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I am not one to say a lot. So my name isn't really out there, but I've been around for awhile, 2004 if I'm not mistaken. And unless its relevant, I don't usually speak up. Today its pretty relevant and important. We're losing a piece of history and a piece of our lives.
My husband picked up this game first. I quickly was given my own account when he kept coming home from work to find me in the costume creator (it was all about the costumes for awhile). I made a blaster on his account but if I can ever remember the name or what kind, well, it's been awhile. My first character on my own account was the Kinetic/energy and my namesake, Kaszandra.
So much has happened in this game, so many memories and people that have come and gone, friendships made and broken and renewed again.
So many people I will never forget and who made an impact. Blazed, DJ, Steel Brigade, Sparks McGee, Dazz Marvelous, Kelani. The Team Web crew, Bronx, Web Chambers, Lohmiller (god I miss those boys). Kadra, Constance, Silas, Demon Enforcer, Deaths Download, Elerkon (I just know I'm gonna miss people).
The RdLV crew that took me in when I came back from a break. Amy and Cobalt especially and of course, Horus, you all have a special place in my heart and I hope we don't lose touch.
And of course, my Stoners. They all know who they are and we'll never lose touch.
There is so much that I think of and remember when I think about this game. I can never put it all into words.
You will all be missed. The community will be missed. I've game hopped and there is no community like Champions in any other game I've been in.
Peace and be well.
May the road rise to meet you and the wind be ever at your backs. -
Managed to snag my global and a couple others that are my mains.
Breathe (my cold) Sorrows (tried to grab Sorrow but someone was faster then me on that one), Lament, Fragmental, Bemused (Mind/Emp), Treasure, Lyra, and oddly enough just grabbed Stratosphere. Pretty happy over all.
Quote:And you will still have people pissed because you DO have to draw a line at some point in order for the raid to succeed. Easier to start with a no one under 35 policy and hold to it, to start with.Wherever you feel comfortable that the raid can still succeed.
Quote:On Protector, we've had weeks where, even though we had a minimum number of people the raid was called for that week. And others, with a slightly different cast of characters have gone on a small-teams *** kicking campaign.
Quote:It's nobody's business whom a team captain allows on their team.
It's also nobody's business who a raid leader allows in their raid.
Can there still be some flexibility in there? Sure. It's not an "all or nothing" proposition.
You don't like his rules wait until there's a raid you can play in that you prefer. Or lead one yourself.
Celestials raids succeed. I believe that speaks for itself.
No one is really right or wrong. Its a difference of opinions in how one likes things to be done. -
Sure you could make a few exceptions but the problem is where do you draw the line without pissing people off?
"So and so is on a lvl 15 i want to bring mine too" Next thing you know you have a bunch of people upset because they didn't get to bring theirs lowbie.
Sure a couple would not hurt the entire raid but most people are selfish and given the chance will bring a lowbie and then pitch a tantrum if asked to switched to a 50 because over all the raid does need more 50's in order to be successful. That in itself is a fact. The no exception rule is just a hard line that some raid leaders feel needs to be drawn in order for a raid to be successful. There are lots of other days raids can be lead, if people want to lead a raid full of lowbies and minimal 50's.
Celestial shouldn't be knocked for wanting to ensure success though. If the raid failed, people would blame him for poor leadership. Given that his raids are always successful, thus far, then I believe his methods and reasoning is sound. And regardless of the opinion of some people... last weeks raid was still full and a success so I don't see one persons petty drama keeping others from raiding.
Either way, he has to put up with **** because people are always going to ***** when they don't get their way. As has been said. Don't like his rules.. run your own. -
Tonights Jello came with an extra treat. Zwillinger and the Dev team were participating in the Extra-Life marathon to raise money for the Childrens Miracle Network. Happened we were starting a Hami raid and Z was kind enough to grace us with his presence and some gold titles
As always, a huge thank you to Cherry for leading and to the team leads.
Cheers all
I'm late but Happy Birthday...
Deaths Download
All people I know will never see this thread but the sentiment is there. -
Does missing my sanity count? It really needs to be found soon.