



I am finding it extremely difficult to formulate any kind of coherent response to this news. Where to even begin. I suppose the beginning would be a good place.

I have played this game for nearly 8 years. It is the first and only MMO I've ever played. It's hard to believe that it all started when my boyfriend at the time told me about it. At first I told him "No, I don't want to play your stupid game." Words that haunt me, especially now. Then I started making characters. It only took me three hours of fiddling with costumes before I logged into the actual game. It wasn't long before he gave his account to me. The rest is history.

On a personal note, during my time playing this game I've moved around a great deal, which can be pretty stressful. One thing I always thought to myself was that even though I might not know anyone in my new city, I could always log into Paragon City and find familiar faces. That was always very comforting. Perhaps that is why I never felt the need to leave Champion for larger servers. It got to the point where I could see someone's character and know their global without even checking.

On that note, I am extremely proud to have been a part of the Champion server. Just the other night I was leading an iTrial and someone asked which strat we used, so I described it. They responded with "I've played on quite a few servers but we've never done that." My response: "It's a Champion thing." What I really wanted to say: "**** yeah, it's a Champion thing. That's how we roll, ************." And it's true, as a server we had our ups and downs, but there was a "Champion" way to do things, and most of the time that meant we knew how to get **** done when it came down to it. It's one thing to enjoy playing a game, but to play it with such a great community really took it over the top for me. A "thank you" doesn't begin to cover it.

Hopefully I'll get to talk to some of you before the end. If I don't, a few parting words:

Great job everyone! I'm not sure what will be next, but please let me know when you're leaving/what you'll be switching to. The password is Guinness.

All the best.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



I'm at mostly a loss of words as to how difficult it is to take this all in.

I would like to thank all the players I've encountered on Champion, for helping become one of the top badgers on the server. The community here is great and I feel I've connected with many great players around. When I had a bad day I usually find comfort in logging into Paragon and busting a few heads.

I'm really glad to be a part of all the major events that happened throughout Champion history, including the Hami raids, iTrials, etc.

I am disappointed however that I didn't take more advantage of the PVP options available to me, but on the whole part, I feel like I had took the time to reach out and play the game and at its fullest. I will probably spend the eve playing Episode 3 of Pandora's box this evening.

I also am very proud to have been extremely loyal to this server, and I will always identify myself as a Champion.

Will miss you all immensely.


P.S. Help stay vigilant and petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...ity-of-heroes#

1396 Badges... here's hoping this won't be the end! SAVE PARAGON CITY



I joined City of Heroes because several of my RL friends played. This was just after ED and the massive backlash from players. My friends had been on Victory so that's where I made my first toon. And I never got a chance to play with them. They left and I had just started.

A few months later I had this silly idea for a toon I wanted to try with the new teddy bear ears costume piece. I didn't expect to stick with that character so I made her on Champion. I found a group of folks to run with and had the time of my life. Then my next toon idea came up and I made it on Champion. A few years later, when server transfers became available, I moved my original main toon to Champion for nostalgia's sake.

While I've made the occasional toon on other servers, this has been my home. I've had some bad times here. I've earned the ire of a few people. But I've had too many good times to count. The epic night we took down Rikti dropships in Steel Canyon. Getting the "joke toon" up to fifty: my first. Becoming a member then leader of the Paragon Mafia. Hami raids, mothership raids, Tanker Tuesdays, TFTuesdays, Speed Katies...

I've had tough times in real life and I've always known City of Heroes and Champion server would be there to help me cope. I was looking forward to the next issue and the one after that and then the ones that followed. I was looking forward to being here with all of you. Now I'm standing in Atlas Park with a protest sign and a few dozen friends.

I still have my list of things I want to do before the lights go out and I'll start on those tomorrow. For now, I'm going to lift a glass to this game that I've loved for six and a half years. I hope for a reprieve. I hope for world peace. Maybe I'll get one of the two.

I love you Champion and I love all of you who make it what it is: home.

Author of There's Something in the Water (Arc # 60327)

Not only was that genuine frontier jibberish...

Courtesy: Preventing unnecessary homicides for over 4000 years.



I joined CoH back on June 4, 2007. I do not regret a second of it. A friend of mine pushed me to play it as I was looking for a new game at the time. So I hit up the local Gamestop and pick up a Good vs Evil bundle. I come home and install it. One long installation later I'm finally in Atlas Park on a Spines/Regen scrapper. He's since been long retired and alted over to a Dark/Shield as my main but my Spines is still sitting there in retirement.

