Discussion: I -ATE- WOOFERS!
Really looking forward to see how this ends!
Also, FPARN!!!
Arc "Save the TV, Save the World!"
Cheerleaders, ninjas, vampires, zombies, ETs, time travellers, Spartans... all is here!
ID - 79690
The guy's/Gal's writing this really know how to make a story.
I feel for Mako, as a Dragon, nothing is worse then losing your standings as a "Destroyer" of shorts.
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
That MUST be introduced into a task force event as part of Mako's dialogue.
Make it happen, Devs.
Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)
I've got it. Television is behind the Shark Week frenzy that has Mako on rampage. I've just now realized who Television is secretly working for. He, or it, is an advance scout for <wait for it, wait for it>.... The Batallion!! Think about it, if you wanted to soften up a world in preparation for invasion, what better way than to weaken the mind of it's inhabitants through TV broadcasts??
My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning,
and yet I'm Happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?
---- Snoopy, Peanuts
do sharks even have lips
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
My first thought upon seeing this thread was: Why would he eat speakers?
My second thought was: I8NY
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I'm not sure who the moron in the back was over on Talos Island, but I'd SWEAR that the Arachnos yutz snickering in the back had to be Jenkins.
And I now foresee a ton of AE missions featuring the rescue, abduction, or outright massacre of Woofers the Freedom Phalanx dog.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I'm not sure who the moron in the back was over on Talos Island, but I'd SWEAR that the Arachnos yutz snickering in the back had to be Jenkins.
And I now foresee a ton of AE missions featuring the rescue, abduction, or outright massacre of Woofers the Freedom Phalanx dog. ![]() Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |
I demand now that the store sell a Woofers/DireHowl pet pack!
I've got it. Television is behind the Shark Week frenzy that has Mako on rampage. I've just now realized who Television is secretly working for. He, or it, is an advance scout for <wait for it, wait for it>.... The Batallion!! Think about it, if you wanted to soften up a world in preparation for invasion, what better way than to weaken the mind of it's inhabitants through TV broadcasts??
Oh yeah, you thought I wouldn't notice the clarity of the picture or the little station identification bug down there in the bottom right hand corner. Shows you who's watching who!

I would be delighted to see the video of Captain Mako eating Woofers.
So far, so good?
Personally, if this were to have any lasting effect in game, I was thinking it be the birth of "The Gladys Brittlehips Strike Force", but that's just me!
I can't wait to see how folks enjoy chapters 4 and 5! This was so much fun creating.
COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation

is Woofers that dog that keeps showing up in the backgrounds of T9 Reward Costume preview shots?
Oh my goodness...
Does this mean Television is angry becasue Mako ate WOOFERS?!?
Good gravy....i thought the movie Gross Point Blank...where the character Martin Blank killed a dog by accident had it bad...
But this is too funny...
But curiously the Golden Giza is visited by Baracuda....of all places to visit.....how coincidental.
I am still thinking more and more....that Maybe Slot Machine or Radio are going to get involved some how.
After all Television can't be allowed to create too much chaos unchecked....as it might start making people stop going to Slot Machine or Radio.
Haven't been able to attend a Mako event so a friend here had to settle for something simliar...
Dear Mako, a relative?

Great game while it lasts.
No. You cannot eat Woofers, the bee barking dog.
Oh, and make him the official mother farking mascot of the Freedom Phalanx.
Thank you.
*runs back to play Skyrim*
I gotta side with Mako on this one. To be one of the most feared predators on earth; only to be called a "bunny of the sea"; well id wana make the streets run red also. Only thing is he's goin bout this the wrong way. He needs to find the source of this damning media to get his point across.
Really been enjoying these flavor pieces. Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to the rest of the story!
But if they ever release a beagle or a weiner dog wearing a mask and cape... I'd buy that thing and parade it around EVERYWHERE.
![]() |
Also, has Woofers ever appeared before this story? Because I think s/he is my new favorite canon character.
Methinks Black Scorpion is jockeying for position.
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

Personally, if this were to have any lasting effect in game, I was thinking it be the birth of "The Gladys Brittlehips Strike Force", but that's just me!

