Am I the only one not upset?

Ad Astra



I guess I just question why a person who has posted only 47 times in 7 years started a thread announcing that s/he is not that interested in the game. It would be like me going to DCUO or CO and saying "I wouldn't be upset to see this game cancelled, because I dont play it."

Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
I can't think of any siatuation where I'd see people feeling bad about something and feel the need to come tell them I don't care about it.
I actually can't think of a situation where you could go to another game's message boards and announce how much you dislike the game and expect to walk away unscathed. Talk about jumping into the viper's nest with your shoes off. Nothing said here mildly compares to the reception you'd receive in the forums of other games. Even at our most vicious, we're kittens. ++ mst cn tipe here bettr lOl l2p rr lv CASUALL!



when i saw they were shutting down i was shocked

did i cry?...not in the least

will i cry ?....nope

havent been on all week. havent wanted to.



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
I have had to deal with a barrage of (well intentioned perhaps) people giving false hope to far too many people in their time of need already to also put up with your guilt-mongering, not to mention calling me pathetic for being a realist.
As someone else pointed out, I never said you're pathetic for being a "realist". I called people who came here to post how little the game means to them and trying to incite others to do so pathetic. Do you disagree? Do you think it's perfectly normal for someone to go around posting in other people's forums how trivial what they care about is to you?

I tried Tabula Rasa when it came out. I didn't hate it, but I also didn't care for it very much. When they announced they were shutting it down, I didn't go to their forums posting messages about how little this meant to me, that I didn't really care for the game anyway. Do you know why I didn't do that? It wasn't because that's not how I felt; I really didn't care very much. It's because I'm not a total tool who likes going around kicking people in the emotional nads. (Though now, I might very well post in forums of people going through this letting them know that I do care and support them.)

But as long as we're talking about being a "realist," try this on size. On August 31, no one--not even Paragon Studios themselves--thought that there was any hope that this game could be saved. People cleaned out their desks and went home thinking, "Well, I guess that's it." Not surprisingly, I did tell you then that I understood but thought you were wrong.

That night, we found out that there were talks going on about keeping the game alive.

Real enough for you?

So now, a few more things have happened. Zwillinger posted some sunset information. Matt Miller answered some questions. Once again, the "realists" are telling me that that's pretty much it, we're done.

If I didn't give up on August 31 when NCsoft and Paragon Studios said in no uncertain terms, "This is over, thanks for the memories," and I didn't give up on September 4 when you told me what the "realists" believe and we had had no sign that our efforts were doing anything, what makes you think that I'm going to accept your brand of "realism" any more now than I did on September 4 after you'd thrown in the towel then? What makes you so 100% certain that there still aren't talks going on? That even if there aren't, there won't be next week?

"Realists" have been telling people throughout history what is and isn't possible. I'm sure that there were plenty of "realists" lining up at the door to tell the Beatles that a scruffy little cover band out of Liverpool could never hit the big time. I'm sure that there were plenty of "realists" helpfully telling Martin Luther King Jr. that colored people will never have the same rights as white people. Living in the Bible Belt South, I've had "realists" telling me all my life that society would never accept gay being normal, yet here we are today with many states recognizing gay marriage and even an institution like the military allowing people to be openly gay.

I'm not trying to draw any kind of moral equivalency here to imply that we're the Beatles or Martin Luther King Jr., but in their spirit, I do not accept your brand of "realism". I know what the score is, and I know that what we're trying to do isn't easy and that we might fail in our efforts. On August 31, it seemed impossible. Now, thanks to the thousands of people involved in this, it's pretty well accepted that our hope is and was not false. If you really think it is, then more power to you but with all due respect, you are wrong yet again.

Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
After that post, there is absolutely no way I would help you in any way, shape or form.
Am I supposed to be disappointed or mad or something? I think you made that perfectly clear, and it's dampened my determination today exactly as much as it did three weeks ago: zilch. Or is this some thinly veiled attempt to convince other people who have witnessed our progress that they should follow your "realist" ideas? If so, good luck with that. Hopefully it will work just as well today as it did on September 4.

I'd like to have your help and support, there's always room for one more. If I can't have that, then I'd like to at least have you not actively working against us; I understand that not everyone has the time or energy to do things they regard as tilting at windmills.

If I can't at least have that, then you should really be careful putting your reputation as a "realist" out there like that. If you're right, you really don't have anything to gain by these types of posts because no one will be around to care. If you're wrong though, history doesn't judge kindly the "realists" who kept telling the people with drive and determination to make things happen that what they were trying to achieve was impossible.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post

I have never asked people to be as passionate about the game as some of us are. But when you come into our house, insult us, and kick us while we're trying to get back up, I find that in extremely poor taste. There are a lot of things that I'm just not into but other people are passionate about. If those things are in real danger of permanently being shut down or otherwise going away, I'll be damned if I go into their discussion forums telling them how little I care about it and asking, who's with me!

Seems to me he was just sharing how he felt and his experience. As described, I dot blame him for feeling that way. Not exactly my in game experience but he is not me and experiences differ person to person. Have to remember this is still his house too and he too probably invested time and or money into the game just as much as people who are passionate about saving the game.
So in reality he is not going to their discussion forum, like someone from WoW coming here and posting crazy stuff, he is too a COX player that on a forum that is just as much as his as anyone else’s here.

This may be his way of coming to terms and whether you have high hopes that the game will pull through, or passionate about doing everything to save it, or merely sign a petition, or even don’t care. He has every right to express how he feel just as much as the hopefuls that are trying to save it have a right to express how their feel. This is all of our houses and not just people that are passionate about the game and doing rallies in real life and flooding the NCSoft servers. It's also the people that may hope and may not or don’t know what to do and don’t care's house too whether you agree with them or not.

I appreciate your efforts on trying to save this game and will continue to support you but things like this where even differing views are not seeming to be tolerated and turning into "Us vs. them", then I kind question how far do I really want to save that. I'm not even going to mention all the efforts I am making or doing as I'm doing this for publicity or such and definately dont feel like dealing with the "judgemental attitude" of some people here about my efforts and things I'm trying to make happen. This is not saying the people that do post their efforts are doing it for publicity.

If you had the OP's experience, I doubt anyone would be itching to days off work and rally and fly here and there and throw money here and there and write letters and go as far and as hard as some players here who's experience in game probably was more positive.

"A divided house falls, but that doesnt mean everyone in the house has to be the exact same." We all can still be together in trying to reach the same goal without squabbling at each other without judging each other to see who is more dedicated and trying to show who cares more or dont care. I really think out of all things that is wrong time and or place for is that petty stuff. But focusing on stuff that really dont matter with statements and or insinuationa like "I care more than you." "You should care more." "If you dont care just leave." "Why are you here?". "the way I feel is right. The way you feel is wrong." If people make this into a civil war both sides will eventually lose. Do we want to save this game or not? Let people express themselves as if you would want them to allow you to express themselves. If they are doing nothing that also means they are not trying to stop your efforts. Let them do nothing. Remeber we are known as a good community, lets stop trying to earn the title that is befitting of the stereotypical WoW's community. If we are a truely a friendly welcoming community lets at least try to act like it at least in the last days. That would be the respectful thing to do even at a funeral or visiting one that is on life support arguing over who cares about dying Uncle Jim more and being pissed because the guy Uncle Jim treated like crap shows up and didnt bring a whole forrest of flowers or someone who shows they care in another way or even mentions that maybe we should start at least getting the estate in order even though the doc already said that Uncle Jim may not make it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I'm glad to see that even with sunset looming, the forums continue to spin with all of the logic it has nurtured over the last eight years. I'm especially proud of the fact that posters can continue to post disapproval of posts that disapprove of posts that disapprove of posts that disapproves of something specifically because they disapprove of a disapproval with an absolute straight face.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
As someone else pointed out, I never said you're pathetic for being a "realist". I called people who came here to post how little the game means to them and trying to incite others to do so pathetic..
I dont think he was really trying to incite anything. He might even be just trying to figure out why the game means so little to him and trying to get feed back. He stated how he felt and that seemed to be the end of it and I dont think that is pathetic. I think he has every right to post how he feels even if it's opposite to yours without being called a pathetic action. Would you like someone to call your hard work and noble actions pathetic because they dont agree with it? And saying that you are doing nothing but inciting false hope because they dont agree with your view? I doubt it. I think everyone would like that same respect, at least.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm glad to see that even with sunset looming, the forums continue to spin with all of the logic it has nurtured over the last eight years. I'm especially proud of the fact that posters can continue to post disapproval of posts that disapprove of posts that disapprove of posts that disapproves of something specifically because they disapprove of a disapproval with an absolute straight face.
I'm Bill Z Bubba and I approve of this message.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Seems to me he was just sharing how he felt and his experience.
I'll quote it again. READ IT.

Originally Posted by BricksTown Thug15 View Post not upset at all. [sic]

[A] majority of people that played on my server (freedom) just farmed and a majority of the toons were lvl 50 meaning less teaming during the lower levels which was a huge PIA. The people that did play lower level toons were either complete noobs and didn't know how to play or snobbish vets who were playing an alt and felt superior thanks to their vet status. Thats a terrible player balance.

[D]oes anyone else feel the same? When I heard the news it really didnt bother me at all.
And I'll say yet again, this is not just someone happily reminiscing about the game wistfully wishing it weren't over. It it someone insulting us and telling us how little it means to them.

Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
"I care more than you." "You should care more."..."the way I feel is right. The way you feel is wrong."
I never said or implied any of those things, and I never will.

Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
"If you dont care just leave." "Why are you here?".
When people come here and insult us and actively solicit people to express how little they care about the game, damn straight.

Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
If they are doing nothing that also means they are not trying to stop your efforts. Let them do nothing.
If someone chooses to do nothing, I'm okay with that. Hopefully we will eventually pull them to our side. If not, hey, that's your prerogative, and I'm not being facetious. I never demanded that this game mean anything to anybody, and I have actively and repeatedly prevailed upon people completely outside our community to get involved knowing that the vast majority won't. I'm not mad or upset at them, and I'm not mad or upset at anyone else who chooses to do nothing. How many times and in how many ways do you want me to say it? Because if you think that I'm demanding that people get involved, we have a serious breakdown in communications.

Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
That would be the respectful thing to do even at a funeral or visiting one that is on life support arguing over who cares about dying Uncle Jim more
No, it's more like someone showing up at the hospital while Uncle Jim is lying there with a terminal prognosis and telling his wife and kids, "You know, Uncle Jim never meant that much to me. I really don't care if he dies." (starts looking and gesturing around to people in the hall...) "He was never fun to play games with. Does anyone else feel that way? Am I the only one?"

So being one of Uncle Jim's kids, how does that make you feel? If someone says, "Dude, stop being an a**," do you still think that person is just espousing an "us vs. them" mentality?

I've already spent too much time in this troll bait thread. Like I said, if you don't want to be involved in our efforts, I'm cool with that, no hard feelings. If you fire off an e-mail here and there but don't have time to send in capes and masks or take part in task forces, whatever time and effort you're willing to give, I really do appreciate it, whether it's a little or a lot. I don't even fault people who express that they think we won't succeed; I think they're wrong, but I'm well aware that the odds are against us. But if you come in here kicking people while they're down, don't be shocked or surprised if I kick back.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I'll quote it again. READ IT.

And I'll say yet again, this is not just someone happily reminiscing about the game wistfully wishing it weren't over. It it someone insulting us and telling us how little it means to them.

I never said or implied any of those things, and I never will.

When people come here and insult us and actively solicit people to express how little they care about the game, damn straight.

If someone chooses to do nothing, I'm okay with that. Hopefully we will eventually pull them to our side. If not, hey, that's your prerogative, and I'm not being facetious. I never demanded that this game mean anything to anybody, and I have actively and repeatedly prevailed upon people completely outside our community to get involved knowing that the vast majority won't. I'm not mad or upset at them, and I'm not mad or upset at anyone else who chooses to do nothing. How many times and in how many ways do you want me to say it? Because if you think that I'm demanding that people get involved, we have a serious breakdown in communications.

No, it's more like someone showing up at the hospital while Uncle Jim is lying there with a terminal prognosis and telling his wife and kids, "You know, Uncle Jim never meant that much to me. I really don't care if he dies." (starts looking and gesturing around to people in the hall...) "He was never fun to play games with. Does anyone else feel that way? Am I the only one?"

So being one of Uncle Jim's kids, how does that make you feel? If someone says, "Dude, stop being an a**," do you still think that person is just espousing an "us vs. them" mentality?

I've already spent too much time in this troll bait thread. Like I said, if you don't want to be involved in our efforts, I'm cool with that, no hard feelings. If you fire off an e-mail here and there but don't have time to send in capes and masks or take part in task forces, whatever time and effort you're willing to give, I really do appreciate it, whether it's a little or a lot. I don't even fault people who express that they think we won't succeed; I think they're wrong, but I'm well aware that the odds are against us. But if you come in here kicking people while they're down, don't be shocked or surprised if I kick back.
I read the post. I think maybe you shouldnt take it personal as even though it isnt happily. There you go again telling someone how they suppose to feel.

But most of the replies that people have been told "why are you here" "or to leave" was not even insults in any way. If they actually insult you then yea I can see. But to you, if you kick a person for having a different view or view it as an isult because they dont share yor view then of course they might kick and may not have happy memories that you want them to have. I'm sorry no matter what you cant beat someone into haveing happy memories if they really didnt.

Yea it seems that you were demanding people to get in ivolve and kind of coming off as insulting those that didnt share your enthuse. Well glad we got that out the way that is not your intentions. I guess you are just very very passionate about this and that is good.

Wit hthe Uncle Jim thing, maybe Uncle Jim molested him or something. I think it would be us vs them if they tried to make him and brow beat him into being more enthuse about Uncle Jim making it even if he gave millions away and was the kindest person to everyone else. I dont think you get that even in this game, people have different experiences and thus difference takes on the situation. People who had positive experiences and friends and the likes probably would be more enthuse of making this game make it past nov 30th. Unfortunately, there are some people's experience that was opposite and more than likely they would be less enthused. And yes, if someone expressed how they feel about a person and someone turns and say stop being an a** or what every then that would be a direct insult to them. That is where communication of break down. One person probably dont view their comment as an insult to someone else because that is how they feel. Someone where Uncle Jim treated them like a son feel insulted because his expereince was opposite. So them they call the other person an a**, which in their head is mere returning the insult. If anything, why not try to see why they feel this way, or just leave it at "Sorry you had that experience, man. That is not how the majority of this community here operates" adnd show them how you operate. Instead of basically reinforcing their bad experience because they "insulted" your experience.

And then you end out with an insult wit hthe troll thing. That was uncalled for. Until now, I figured you'd be a very good leader for this game and efforts, but that right there took a little bit of shine off armor. I hope you succeed in what you do but I'm not falling under the type of leadership where people cant even have differing views. YOu probably wont even notice my lack of support for you as I'm only one person but you are not the only leader of tryign to save this game that I can throw my support behind. Good luck in the endeavor but remember we both are reaching for the same goal. Stop kicking people just because they isnt all the same thought process or taking it as insult because they dont share your view.
I think it is you kicking people that havent even kicked you. I have yet to see a post where it was "HAHAH I wish COH burns forever!" "Or even Good thing that COH is gone, it sucks!" Just people that said they they havent had as much a joyful experience that you had. I think it's you that is kicking some folks that is down.

The way it looks, I consider this community to be down at all. Looks like we all are up, here standign tall trying to one last major save. Are you or is it just some giant publicity stunt to further your image? Are you Emporer Cole or Stateman? In no way are those questions are to insult you but the way you react as any differing view as an insult kind of make me question your actual intentions. And the game, with you at the helms, would it be actual freedom of speech, that you come off as against, or is it think what I think and say what I want you to say, with what your posts are conveying, leadership? Actual questions no insult intended.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
I don't see the contraction. He understands why some people aren't upset, but he doesn't understand why they need to advertise that fact to those who are. You can respect someone's feelings and still think that there are times and places where it may not be appropriate to express those feelings. I may have good reason to dislike my neighbor, but that doesn't mean I have to show up at his funeral and tell his grieving family exactly why I didnt' like him.

Personally, it didn't bother me to see this thread. I know not everyone was crushed by the news and many are moving on and I'm fine with that. But I can see why certain people here would take offense. I would never to go a forum where people were sad or angry about something and start a thread telling everyone how much I didn't care. Seems kind of tactless, even mean-spirited. I'm not sure what the OP's purpose was here.
Perhaps he did intend to be mean-spirited and perhaps he didn't. To me, the more important factor is what those of us invested emotionally in either direction is what's fuelling things here. I can read that post and go 'okay, this person didn't think so much of the game and he just wanted to say so.' You may look at it and consider it an attack on the game.

That interpretitve factor has as much basis for concern now as it did when the game was running with NCSoft's support. Which is to say, very little. If the open exchange of opinions (and this is all that any thread is really) can't be tolerated by one group because they're offended by the other, then noone should be using the forums because that very ability to have free speech becomes meaningless. And that applies even now.

I know I would want the reassurance of my basic right to be heard even if it's something you don't want to hear as opposed to a system that allows only one group to be heard over another. That existed before when the boards were moderated, and should exist now that they are not.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Perhaps he did intend to be mean-spirited and perhaps he didn't. To me, the more important factor is what those of us invested emotionally in either direction is what's fuelling things here. I can read that post and go 'okay, this person didn't think so much of the game and he just wanted to say so.' You may look at it and consider it an attack on the game.

That interpretitve factor has as much basis for concern now as it did when the game was running with NCSoft's support. Which is to say, very little. If the open exchange of opinions (and this is all that any thread is really) can't be tolerated by one group because they're offended by the other, then noone should be using the forums because that very ability to have free speech becomes meaningless. And that applies even now.

I know I would want the reassurance of my basic right to be heard even if it's something you don't want to hear as opposed to a system that allows only one group to be heard over another. That existed before when the boards were moderated, and should exist now that they are not.


-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Someone walks up to me in a hospital while I'm standing next to my father while he's on his deathbed and says, "yea, ya know, I never liked him and I'm not upset that he's dying," that person would suddenly find themselves broken and bleeding to death at my feet and I would never feel a single shred of remorse for that.

Of course, we're not dealing with that here. We're dealing with the closure of a game. Most people are dealing with it rationally. Others, not so much.

I thought about joining the side trying to keep other people's hopes realistic but rapidly realized even bothering to bring it up would be a waste of everyone's time and energy. Some folks are ambivalent. Some are annoyed. Some are sad. Some have used their emotions to do what they can to save it. Some have done a lot. Some have done a little.

This thread is proof that I was correct and chose the correct path.

But let's not ******** each other: If you piss on someone else's hope, you're an *******. If you take pleasure in other people's pain, you're an *******. If you're ok with that, so be it, but don't cry about it when people explain that you're being an *******.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
But let's not ******** each other: If you piss on someone else's hope, you're an *******. If you take pleasure in other people's pain, you're an *******. If you're ok with that, so be it, but don't cry about it when people explain that you're being an *******.
This. So much, this.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
But let's not ******** each other: If you piss on someone else's hope, you're an *******. If you take pleasure in other people's pain, you're an *******. If you're ok with that, so be it, but don't cry about it when people explain that you're being an *******.
I'm Father Xmas and I approve of this message.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Do you think it's perfectly normal for someone to go around posting in other people's forums how trivial what they care about is to you?
It probably shouldn't be normal, but it is, in fact, rather normal behaviour on the internet.

If you're wrong though, history doesn't judge kindly the "realists" who kept telling the people with drive and determination to make things happen that what they were trying to achieve was impossible.
Telling some people that they can't do something is the best way to get them to do it.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Someone walks up to me in a hospital while I'm standing next to my father while he's on his deathbed and says, "yea, ya know, I never liked him and I'm not upset that he's dying," that person would suddenly find themselves broken and bleeding to death at my feet and I would never feel a single shred of remorse for that.
I think ya might need to work on those anger issues, pal.



TonyV, you and others are correct in that you did not call realists pathetic. Thanks for that, I guess.

In reality, the only reason I personally 'feel bad' about CoH closing is that one of my buddies that plays games finds CoH the easiest to play and I don't want him to stop having fun with us. That and flying rocks. Frankly, I was playing other MMOs and only playing CoH when he was around. Thankfully, he is enjoying other games with us now.

Personally, I find that anyone emotionally invested in a game to the point some of the players of MMOs are to be very dangerous. I have mentioned on these forums previously of a friend that lost everything over it. I mean a six figure income, house, everything. It's dangerous.

However, the amount of passive-aggressive emotional guilt you are slinging around is fundamentally what set me off and that is apparent if you read my post carefully. I cannot stand people that use guilt as a tool.

As for an online reputation of some kind being tarnished because of what I choose to post as my thoughts in a game forum, that simply shows me how some people take things too seriously. I do not care one whit if random people on the Internet judge me as a person based on my posted opinions over a game, simply because they disagree. There are already people in this world that want to kill me because I don't believe in 'higher powers'. Those are the ones that worry me.

The movement to get CoH moved to another publisher seems to have some level of traction and that's great. I applaud the effort. I still won't support guilt mongers.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



I can't say I'm disappointed, or suprised. City of Heroes certainly had its day, but it was really showing its age. It's just time.

The graphics are almost laughably bad compared to newer tech, and the gameplay is pretty dull compared to some newer games too.

Now, the Architect system still stands as one of the best UGC systems I've seen, and of course, character customizability remains awesome, but in most other areas, the game just falls short of expectations in today's market.

I have (mostly) enjoyed my time in Paragon, but I can't say I'm going to miss it all that much.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
The graphics are almost laughably bad compared to newer tech
I actually prefer the graphics of CoH to other, more modern games. And those graphics and resolutions were only improving. I especially hate this modern day trend to make everything look dull and colorless, or use 100% bloom on everything to make it look like the sun's constantly going supernova.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

But let's not ******** each other: If you piss on someone else's hope, you're an *******. If you take pleasure in other people's pain, you're an *******. If you're ok with that, so be it, but don't cry about it when people explain that you're being an *******.
Yes, this.

And I too enjoy the graphics here better than in other games. I find that whole cotton-candy "WoW" look too childish, and how many times do I have to deal with the regurgitated Umbryo engine? Warhammer did it first, so...okay. And at least for all its faults, they did it with humor, and gave a multitude of other games a bunch of features to steal (Achievements System, XP for PvP, etc.). But Rift, graphically and feature-wise, is really just Warhammer 2.0, and The Old Republic even reminds me a bit graphically of those.

CoH is unique in many ways, graphics and character customization among them. I don't mind Aion such that it is, and would play it more if it wasn't so laggy due to overcrowding since it went F2P (well, I would have before NCSoft pissed me off by shutting down CoH), but even Aion is a clone of Lineage, and so is Tera, Blade & Soul, etc.

Give me CoH any day of the week. There is no other like it.



Not sure if E_L's trolling or just failed Communication 101 that badly.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
But let's not ******** each other: If you piss on someone else's hope, you're an *******. If you take pleasure in other people's pain, you're an *******. If you're ok with that, so be it, but don't cry about it when people explain that you're being an *******.
I'm George W. Bush, and I approve this message. Tacos rule!

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I think ya might need to work on those anger issues, pal.
There would be very little anger involved. Removing someone so low and lacking even the most basic levels of human empathy from the gene pool would be a kindness to the rest of the planet.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Not sure if E_L's trolling or just failed Communication 101 that badly.

I'm George W. Bush, and I approve this message. Tacos rule!
Not trolling and communication 101, which I did take, did not deal with online internet COX game forum communication at all which seem to have it's own set of rules that change on whim and only apply to certain people.

One thing I do beleive in which many in this forum do not seem to believe in, is freedom of speech. The OP probably paid for a sub just like the other hopeful guy. And just like the hopeful guy have the right to be as hopeful as they want to be, the OP have the right to be as non-hopeful and non caring as he wants to be. And the other thing is that he didnt go to some other thread where they was saying "save COX" and said "i'm not sad about it." Nope, he made his own thread and expressed how he feel. Then of course, people that didnt agree with his view, as usual, jumped on his case. I'm starting to feel if I was in support in saving this game is like supporting saving Italy under Mussolini.
If ideas cannot free flowly the ones that agree with you and the ones that dont, andlack of fairness of enforcement of community rules, escpecially so called unwritten ones, then what is there to be saving? But I'm not going to walk away from something I invested in so much, and I hope you all can band together and have another iteration of the game in some sort as that means at least I know those closed minded people are here and not going around poisining other communities, especially trying to turn CO into another COH.

Now like most here, I been here for a while since i6, I love the game, it was my first MMO, I didnt like that they killed off Paragon studios, but under stand on the buisness aspect. And I know what it like to be personally and financially affected by an on the whime decision to "cut-back". Happened to my husband, even when they was making a profit that was comparable to the rest of the areas and branches. They just felt that they didnt want to deal with Europe anymore and said shut it down.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Dude, it isn't rocket surgery. I treat those I dislike worse than those I like. I am no different than anyone else on the planet.

Does it now make sense why some will pick on you more than others, or attack you a bit more forcibly, or discount what you have to say more quickly while using kid gloves on other people that might amuse them?

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
There would be very little anger involved. Removing someone so low and lacking even the most basic levels of human empathy from the gene pool would be a kindness to the rest of the planet.
Right. Okay. That's not unsettling or unstable or anything :\