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  1. Rumors going around in game that Beta will go down early/same time/never. I've searched and can't find an authoritative answer on the boards, though I believe Beta will go down at the same time as the other servers. Anyone have a link to anything official that specifically mentions Beta so I can provide a link in-game??
  2. It's always bugged me that the entrances to the hospitals aren't wheelchair friendly.
  3. InOnePiece

    City of Steam

    I was able to grab a key and played a bit. It's still rough, as you would expect a Beta to be, but I was impressed.

    First, installing the game takes a negligible about of time. You just load a browser plug in that takes, what, 5 seconds to install? After that, everything loads very quickly in the game. Plus, on a fairly old machine here, I was able to run it maxed out on graphics with no problems at all. And, the environment is very nice.

    They didn't have a whole lot active the first CB, but what was there was pretty fun. It does feel a bit Diablo-esque, but I like Diablo so I guess that's OK.

    Definitely encourage everyone to try the next round of CB if you get a chance to grab a key. They should have more quests and such online this time, so I'm looking forward to it.
  4. InOnePiece

    City of Steam

    Originally Posted by afocks View Post
    Thousands of free CB keys just went up at ...

    Thanks for posting that... I'm hopeful about this game...
  5. I've been trying other MMOs, and I really want to like STO, but I'm just not getting into it. The space combat, for me, is not fun. The ground stuff is OK, but you just move so darned slow and your movement is so limited. Could be I'm still in mourning for COH. Maybe STO will grow on me.
  6. I like this idea - would be nice if it's possible.
  7. NCSoft - first off, thank you for a great game and great memories. While I am not looking forward to the servers closing down, and certainly hope something can be arranged to avoid it, I hope you will consider some solution to keep the servers online until Friday, Dec 21.

    This is a win-win (given the situation) for all concerned. While the official word I've seen says you will take the servers offline "by the end of the year" I am hearing other news reports are saying this will happen November 30.

    We all remember what happened with the Y2K issue - nothing. That didn't stop the media from reporting on anything and everything Y2K related. The same will be true with the supposed ending of the Mayan calendar. Why not have a little fun with it?

    You'll get some free publicity - maybe more than you anticipated - and that will lead to greater recognition of NCSoft and its other titles. For the community, it will extend their experience with this wonderful game by a few more days.

    Realizing there is a cost to you in supporting the player base, you might even consider locking out accounts in the weeks between Nov 30 and Dec 21 on a rolling basis depending on how long they have been subscribed. For instance, those with less than a year of paid service might terminate Nov 30, with others being locked out on a rolling schedule afterwards, lessening your support costs. On December 21 you will be left with your most loyal veterans on the servers, celebrating the end of an era they helped create.

    As a returning player from the very early days of COH, I bought a year subscription in March. I've considered that money well spent, and it is my sincere hope that you will work with others to somehow keep the game alive. If not, I hope you will take the opportunity to make the ending of the game something special, and do it on a date with which the game will forever be associated, honoring all involved.
  8. Still holding out hope for something miraculous to happen, but if the servers really do go offline, can we PLEASE make that happen on December 21. For the Mayans...
  9. I'd be in for this - just announce on the new LFG channel, I would think. Hope I'm online when you do it.

    I don't think outdoor mobs expand based on team size, and I also am not sure the XP is quite as good as in missions (certainly no end-of-mission bonus). But, it seems to me you could roll through more mobs faster, so maybe you make up for it.

    Also, as for enhancements, I usually don't even purchase an enhancement until I can buy SOs. I would think more likely you'd want to stop in each zone long enough for people to sell the enhancements they accumulate and level up.
  10. Great ideas, all. May be my rig, but I can hardly see anything once that fight starts, what with everyone's auras & pets, and my frame rate drops. Makes it hard to see the DIS aura.

    I'll definitely promote the bind - at least it will give me something to remind the complainers about, if they choose not to do it. Good idea.

    What I have been doing lately is expand the league window so all 24 players are visible. Takes up a fair bit of real estate, though, but I can't see much anyway. I already have binds for my team, so I can get them easily. If players can say what team they are on, that would cut the search time in half, or more.

    Sure would be nice to be able to just click on a name in chat and select "Target".
  11. Have any of my fellow PD Corruptors found a good way to handle healing leaguemates being disintegrated?

    Seems to happen every time that someone will call out "DIS!" (usually multiple times in a row) and expect healing immediately. By the time I see their message, find them in the league window, click on them, and (F)ollow them to find them hiding behind some crates, they die. Then comes the inevitable cry of "Where are the healorz!?!?"

    Granted, they should have walked in with some inspirations, but does anyone have a quick trick to target someone from the chat window, maybe? Or, have you found a good way to handle that portion of the trial?
  12. Another MMO has a "training room", and I think I'd rather see something like that. A super-hero gym you have to go to, rather than something you can summon any place, any time.
  13. I mentioned earlier that Protector is where my friends are... but my friends are apparently all on vacation or dead. Time will tell.

    I've been playing on Virtue and it's been nice to have iTrials running non-stop into the wee hours of the morning on weeknights. Over the course of a few days I took a flat 50 up to +3, T4 on one ability, and T3 on all but two others. It's crazy - would have taken me months on Protector.

    Not a single global friend out of all that, but it's been fun. Can't wait for my friends on Protector to come back or self-rez.
  14. Thanks for the help. These macros have been working fine for months, but it's probably best to use an absolute address, anyway.
  15. I have some macros that overwrite themselves, and since the summer event they're not working correctly. Tech Support referred me here. Here's the bindloadfile the macro loads:
    $$gototray 4
    $$macroslot 0 "Hi" "$$e hi$$say Greetings.$$bindloadfile c:\temp\coh\character-macros-hi2.txt"
    $$gototray 1
    (This allows one macro that rotates between saying "Greetings", "Hi", "Howdy", etc. each time you click on it.)

    The problem seems to be with the first gototray command. When I click the "Hi" macro (in the first slot in tray 4), it creates a macro called "Hi" in the first slot of tray 1. Anyone else having this problem?
  16. I would like to see a way to identify free players. A couple of times I've been in DA trying to figure out why we can't start a mission, and it's because someone is free but, for whatever reason, thinks they are VIP and can do the content.

    Also, I've personally found /r to be bugged. I'm not really sure what causes it, but fairly frequently when I use it I will get an error saying there is no player to reply to. However, I can immediately /t them, so I know they are still online.

    I agree the LFG channel is the way to go - I've found it much easier than /tell'ing a lot of people.
  17. InOnePiece

    Very secret room

    Solo'd this one time, and one of the Ancestor Spirits with him wound up in this spot. I called a GM and he teleported me to the bad guy. Had a heck of a time finding my way back out.
  18. I'm like the OP and rarely get to do incarnate content with a team because of the time I am able to log on. I should also say that with my first 50 I solo'd most of the content with only one native attack, so it absolutely can be done with any character.

    Pardon me if some of this has been mentioned already - I'll confess to not reading every single post above.

    Astrals and Emps can be converted to threads, but more importantly are delivered by e-mail to your account. My first 50 has T3 in everything, and T4 in everything I care to have a T4 in, so he's pretty much set. However, I still run the Heather flashback arc each day I can and get the incarnate merits, then mail the threads to my newest incarnate. My first incarnate can run the Heather arc in under 15 minutes easily.

    Each day, my newest incarnate can get a component, 20 threads (flashback and repeatable), and 8-16 more threads via astrals or emps. Add to that another 8-16 threads e-mailed from my first incarnate, and you can churn through stuff pretty fast if you have the time.

    Also, you can get an alpha unlock e-mailed to you with astrals, as well, saving you from even needing to run the mender ramiel arc, if you want to, on your second and subsequent incarnates.
  19. I really WANT to like Virtue, because it is so active... but I haven't found it to be particularly friendly. Not to say it's hostile, just that I haven't found any friendships there, and I'm overrun with them on Protector.
  20. Would love to see this in the game.
  21. I suggested (in the Suggestions forum) a set of temp powers that were primary-specific, and that didn't go anywhere, either. Personally, I hope one of the final incarnate slots will focus on your primary.

    I do agree that the enhancement field is pretty crowded already, but I like the direction you're going with the idea.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xyzor View Post
    Not de-toggling IS a bug. Be careful with that, by the way. When it happens to me (it's happened maybe 3-4 times), it looks like the power is still active, but it is NOT. You should manually de-toggle it so that it recharges. Otherwise, it will appear to be on forever, but will afford you no benefit, and will not recharge.
    I just unlocked Hybrid last night, and slotted a T4 in it. I had this exact situation happen to me. It never detoggled, AND the power continued to show in my power status area (below the health bar, whatever that's called). Both Hybrid indicators, btw, one for the auto endurance discount, and the other for the buffs. Seems the only way to know the power is no longer "really" active is to time it yourself or keep an eye on the graphics associated with the power.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    The huge group sizes for trials is one of the things that puts me off of them. It becomes so chaotic that I can't really tell what's going on. I just keep an eye on the chat to get a vague idea of what I should be doing, click powers and hope for the best.
    Also, thanks for saying this because I feel the same way. I usually ask everyone to point out when I need to be doing something atypical in the trial, but even if they do point out stuff it gets drowned in the noise of the League channel or combat itself.
  24. For cross server teaming, why can't characters be temporarily referred to as Toon@Server? If you want to be really cool, only use that convention when there is a clash, so most characters will simply have their character name. I would guess this would be handled through the LFG tool anyway, so surely it could handle it.

    I usually get to play either really early in the morning or really late at night. I finally got to go a Mag iTrial last night, and got 25% of the AIXP needed to unlock Hybrid. Hard to imagine being able to run the trial another 3 times given my current schedule, but with cross-server teaming... who knows?