Speed Combat




A Super Speed based melee set, a simple enough concept from comics and one I feel should be incorporated into the game. Using a system similar to Dual Blades Combos and Titan Weapons Momentum, harder hitting attacks animate a lot quicker after the use of Quick Jab or Sudden Strike, but only the first attack used after them.

Quick Jab - Basic minor smashing damage attack

Sudden Strike - A fast moderate smashing damage punch, reasonable chance for stun

One Hundred Punches - High damage single target attack, animation of Flurry, turns into a split second blur of movement when Fast

Taunt (Tankers)

High Speed Spin - You spin in place similar to Whirlwind and cause moderate PBAoE damage with a chance for knockup. Replaced by Assassin's Speed for Stalkers

Speed Up - Replaces Build Up, +damage, +Recharge for 10 seconds, Fast effect for 5 seconds

Confront/Taunt (Scrappers, Brutes)

Mach 4 - Ranged smashing damage attack, visual effect similar to Vorpal Judgement, your character disappears for a split second and a full motion blur character runs to the target and back to your position. Replaced by Placate for Stalkers

Transfer Friction - High single target smashing damage attack with fire DoT, you speed up your fist with a vibrating motion blur then punch your target, if used when Fast it's a sudden quick uppercut with over the top motion blur

One Thousand Punches - Very high smashing damage melee targetted AoE attack, you continuously strike a single target for almost 3 seconds, some of the punches glancing off at other foes. When Fast, the visual effect is the same as One Hundred Punch's Fast effect but with over the top motion blur

Thanks for reading, leave your thoughts and any related suggestions below.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Oh no..a set with Whirlwind?? You HAD too!

Seriously though..I do like the idea. As opposed to just being a MA (or whatever) scrapper who 'can' run at super speed. Why cant he only run at super speed, why can he throw punches too? Hence..Speeeed Combat! Zooooom.

And no..Speed COmbat would not be a fight where you throw little colored heart shaped pills at people..

I really like the Friction power idea..really neat. The whirlwind one..while I can see it as a 'basic' PbAOE, something like that new blaster power..um...whatsitcalled...would be much cooler.
The idea of building up speed, with weak/base attacks is good too..but might be a little similar to TW? (Not a bad thing).
If anything, it would let us make Proper speedsters. I like it.



Synapse already has a signature PBAoE Whirlwind attack, but of course his has lightning which can keep it as uniquely his, plus it's done all the time in various Super Hero cartoons, a super speedster running/spinning around fast enough to cause a tornado of sorts.

But yes, this is definately for the super speed fighter. Currently making do with Kinetic Melee for mine, but it's just not fast enough

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



The "gimmick" I had for a sort of "Speed Combat" character is similar to momentum, but stylized more for a "speedster" concept. My explanation is going to be difficult, so bare with me.

Essentially, as you gain momentum, or speed, or whatever you want to call the mechanic your attacks will have a chance to proc additional attacks against enemies nearby the one you are fighting up to a certain maximum (let's say 5 copies of yourself, or so). These procs have a chance to miss, but they will always target *something*, so if you're only fighting one enemy they will all gang up on that one target. This would keep the power-set versatile whether he's fighting groups or a single entity.

What I had envisioned animation-wise is that your character "phases-in" to attack other enemies around your target to represent you running around combat so quickly that you appear in multiple places at once. For best results I would utilize the doppelganger technology to get an actual copy of your character, but it would also be possible to just use a sort of blurry "ghost" model like what we have in Dual Pistols.

Naturally this momentum would need some kind of limit, and has the potential to be incredibly overpowered. Still, it'd be neat.