Can we get some info before the doors close?
The Nov 30 date has been published a bunch of places, many of them press. I think that's pretty solid.
As far as VIP goes, my *speculation* is that they will just give VIP to everyone for the last three months.
As far as unreleased content goes, it's 99.99% certain that none of it will be released. Not only did they lay off the engineers making it, but also those people testing it.
I think the store will remain open, but you won't be able to get any more points.
The staff - I could be wrong, but I think the GMs are employed by NCSoft and support all their games, so GM support should still be available (though possibly de-prioritized). Same for the server techs, so if the hardware has a booboo, they can reboot and restart stuff. That is about all the support that the game is going to get, in my estimation.
Okay I'd still like confirmation from a RED NAME if any are left plus here's another question...
COH is done but NC soft has numerous other games .... is everything done or can we look at moving to Guilde Wars? Aion? etc
Just how deep is the cutting going or should we all just start looking for another company to deal with as well?
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Okay I'd still like confirmation from a RED NAME if any are left plus here's another question...

COH is done but NC soft has numerous other games .... is everything done or can we look at moving to Guilde Wars? Aion? etc Just how deep is the cutting going or should we all just start looking for another company to deal with as well? |
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Nov 30th is the Official cut off.
Yer but is that for the servers or everything. No one has said thats the server cut of date but the final date.. the servers could go down weeks before then.

Still holding out hope for something miraculous to happen, but if the servers really do go offline, can we PLEASE make that happen on December 21. For the Mayans...
Posi said something about a Q&A next week. If the forums are gone by then, I assume we're all moving to the Titan Network forums?
Okay I am still in shock over the announcement today but I am dealing with it. I have already expressed my thanks to Zwill and the rest of the staff for the great game they gave us. I'll miss this place but if you've been on line you know it is a little crazy right now because no one has any firm answers to anything. With that in mind is there any RED name, because I don;t acept anything as fact until I see it from one of them. that can shed some light on a few questions.
VIP status.. like so many here I have played the game a long time and when it went F2P I continued to subscribe. I have 40 Fifty levels on Virtue and most are incarnates... If they stop taking my 15 dollars a month what happens to all of those IOs and Incrante powers I am entitled to? I am willing to pay to the end and play to the end but supposedly very son my money is no good.
When is it all over? .. I realize no one may have that exact answer but right now on the servers, on Virtue anyway, it ranges from thiose that are not sure if they can log in tomorrow to people saying they SAW or HERAD someplace the game is here til November 30th. Should I be out there hunting for a new game or do i have time to shop around and going back to question ONE if the game is around till Nov 30th (three months from now) will there stuill be maintenance updates, Can I still buy stuff in the store(aside from points if my rl cash is no good)
Oh and here's one .. On Beta there were numerous costumes and such in developement. Now I don't expect them to launch issue 24 ever but can we at least see the Sky Pirate and Cyber Tech costumes? They cant be that far from ready to launch so why not send us off with a bang.. like a few FREE items for those that stick around to the end.?
Here's one I have wondered about .. If the game is here till NOV and I stay, pay and play will there be a small support staff around to assist when things go wrong.. Minion stuck in a wall etc.
Right now it seems all anyone knows is The Game is ending. Some are sad, some are angry, many are confused. A bit more detailed info might help ease the pain and let us all know what we can expect and decide what we want to do.
I will miss this place terribly. But if I can play for a few more months I will take them and enjoy every second. Tanke care all and god bless
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon