



Wow...thought this day would never come. Champion was a fun roller coaster ride that's for sure.

/salute Champion, Liberty and Virtue



I feel like a piece of my heart is being cut out with a dull spoon. This isn't right. This can't be happening. Something's gotta save it. I can't bear to watch Champion and all the good people in it be snuffed out. No other game will sing to my soul or make my toes curl like COH has. No other experience will come close to meaning a quarter of what Champion server means to me. I thought we had YEARS left together, I thought I'd have more time to get to know better the great people ingame, and yet here we are saying goodbye. With broken heart and tears streaming I have to honestly say that Champion will always live on inside of me as great memories. It will take a long time for this pain to go away. I wish you all a fond farewell, and to keep in touch. My name is Cheri Raymond on facebook. I am proud to have had the pleasure of being a part of this gem that Champion is today. Be good to yourselves.

*Tight Hugs*MWAH*


Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



I'm shocked, I assumed someday this day would come but not so soon. I'm having trouble sleeping.



from a showtime member who could not get on boards ...i am forwarding here

@PownUnoobs, btw
I haven't played the game in about three month, I had to stop paying because I couldn't afford it, and I didn't want to play without the incarnate system. Today, I decided to unlock a couple characters and hop back on. Words cannot describe how great it feels to be back, I'm honestly on the brink of tears. This game definted my adolescence. I made so many friends on the server and so many memories. I remember Showtime after its glory days, helping to define RWZ raiding on the server, doing silly events, and so much more. I have no doubt that its helped shape who I am as a person. I might not be able to handle it in such large doses any more, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a phenomenal game, and it will be sorely missed. For those of you that I know, thank you so much for sharing in this experience with me.

Ms. Snazzzy Lv50 Emp/DK
Hami's X-wife Lv 50 rad/rad
Sassy Snazzy Lv50 fire/kin
Snaz's Lil Angel Lv50 fire/fire blast
Scrappy Snazzy Lv49 spine/reg
Snaz on the Rocks Lv 27 stone/ice
!!!and Showtimes [censored] !!!



I started back in June of '06...

I had played EverQuest, Shadowbane, WoW (Hated it..).... and then found myself in GameStop staring at the box for City of Heroes... I decided to pick it up, it had gotten great reviews when it came out. And cmon, super heroes!

I got home, and spent the next 4 hours coming up with dozens of toons to play in my mind, the game had so many cool powers to choose from! I finaly settled on an Ice / Ice blaster named Pookii on the Pinnacle server.

A week later, a person I had befriended said he mainly played on Champion, and asked me to play over there for a little while. I did, and created what remains my main to this very day, my Sonic / Sonic defender, SonicBanshee, and have never looked back! The community was just completely awesome. So helpful and nice. Just completely diffrent from what I was used to in a MMO community.

After about a month.... I got a tell from a person named Acroyear. He was so nice, such a gentlemen. He offered me to join his Super Group, the Justice Force. I accepted. But little did I know... clicking that 'yes' to join would change my life by introducing me to my new family.

I can not possably convey what this super group means to me in one post. The core people there have become some of my best friends IRL. They have helped me with RL problems, held me up when I was down, seen me at my very worst, and still accepted me for who I am. I have given them so many *huggles!* over the years! They mean more to me when most of my real family to be quite honest! My entire hero career has been in thier ranks, and I can't possably imagine it any other way. I can honestly say that I absolutly love each and every one of them with all my heart! <3

Thruout the years, I have taken small breaks to try out other games, Age of Conan and SW:TOR.... but I always have came back, and they have always been there. City of Heroes has always been my absolute favorite. I always came back to it over my 6 years of playing. It just always had something new for me.... held my imagination!

And now.... we get this news.... out of nowhere... that the game..... the community.... the family we all love, is bieng taken away. Without warning. Like many of you, I am still reeling from the news. I can't even begin to imagine not bieng able to log into CoH and see my family. To not be able to just jump in, team up, and have a great time cracking jokes, role playing our characters, and beating up bad guys. I simply can not process not bieng able to play.

City of Heroes has been such a huge part of my life the past 6 years. I am a 36 yr old woman... and I'm not ashamed to say I cried when I read this news. Everytime I think about it, I get a lump in my throat. It is hard to log in and have a good time knowing whats coming. This wasn't a game... it was a place to gather and spend time with my family.

Communities like the one on Champions are not found in MMOs typicaly... it was such a pleasure to play on the same server as you all. To be apart something as great as what we had. And there are a few names that have been mentioned already, that stand out, and that I would also like to personaly thank for making this community so great.

People like Amy, Cobalt, Bud, Viking Queen, Caz Dragoon... just to name a few. But most importantly to me, personaly, Acroyear. For starting and creating what is to me, and many others, the best Super Group on the server! You held us together and kept the Super Group running since day one. You are everything I want in a leader. And as a friend. So thank you.

And to all the rest of my Justice Force family:

Flame Red, SlipStream, Ice Empress, Gilford the Guardian, Stingman, StarMaster, Talawn, Cosmic Ray Man, Lady Meow, BloodKeeper, Omni, Ultimate Patriot, Jade Empress, CyborgShadowNinja, ToxicChill, Cinnimon Red, Malcom StarBrow, BlackHunter, Mr and Mrs Monumental... thank you for all the memories... thank you for all the love. I will never forget you all. And even though I know we will stay in touch.... it just wont be the same... But, know that no matter what, I will always love you guys and will never, eeeeeever, forget you!

And thank you people of the Champion server. Each and everyone of you that led a raid, answered a newb question, or just lended a helping hand. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

I will deeply miss this game, this community... more then any game I have ever played.
Thank you for your time,




Day 1 veteran....
Sort of left.. kept my account active..
Started to come back....
.... sad face

Will always be a "Champion"


Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."




a message from XPP01

Ms. Snazzzy Lv50 Emp/DK
Hami's X-wife Lv 50 rad/rad
Sassy Snazzy Lv50 fire/kin
Snaz's Lil Angel Lv50 fire/fire blast
Scrappy Snazzy Lv49 spine/reg
Snaz on the Rocks Lv 27 stone/ice
!!!and Showtimes [censored] !!!



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
So, thank you for that. Thank you, Felecia, for prompting me to lead a fun filled event for a hour each week for almost two years, and get to know a lot of kick *** Champions as a result.
A Certain Rikti Spy will miss crashing those mothership parties. Thanks for leading them, CL.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



I can't believe it's happening but I suppose it was inevitable with the declining subs and increasing MMO competition. It hasn't really hit me in game yet but it sure will in December when I can't log in to my namesake or any other alts. Only then will the enormity of this cruel act from NC Soft finally kick in.

I'd like to thank everyone but my memory is about as good as my emping or bubbling, so please don't take offense if you're not here:

Shotty Mario: A lifelong friend I have made here, just a hilarious and creative guy that has kept my ego in check (hard to believe I know ) and had been a lifeline for me.

Ring, Dinah Might, Myrmydon, AceMace, Pep Rally and the rest of the Tanker Tuesday crew: Thanks for showing us how it's done.

Web Chambers, Bronx, Saturn's Rings and the rest of Team Web (FTW): The first to break any part of the game and the last to get caught. Thanks for Master States on the first day, Web made it an absolute breeze.

Captian Blaze and Lord Stryker: Aaaah the Hamidon Honeymoon as I call it, arguing over raids, over leadership, over costumes, over supergroups and still arguing as our corpses were overcome by a Yellow Dawn. What's a game without rivalry? Stryker made himself into the server's villain and say what you will but we were poorer for it when he moved to Virtue.

Steel Brigade and UHB: Honor Before Glory.

It, Heart of 1c3, Shadow Striker, Birdo and their extended friends and family: Just great, down to earth people that you'd want to meet. How many times did It farm that Dreck map to get me levels? A lot. He figured IOs a lot quicker than I did too, heh. Oddly enough they'll never find out CoH closed down because their family has become a greater blessing.

Witty Librarian: October won't be the same without your enthusiastic Shard runs.

Amygdala and Disciple of Horus and the whole Veritas gang: Thanks for making hard content look like a piece of cake and thanks for being a cornerstone of CHampion.

Cobalt Azurean: Boy have we butted heads eh? In the end when PvP and other sgs have taken me away from Champion, you've remained. If anyone has this server to heart it's been YOU, Big Blue! And for that I and we all owe you a debt of gratitude.

AngelsFist, Biotron, Blazing Blue and the HVND crew: Thanks for rolling our PUG 100+ to 2 and getting me hooked on PvP.

Budweiser: I don't think anyone outside Lord Stryker has divided the community so much. I've gone from bemusement to annoyance to hatred to respect all in the time I've been here. Just so many zany ideas, so many crazy schemes and so many PvP events, it's been great.

Marut and ReDorthy: You want bubbles? They've got them...

Earthguard: My new home away from home, Snaz, Marut, Dr. Cobalt, Silas and the rest: Just a great bunch of people. Marut could crack hieroglyphics in no time flat, let alone the new Hamidon encounter.

TrixieBot: Where are you now? Met briefly in 2004 and you said you were going to college...

Void: Just a beast on Stalker in PvP and the global channel shenanigans are endless.

Twixt: Annoyed the hell out of this server, especially...

Dollmistress: Remember her well, her RP flavoured Dominators, her clones and her love of villainy:

Demoniker: If anyone could lay claim to "Badass Villain" it was him.

PantherShade: One of the few to try and keep RP alive on Champion.

Ashcraft: The forum posts and internet meme world will miss you a ton.

WhiteHotFlash: Pure class and all flash, just one of the regulars you'll miss forever.

Demobot: No one breaks Blasters like this guy, who said they need to be improved?

GenderPoison: Adds so much humanity to a videogame...no one will replace her.

Placta: Always first in line to help with ANYTHING, especially trials.

Iltat and the Pingus: Foumouthed and hitting the debt cap like no one's business.

SteelDominator: The ultimate quiet and lethal weapon.

Sepultura: So much evil cannot be contained in this game or any other. Sorry I missed practice Saturday.

ComixGeek: Just an absolute treasure trove of information and so much class to go with it.

Cherry Cupcakes: Just so much zaniness and so much effort put in and outside the game through CAPE, the radio and just the ENERGY. I'll never forget it.

Netminder: Old School and one of the original Tankers. Will miss him so much.

Artic: There aren't enough memes in this world to express how absolutely ******* crazy you are.

Fanged Knight: No one could gather resources or throw a party like Fanged. Will be sorely missed.

Shadow Wail: Breaking TFs, making busted builds and holding his own on the forums, going to miss him a ton.

And there was that one guy that made it big as a real life superhero on TV hmm..

I'm sure I've missed a ton (probably in this thread too ) and I will miss all of you...but even when the war walls come down we'll have the screnshots, the memories and our friendships.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I was woken up at 8am, Friday morning, my wife saying "City of Heroes is shutting down..." ... Hah yeah right ok ... I turn on my computer, and I check the forums ... I think I sat there for a couple of hours, reading the post Zwillinger made over and over ...

I knew the game would end eventually, but not now ... not like this ...

To everyone on Champion, thank you for the best 7½ years of my life. You've been there for me through tough times, even though you didn't know it. You've given me excitement, happiness, and fond memories.

I love you all.




I am not one to say a lot. So my name isn't really out there, but I've been around for awhile, 2004 if I'm not mistaken. And unless its relevant, I don't usually speak up. Today its pretty relevant and important. We're losing a piece of history and a piece of our lives.
My husband picked up this game first. I quickly was given my own account when he kept coming home from work to find me in the costume creator (it was all about the costumes for awhile). I made a blaster on his account but if I can ever remember the name or what kind, well, it's been awhile. My first character on my own account was the Kinetic/energy and my namesake, Kaszandra.
So much has happened in this game, so many memories and people that have come and gone, friendships made and broken and renewed again.
So many people I will never forget and who made an impact. Blazed, DJ, Steel Brigade, Sparks McGee, Dazz Marvelous, Kelani. The Team Web crew, Bronx, Web Chambers, Lohmiller (god I miss those boys). Kadra, Constance, Silas, Demon Enforcer, Deaths Download, Elerkon (I just know I'm gonna miss people).
The RdLV crew that took me in when I came back from a break. Amy and Cobalt especially and of course, Horus, you all have a special place in my heart and I hope we don't lose touch.
And of course, my Stoners. They all know who they are and we'll never lose touch.
There is so much that I think of and remember when I think about this game. I can never put it all into words.
You will all be missed. The community will be missed. I've game hopped and there is no community like Champions in any other game I've been in.

Peace and be well.
May the road rise to meet you and the wind be ever at your backs.



My favorite server ,my best freinds ,the only mmorpg I will ever play
I havnt logged in since the news cuz i dont like goodbyes
this is a mistake NCsoft is makeing and i truly wish another company
buys this game and makes them regret this (coughMarvelcomicsonline)
Ms Marvel TF anyone. well anyways all my good freinds i hope this is not the end but if so im a better person for knowing you all



Originally Posted by Marut View Post
To all of you that have made the last 8 years here an unforgettable experience, thank each and every one of you for being my hero.

Though it was unexpected I got a beautiful wife out of my time in this little pixel fantasy, so well worth the price of subscription.

For those who don't know us;

Many fun times were had and real life chugs on, we have the r/l emails of a few of you so don't be strangers -businessfsu@hotmail if you ever feel the need to contact us for some reason-.

For some this little worlds closing might open the door for some other r/l activity opening, you never know.

"They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."

And to anyone so inclined my favorite scripture, psalms 19:1-14.

Hoping all the best for each of you me and my wife have crossed paths with through the years.

-Brett & Nina.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
I can't believe it's happening but I suppose it was inevitable with the declining subs and increasing MMO competition. It hasn't really hit me in game yet but it sure will in December when I can't log in to my namesake or any other alts. Only then will the enormity of this cruel act from NC Soft finally kick in.

I'd like to thank everyone but my memory is about as good as my emping or bubbling, so please don't take offense if you're not here:

Shotty Mario: A lifelong friend I have made here, just a hilarious and creative guy that has kept my ego in check (hard to believe I know ) and had been a lifeline for me.

Ring, Dinah Might, Myrmydon, AceMace, Pep Rally and the rest of the Tanker Tuesday crew: Thanks for showing us how it's done.

Web Chambers, Bronx, Saturn's Rings and the rest of Team Web (FTW): The first to break any part of the game and the last to get caught. Thanks for Master States on the first day, Web made it an absolute breeze.

Captian Blaze and Lord Stryker: Aaaah the Hamidon Honeymoon as I call it, arguing over raids, over leadership, over costumes, over supergroups and still arguing as our corpses were overcome by a Yellow Dawn. What's a game without rivalry? Stryker made himself into the server's villain and say what you will but we were poorer for it when he moved to Virtue.

Steel Brigade and UHB: Honor Before Glory.

It, Heart of 1c3, Shadow Striker, Birdo and their extended friends and family: Just great, down to earth people that you'd want to meet. How many times did It farm that Dreck map to get me levels? A lot. He figured IOs a lot quicker than I did too, heh. Oddly enough they'll never find out CoH closed down because their family has become a greater blessing.

Witty Librarian: October won't be the same without your enthusiastic Shard runs.

Amygdala and Disciple of Horus and the whole Veritas gang: Thanks for making hard content look like a piece of cake and thanks for being a cornerstone of CHampion.

Cobalt Azurean: Boy have we butted heads eh? In the end when PvP and other sgs have taken me away from Champion, you've remained. If anyone has this server to heart it's been YOU, Big Blue! And for that I and we all owe you a debt of gratitude.

AngelsFist, Biotron, Blazing Blue and the HVND crew: Thanks for rolling our PUG 100+ to 2 and getting me hooked on PvP.

Budweiser: I don't think anyone outside Lord Stryker has divided the community so much. I've gone from bemusement to annoyance to hatred to respect all in the time I've been here. Just so many zany ideas, so many crazy schemes and so many PvP events, it's been great.

Marut and ReDorthy: You want bubbles? They've got them...

Earthguard: My new home away from home, Snaz, Marut, Dr. Cobalt, Silas and the rest: Just a great bunch of people. Marut could crack hieroglyphics in no time flat, let alone the new Hamidon encounter.

TrixieBot: Where are you now? Met briefly in 2004 and you said you were going to college...

Void: Just a beast on Stalker in PvP and the global channel shenanigans are endless.

Twixt: Annoyed the hell out of this server, especially...

Dollmistress: Remember her well, her RP flavoured Dominators, her clones and her love of villainy:

Demoniker: If anyone could lay claim to "Badass Villain" it was him.

PantherShade: One of the few to try and keep RP alive on Champion.

Ashcraft: The forum posts and internet meme world will miss you a ton.

WhiteHotFlash: Pure class and all flash, just one of the regulars you'll miss forever.

Demobot: No one breaks Blasters like this guy, who said they need to be improved?

GenderPoison: Adds so much humanity to a videogame...no one will replace her.

Placta: Always first in line to help with ANYTHING, especially trials.

Iltat and the Pingus: Foumouthed and hitting the debt cap like no one's business.

SteelDominator: The ultimate quiet and lethal weapon.

Sepultura: So much evil cannot be contained in this game or any other. Sorry I missed practice Saturday.

ComixGeek: Just an absolute treasure trove of information and so much class to go with it.

Cherry Cupcakes: Just so much zaniness and so much effort put in and outside the game through CAPE, the radio and just the ENERGY. I'll never forget it.

Netminder: Old School and one of the original Tankers. Will miss him so much.

Artic: There aren't enough memes in this world to express how absolutely ******* crazy you are.

Fanged Knight: No one could gather resources or throw a party like Fanged. Will be sorely missed.

Shadow Wail: Breaking TFs, making busted builds and holding his own on the forums, going to miss him a ton.

And there was that one guy that made it big as a real life superhero on TV hmm..

I'm sure I've missed a ton (probably in this thread too ) and I will miss all of you...but even when the war walls come down we'll have the screnshots, the memories and our friendships.
Neuronia, it is with the highest regard and respect that I thank you for our time together. you are one of the best..... and will be deeply missed.

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's



Over the last couple of years or so I haven't had as much time as I would have liked to play, but still got on when I could to pop some heads and have some fun. It sucks rotten eggs that CoH is going away- I am very sad. This game has been a part of my life for the past 8 years and I feel as if I am losing a friend- not to mention all of you fine folks that have really made the game what it was. This was the first MMO that I ever got into, and the only one I have ever stuck with for more than a few months.

For those who may remember me- either from teaming or from when I used to be more active here on the forums- farewell. I hope you all find happiness, whereever your real or virtual lives take you next.

To all: Thx for the team! Happy hunting. Freem. Amen.

(It really is a Nemesis Plot!)

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



I just found out now...and I'm at a loss for words...I can't even read what everyone is saying because I have to be up in 5 hours and because I don't want to think about it all night.

So I'll say that over the last several months Acey and I have not been able to find time to play and had actually discussed turning our accounts off for good but even when we agreed to do so, I asked him at the end of last week if he had and much to my anticipation, neither of us did.

This is where we met, married over 6 years ago and having both played for longer than that, this was where we met. It is almost like losing a real city, the city in which you met and began dating the person that you intend to spend the rest of your life with...even if we had turned off our payments, it was still FTP and the idea that it was still here was as if we moved from the city we first met but could always go back for a visit.

Not now, not ever again...so sad...games like EQ seem to go on forever, it makes my heart feel empty to know that CoH isn't even going to be an option any longer.

I guess I should close by saying thank you to everyone that has been a part of my CoH experience, whether good or bad...anger filled or happiness abundant, thank you. My hope for all of you is that you all live your lives in joy, peace, happiness and especially in love. Love those around you, find something special, wholesome and wonderful in the real world, enjoy your family and do something amazing with every day you have.

Hugs and kisses everyone, hugs and kisses.


~ The Earthguard ~



Originally Posted by BigMoneyHustla View Post
I was woken up at 8am, Friday morning, my wife saying "City of Heroes is shutting down..." ... Hah yeah right ok ... I turn on my computer, and I check the forums ... I think I sat there for a couple of hours, reading the post Zwillinger made over and over ...

I knew the game would end eventually, but not now ... not like this ...

To everyone on Champion, thank you for the best 7½ years of my life. You've been there for me through tough times, even though you didn't know it. You've given me excitement, happiness, and fond memories.

I love you all.
Big Money! Dude! Miss those odd hours teams we had, when I played late nights more often, or catching you before you logged out in my morning time.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Looking at Neuronia's list, I'm struck with the idea that Champion was a microcosm of the entire CoH community, all wrapped up into one server, and I don't think any other server could claim that. So many different kinds of players, so many personalities, very strong SGs, and great coalitions. Lots of Real Life drama, problems, triumphs define us all, but here we are still.

We've had people join from other servers, whether to visit or to stay, and everyone felt welcome when they wanted to be. I'm proud to have made it my home base for all these years, even with the crazy forum fights, the prestige races, the chat channel feuds, and everything that defines a close knit community that cares about where they play and who they play with.

You all rock.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Witty, Cobalt, Budweiser, etc. and dare I say it.. Lord Stryker.

I will miss all of you. Our adventures were the stuff of legends. Were there songs or ballads to sing of our exploits and struggles.

Perhaps I will write some.

So if you folks come across some homeless guy in a tattered superhero suit singing "Its all about the Hami-O's" or "Bloody Bay Blues" throw me some change, would you?


Control Queen
Mind Control/Empathy
Lvl 50
Champion Server
Battle Cry:
"Oh, Honey, I don't THINK so!"



Originally Posted by ControlQueen View Post
Witty, Cobalt, Budweiser, etc. and dare I say it.. Lord Stryker.

I will miss all of you. Our adventures were the stuff of legends. Were there songs or ballads to sing of our exploits and struggles.

Perhaps I will write some.

So if you folks come across some homeless guy in a tattered superhero suit singing "Its all about the Hami-O's" or "Bloody Bay Blues" throw me some change, would you?

*real tears*

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's



Yeah, so this sucks. CoH was my first MMO and to date the only one I’ve really gotten into in a major way. I’ve met a lot of cool people here, made good friends and memories.

I was just getting back into the game too, wanted to try out the new sets and content. So it goes.

As several people have said before, it was more about the community than the game. CoH was, in many ways, utterly mundane as a game. It was definitely awesome in many ways, don’t get me wrong, but it was my friends I made in-game that kept me logging in and kept bringing me back.

So, people.

First, Constance. For all the times spent chatting about everything and anything, melting everything and anything with Psychic Wail. Then trying to do it faster. And faster. And faster. Too many memories, too many dumb in-jokes. Speed stripes on a turd, chicken, various bizarre noises. All of it. Good times.

Kahlan. For keeping me humble by example. For being, in my mind, the best player this server has ever seen. Both in skill and attitude. For proving that excellence is not something that one has, but something that one always strives towards. You’re an amazing guy and I’m glad I met you. I hope life has been treating you well and thanks for all the good times.

Marut, for putting up with my continual abuse of his Defender In all seriousness, thanks for offering me a place to hang my hat. Everyone needs a place to call home, even if I didn’t really realize it or allow myself to settle in, I appreciated it. Thanks.

Horus, you’re not that guy. You’re the man. Don’t forget it. I don’t know if I ever said as much, (or was aware of it at the time), but you were pretty much the major inspiration for my melee guide. Not all melee is always terrible. You heard it here first, folks.

Amy, being a ‘pillar of the community’ sounds like one of those super cheesy things that people say about politicians during elections. In your case, it’s true. Thanks for all the good times and putting up with my madness.

Cobalt, good post. We’ve not seen eye to eye on a couple things, but I always respected your huge contributions to and sacrifices for the community. Go well.

Hrm. This reminds me of writing in peoples yearbooks at the end of a school year. Fitting, I suppose.

The Not Vent crew. Arli, Kevin, Shin, Cam, all of you. For being awesome. For all the good times and better memories. I’ve got most of you on various things like Steam or Facebook so more game-breaking can happen. It should.

The good people at the Earthguard. I always worked from a Groucho Marx kind of view when it came to SGs. Thanks for being warm and welcoming even though I never really felt at home. It was a home, I just didn’t know it. Thank you.

To all the individuals I’ve met over the years and befriended, it was awesome. Oz, Kali, Stray, all the War Council guys (one of whom passed away last month, rest in peace Travis), Bronx, Carnage, Ice Crack, Jits, Llew, Myr, RAF, all of you, thank you for the memories and your friendship.

Everyone else who I’ve not mentioned or maybe even met, thank you too. For being part of this server and this game, making it what it is.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



*sigh* I just finished rebuilding my machine, and this happens. I'm really sad to see this go. Maybe I'll go to CO or something. Anyway, if you're heading out that way, look for Echo Hawk or Amazing Guy there, as Ill try to rebuild my characters (somewhat) for a different game. It won't be the same, though.



Who was I?

I was the freaky Echo Hawk, stalker in the shadows and the deliverer of the two-fisted beatdown.

I was Amazing Guy, Golden Age hero and obtuse but likeable good guy.

I was Brass Maxim, steam-powered time-travelling cyborg from the 19th century.

I was Lord Mandible, purple and green Arachnos renegade.

I was Fist of the Red Dawn, super martial artist.

I was Winter Whisp, cold as the Canadian winter.

I was Lady Nadazdy, mistress of the undead.

I was Full Metal Falcon, assassin from a parrallel universe.

I was Steamhead Jones, heroine in steam-powered battle armour.

I was Brass Catcher, a winged mercenary with an eye for larceny.

I was Forgetfire, fiery mutant who always felt cold, even in the height of summer.

And, I was a friend to many, and I'll miss you all.



Even the time of the god comes to an end, and we have all been demi-gods for a very longtime in Paragon City.

Words cannot really express how I feel about what is happening to our community here on Champion now that the doors are being closed soon. I have been working out what to say in my head since I first heard the news and it has been a difficult task. I am going to miss this place and the community we have had here, a community that I have never found in any other MMO I have tried.

I came here in June 2004 as a total newbie to MMOs. I had never been interested in them (I thought it was a crazy idea), however, this was a super heroic genre, one which I enjoyed a great deal when I was younger, so I gave it a go. This place has been my home through many years and I have enjoyed the community in it (both good and bad) every step of the way. I have met quite a number of awesome people on Champion and enjoyed the feeling of family that we’ve always had here, no matter ups and downs over the years. You guys and this place have helped me get through quite a number of life’s hardships and trials. Through the hurricanes that displaced me from months, a rocky marriage and eventual divorce, an extreme bout of alcoholism (which I have now mastered for quite some time), and even serious overweight issues (I dropped 85lbs. in 7 months back in 09-10 and I feel almost like I did 20 years ago.), all of you were there and gave me both encouragement and perspective enough to overcome my worries.

As our time draws to a close, I thank all of you for the times we’ve shared together on Champion, and I sincerely hope that you all find what you’re looking for in the future. On the road through life, perhaps we will meet again and raise a toast (just water for me) to the time of our lives that we had in our city and home. Until then, I look forward to seeing all of you for these last days in the awesome community that is Champion. Or get the *** out.

See you on the other side.
Myrmydon (2004 – 2012)

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight