Am I the only one not upset?

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Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
One of the draws of MMOs, to me, have always been that it made me feel like I was part of something bigger, an entire virtual universe, an unknown world to explore, with different rules and logic. Now? I feel like I'm a stranger everywhere I go, and I feel like I see the code behind the game rather than the game itself. These are not bestial critters trying to rip my flesh open, these are mobs of the same level as my character, mobs who move and attack in a very specific way. This is not a sword and a shield, this is loot generated from a table according to the mobs' level. This isn't the most beautiful city of the land, this is a hub for quests and NPCs, who are in turn nothing but quest givers and captain expositions. And so on. The immersion is gone. The magic is gone.

People point at the industry, and perhaps it plays a part, but objectively, looking at older games, you can have that same disappointing outlook. A MMO is a bit like a magic show, it's fun to be impressed at first, and it's fun to figure out the tricks, but once you have done so... There's little left to do, save for following your friends jumping ship from new game to new game, hoping to recapture an experience that can only be experienced once.
wow. +1 Nih....I can totally sympathize with your p.ov.



I don't mind admitting that I am upset.

I'm not angry. I'm sure NCSoft had reasons behind this decision, even if they aren't 100% clear to all of us. I do find how they went about implementing the decision a bit perplexing and even frustrating at times--but I'm certainly not mad enough to go all rage/boycott/revenge on NCSoft like some players have. I understand that in the end, corporations are looking out for themselves and their shareholders, and often this means making choices that customers don't like or understand.

But I am a bit distraught. I'm not a big video gamer and other than CoH, I've never been into MMOs. This is the only game I play, and for the last few years, it's been my only real hobby. I work a full time job and I have a family including two kids that I spend a lot of time doing things with, so I don't have a lot of "me" time these days. What "me" time I did have, I primarily devoted to City of Heroes. Designing and playing superheroes has been a great creative outlet for me in a life that doesn't have that much room for creativity anymore. It was something I'd really come to look forward to doing.

I'll get over it. In time, something else in my life will replace City of Heroes. But right now I'm sad. There are still so many things I wanted to do and characters I wanted to play, and I thought I still had at least another year or two to do them. I just feel I wasn't "done" yet. It may seem silly to those who think "it's just a game," but that's how I feel.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
"Not upset but shocked" - lump me in that group.

I'm slowly realising I grew bored of MMOs about 3 years ago, but just felt so comfortable in CoH with my little group of friends I kept to these habits.

Everytime I try a MMO since 2009 or so, I log in, play for maybe a hour or two, log out, never log back in. There's just something missing, I just can't get immersed in these kinds of games anymore.

Inevitably, we all grow up. Not to say MMOs are childish, that would be silly; but, for example, when I started playing Warcraft 2, EQ and T4C, I was in my early twenties, and I could relate to most other players, as they were probably in the same age group. Now, at thirty-...something, the average MMO player age hasn't changed too much, and most people I meet are young enough to be my kids. This makes it much harder to connect with them, to develop meaningful friendships.

One of the draws of MMOs, to me, have always been that it made me feel like I was part of something bigger, an entire virtual universe, an unknown world to explore, with different rules and logic. Now? I feel like I'm a stranger everywhere I go, and I feel like I see the code behind the game rather than the game itself. These are not bestial critters trying to rip my flesh open, these are mobs of the same level as my character, mobs who move and attack in a very specific way. This is not a sword and a shield, this is loot generated from a table according to the mobs' level. This isn't the most beautiful city of the land, this is a hub for quests and NPCs, who are in turn nothing but quest givers and captain expositions. And so on. The immersion is gone. The magic is gone.

People point at the industry, and perhaps it plays a part, but objectively, looking at older games, you can have that same disappointing outlook. A MMO is a bit like a magic show, it's fun to be impressed at first, and it's fun to figure out the tricks, but once you have done so... There's little left to do, save for following your friends jumping ship from new game to new game, hoping to recapture an experience that can only be experienced once.
Excellent summation of how I feel also. Yes, I feel like I don't belong in any other 'universe'(CO, WoW, GW2, TERA, etc). I think it is an insightful evaluation but I wish I hadn't read it because it is a sobering and sad thought. Overall then, I should be grateful I received 8 years of that magic. Thank you again, Paragon Studios and I will thank NCSoft as well for making it happen.

On a side note: I will be saving more money now since I don't have the constant 'pull' anymore. It will be highly unlikely that I invest so much money(and time) in any future MMOs as I did CoH.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
You played T4C too?!

That was my 'first' MMO heh....good times...
This game had such awesome lore. Clearly fantasy, but quite a personalized spin on it. Those kraanians, and skraugs, and giant tarentulas. Getting lost deep into a dungeon, without a recall spell or scrolls, knowing death would rob you of important items. Those endless quests getting you to travel all around the world and talk to so many people.

Talking! Sure, it was essentially just jumping from keyword to keyword, but it felt so much more involving, getting you to read and react to the dialog, a stark contrast from mindlessly picking a dialog option. Then there were those NPCs with hidden keywords you'd only find based on context or by talking to random other NPCs. Everything felt so connected as a consistent world.



I really don't see what's so awesome about the Monster Hunter animations. Seriously, they seem pretty comparable to CoH's.

I'm talking about the actual animations of the attacks, rolls, etc. of the player characters we see.

What's I see different is that there is more stuff going on with the characters' costumes, which makes them look a bit more detailed. The character has a rather dynamic ponytail, which has no direct CoH equivalent, though capes are sort of close. (I happen to think CoH capes are amazing, and have never seen anything I consider as good even after all this time.) The animations for the dragon-esque creature he fights are pretty nice, but then there's nothing terribly like that to compare them to in CoH. Maybe some of the new quadruped rigs, but none were used as big lizards or dragons.

But other than the ponytail, I'm not at all seeing what's so superior about the moves the player character is doing compared to ones in CoH. I compare them directly to things a Titan Weapons character would do, and I'm not seeing a lot to differentiate them.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I was the very definition of "newbish" when I first started playing. I can't even begin to count how many questions I asked over the help channel. But people went out of their way to make sure things were squared away. One guy even game me 2 mil inf "just to get me started." So, my experience was the opposite of yours.

I mean, I did play on Liberty at first, and the server was kind of small, but after making a character on Virtue, I was blown away by the amount of people playing. And this was before Freedom went live.

You're definitely entitled to your opinion though. I may not agree with it, but I"m not going to belittle it either.



Several months ago I decided to stop playing, I had my last semester of school to concentrate on, I knew my wife was being transferred to TN, and I had to find a new job in my new field. So with all the graduating, transferring, moving, etc me and the wife decided to stop playing for awhile.

While all this was going on and I was in TN, as I had already started my new job, my wife was wrapping things up in OH. Our condo got hit by lightning and wiped out both our pc's...SO once we got settled we figured we would build new pc's and start back in November just in time for the Winter event. BUT, guess what NC pissed on those plans.

So now we hope that Paragon or TonyV or baby jesus can save the game. We have still so much to do and this game still has far to go. I am not really mad just disappointed I guess, the wife on the other hand is pissed, I guess that's why she always makes brutes lol.

Besides we have made alot of friends here that has carried over into rl and love the fact that we can get together and play. So heres hoping that something happens in this games favor.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
The other factor is that CoH is the MMO that a lot of people who don't otherwise play MMOs actually play.
This is me. I don't begrudge anyone their game of choice, but I honestly can't see myself picking up another MMO. Hell, before CoH the last computer game I'd played was Grim Fandango, and I've still never owned a console. Should a reborn Paragon come up with something interesting I might give it a try, but otherwise, when the lights go out in Atlas Park, my career in electronic gaming comes to a close.

So yeah, I'm upset about the closing, and even more upset about the way things were handled for the Paragon team (for personal reasons). I'm not taking a bag of rifles into a bell tower or anything, but this has served to remind me that commercial video gaming isn't an art form, it's a business, and getting emotionally invested in a business or its products is never smart.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
This is me. I don't begrudge anyone their game of choice, but I honestly can't see myself picking up another MMO. Hell, before CoH the last computer game I'd played was Grim Fandango, and I've still never owned a console. Should a reborn Paragon come up with something interesting I might give it a try, but otherwise, when the lights go out in Atlas Park, my career in electronic gaming comes to a close.
I am very unlikely to actually go to another MMO. While I don't consider all modern ones bad, none of them call to me. The circumstances that got me into CoH were unique, and the characteristics of CoH were unique enough to keep me here after the original reasons I came no longer held true. It's just very unlikely any MMO will combine those factors again, and my life has changed a lot in 8 years to boot, so the necessary conditions are actually different now.

I'm likely to play video games, but they will probably be FPS games.

Like you, I don't own a console. Mostly, console games feel very dumbed down to me compared to games made for the PC. There are exceptions, but I find them very rare. If PCs die off as a viable gaming market, I may be forced to migrate, but mostly that does not appeal to me at all.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
For a lot of the people upset, there are two factors.

The first factor is that you seem to assume that people would have had the same reaction no matter when CoH had shut down. Perhaps a few people would, but the problem here is that this shutdown is extremely dramatic. Server populations had been relatively stable for a very long time. Revenue was on a very gradual decline. There were active plans from the dev team for easily a year into the future. A lot of the reaction you're seeing is because the shutdown was not clearly signaled at all. If the game had gone into a visible maintenance mode spiral, far fewer people would be as emotional about it.

The other factor is that CoH is the MMO that a lot of people who don't otherwise play MMOs actually play. That means its the only similar time sink that they indulge in, and when its gone, many of them do not expect to be able to replace it. Some folks spend 2-4 hours a day on this one thing, and have been doing it for 4-8 years. That's a big chunk of a person's time to suddenly have become a vacuum.
That pretty much sums up why I am upset. Though there is one more factor for me. Unlike most of you guys, I've only been playing this game for less than 2 years. So there are still alot of content that I haven't seen. Tons of Story-arcs, Giant Monsters, zones haven't explored, tons of TF/SF, Incarnate Trials, SSA, PVP, Build my own Base & AE.

But I have severe altisism and my highest level toon is only 33 right now which I suppose is my own fault for taking it easy with COH thinking that it was casual.
I don't expect COH to be around forever but learning that it is going to be gone so suddenly without any warning signs. Just throws me off guard.

Its almost like an end to a beautiful relationship with so much stuff left undone.

I will miss you City of Heroes..



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Awesome ones! Sorry you have bad taste...
I'm glad you liked the animation. But each and everyone of us have our own preference. Doesn't mean either one of us have good or bad taste. We are different.

Anyway - I thought the animation looks okay. I also think its not quite fair to compare this to COH which was made years ago. Even then for its age, the new powersets like Staff Fighting have pretty neat animations imo. Which of course you are inclined to disagree.

I will miss you City of Heroes..



I've said all along that this game means different things to different people. I am upset because, as someone above mentioned, 80+ people were laid off. "It happens all the time," you say? Well, that's true, but it's also pretty sad. These people have been busting their butts, some of them for more than 10 years, working all sorts of crazy hours and being really good at what they do. I guess that it always bothers me when someone works really hard, does a great job, and their big fat reward is a swift kick in the a** out the door. You know how your mom always told you that if you work really hard and are really smart that you'll do well? Statistically speaking it might work out that way in aggregate, but this is just evidence that on an individual level, sometimes you're completely at the mercy of people who do not have your best interest at heart, and there's a steep price to pay for it.


I get it, I really do. To some people, this is "just a game." It shuts down, you move on to something else, ho hum. I've never demanded anything else from people who really don't care that much.

But even if to you it's "just a game," surely you can empathize with those to whom it is more. Have you ever been in one of those bases that, when you walk in, you think, "Holy sh**, someone spent hundreds of hours designing this"? That's passion. Me, I'm not a base builder, and I've never spent more than a couple of hours or so on a base to make it look at least passable. If some program glitch came along and destroyed any of my bases, I'd be like, "Meh. Whatever, I'll just throw a new one together later, no biggie." That's how you sound about the game in general.

However, if that same glitch destroyed the work of art that some people's bases are, places into which they've poured hundreds of hours of their creative effort (and it shows!), then even though I'm not into base building, that would absolutely rip me apart emotionally. Not because I'm personally affected, but because the product of someone's creative energy has been destroyed, and that's a shame.

I've tried to convey to people that it doesn't really matter much how you feel about the game. It doesn't really matter if you even play the game. I see the detail that some people put into their characters. I see the intricate storylines that people have created in Architect Entertainment. I see the awesome pieces of art that people have commissioned in honor of their characters. And yes, I see how incredibly hard the writers, artists, coders, designers, and other staffers at Paragon Studios have worked to create the framework in which that stuff exists. And when I think about some company flipping a switch and turning it off because of some organizational realignment, it really makes me feel queasy inside.

Do you like football? Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a huge Atlanta Falcons fan. I've followed them for years. I went through the ups of the 1998 Super Bowl season, through the downs of Michael Vick's dog fighting conviction and Bobby Petrino's 4-12 "lost" season. With their schedule and talent this year, I really think they could go all the way. The past four years have been great--after 43 years without back-to-back winning seasons, they've now put together four in a row, started 2-0 in their fifth, and gone to the playoffs three of the last four seasons. In other words, they're doing pretty well.

So what do you think fan reaction would be if all of a sudden Roger Goodell announced that he's really proud of the Falcons, but they're just not in the league's long term goals? Thanks for the support, but the team will be shutting down operations after the November 29 game against the Saints, and the front office staff are all being laid off. They're not going to be selling any more tickets to the games, but if you already have season tickets, you can still go. And don't worry, they'll refund season ticket holders what they paid for the unused tickets. The team isn't moving, it's simply vanishing into oblivion. You might be able to keep watching Matt Ryan when he moves to Oakland or Julio Jones when he moves to Miami, but you'll probably lose track of most of the players as they go their separate ways.

People would at first be stunned, then they'd likely go nuts. Even people who have no interest in football would likely--hopefully--say, "That's just wrong." Does the NFL have the right to do such a thing? I'm pretty sure they do. Do the fans have the right to be upset about it? Oh, hell yeah. Would people saying, "I don't understand what the big deal is, you can always just watch other team" help alleviate the frustration and anger? Not a chance.

How do you think fans would feel when some people say, "Am I the only one not upset by this?" The answer is simple, because it's the same way we feel. We're not asking you to like our game, but please don't trivialize how we feel about it. And even if you don't like our game, please at least have the respect for us to support what we're trying to do, quietly if you prefer, or out in the open by doing things like signing the Save City of Heroes petition. You don't have to be an avid member of a community to have the bare decency to not want to see it go away.

If you're thinking, "I didn't say that I want it to go away," you might think that, but by posting threads like these, hopefully you can understand how demoralizing it is to us who are trying very hard to fight for it to continue. You may not mean to convey that, but that's definitely what is being conveyed. Other people who are fighting but tired see this post, and it might be the one that tips them over from, "I'll support them and see how it plays out" to, "Why am I doing this when other people think it's a waste of time?"

So are you the only one who's not upset? Of course not. But please, I see no purpose in advertising your apathy to us. If you want to go, then go, and let those of us who are continuing to fight continue to fight. If you're right, come December, it's no skin off your teeth. But if you're wrong and there is a way to save this game but you convinced the people we need to stop supporting our effort, then you've needlessly done a heinous disservice to our community.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



If your morale hinges on a few message board threads, TonyV, you've got bigger problems to worry about than the aforementioned threads...

And I don't say that unkindly. I think you guys have succeeded in doing some good even if the game still gets permanently shut down. It hasn't been a wasted effort. But there's nothing wrong with the espousal of pragmatic or even apathetic views in this circumstance. Indeed, for many people the act of pointing out how little something has affected them is often a defense mechanism against the fact that it has.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I'm with Tony on this one.

If you don't care, then why are you even still here? Why bother to post? Why not just move on?

It seems like some people just like to troll because they want attention, or they do it to bring everyone down.

But....for every troll, there are a lot of people who *do* care and *are* working to get CoH under another publisher and Paragon Studios employed by same.

So...hooray. A few trolls have tried their best to drag everyone else down.

It didn't work.