Devs: Great writing on this story. I look forward to each chapter!
Right now, my first character, a Merc/FF MM made lo those many years ago, is sitting on his couch drinking beer, eating pretzels, and thinking to himself that this is the most brilliant psy op he's ever seen. And he's staying well away from any body of water bigger than a bathtub.
@Oroborous and @Oroborous2
Avatar by HeroPortraitStudios
From the Groundhog Day Attempt at Citadel: GM, "There's no badge for breaking a TF."
Talos Island
Captain Mako stood hunched over on the beach, growling. He was quickly surrounded by beachgoers and patrons of Spanky's Boardwalk. Photos were being taken, video of him being uploaded to websites as he heard their mantras over and over again.
"Sharks! Sharks! Sharks!" They chanted; fist pumping the air. Mako didn't know what to do; any attack was spun into something of joyous delight. He had had enough of this, and screamed at the crowd.
"Why aren't you afraid of me!? Shouldn't you be running in fear? I'm a shark! I'm a SHARK!" He cupped his face in his claws as his comments were met with a whoop of applause.
"Exactly, you're a shark! We love you!" said a lady in the crowd.
Mako sneered, "But I attacked that cargo ship! I slaughtered the crew!" The crowd held its applause for a moment, and a lone voice piped up.
"According to the police reports, that was full of contraband and Superadyne. Did you hear that? Sharks keep our city streets safe and clean!" Another round of fist pumps and hoorays assaulted his senses.
"But...but... I rampaged through City Hall!" He stood confidently, waiting the turn of the crowd.
"Actually, City Hall had been taken over by Nemesis duplicates!" another voice shouted. Mako had jokingly called himself the hero of the Rogue Isles, but this, doing honest to goodness... Well, goodness was beyond him. He'd be a laughingstock, unable to return to Arachnos. Still, the one action he was saving would cement his evil in the minds of the gathered.
"I -ATE- WOOFERS!" No way could they say something positive about his devouring of the unofficial super dog of the Freedom Phalanx. He sneered and swiped at the crowd, they backed up a moment before that single voice piped in.
"Actually, that was Woofers' evil Praetorian counterpart, DireHowl."
Mako felt defeated, but he wasn't going down without a fight. He looked at the gathered and licked his lips. Hero indeed, he'd show them all!
Later that night, the news covered how a group of shark lovers scared a dear, wonderful bunny of the ocean, which, in its fear and bewilderment, tragically, but understandably, defended itself.
The people watched their televisions, eyes fixated on the screens. Shark Frenzy had taken root.
St. Martial
Barracuda read the daily newspaper; the whole of the Rogue Isles seemed to be gripped by Shark Frenzy. From what she could gather, it was spreading far and wide. It had seemingly come from nowhere; a single drop in the world's view of the fierce aggressive predator was having a serious effect on her mentor.
She headed for the Golden Giza, stepping through its gilded doors and onto the flashing and blinking casino. She walked past the patrons exiting the nearby dance club, stern expression on her face.
A little old woman with a bucket of game tokens ran into her path, propping herself in front of a slot machine.
"I saw it first, missy!" the old woman yelled at Barracuda, who was taken aback. Kelli stared at her, feeling her anger rise from deep down.
"Excuse me, Gladys Brittlehips?!" She stepped forward toward the elderly lady, raising a claw, and suddenly felt a cold hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Ice Mistral looking at her.
"Irena, I was just about to teach this old bag a thing or two..."
Ice Mistral gave the old lady a polite smile. "Ms. Jenkins, forgive my friend. Mr. Sonata's personal guests of course get priority on the slot machines." She then turned to Barracuda. "I'm assuming this has something to do with Mako's recent attacks? I thought you'd know more than anyone about him."
Barracuda looked solemn. "It's this Shark Frenzy, it's like everyone has sharks on the brain, with no explanation as to why? I was wondering if your magic senses could tell you anything. I'm at my wit's end on this, Irena. I only have a few more days, and Mako isn't stopping. Yes he's mostly attacking Paragon, but he's been making a point to come back on his private flier to attack our own citizens as well. It's this fluffy, cuddly image. If I know him he can't stand it. -I- can't stand it."
Irena shook her head.
"No, if there is something controlling the masses, it isn't magic. I wish you luck, though. I've heard about your deadline, and it would be a shame to lose Mako."
Sharkhead Isle
Captain Mako stepped off his personal transport to be greeted by a squadron of Arachnos Soldiers, their weapons drawn. He arched a brow.
"This had better be a very bad joke. I've not had the best past few days." He growled at the assorted soldiers, who didn't even flinch.
"Sir, on the order of Lord Recluse, we are to bring you in." The troop leader had said. He heard a snicker in the back.
"There ain't any way I'm turning myself in, I'm Captain Mako, I run this island. Now you turn around before I make an example of you."
Again, the troops held their ground, until the snickering one in the back spoke up.
"Would this be before or after the tea party and crumpets?"
Mako saw red.
Captain Mako Week continues throughout the week with in-game invasions and more! Join us in Paragon City and show Captain Mako who tops the food chain!
Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios