Updater Woes




After today's patch, I got an error after the downloading phase; It gave an error with the file sound.pigg. Updater closed itself, and I restarted it to get the same issue. Deleted the checksum file, and retried, to get the same issue. Deleted the sounds.pigg file and re-deleted the checksum file and tried again. Updater checksums and then stops at the "downloading file manifest" part, and after several minutes crashes. Tried installing a new instance of the program, checksumed, same pause, then several minutes later the program crashed.

The updater says "Fixing files: piggs/sound.pigg" and that there are several hundred thousand hours remaining, the progress bar never moves, and then after several minutes the updater crashes.

My bag of tricks in reference to the updater is empty. Anyone have ideas?

Member of the Justice Hundredfold, and Operation Unlimited Justice.

Her Imperial Majesty's Archaeologist of Achievements, Accolades, Exploration and History



Few immediate questions:

What OS are you using, and do you have admin rights??

How much space left on your hard drive??

Anti-Virus software up to date??

When was the last time you ran Checkdisk/Scandisk/Some other disk repair utiity??

And just for the heck of it, instead of deleting sounds.pigg, try renaming it instead.

My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning,
and yet I'm Happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?
---- Snoopy, Peanuts



Im running Windows XP and I am the only account on the computer.

Plenty of hard drive space; 12 GB plus the game is already installed.

I use Norton and it at least tells me it is up to date and there are no viruses.

Not sure when the last time a checkdisk or scandisk ran, probably a few weeks ago.

Renaming the sound.pigg file will be the next thing I try.

Tried reinstalling the whole client last night and woke up to about 800 MB downloaded, and a failed checksum on, guess what? sound.pigg! I just installed the client from my CoV DVD over what had downloaded and the updater is currently updating, but I'm not holding my breath.

Member of the Justice Hundredfold, and Operation Unlimited Justice.

Her Imperial Majesty's Archaeologist of Achievements, Accolades, Exploration and History