Nothing else to see here, move along.



Originally Posted by BricksTown Thug15 View Post
The powersets and combat are pretty much the same from back in 05 and it just felt meh.
You can play on an 8-player team composed entirely of powersets created since 2005, that have some pretty different mechanics.

Beam Rile
Dual Pistols
Water Blast
Dual Blades
Electrical Melee
Kinetic Melee
Staff Fighting
Street Justice
Titan Weapons
Darkness Control
Electric Control
Nature Affinity
Time Manipulation
Beast Mastery
Demon Summoning
Shield Defense
Mental Manipulation
Earth Assault

...and I've probably missed a few (and there are some pending ones we will now probably never see on live). And that's not counting proliferation, making older powersets available to new ATs. AND the fact is, new powersets have been added at a faster rate recently than in the past.

I've seen other games, and while it's possible there are some with combat as dynamic as COH/V, I've missed those.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
To the OP.. No I do not share your feelings.

CoH is the only MMO I play. I have tried EQII, WoW, SWTOR, GW, GW2, DCUO, and CO.

NONE of those games have what CoH does for me. Part of that is the community and the friendliness of the people I have met the past 7.5 years.

So yes I am upset the game may close, yes I am upset I may not be able to play THIS game with my friends, and yes I am very upset that the dev team were thrown out on the street without any notice.
This says it all for me, exactly. Thanks IBTT

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Realistically no on line game can be expected to live on forever. While I had hoped for a longer run with COH than it appears we will get the fact is people get tired of doing the same thing and move on.

I think what upsets most of us that are old vets is the fact that after the COH experience its very hard to find another game that gives us much...

1. Character options There are almost no games out there that have the type of character creator available that COH has. When Cryptic intorduced CO I checked it out expecting, at the very least, to have something simliar that allowed me to design how my character looked. The fact is most games, including others by NC Soft, allow you to pick on of a dozen or so hair styles and colors, about that many faces and a skin color. Yes other option become availbale later or can be purcahsed seperately but only COH offers so many different looks before you even enter the game.

2. Powers Once again we have fourteen different arch types and a whole list of different powers that each can use. Then add in the various pool powers and its possible for eight controllers to team up an not a single one have any of the same powers. Also once again even other NC Soft games don't give the amount of powers choices and options. I have played Guild Wars and yeah I can accumulate a whole list of powers but I am only allowed to actively USE 8 of those at a time.

3. Varied ways to play and level Farming or PLing aside COH has so much content now that it's possible to level numerous characters without doing the same content again and again. Let's see I can Steet Hunt at low levels gain levels that way. I can run the DFB and DIB and in a matter of a few houirs be level 20. I can head to Kings Row followed by Steel/Skyway/Faultline and run missions from as many as 5 or 6 diiferent contacts to do the same thing. At level 10 I can start doinf Task Forces, Pos 1, Posi 2, Synapse, Penny Yin (preceeded by Sister Psyche), Moonfire, Hess, and Citadel and be practicaly 30 without ever talking to a single contact. Radio and newspaper mission exist from as early as level 5 all the eay to 50.

FAR too many other games are set up so that every single character you own runs the exact same set of mission again and again and again if you have mutliple characters.

This was my first MMO and the culture shock was searching for what I will play once its gone has made me appreciate what we had and what the Devs gave us here even more. If there is another game out there with as many varied ways to look and play I'd like someone to show me where it exists because I will miss what we had here.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon




I'm really only going to say this in the most polite and dignified manner that I can because you're doing a lot for the community and I don't think anyone here would think of you as anything less than as a dedicated crusader for a noble cause.

But it's grossly and unjustly unfair to come onto a thread where people are just not simply as emotionally invested as you are and then say that those people (which include myself) are apathetic and therefore become a waste of space that should move on.

Is that not precisely the indemic 'us vs. them' culture that you yourself want to avoid? It's impossible for myself to look into your mind and gauge the true depth of your emotional commitment to this game save to say that it is more than mine.

But does that invalidate the amount of emotional investment that I do have in the game? I've signed petitions, I've written letters. I've done what I feel I can do in my position, with my time and what I feel I'm personally capable of to support the cause.

NO. It does not.

You can't come onto this thread with a judgemental 'well, you don't care about the game as much as I do' attitude and therefore through that line of thinking invalidate our opinions and feelings. Because if you do that, you demonstrate a fundamental hypocrisy of the very first paragraph of what you said where you said and I QUOTE:

I get it, I really do. To some people, this is "just a game." It shuts down, you move on to something else, ho hum. I've never demanded anything else from people who really don't care that much.

And then at the end you say:

So are you the only one who's not upset? Of course not. But please, I see no purpose in advertising your apathy to us. If you want to go, then go, and let those of us who are continuing to fight continue to fight. If you're right, come December, it's no skin off your teeth. But if you're wrong and there is a way to save this game but you convinced the people we need to stop supporting our effort, then you've needlessly done a heinous disservice to our community.

Which is it at that point, Tony? Are you the reasonable man who says we're entitled to feel as we feel and you want nothing less or are you the more unreasonable man who has done an about face and demands of us to not 'advertise our apathy'?

Is that a fair and reasonable viewpoint? You sir, are not the moral arbiter of my investiture and ongoing interest of this game. You sir, are not in a position to dictate to me my fondness, support, positive attitude and general like for this game simply because I am in a position in my own life where I am not as emotionally as invested as you are.

I cannot manufacture that interest, I cannot manufacture that commitment and nor would I want to because that in turn would make me the hypocrite.

I would urge you to reconsider the statements you've made here in the fair view of the experiences of everyone here not being equal in both emotion and commitment. Because those things are the very things are the cornerstone of your very own cause.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
I'm with Tony on this one.

If you don't care, then why are you even still here? Why bother to post? Why not just move on?

It seems like some people just like to troll because they want attention, or they do it to bring everyone down.

But....for every troll, there are a lot of people who *do* care and *are* working to get CoH under another publisher and Paragon Studios employed by same.

So...hooray. A few trolls have tried their best to drag everyone else down.

It didn't work.

Nothing else to see here, move along.

Because saying that we're not as invested as the passionately commited doesn't mean we're trolls or downers or anything else. We're expressing why we feel the way we feel and are not demeaning your experience. You have come into this thread and interpreted (without bothering to ask or even apparently even consider, it seems) that these expressions are baiting in the worst way arguments and trying to elicit argument.

Show me where those things occur. Show me where anyone is heaping derision or scorn upon the game. Show me anything where people are expressing anything other than a great fondness for a game that they play, and I will publicly support you.

The problem is they do not, and you wish to find conflict where there is none. Would that not make you a troll, sir?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Because saying that we're not as invested as the passionately commited doesn't mean we're trolls or downers or anything else.
Re-read the OP. He's not saying he's "not as invested as the passionately committed."

The thread is titled, "Am I the only one not upset?"

Originally Posted by BricksTown Thug15 View Post not upset at all. [sic]

[A] majority of people that played on my server (freedom) just farmed and a majority of the toons were lvl 50 meaning less teaming during the lower levels which was a huge PIA. The people that did play lower level toons were either complete noobs and didn't know how to play or snobbish vets who were playing an alt and felt superior thanks to their vet status. Thats a terrible player balance.

[D]oes anyone else feel the same? When I heard the news it really didnt bother me at all.
Frankly, I don't know how you can read that and think it's not demeaning, and finishes on basically a call for people to post how little the game means to them.

So yeah, when a bunch of us are working our butts off to save something we care about, I might get a little testy when someone comes in telling us how we're "complete noobs" and "snobbish vets" and calling for people to stop caring about it.

I have never asked people to be as passionate about the game as some of us are. But when you come into our house, insult us, and kick us while we're trying to get back up, I find that in extremely poor taste. There are a lot of things that I'm just not into but other people are passionate about. If those things are in real danger of permanently being shut down or otherwise going away, I'll be damned if I go into their discussion forums telling them how little I care about it and asking, who's with me!

If you think that I was saying that you don't give a flip if you're not busting your butt for our cause, then I apologize and hope that you will re-read my post, because that is not what I was conveying. I'm saying that IF you don't give a flip, then I don't care* and don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. I still stand by that.

*Clarification: I do care in the sense that I think that people who don't give a flip about the game should have a vested interest in helping us to save it just because it's the human thing to do, help other people in trouble out even when you don't have anything to gain from it. But if all you (the reader of this post, not SuperOz) want to do is come here and tell us how little you care, that's really pathetic.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Which is it at that point, Tony? Are you the reasonable man who says we're entitled to feel as we feel and you want nothing less or are you the more unreasonable man who has done an about face and demands of us to not 'advertise our apathy'?
I don't see the contraction. He understands why some people aren't upset, but he doesn't understand why they need to advertise that fact to those who are. You can respect someone's feelings and still think that there are times and places where it may not be appropriate to express those feelings. I may have good reason to dislike my neighbor, but that doesn't mean I have to show up at his funeral and tell his grieving family exactly why I didnt' like him.

Personally, it didn't bother me to see this thread. I know not everyone was crushed by the news and many are moving on and I'm fine with that. But I can see why certain people here would take offense. I would never to go a forum where people were sad or angry about something and start a thread telling everyone how much I didn't care. Seems kind of tactless, even mean-spirited. I'm not sure what the OP's purpose was here.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Show me where those things occur. Show me where anyone is heaping derision or scorn upon the game. Show me anything where people are expressing anything other than a great fondness for a game that they play, and I will publicly support you.
Read the OP again. He expresses several negative things about the game (and the playerbase) and very little fondness.

It's his right to feel that way, and there aren't any criticisms there we haven't heard before, but again, maybe not the best time and place to rub it in.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
*Clarification: I do care in the sense that I think that people who don't give a flip about the game should have a vested interest in helping us to save it just because it's the human thing to do, help other people in trouble out even when you don't have anything to gain from it. But if all you (the reader of this post, not SuperOz) want to do is come here and tell us how little you care, that's really pathetic.
You have absolutely no right to try and lay out this type of guilt inspiring tripe.

I don't care who you are or what you are doing, if someone wants to post on these boards that they don't care if the game lives or that it should die, deal with it.

I have had to deal with a barrage of (well intentioned perhaps) people giving false hope to far too many people in their time of need already to also put up with your guilt-mongering, not to mention calling me pathetic for being a realist.

After that post, there is absolutely no way I would help you in any way, shape or form.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
I have had to deal with a barrage of (well intentioned perhaps) people giving false hope to far too many people in their time of need already to also put up with your guilt-mongering, not to mention calling me pathetic for being a realist.
He didn't say being a realist was pathetic, he said wanting "to come here and tell people how little you care" was pathetic. Harsh words, but I can see where he's coming from. I can't think of any siatuation where I'd see people feeling bad about something and feel the need to come tell them I don't care about it.

And I don't see this false hope that a lot of people keep talking about. I don't see anyone making any promises. Looks to me like most folks know the odds are heavilly against saving the game. I've seen a few that are more optimistic than I personally think the situation warrants, but I've yet to see anyone who is convinced that a positive outcome is anywhere near certain.



Originally Posted by BricksTown Thug15 View Post
Obviously a majority of the posters here are very mad COH is closing for good and rightfully so. Me on the either hand am not upset at all.

The games in game server population was pretty average even on freedom and virtue (and this was after the game went F2P!). To make matters worse a majority of people that played on my server (freedom) just farmed and a majority of the toons were lvl 50 meaning less teaming during the lower levels which was a huge PIA. The people that did play lower level toons were either complete noobs and didn't know how to play or snobbish vets who were playing an alt and felt superior thanks to their vet status. Thats a terrible player balance.

I first played this game back in 05 or 06 (dont recall) and have played off and on since. Everytime I returned however the game just felt more dated compared to other mmos. The powersets and combat are pretty much the same from back in 05 and it just felt meh. The game has not aged well for me. Going rogue was nice but its novelty wore off rather quickly for me.

This is a minority opinion on this forum but does anyone else feel the same? When I heard the news it really didnt bother me at all. It was nice to play this at first but it went downhill from there IMO
Thanks for sharing. Now gtfo.

Please buff Ice Control.