Ever since then I've laughed, cried, gotten angry, laughed, made sarcastic posts, scrapperlocked, laughed and today I'm literally at a loss for words. As Cobalt so eloquently put it, City of Heroes became less of a game and more of it provided me with friends and people I consider family. It's funny to think that I picked Champion server on a whim. I was scrolling through the server selection when I first logged on. I didn't want a red server as those always had lag issues. I see Champion sitting at a nice healthy yellow glow. The best server in CoH I can say without a doubt and I'm happy I made that decision. I've met some of the best people I've known there which leads me to super groups.

There is one super group that once I found it would be my home and my family. Renaissance de la Veritas. Once I was in there I knew I had found home. The entire SG was a blast and because of them they made CoH that much better for me. I would start to list them all but to be honest I would probably forget a few so I'll just that I love all of you guys. But at the heart of the SG is Amy, she really brought it all together. She'll always be one of my best friends and there's no way I can thank her enough for bringing me in. The Stoned Templars is another group that I really can't go without mentioning also, a very good group of people and I'll be sad to see them go.

Also brings me to Cobalt Azurean, friend and enemy to a lot of people. But I won't lie, I consider him a brother. People made fun of me for sticking up for him while basically in the wolves den at certain points but y'know I'd do it all over again. Cobalt, stay true, stay blue. /e brofist

So as my little spiel slowly comes winding down, all I can say is that I'm still in shock over the suddenness of this. It's unrealistic for me to hope that it changes but I also hate to give up hope. So until the doors of Paragon City close, I'll be there, saving the world with my friends.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



There is no joy in Paragon City after this announcement.

This is still the best Hero MMO in existence even if NCSOFT is clueless to that fact.

I have had a great time teaming with all the people of Champion and I am going to miss Tanker Tuesdays and all the great tanks that i got to team with. Witty among them on Champion and other servers when it began to go on tour.

I hope this a really bad joke, but I doubt it to be honest. I will play until the servers are gone whether I get anything accomplished or not.

Thanks for a great ride, I am going to miss the game and the people.
Bob H.



Right now I am totally shocked and I wish I could state how I feel. I came home and logged and then show the chat on the globals and I was like hell no!. I went to the forums and other sites and can not find a reason for such a fast and total shut down.

I never was a heavy into the forums or into the chat stuff, but I felt I got to know a lot of you over the years. I can not express my saddness for not being able to log in and team with you. I just loved hearing the banter between everyone on this server. I am going to miss CoH, but most importantly I am going to miss the poeple of Champion server. This felt like a home away from home and I am going to miss it so much.

I would like to give my personal thanks and best wishes to the employees of Paragon Studios for giving me so many fond experiences. You guys were the best!
@White Guardsman
Keep CoH alive...or at least try to...



Let's make these last three months of the game as good as we can make them, and show everyone that The Community is the heartbeat of this game.

I hope I get to see some old friends that have been absent for a while come back to visit one last time. They are what made the game worth playing in the beginning. You all are what makes the game worth playing today.

I wish we could do an old-fashioned Hami Raid, the way they were before the latest iteration. I think those were the most fun.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



This is definitely a shocker... I've been here pretty consistently since Day 1, and I'm going to miss this game, this server, and this community badly, that's for sure.

For those wondering about finances, every recent financial report from NCSoft I've seen showed CoH doing pretty well, if/when they broke out the results. My guess is that someone in upper management believes that their company can only support so many games, and the GW2 hype... the 8 year old game can be put out to pasture.

I know for my part, I'll be in game as much as I can, milking as much out of the remaining time we have. I keep telling myself "you knew it was going to happen, eventually..." but I can't make myself believe it.

See you all in game, my friends...

@Magenta Phoenix



I very rarely ever posted on these forums as that is not my thing to do. Unfortunately, my first post in several years will be my last post. I bought this game in december 2004. I purchased both CoV and going rogue. I stuck with this game through issue 5 and ED and all issues after. It is sad that this day came so suddenly.

I have been a part of 2 groups of players playing static groups. one on wednesday nights. 8 of us started in 2005. All 8 of us still play today. My saturday group is 5-6 players strong sometimes with 8 depending on works schedules. So, with this news, 13 or more players are losing a game they really enjoyed playing.

Back in the day when i played alot more often that i do now, i played with alot of good players and had some good times. Not gonna name the names but gonna say thanks to you all.

Farewell... RIP City of Heroes




Going to be awhile before I'm not angry everytime I think about this. Most likely going to stop playing til I log on the last day. To all the old vets who I've played with and even those I haven't had the chance to, it was an amazing experience. Long live CoH and Champion.

Flaming Intern/Tanker(main)
The Ice Albatross/Blaster
All the tank sets in the Intern variety
Burning Intern/Brute(CoV Main)
And the list goes on...



What to say? Hehe most of the current community out there has never heard from me aside from a "hi and thanks" or "thanks for the team/tf/trial". I've never been one of the talkers, I just show up, do what I'm told, and do the best to my ability; a soldier if you will. The news I found out today got me thinking about all the awesome times I've had the 7+ years I've been playing.

I started CoH in 2005 after graduating college. My two best friends got me into the game. I was never one for computer games and the thought of monthly subscription fees boggled my mind (this coming from a console gamer, and yes I don't have xbox live to this day). Anyway, they got me to crack and I'm so glad they did. They were on Champion server, so I joined with them and we formed the SG Calibur. My two friends have since left the game about 3 years ago, as have all the members we met since formation. I'm proud to say that we did crack the Top 100 SG list and have stayed on the list to this day.

As all my friends were leaving the game, I got to thinking that my days were numbered too. But the Champion community kept me going. My friend @ResplendentMs told me about BMT. It was my first taste of the actual Champion community. Lemme say you guys/gals are awesome. I loved that ya'll were helpful and friendly, and the advertisements for teams/tfs made it easy and fun to find stuff to do. Since then I've joined other wonderful channels (ChampioNexus, ChampionsUnited, ChampionTrials), the camaraderie never ceases to amaze me.

Long story short, I will very much miss this game, but I will miss the people that I have met and fought alongside with the most. You all set the bar so high that I'm not even considering another online game, the other communities just wouldn't even compare. So with the long diatribe over, this silent soldier will see ya'll in the trenches up until the very end. THANK YOU so much for making it a fantastic 7+ years!!!!!!!!



Like everyone else, I was stunned & am still trying to come to terms with this sudden & aweful news.

I began playing CoH a few weeks after it was launched. I had never played an MMO game & I was not sure I wanted to having been a PC/Mac gamer with a little SNES console time & of course arcade games.

After installing the game, creating an account & logging in, I was presented with a choice of "shards". I really had no idea what to pick -- I didn't even know what the little colored dots next to the shard names were. I just picked the first one in the list which was, thankfully, Champion. I did try the other shards however they didn't have a community that was palatable to me.

I started off playing a blaster & had no idea what I was doing or even that I didn't know that I didn't what I was doing & should solicit help. After getting smacked around by every mob that I came close to -- I swear those mailboxes by the AP train ganked me on more than one occasion -- I decided to make my namesake toon as I needed something that could heal the damage it was taking.

After about 4 months of play, I was standing around in FF by Numina when a nice person named Jayle came by & asked me if I was interested in joing a supergroup. I didn't have a clue what that was or that she could tell I wasn't in an SG. Having subsisted as what I would later learn was called a "soloist" & finding it more of a chore than a respite from work, etc., I took her up on that offer & joined "- Heroes Inc. -" and thus began my true education in how to not only play the game or my toon but in being a part of a team, the team, the supergroup and ultimately a true citizen of the CoH community.

As I got to virtually meet all the SG members, one of the other SG founders -- Stark Fist -- took me under his tutelage & with the help of all the others in the SG, not only did the game become a joy to play, I began to be more comfortable about my decision to enter online gameplay & become a part of something outside of my little corner of the world.

Without CoH, I wouldn't have met Stark, his wife & some of their friends who have now all become my close friends. I am so very grateful that CoH brought some wonderful people into my life.

Now, I did stray to "that other game" for a couple of years however it just couldn't hold me. It just didn't have the day-to-day enjoyment of play or the wonderful community of players, devs & support teams. I came back to CoH and had vowed to not leave again.

I want to thank all of the players whom I have gotten to know these last 8+ years. It has been an honor & a privilege to have made your acquaintance. I trust I have been helpful & curtious to all of you -- apologies to those I errantly did not.

I will miss you all & the immense fun teaming up with you & sharing our thoughts, dreams, ideas & lives with one another.

Take care of yourselves & enjoy life!

-- I'll be playing as much as I can until the last day so I hope to continue to see you all there.

- @Neutrio



I'm running out of things to say.

When I joined originally, a friend of mine was in a supergroup on Champion (Sparkle Motion, an LGBT-friendly group), and I joined Champion to team with him and join that SG. I've made forays onto other servers - Freedom, Guardian, Justice, Victory, and Virtue - but all of my best characters and best times have been on Champion.

Most recently, I have to say I really appreciate Celestial Lord, Cherry Cupcakes, and Amygdala for running events (Hamidon and Mothership raids, for example), and the people I did iTrials with last Spring. I hope to get a few more iTrials in before the lights go out - I still haven't done Underground or Magisterium, and I still don't have my Hybrid slot unlocked.

Going to miss Champion a lot, though.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Just found out about this.

I want to punch ncsoft in the face, but since I can't drive to korea (I think thats where they hang out), I'll just say thanks for the fun champion, and I'll miss the hell out of you all.



I know it has been a very long time since I have made an appearance on the boards..guess that means 1. That Snazzzy is really pissed or 2. That something major and urgent has came up......well it is both...and posting this only shows that I feel it important to share with my family

I was directed to a site:

Omg..I never should have started reading all those replies........yes there were tears...read how this game has affected peoples lives and it is unbelievable!!!!!!!! Just reading those made me feel sarrow, anger, a loss ......

I have a real life family....I am a mother and grandmother.........but the bond I have with my family here runs deep.....

Just take a moment and go read the petition......maybe even sign it and write something about what CoH means to you....

And in closing?........No NCSoft will not get another dime from me cause no game will ever mean as much to me as what this game has

Ms. Snazzzy Lv50 Emp/DK
Hami's X-wife Lv 50 rad/rad
Sassy Snazzy Lv50 fire/kin
Snaz's Lil Angel Lv50 fire/fire blast
Scrappy Snazzy Lv49 spine/reg
Snaz on the Rocks Lv 27 stone/ice
!!!and Showtimes [censored] !!!



Ok it is 2am and I am still sitting at the computer......with many emotions running wild....reading what others have to say.....and then realizing ....' many of you will see my ending here....you will be witnessing it first-hand......but not many do know the beginning

Once upon a time..........
I was at home with my ankle messed up from an injury may 2004 and in a leg brace bored silly......one day my son came home with a new game.....after a few days he said to come watch that i may like it......at this time i was playing diablo....well i watched him for a little while and then said "nah, i am not gonna like that" and left the room......2 days later i was even more bored so i went to get on his computer (he had left sign in info wrote down for me) and spent forever creating a toon....had no idea in hell what i was doing never having played a MMO game before.......and that was the birth of Ms. Snazzzy.........well i must say that i was hooked before reaching level 5...... back then that took a long time lmao..........so here it is august 2004..son comes home to wanting to play his game yet again and me saying yet again......'just give me 2 more hours we are half-way done with this tf'...needless to say that was his breaking point and said........"ok mom you need to go buy the game and put it on your computer...I really am not liking this" ......
I was so devasted that i was gonna lose my girl that i had worked 4 months on...but i went and bought the game and updated my computer so I could play it........
let me tell you that that was a good thing for me........cause when i did that and made a new toon ...I also decided to make champion my home (was on virtue with sons acct).....that was when i started running with a group called 'Showtime' ( now the oldest running sg that was created in beta and the day the game went live......that is right i have bragging rights boys and girls ).........my memories of being 'Showtimes Biotc*' will never go away.......the memory of Babbage following my healer to the highest building in skyway while being afk then coming back dead...and what was my sg doing? standing over my dead body laughing at the way babbage chased me down and ignored them....and i laughed right long with them.........and when those stupid terminals worked-- the many weeks i was on top 10 list for healing and made healer of the month a ffew times (xpp01 will tell you i sacrified my sg and getting them all killed to earn that title lmfaoooo ...gotta luv that man).......and getting killled by hami so many times that i finally made a rad/rad def and named her 'hami's x-wife (the only toon without the signature snaz tag).........there are so many memories of this game ........but there are more memories I would like to continue to make....

this really is a sad week for me........i justy got over hurricane isaac and got power and internet........came home from a 12 hr shift that was highly stressful looking forward to de-stressing with my girls to only receive a text from steel with this news this afternoon at work......(which is what i am saying about this being a family) he knew I had no power or internet and had no way of knowimg what was going on....so he took a moment of his time to let a fellow player stay updated.....that is true gamer luv and it is those kinds of moments that made this game and this server mean a hell of a lot to me ..........I really do love each and everyone of you '''''

I do not know where this road will be branching in the future for us and which directions you will be going.......but some of you have my contact info......keep me posted......and for the who don't give me a shout out in game

Champion....always and forever my family

Ms. Snazzzy Lv50 Emp/DK
Hami's X-wife Lv 50 rad/rad
Sassy Snazzy Lv50 fire/kin
Snaz's Lil Angel Lv50 fire/fire blast
Scrappy Snazzy Lv49 spine/reg
Snaz on the Rocks Lv 27 stone/ice
!!!and Showtimes [censored] !!!



Like Snazzzy, I don't post very often. And there's really not much left to say that hasn't been covered by others. We all knew this day would come. Like many, I wasn't sure I'd still be around to see it. I'll miss the friends I've made, but I'll stay in touch with most.

For me, possibly the most bittersweet part of this is that I will see the end of the game as the Leader of SHOWTIME. The SG was formed by XPP01 as the first on Champion server on launch day and remains the oldest, continuously active SG today. Granted, it's just Snaz and me now and we've missed our old friends terribly these past few years, but we kept the base lights burning and never stopped hoping for their return. We wreaked a lot of havoc and we had a lot of fun.
We've had some great coalitions, and are proud to say that we'll ride into the sunset with our great friends from Earthguard!

With any luck, XPP will log in before the end and I can return the reins of leadership back to their rightful master. Otherwise I'll be there on the last day, at that last moment, to make sure that what SHOWTIME saw ushered in, we also watch ushered out.

My best to all.



I've been here since beta. Not an active forumite anymore but I for one am going to miss this game and the crazy, tight-wearing, catchphrase shouting heroishness it brings

City of Heroes will always have a warm place in my heart. To those I teamed with over the years I say farewell and to those I never teamed with I say.......farewell. Hmmm, would've been easier to have just said "farewell" to everyone, but I digress....

I have spent several years and thousands of dollars specifically on the Champion server and I ask myself the question: "Was it worth it?"

My answer: Hell yeah - it was worth every damn penny!

Proud to fight alongside:



Man, still in shock. Was NOT expecting that announcement.

I'm half-tempted and half-afraid to log into every one of my characters and total the number of hours I've spent in Paragon City. But in the end, it doesn't matter, because however many hours it was, I spent them there because of the folks on this server.

I don't believe I've ever logged in to CoH and not had fun. If I wanted to solo, hunt for badges, join a task force or trial, or just a PuG team for massive chaos. Throughout all of it I've had nothing but fun here for nearly a decade, and the thanks for that goes out to all of you wonderful people on the other side of the monitor. Thanks so very much.

It's been an honor and a privilege fighting crime, battling injustice, and striking terror into the hearts of evildoers with you all.

Damn, but I'm going to miss this place...

Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
Fighting crime on Champion since 2004



Those that have posted before me have pretty much expressed all of the same feelings i now sit here and find myself having. Ive also sat here i dont know how many times trying to compose my farewell and Ive only ended up getting teary eyed over the prospect of not having "this" any more. Ive also thought about not posting anything because the thoughts and memories ive reflected on in game also make me teary.

I have have been in a few different games over the last year and not a single 1 of them have the tight knit community that the Champion Server has had.. good and bad. Yes, we've had drama, Yes, we've all scrapped over meaningless sh*t .. but in the end.. Im actually very thankful to have these memories and to carry them with me wherever the next stop is. I will always compare everything to Champion and the calibur of people Ive had the absolute pleasure of meeting. You guys have supported all of my ideas and seen them come to fruition.. I appreciate each of you for what you have done, what you have shown me, and for your individuality.. I can say without a doubt you each in your own way, have made an impact on my life.. I will indeed miss all of you.. You guys truly are

Cobalt. I love you Man. Seriously. I wish everyone could know you the way I do. I absolutely know you'll always be there for me. Ya i know, QFT

Amy. My go to girl whenever there was a crisis. Your mentorship has been amazing. What you have done for this Server and for each of us in it has been selfless.. If I could replace 1 of the statues around AP with your character, I would. There are very very very few people in this game that have gone out of their way and contributed as much as you have. RDLV has been a SG that has always presented themselves in a stellar manner. Im incredibly proud to be 1 of the lucky people that get to call you a friend.

To all of my Stoners. I really dont need to wax poetic about you guys.. we'll always have each other and always be together. We've traveled from game to game, and will continue to do so. I Love You Guys.

Peace and Much Love..

Lisa. ( Cherry)



Man... I rarely if ever actually login and post, but just wow. I've left the game several times for other MMOs and have always come back, always to friends and good times. I've always sort of lurked in the background but am proud to say that I've been a member of The Watchguard, B.O.S.S., The Pingu Coalition and Earthguard at various points in my time here. I'll miss the friendships that I've made here and hope that we can keep in touch. Hopefully those of you who know me will get in touch via PM/email/IM/Steam whatever and those who don't feel free to hit ignore.




Originally Posted by _Grey_ View Post
Man... I rarely if ever actually login and post, but just wow. I've left the game several times for other MMOs and have always come back, always to friends and good times. I've always sort of lurked in the background but am proud to say that I've been a member of The Watchguard, B.O.S.S., The Pingu Coalition and Earthguard at various points in my time here. I'll miss the friendships that I've made here and hope that we can keep in touch. Hopefully those of you who know me will get in touch via PM/email/IM/Steam whatever and those who don't feel free to hit ignore.
Cobalt_Azurean on Steam, I think. Hit me up.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



I've stared at the screen for over an hour just trying to figure out what or even if I should post something here. I remember when I started playing, Nov 2004, almost never got the chance, with verizon stopping the email from NCSoft for the account verification, they claimed it was spam. Like most of my life experience I moved around on the servers quit a bit, 20 years int he Air Force, moved 15 times, that was Rivet Joint. Not sure why I came back to Champion, the first character I made was here, first 50 here, Ms Aligned. I guess it was because it was easy to find, get on teams, not many kinetic defenders then. Why I stayed though is easy to explain. COMMUNITY! I did not even realize it until I tried playing other MMOs. You cannot expect a new game to have a community on day 1, and I did not, but none seemed to be coalescing and I would come home. CoH is the gold standard that all other were and will be measured against.

I want to thank ever body, especially those of you that will still invite me to teams and MO run despite my ability to fall asleep in the middle it.

So I am going to miss you all more than I ever thought I would.

The teary eyed tough guy, Chuck.



Champion was not my first server. I had actually started my adventures in Paragon City on the Liberty server. I took a break from the game in 2007, and came back a year later in 2008. I wanted to play red side, 'cause I found the archetypes superior. A friend suggested to me that I roll up villains on the Champion server, and said that the server had an active red side.

Lying bastich.

Regardless, I stayed on the Champion server, playing Masterminds and Stalkers, almost exclusively solo. About the only time I teamed was during Rikti mothership raids.

Then things changed.

First, I met Family Stone just after the launch of Issue 14. We quickly became friends.

Then I met Cherry. Oddly enough, it was during a Rikti mothership raid. I was on a Stalker, and wore my customary briefs and slippers costume that I tended to wear during Rikti mothership raids as a joke. Cherry sent me a tell, saying she liked it but that it should be pink. We hit it off from there.

Cherry introduced me to Jonnie Neutron, iBuds, Fanged Knight, and the rest of the Stoned Templars. She also introduced me to Cobalt Azurean, Amygdala, and the rest of RdlV. The two supergroups became family to me, and Champion became my extended family. Cherry opened up the game to me and gave me a view that I never saw before, and by extension, so did Champion.

I would also like to thank Felecia Divine. Without you leading Rikti mothership raids, and without you going batsh*t crazy and banning everyone from the BMT of Champion channel from your Rikti mothership raids, I would have never stepped up to lead Rikti mothership raids of my own. So, thank you for that. Thank you, Felecia, for prompting me to lead a fun filled event for a hour each week for almost two years, and get to know a lot of kick *** Champions as a result.

I will greatly miss you, Champion.

Please, stay in touch. There is the Facebook Champion server group. There is Skype. My Skype ID is jack_murphy_3

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too