long.
While Flash Fiction is an artform in and of itself, this is a short story contest. The maximum length helps keep entries manageable from a judging standpoint.

3) You may attach a screen shot of your character.
This is optional, but encouraged. As they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words." You may insert the image in your post, or you can e-mail it to us at

4) Please submit your story in a reply to this post.

5) Prizes will be awarded on North American servers.
The group funding this event is limited to NA servers, and due to current global e-mail restrictions we are only able to award prizes to players also on NA accounts.

If you have any questions about event rules/details, please feel free to contact a P.E.R.C. representative by replying to this thread or sending them a private message.

Good luck, and happy writing!



Hey thanks for posting this Stryker.



Okay so everyone just follow the above post and enjoy it.



I think i'll join in on this. my main character had a real defining moment during an ERP session in RP on virtue during free server transfers.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Guess I can do one.

I would really not say I had a defining moment to shape me as a player, but more so a defining Era. It is the Era of the game that shaped me, When good guys were good guys and the bad guys were bad (no cross-over). During a time when 2 million influence was plentiful. The Heroes of Justice and Liberty were a new super group; Loved or Loathed # 34 at the time had a strong alliance to the House of Blackrock # 5. The riders of the apocalypse were an elite group and the unholy requiem was the perpetual Bad Guys. Old School was at its peak and could grief pvp zones better than anyone else in the game.

It wasn’t one moment but many moments and mostly the people I met along the way; the friendships that were forged. Greeblaster who was my old supervisor not only mentored me my professional career but taught the mechanics of how the game works and the technical aspects of it. JC Angelo a kind hearted 60+ woman who created her characters and Super Group to find a way to deal with the loss of her son who was taken from this earth early by cancer. She assisted by giving my Super group a coalition that let my super group grow without having to suffer some of the pains of a new super group. This is how I was introduced to Otelo who introduced me to the dark side and PVP. I also met the members of the League of Extraordinarily Well-dress Gentlepersons a group who knows how not to take the game too seriously. While a new fledgling to PVP, I was also introduced to Old School and Paragon Elite in a cross server PVP tournament that for us didn’t end up well, but Old School ended up going on to win the test server championship after that. Watching how well they played the game back then gave me a goal I needed to strive toward. I knew then I had still much to learn.

Most of that is behind me right now, JC Angelo was ran from the game by an individual Co-leader who cleared out the enhancements and salvage that was stored with-in the SG; the betrayal was too high. Greeblaster retired and hung up his cape to spend a modest life with his family. Most of Old School, House of Blackrock and Paragon Elite quit due to the I13 nerfs of PVP. changes are inevitable which brings a new Era and new challenges that will continue to help shape and define me as player, and I look forward to the challenges and the people I meet along the way. Those who stay and those who go....

Oh and to let you know,

I win here and I win there. So now what!

Gavalin Kingsbury LVL 50 INV/SS Tank and 26 other LVL 50 heroes and villians (all Triumph)
Heroes of Justice and Liberty/Loved or Loathed
"NCSOFT doesn't fork for anyone but they might spoon you if they like you"



Thank you for the entry.



Originally Posted by Blitzkrieg88 View Post
Ten stories from the top 20 we pick will be randomly selected and awarded a prize. In addition to that, 5 qualifying stories will be picked by the judges and awarded a "Judge's Favorite" prize.
I think you're giving Triumph way too much credit. First off, barely anyone even uses the forums. Secondly, we're lazy :P I do hope that you've gotten more then just the one submission though.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



My most memorable moments were with my Main, a rad/rad defender named kSpace. One was probably around I3 or I4, as I was slowly working my way to 50. I was about 35th level in a fairly tough mission with a team, and we were destroying things in our path, which I was accustomed to on that character, and I had the tank send me a tell asking me how many 50s I had. I replied "None, this is my highest level character." He didn't believe me without quite a bit of persuasion, which I took more as a compliment to my playing ability and powerset then as a lack of faith in my truthfulness.

You learned quite a bit about the game playing a debuffing defender, which foes mezzed, how to use line of sight to clump up mobs, and so on. Though not how hard Vahzilock hit, till I tried running a scrapper through them. "Boy, I thought scrappers were supposed to be really tough. . . " I recall back around 5th level in Kings Row I had to do some persuading to get a scrapper to jump into a spawn I'd debuffed, she wasn't convinced she could survive it, now I knew why.

Same character, I was playing on a team with friends, and we'd done about 3 floors of a multifloor Crey lab map without a death. I had to go afk for about 3 minutes, and when I came back, everyone was either dead or near dead. I rushed up to the next floor and managed to turn the fight around, between debuffs, EMP and my rez. After that, if I had to go afk, the team waited. . .

Finally, I ran into another rad defender who was planning to drop Radiation Infection because "he didn't think it did anything." I convinced him otherwise by pulling an entire spawn to me and standing in the middle of it while chatting with him.

The first thing our group ran into that stopped us cold was the Respec trial, which was pretty darned hard when it first came out. We finally made it through so I could respec and put a bunch of Tohit Debuffs into Radiation Infection, which made most of the rest of the game easy from that point on, especially since it worked at full strength even on AVs then.

So not a single story, but a series of them on How my Main Spoiled me for a Lot of Other Characters. Since then I've always loved characters who could really change the dynamic of a team and a fight. The only melee I really enjoy playing is a tank, because a good one can really improve how a team functions.



Fireskimmer’s story starts back in the misty dawn of pre-history (read: CoH pre-launch Beta). When I first saw a Super Speedster going by, I thought “interesting effect but what speedster runs on fire”? From there was born a Fire/Fire Blaster with the dream of being a Super Speedster someday.

Fireskimmer’s backstory had her arriving in Paragon City for her first day on the job as a non-powered police officer on the day when the Rikti invaded. In the chaos of the invasion she found a fallen hero (the previous Fireskimmer) who transferred the powers and knowledge of the long line of Fireskimmers to the young police officer.

As a fledgling hero, the new Fireskimmer could do little but deal with the peripheral damage of the invasion while the Freedom Phalanx and other big heroes took the fight to the Rikti.

Flash forward a few months, Fireskimmer had hooked up with two other heroes and was struggling through the low teens and early 20s. It was rough going. Death and the debt cap were a constant companion. Flares was a painfully slow power that was about as damaging as a paper cut. Fireball existed to mildly annoy the bad guys and give her all their aggro.

The (nearly) final blow came when altitis hit and the regular group she was playing with switched to other characters and other servers...but something wouldn’t let go.

“C’mon”, she said, “Enough wimpy defender work, let’s put a burning hurt on someone” and “Debt? Seriously? Like that matters? Just. Burn. Them. Down. The XPs will flow.”

And so I did. With other groups or solo, Fireskimmer pressed on. Blaze and SOs helped a lot. Inferno became intoxicating, especially with a good Kin on the team. Through the months and years that followed I kept coming back to her until by the summer of 2007 she was at level 49.

Playing her was like riding a whirlwind at that point. Fire Sword, Blaze, Fire Ball, Fire Circle Sword and best of all Rise of the Phoenix. She tore through the mobs in a furious blur of yellow, orange and red, knowing that they could knock her down, but never keep her down.

And then the Rikti came back.

It was too good an opportunity to pass up. So close to 50. Her first foes. The ones she’d been too weak to fight years before.

In Atlas, back where it all began, shoulder to shoulder with dozens of other heroes and what seemed like hundred or thousands of Rikti, she fought and burned her way to level cap covered in glory and awesomeness (and probably fried Rikti giblets).

Tired and exhilarated when the fighting for the day was over, Fireskimmer did one last thing before turning in for the night - she “inspired” a new fire wielder, who went on to become my first and most powerful controller - a Fire/Rad named Fire Dancer...but her’s is another story.

"Striving for the impossible" doesn't mean "toiling in vain". It means growth. It means improvement in the direction of your ideals. Not futility.
Erfworld: the Battle for Gobwin Knob



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
I think you're giving Triumph way too much credit. First off, barely anyone even uses the forums. Secondly, we're lazy :P I do hope that you've gotten more then just the one submission though.
It's cross server



Originally Posted by Pimpstress_Bambi View Post
It's cross server
Ahhhhhh, that helps then :P Probably explains why the event seemed more fancy. I tend to stop reading when there's story telling involved.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Ahhhhhh, that helps then :P Probably explains why the event seemed more fancy. I tend to stop reading when there's story telling involved.
Excepting Twilight fanfic, of course.



Nice I greatly enjoyed reading the two recent entries.



"Hello all i'm Donna Lee one of the data entry and retrieval personal for the Les Femmes super groups.
I have here a file of a incident to add to the P.E.R.C. memory Lane event.
Frostyfrozen has fought and saved the day and even the world more times then people have fingers or Lusca has suckers on its tentacles with the badges and accolades to show for it.
But she bowed out saying she would rather share one of her sister's stories.
Snowdriftta is Frostyfrozen's younger sister a Controller of ice and winter some would call a stormie."

Case file: 2006-478343

The enemy Sky Raiders and there was meany luckly the team was 7 very strong and capable heroes. all in the level 20 to 23 window. it was the second case that night for the team. When the youngest hero C.C. who was barley a teen and still had their mother pack a dinner with them even. Had to stop for dinner and sat just in side the office building door. As he was our tank we then carried down the hall to a cross ways we could go left, right or straight and down stairs that lead to the building forya and it was brightly lite hiding none of the 40 to 50 armed and dangerous men with a few jump-bots thrown in.
6 hero's Gamma Ra , Core Fusion, Icy-Hott, Nuclear Bug, Moshi and Snowdriftta her self. Stood looking over the stairs thinking of how to do this with our tank having dinner. when Icy hitting the run key zipped down the stairs and aggroed the mass groups. We all jumped to his aid with heals, group holds, and energy blastes. But where quickly over run by a greater force and had to retreat back up the stairs. It was a ruff fight for every step up the stairs. We had to fend off tp'ing raiders, sniper's with jetpacks, even hovering shield generators. Bug fell to a blast from a raiders rifle mid way up. Gamma got him back on his feet, Icy was next to drop Core rez'ed got him. As I was making a Snow Storm to slow the bad guys on our heels. The Sky raiders started to chill and snow started to whiten the ground then with a few steps more the snow was ankle deep about them. Moshi Moshi was telling us to run for the door it was our only chance as we reached the crest of the steps. Gamma then collapsed to the floor it was all happing in slow motion and bullet speed at once. as I topped the stairs I saw a friend sitting Afk C.C. and I could not let them return to debt so. Turning on her heels she drew a line and saying "can let them get C.C." Snowdriftta summoned a mighty blast of Northern wind. Sending all the Sky raiders and their toys back down the flight of stairs in to piles of snow and bodies. She then placed a Ice Patch at the top of the stairs and as the thugs run back up the stairs again Core fusion hit buffed her with RA and Gamma healed the wounded as they recovered end and their breaths. in the 4 seconds of the raiders getting up and starting again on the stairs. Snowdriftta concentrated on the raiders and keeping them from breaching the top step. She had a friend to save No matter the cost of her own safety. as the blue wave of body's neared the top stair they hit the ice patch and where slip & slidding like fish out of water or even falling off the stairs and back to the floor below. Snowdriftta then called forth her frozen rain pelting them. With a few heart beats passed and a breath in the cold snow filled air She shot out another blast of gale force winds. Again sending her foes down in to the snow covered floor. A quick glance seen the others Moshi, Nuclear, Icy taking out any of the teleporting enemy's that jumped behind her. Gamma and Core where helping her healing her wounds and the others as well as they needed. The numbers of the enemies now looked less maybe by 10. As her frozen rain faded another combo round of ice and snow soon summoned a gale again to knock then back down another 10 missing from their ranks. With another round their numbers where only double of the team it self. With a call to buff they grouped up at the top of the stairs looking down at now a 2 to 1 odds smiling the heroes jumped them.

And with the Raiders in the hall dispatched to the Ziggs medical jails. The heroes walked back up the stairs as the young hero still sat having his dinner. They completed the mission with no other big issues.

Frostyfrozen lvl 50 Pure Ice Blaster @Les Femmes Mystique
Meltalika lvl 50 - Snowdriftta lvl 50 - Icesong lvl 50 -Frostyblue lvl 50
Have Fun & Stay Safe



Cutting it close at 580 words.

Phoenix of Syrinx has seen her fair share of highs and lows. The looming debt limits keeping her company on her trek to fifty, and the ever empty bank account keeping her from fully slotting stuff properly filed away as memories to be drawn upon with rarity. PoS' high points come and go with the times, but two of my fondest memories come from the early days of the ITF. Back when doing a pug run meant your chance of failure outweighed your chance for success, and people built teams with a rather formulaic pattern.

It was on one of these runs when PoS found herself on a rather shaky team built from the server's alts and was starting to consider it more of a run for money/drops. The team tank already had issues holding the aggro, buffs were few, and the damage output kinda unsteady as someone/people on the team being dead at any given time but we kept moving. As the cut scene finished and we made the push onto the platform to confront Romulus the situation became dire as the defeats stacked up. A couple of the methods that had been developed were tried but to no avail. Wherever we went the team crumbled. It was then we were just throwing ourselves against him while he stood in his original area when I invented a new method. (I say I invented because I never saw this method prior and well...haven't seen it since, heh.) The PoS' ITF Whack a Mole Edition! I had everyone but the tank hide behind the staircase wall next to Romulus while the tank stepped up to take him one on, well Romulus plus his nictus gang. As he kept that over sized man ape gone wrong thing busy the remaining team members hiding behind the wall began cuing up powers and jumping. Yes imagine that one, about six toons hitting a power, jumping to let it activate and then letting it finish animating from behind the relative safety of the wall. It was brilliant, the tank held his ground as the team chipped away at his health, and only showing their faces long enough for the nictus pets to get a weak heal off every once in awhile. With some time we finally brought the hulk to his knees, reclaimed Cimerora, and claimed our "that wasn't worth it" reward.

There was also the time the world's worst tank was on our ITF run. The team collectively decided that PoS of all people could do a better job. The only tank I'd ever played at that point made it to level squat, but the basic concept was simple, make the enemy try to kill you more than the other people on the team....and thats something PoS has had a lot of practice at. Of course in the style of PoS rise of the phoenix had to be used at more than one occasion, but in the end we won the day, and got another trap of the hunter for our efforts.

Its sad though, a moment so defining in one characters life can be so insignificant to the people surrounding you that its lost entirely within days, as your defining actions on one day mix with the million other heroic actions of your peers. It wasn't long after the time I was chosen to be the tank that I created the Forgotten Phoenix, a stone/fire tank to immortalize the PoS' actions that day.

K Thx Bai



Originally Posted by Kingsbury View Post
Guess I can do one.

I would really not say I had a defining moment to shape me as a player, but more so a defining Era. It is the Era of the game that shaped me, When good guys were good guys and the bad guys were bad (no cross-over). During a time when 2 million influence was plentiful. The Heroes of Justice and Liberty were a new super group; Loved or Loathed # 34 at the time had a strong alliance to the House of Blackrock # 5. The riders of the apocalypse were an elite group and the unholy requiem was the perpetual Bad Guys. Old School was at its peak and could grief pvp zones better than anyone else in the game.

It wasn’t one moment but many moments and mostly the people I met along the way; the friendships that were forged. Greeblaster who was my old supervisor not only mentored me my professional career but taught the mechanics of how the game works and the technical aspects of it. JC Angelo a kind hearted 60+ woman who created her characters and Super Group to find a way to deal with the loss of her son who was taken from this earth early by cancer. She assisted by giving my Super group a coalition that let my super group grow without having to suffer some of the pains of a new super group. This is how I was introduced to Otelo who introduced me to the dark side and PVP. I also met the members of the League of Extraordinarily Well-dress Gentlepersons a group who knows how not to take the game too seriously. While a new fledgling to PVP, I was also introduced to Old School and Paragon Elite in a cross server PVP tournament that for us didn’t end up well, but Old School ended up going on to win the test server championship after that. Watching how well they played the game back then gave me a goal I needed to strive toward. I knew then I had still much to learn.

Most of that is behind me right now, JC Angelo was ran from the game by an individual Co-leader who cleared out the enhancements and salvage that was stored with-in the SG; the betrayal was too high. Greeblaster retired and hung up his cape to spend a modest life with his family. Most of Old School, House of Blackrock and Paragon Elite quit due to the I13 nerfs of PVP. changes are inevitable which brings a new Era and new challenges that will continue to help shape and define me as player, and I look forward to the challenges and the people I meet along the way. Those who stay and those who go....

Oh and to let you know,

I win here and I win there. So now what!
Ahhh the good ole days.

RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups



I'm glad to see that we did get more entries before the last day, and indeed there is no better time than "the good ole days"



little bit of a late entry, hope it still counts

I was on my most recent main which is a cold defender(before i quit anyway). we were running an ITF and it was a complete pug but it looked like a solid team. we go through the first few missions with some problems but nothing to get up in arms about but then we get to the last mission. we TP ahead to rommie and clear the platform, pretty standard. but then the stone tank, who doesn't have granite dies almost instantly every time we engage. he's buffed, dies, he hits magus then after a minute, he dies, and the rest of the team follows suite very closely there after. So the tank says "Hold on guys, lemme go respec real quick and pick up granite" so the rest of the team is waiting in mission for this guy to respec, they didn't ever want to clear because they thought we'd die without the tank. So about 2 minutes into wait I just said screw it and pulled mobs to the team since they were being stuborn. we took care of them no problem and actually took out abunch of mobs. the kicker is that when the tank finally finishes respecing he comes back and is pissed that we didn't wait for him to clear out these mobs and rage quits. So we decide to try rommie one more time and see how we do before just giving up. I jump in and start tanking and he goes down once, then twice, then the third time. IT was a thing of beauty but after his third death we saw the ambush coming at us, they were just standing on the platform and we had rommie on the grass so i guess just unlucky aggro for whatever reason. So we see these guys coming and we can tell they're up to no good and they come in and start making trouble. We got in this one little fight and our mom got scared and said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air". I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-air! I pulled up to a house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby "Yo, homes smell you later!". Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air.



The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all those who participated in "Memory Lane." We will do our best to get the winners announced in a timely fashion, and we thank you in advance for your patience as there are many entries to read and score! We had a wonderful time designing this contest and watching so many different styles of entries pop up. We hope you enjoyed this contest!

If you have any ideas for future contests, events, etc. please do not hesitate to contact a PERC Representative.

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



When will the winners be posted? I read a lot of really good entries and I don't hold too much hope for my own, but I'm still very curious.

K Thx Bai



As much as results would be cool, you guys aren't allowed to read/judge them today. It'd be a crime against everyone's favorite mexican holiday.

Simplified version for people already drinking -> PERK peoples, go get drunk its the Mexican's Saint Patrick's Day.

K Thx Bai



lol ok