22 -
Well, it's September 26th.... the day they're supposed to "start trying" to issue partial refunds back to the credit card used to purchase a multi month sub. I have two annual subs that renew on 29th April and 1st May, so I should be getting two partial refunds. I didn't really expect I'd be getting them both on the first day, but I would like to know if anybody has gotten theirs just for the sake of reassurance and peace of mind. And how long do y'all think I should wait to get my two refunds before I start to raise a stink of some sort??
EDIT 9/28
In case anyone cares, got my refund on 9/28 -
I've got it. Television is behind the Shark Week frenzy that has Mako on rampage. I've just now realized who Television is secretly working for. He, or it, is an advance scout for <wait for it, wait for it>.... The Batallion!! Think about it, if you wanted to soften up a world in preparation for invasion, what better way than to weaken the mind of it's inhabitants through TV broadcasts??
Simple.... you bash them into the ground so hard that they rebound and bounce up.
Quote:And if they make a "Kill Fusionette" Strike Force for villains, you KNOW people are going to be doing that non-stop.....C'mon, we all know it's going to be Fusionette.
Or at least it should be. For comedy value at least!
EWWW Brainstorm...
Fusionette becomes a major player who has a strike force where you have to deafeat Flambeaux... AND Flambeaux becomes a major player on the villain side with a task force where you have to defeat Fusionette.... Who's on board with me here?? -
Would be the same Azuria who has allowed 30 gazillion break ins of the aforementioned MAGI vault??....:-)
Not going through entire post to see if anybody else mentioned these but....
First, anybody else say "WOOHOO!!" when they read it was Statesman who died??
Secondly, ever consider that Statesman's death is not THE death hinted at by the title of the arc?? Maybe this is like Harry Potter where Harry needed to die so that Voldemort's death would be permanent (dear HP fanatics, I know that's not entirely right, but I'm summarizing). If you remember the CoH comic books, Manticore killed Statesman to win the favor of Prometheus (dear CoH fanatics, Iknow that's not entirely right, but I'm summarizing).
Also, tell me if I missed something, but the title of the arc is "WHO will die?" and not "ONE will die". Why then do so many sound as if there's only one significant death in this arc?? -
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but if my next annual subscription renewal is 4-23-2012;
On 4-23-2012, I'll get a years worth of Paragon points.
I won't get any more points until 4-23-2013.
Since I've already paid for this October (and November, December, etc) back on 4-23-2011, will I be getting a months worth of points on October 23rd (and November, December, etc.)??
That last part is the one I'm most confused about -
Ok, this doesn't seem clear in this thread, but if I have an ANNUAL sub that is set to renew on April 23, 2012, do I have a few months to wait till I get a boat load of points, or will I get a regular monthly allotment on October 23rd??
Same here on two different Win 7 machines. I'm hoping this is just because we can't actually get in yet....<crosses fingers>
Few immediate questions:
What OS are you using, and do you have admin rights??
How much space left on your hard drive??
Anti-Virus software up to date??
When was the last time you ran Checkdisk/Scandisk/Some other disk repair utiity??
And just for the heck of it, instead of deleting sounds.pigg, try renaming it instead. -
AVG was my goto antivirus product for quite a while... but I vaguely remember that for a while it was being dissed on several public forums... including this one. In the meantime I had been using a free version of CA Internet Security Suite provided by my ISP.... but it turns out that version doesn't work on Windows 7. (BTW, I agree somebody at my ISP deserves a kick in the tamales over this, but I digress).
Aside from AVG I was considering Avast, Avira (sp??)
Appreciate in advance any further input on this -
Don't want to start a major debate, but do y'all have recommendations for free antivirus products that run on Windows 7-64bit??
Nah, don't delete this thread... just rename it to "Tony is a newb"
the recipe slots are nice...but uh fog of war?...am i suppose to be familar with this term?
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Its a term that goes all the way back to the good ole days of command and conquer and other games that have minimaps.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's actually attributed to Carl von Clausewitz, back in the early 1800s.
[/ QUOTE ]
I thought it was OTTO von Clausewitz?? I assume the term came from his book "On War"?? -
With my luck, my son will want to escape the womb three weeks early.
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Just push him back in -
I just hope all those female NPCs who use the short skirts get tokens too
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I'm hoping they don't, but then again, I'm a pervert -
So... if we can only create a door to the Ouroboros Citadel after we've been exposed to time travel, and we can only time travel by going to the Ouroboros Citadel, how do we get exposed to time travel in the first place?
[/ QUOTE ]
*Taps Sadako on shoulder*
*Dredges up ED, I9 Doom and MUO threads*
"See? It's like getting hit over the head all over again!"
(More seriously, I expect we'll need to do some of the actual content or speak with contacts to gain the ability, much like doing Levantera's arc gives us merits)
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, since your future self goes back in time and repeats the actions of your past self, thereby replacing your past self in your prior adventures, then your past self is actually your future self who already has the power to open the door. Therefore, if your past self has the power to open the door, then your current self must still have the power, allowing you to open the door in the future to go to the past so that you have the power in the present.
It's really quite simple.
[/ QUOTE ]
** Vitaee dies of brain hemorrhage after reading this post ** -
Thanks. I actually went back and read a little more and saw that was the case. At least I can finally have a sword brute (:
Just wish the dual blades looked more like THIS.
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I'll definitely second this. With dual knives as opposed to dual blades... I think the devs could do a lot more with the combat animations. Just imagine..... a spinning move that ends with a high back hand slash with the right hand immediately followed by a mid level thrust with the left hand. -
That's how I felt about my first mayhem mission.
Easily the highlight was when I hit a civilian with a haymaker and got a nice knockback on them. Wish I had taken a screenshot, but I knocked em off an overpass!!!!
I think that was the highlight of my CoX life....
But as others have noted, there are some annoying bugs here. Once those are taken care of, this is gonna make CoV kick some serious [censored].