What was(is?) your next project?
Started a WM/SD Scrapper. Went straight to number one in playtime. Every hour is bittersweet, though.
Current Projects On Virtue:
Flickershow -- KM/EA Scrapper
Telemachus -- Sonic/Ice Blaster
My Warshade, who has been level twelve about four years. I wanted to give her Flight in I24.
I also have a Dark/Time Controller i think I would have enjoyed.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I was going to make a Water/MC blaster as soon as I24 came out. I was specifically holding off on making any water blast toons until MC came out.
I couldn't wait for Bio Armor to hit Live. I was starting to stash IOs for it already.
I wanted spines to get proliferated to Brutes for it, but if it didn't I probably would have made a scrapper.
I also still hadn't gotten around to buying water blast, my beam rifle character still was level five, and my Dark/Fire dom only needs 4 levels to start getting incarnated........
So many... a br/dev blaster modeled after the Void Hunters and waiting for the i24 blaster changes. A tw/ brute waiting for radiation armor. A mind/dark dom designed as a vampyri (Archon Barlowe, a nod to King's "Salem's Lot").
So VERY many more.
Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas
Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.
Leveling a blaster. I was waiting for I24 to really get serious with it. Leveling a grav/fire corruptor. Working my Soldier of Arachnos up to 50. Working on my widow more.
I'll probably still work on the blasters on the test server. Since I have to chop it down, I'll probably at least work up the Soldier. And spend some time focusing on incarnates on my merc/pain.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
I've got a Necro/Time MM I intend to get to 50 before the servers go dark. If I can get her there quickly, I'd like to run another character from 1-50 heroside, maybe hitting as much i0/i1 content as I can. It's been a long time since I played The Freaklympics or The Organ Grinders...
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
I've got a Necro/Time MM I intend to get to 50 before the servers go dark. If I can get her there quickly, I'd like to run another character from 1-50 heroside, maybe hitting as much i0/i1 content as I can. It's been a long time since I played The Freaklympics or The Organ Grinders...
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

Just started a STJ/ELA brute - wanted a STJ/DA, but Dark Embrace fades your character back and forth to black, even with "no fade or pulse" selected and /suppressclosefx 1. Boo.
PLed it straight for a hour, as to start right away with a complete attack chain and a fair amount of defensive toys. During the whole process, zoned out in deep thought as I was mechanically going through the motions - I think this is what I'm going to miss out most, this game somehow manages to be entertaining and involving to play and yet at the same time it's easy enough to allow for muscle memory to kick in and let you do some real thinking about unrelated stuff.
The current plan is to play through high-ranked AE arcs, at least until lvl 50. Now if only you could get incarnate rewards in AE.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
I was really hyped for making a Titan Weapons/Bio Armor Brute. Been toying with it on beta since July, but it's not the same if it's not on live...
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Had a few to finish bringing up to 50. Had a water def and blaster I was (still will be, I'm sure0 having fun with.
Waiting for bio and radiation armor to see if either would be a "better fit" for MB.
I actually rolled a Jab/SR brute heroside. Sonova BH. Anyone who knows who Brawling Humiliator is will understand this one... and yet, consider me a bit off for doing it.
This one is not going to be a solo artist, though, whatever team/mission will have him, there he'll go. Just using Jab.
The SR is... really good so far...
But the one I was lamenting, but now will be playing a lot of, is Total Dependent. She's a 37 ICE/rad Defender currently, about 1/2 bubble shy of 38. Notice the caps 'ICE' and notcaps 'rad'. She has just about nothing offensively, and is a total team player. I moved her to Pinnacle, and am hopin' the troops will play with her, because I always wanted to get that to 50... but other projects kept me away. She's got good Ice buffs, and also debuffs the enemies with the chilliness.
In other words... as exact an opposite to BH as possible, I think.
Wouldn't that be a hoot. BH, the Brawl Only Brute at 50... and ToDep, the No-Offense Defender at 50.. nice endcaps. Heh.
There are others, but ToDep is the next one. IS. Not was.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Lets see... When i24 hit:
Fire/MC Blaster
DP/MC Blaster
Arch/MC Blaster
StJ/Bio Scrapper
Fire/MA Dominator
Probably more. And then if we ever got wind control... I'd have like 5 more up.
Currently I've made a fire/fire dom, SS/invuln Brute, and started leveling my Peacebringer again. All stuff I'd been meaning to do for quite some time.
Stuff I was/am working on leveling, at varied rates of success and frequency...
Cold/Psi Defender
Rad/Sonic Defender
Dark/Rad Defender
Dark/Dark Defender
Invuln/SS Tank
Dark/Time Controller
Plant/Psi Dominator
Bots/Time Mastermind
Elec/Nin Stalker
DP/Dark Blaster
Energy/Energy Blaster
Crab Spider
There might be more that I'm not remembering right now.
I was also looking forward to make a DP/MA Blaster for i24. I was going to name him something like, "Totally not Neo" (and dress him accordingly.)
Oh, and Almost-Anything/Martial blaster as soon as that was available. /Martial was going to be one of the coolest things to hit an AT in ages.
I've been playing my planned DB/Bio Brute on Test. It's pretty sweet. I'm kind of abusing the free inspirations and amplifiers, but hey, it's a blowout.
On live, I had a Dark/Staff Tanker and a Beam Rifle/Rad Corruptor I was working hard on. I was juuust starting the Tanker's proper build... I tend (personal preference) not to watch Test too carefully, but I was guessing he'd be mitigating close to 98% of all damage post i-24, fully decked out (and definitely ~99% S/L/N, since I could do that on Live already). The Corruptor was for hard target softening and barring some (eventually solvable) endurance issues quite good at that.
I was also playing two pretty fun Defender builds on the side. The first was a very very clicky Empathy/Dual Pistols. I was going for perma-Hasten and Soul Mastery Power Boost so I could (with a lot of work) perpetually defense-softcap the team. It also had a good amount of hard control and a lot of options.
The second was a much more strategic Forcefields/Dark, going for Mace Mastery. The combination is so strong I was contemplating playing this character with only SOs (it seemed unnecessarily burdensome, and besides, he's more fun with procs).
Everything but the test Brute is on hold because I want to have at least one more level 50 Scrapper before the end, and because my priority above even that is playing with a friend of mine who started around the same time I did.

Every powerset plays better when you have access to all the powers and they're well-slotted. Although I've always objectively known it to be true, it's been hard to internalize.
So there are many sets that I haven't really gotten into until I got them leveled up at least into the 30s and slotted a bit. I am now trying to finish some of those characters, even though in some cases it means time spent shopping and crafting instead of playing.
My hottest current interest is a long-parked Dual Blades/Super Reflexes Scrapper. DB has always been pretty (and looks especially graceful on a female toon, IMHO), but at lower levels the combos are incomplete, or frequently broken by missing, and poor recharge slotting can make it hard to manage the combo system. Now that the character is coming into her power (39 as of last night) things are working a lot more smoothly.
Also leveling a beloved Storm/Dark Defender to 50 (currently 46). I have more than one of them -- I just adore Storm in general and especially pairing it with Dark Blast. Who says Defending has to be about mollycoddling your teammates? My teammates won't need to be buffed to defeat helpless, stunned, pathetically weakened foes.
I've been slow to start new powersets (because I've been having too much fun with older sets). I have a Staff/SR Scrapper and Titan Weapons/Inv Brute in the pipeline. I like Staff; I don't mind that it trades burst damage for mitigation and AoE. But I am finding I like TW even more, and will probably prioritize that set.
I have various baby Titan Weapon, Water Blast, and Street Justice toons that may or may not ever get developed.
Also an Earth/Rad Controller sitting at 49, still sporting the pre-inherent Fitness pool. Guess I oughta fix her up a bit.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I've found that until this situation plays out I can't quite bring myself to make a new character (who brings a new life into a world that's on the brink?) but at the same time I'm not yet ready to stop thinking about characters I might make. Actually, I'm not sure I'll ever be ready to stop making characters. Pen and paper will fill the void if virtual representation is cut off from me. Regardless, what was/is the next project you had planned?
For me, I was getting ready to try a new Controller. I was thinking about an Illusion/Trick Arrow. Seemed like a good combination mechanically, and I managed to make the concept work for me (technology, like the one generic hero that pops up in redside missions).
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian