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  1. TT will easily be what I'll miss most about this game.
  2. Unless something comes up I should be there with FI.
  3. While not a part of the actual game per se, I had a part in forming the first Tanker Tuesday. Will always be proud of that.
  4. An action-MMO(with a block feature!) by Jack Emerett? How could that go wrong? Yeah, no thanks champ. I'll stick with the game I love no matter how crazy the plan to save it is.
  5. FlamingIntern


    Going to be awhile before I'm not angry everytime I think about this. Most likely going to stop playing til I log on the last day. To all the old vets who I've played with and even those I haven't had the chance to, it was an amazing experience. Long live CoH and Champion.
  6. Old school CoH will always be one of my favorite games, sure it was unbalanced but it had it's own personal style that no other game had. Heck I still remember the first Tanker Tuesday like it was yesterday.
  7. Street Justice isn't supposed to be an AOE set maybe?
  8. I'm only excited at the fact that we get a new primary, not really a huge fan of DEF exclusive sets. Regardless, plan on making an SR/Elec.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    One good reason: I fail to find one.
    I may be in the minorty, but I think Khelds should get limited color customization. It wouldn't make sense for a Kheldian to have Nictus colors, for example.
  10. One mission away from getting my first Brute to 50
  11. After 7+ years, still my namesake Fire/Fire tank.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER1 View Post
    I'm just saying... A pirate shouldn't be moding any channels since they onlyy have 1 leg and a bird that does more talking then the pirate. Plus the bird is little bit smarter then the pirate... and then. The never saw a skinny pirate unless your one of those samolia pirate or something. Cause, usually pirates are pretty fat and hairy. Have your ever seen a blue cover pirate?

  13. FlamingIntern

    All Tank Trial

    I'd love to do this, once I figure out why my laptop is burning out on me 20 minutes into playing.
  14. It depends on what the content of the films were. While I disagree strongly with schools trying to limit free speech, the student also has to realize he does represent his school, especially if the majority of the videos were made for class. That being said, the high school I went to had no problem with student made films being on the internet, as long as they weren't inflammatory.

    Edit: Just saw the video, and while the school may be overreacting, the videos are definitely inflammatory and childish. Free speech does not equal hate speech. Just my opinion.
  15. The Ferryman, or Charon (ferried the dead across the River Styx for a fee in Greek mythology)
    Hades(self explanatory, probably taken though)
    Osiris(Egyptian god of death, probably taken)
    Xerxes(king of Persia, invaded Greece while employing Greek mercenaries)
  16. Reactivated and upgraded my original account. Now I can join in on all the constant leagues I see going on.
  17. To tell you the truth, I only really hate Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol. Two biggest whiners when it comes to foul calls I've ever seen in professional sports.
  18. I'd cheer for anyone facing the Lakers but...what?
  19. Det, you're playing again? May have to dust of my characters
  20. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I'll just throw up.
  21. Ug sorry I missed this, caught the schoolwork bug