What should I ask for now?




For the past 5 years for christmas my husband would buy me the one year sub for christmas, what am I gonna ask for now?

For my birthday (it's in august) I would just ask for paragon points, what am I gonna ask for now?

For mother's day I would ask for paragon points, what am I gonna ask for now?

For my anniversary (it's in september) I would ask for paragon points again, what am I gonna ask for now?

Seriously this has gotten me sad all over again, yes I realize it's only October but for the past 5 years I knew what I wanted so every december 25 my husband would buy me the year sub for CoH, now what am I gonna ask for now? (and no I don't want any ponies)

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Make yourself a superhero. Ask for something completely frivolous, that you may not even use that much, but when you pick it up and hold it, you can't help but feel super.

For me, that is my 21", 16-gauge steel shield, designed for realistic stage combat. I could break down a door with this thing, so when I hold it, I can't help but feel super. A friend of mine has an "archery hobby" (in quotes because he goes to practice maybe once a month), but he really just likes the bows because they make him feel like Hawkeye, Green Arrow, Speedy, etc.

Find your superhero prop and ask for that!

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Hmmm... really sharp talon gloves? Sounds fun.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
For the past 5 years for christmas my husband would buy me the one year sub for christmas, what am I gonna ask for now?

For my birthday (it's in august) I would just ask for paragon points, what am I gonna ask for now?

For mother's day I would ask for paragon points, what am I gonna ask for now?

For my anniversary (it's in september) I would ask for paragon points again, what am I gonna ask for now?

Seriously this has gotten me sad all over again, yes I realize it's only October but for the past 5 years I knew what I wanted so every december 25 my husband would buy me the year sub for CoH, now what am I gonna ask for now? (and no I don't want any ponies)
Well, November 30th is still almost a month before Christmas, so you don't really need to think about an alternative present just yet.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, November 30th is still almost a month before Christmas, so you don't really need to think about an alternative present just yet.
GG, we are on the same wavelength.

Dear 2Short,

I will repeat for you what my 8-year-old son said to me the other day:

"Mom, why are you upset about CoH closing? It isn't November 30th yet! Keep fighting for it instead!" And I only told him about it once right on August 31st when the announcement was made. It was amazing to me that he remembered the closing date, never mind that he had great advice about the situation.

Ah, but from the mouths of babes!

Every time you think about Christmas, send the petition link to someone you know who games. Or blog about NCSoft and CoH. If you don't blog, start a gaming blog. 1up and other free blogging sites actually house large networks of gamers and many of them really do care about the industry.

Or next time you're stopping by your local gaming store, mention CoH's closure and ask them if they know about it and are already spreading the word. If not, educate them, and ask if they will help you spread it.

Silence and apathy are the only real enemies here. NCSoft is "in talks" with Paragon Studios. Talks wouldn't have been going on for four weeks straight if something realistic and tangible wasn't at least partway in the works.



Ask for more cox



If CoH closes down on Nov 30th you can ask Santa for a lifetime sub to The Secret World (It costs the same as a years sub) and join the CoH refugees that are now playing there.

Or you could join the Paragon Fleet at Star Trek Online

And there are CoH players at Champions Online

Stay in touch. Even if this is the end it doesn't mean goodbye.



Well I really don't want to spend anymore money on online games so until TSW ever goes free to play I will not play it and it is not worth downloading for a 3 day free trial even if they give me 2 more days for completing 30 missions, even if the game does really look good.

I did sign the petition and got a few more people to sign it I have it on my facebook page, also sent in a letter and also sent an email so yeah I am not sitting quietly I am doing what I can, it just gets sad and angry about all this sometimes.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



How about something completely useless...2S2C... like a trip to some remote island to watch the sun rise and reflect on Hero days....

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
For the past 5 years for christmas my husband would buy me the one year sub for christmas, what am I gonna ask for now?

For my birthday (it's in august) I would just ask for paragon points, what am I gonna ask for now?

For mother's day I would ask for paragon points, what am I gonna ask for now?

For my anniversary (it's in september) I would ask for paragon points again, what am I gonna ask for now?

Seriously this has gotten me sad all over again, yes I realize it's only October but for the past 5 years I knew what I wanted so every december 25 my husband would buy me the year sub for CoH, now what am I gonna ask for now? (and no I don't want any ponies)
You are in the same boat I am. For five years, we gave each other COH subs as our Christmas gifts! My bday is also December, and our anniversary is Oct. If we needed computer upgrades, then that would be part of the present too. Before Freedom, I would say don't worry about getting me anything. I'll just spend it all in whatever costume pack/ upgrades come out. I told my hubby, "we may actually have to BUY presents this year"

Bright and Shiny,
American Wonder