Rikti Mothership Raid
I plan to bring my claws/fire brute and I feel bad having to announce I've only participated in one of these mothership raids (actually right when it came out on the champion server) so I'm anxious to participate.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
I will be there with my SS/WP Brute and a friend is bringing his Kinetics defender
CL send me a tell in the game and we'll get you OP'd on BMT of Exalted and Exalted Incarnates
@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...
http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)
Just a reminder that this is tomorrow, y'all. Hopefully the 12 hour extended maintenance will cooperate.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
perfect timing cause i need v merits...ill be there on my fiddy fire/kin

Fantastic job, y'all. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better Rikti mothership raid for my first time on Exalted. Y'all truly represent the VIPs.
I will host another Rikti mothership raid next Thursday, at the same time: 8:30 P.M. ET / 5:30 P.M. PT. Hope to see y'all there.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
i was on mr imagination and had a blast ..thanks for it! i got 934 merits tonight...was more then thrilled!

I'm baffled how folks got in the 900 range of vmerits. Were you in the middle cracking heads? I amassed a messy 10 (hehe) and I spent most the time herding rikti down for the onslaught as well as killing a bounty of soldiers and mages. I want to improve next time.
I'm baffled how folks got in the 900 range of vmerits. Were you in the middle cracking heads? I amassed a messy 10 (hehe) and I spent most the time herding rikti down for the onslaught as well as killing a bounty of soldiers and mages. I want to improve next time.
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Just a reminder that I will run another Rikti mothership raid this Thursday, at 8:30 P.M. ET / 5:30 P.M. PT. All level 35+ welcome.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Noted and will be added to Exalted Incarnates MotD after patching...
@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...
http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)
This is tonight, y'all.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
The Rikti will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be Rikti.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
See y'all in the War Zone tonight!
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Excellent job last night, y'all. There will be no Rikti mothership raid next week as the Halloween content goes live on Thursday. See y'all in the Rikti War Zone in two weeks.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Part of the reason some people are amassing such huge numbers of VMs now is because of Judgement. Ion Judgement may not kill these Rikti, but it does tag you (and thus your team) for credit when each one dies.
Pre-i20, I think the most I'd ever seen for a "spectacular" raid was about ~600 VMs. So seeing a doubling of VM income isn't unexpected.
In fact, during RTR on Protector, we have so much downtime between spawn-ins that our tanks and brutes are running out to the "wings" and herding enemies back to the bowl for us to play with.
I concur. I've lead Rikti mothership raids for over two years now. Pre-Issue 20, the net of Vanguard merits averaged about 550. Now, I've seen multiple nets of about 1000.
Both Judgement and the Clarion Incarnate powers help tremendously during Rikti mothership raids. Rebirth and Barrier do as well, to a lesser extent.
Most mothership raids I've lead also have periods with no Rikti in the bowl, so Brutes and Tankers will go up top and bring some down.
I know I've received some flack over this, but I think my limiting my Rikti mothership raids to level 35+ toons is a factor in our success as well.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Both Judgement and the Clarion Incarnate powers help tremendously during Rikti mothership raids. Rebirth and Barrier do as well, to a lesser extent.
Rebirth helps keep regen up in the cases you DO get hit, so the green monster in the bowl doesn't have to work so hard.
And Barrier helps decrease the reliance on bubblers (though retaining a bubbler or two for center duty is STILL a nice thing).
I know I've received some flack over this, but I think my limiting my Rikti mothership raids to level 35+ toons is a factor in our success as well. |
I see absolutely no value in people under level 35 participating in rwz raids.. hell, i dont even really see the point in people under lvl like 45-47 doing it.. they dont really provide *much* if anything at all.
A lvl 15 empath ISNT going to keep anyone alive in that situation. (I use this example because of someone having a tantrum over this issue). Youre only there to collect the sweet XP.. at least own it when you come in there.. dont sit there and say the raid leader sucks..
Yes, i know.. the zone is open to all levels. Just because it is, doesnt mean it should be.
Besides the point, I see no problem with having a level 15 or what have you level of a toon show as long as the rest of the make up looks fine. From experience, I have had a few people not show up on "35's" and still had a successful Raid, then again that would be one of the many reasons why I started leading my own with the usual 'Champ-nonsense.'
If you are one of the few that would rather bring a lowbie, go for it, or get a friend that is 'cool' with the idea and form your own. I've never been one to depend on a single person for a specific raid,trial,etc.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
Besides the point, I see no problem with having a level 15 or what have you level of a toon show as long as the rest of the make up looks fine. From experience, I have had a few people not show up on "35's" and still had a successful Raid, then again that would be one of the many reasons why I started leading my own with the usual 'Champ-nonsense.' If you are one of the few that would rather bring a lowbie, go for it, or get a friend that is 'cool' with the idea and form your own. I've never been one to depend on a single person for a specific raid,trial,etc. |
There are certain times when (IMO) everyone should play as a team (read: Raids) Everyone else comes on level appropriate characters why is it acceptable for those few that dont? At what point does it become an issue and the entire raid gets put at risk (which ive seen happen)
I applaud anyone that steps up and leads things for the community.. I also think its up to the individual leadership to set the parameters in how they wish it to be done.. and like you, if they dont like it, well, they can simply lead it themselves... instead of sitting there griefing and spamming how bad the raid leader sucks.
The reasons why I limit my Rikti mothership raids to level 35+ toons:
1. Rikti mothership raids were originally designed for level 35+ toons, as the Rikti War Zone was originally level locked to 35+ toons. IMO, it was a mistake by Paragon Studios to remove that level lock, but I digress.
2. You have to be level 35+ to obtain Vanguard merits, which is the whole point of Rikti mothership raids to begin with.
3. You're not going to contribute a whole lot, if anything at all, at level 15 or 20. In fact, you could be potentially taking a spot from a level 35+ player that would contribute to the raid's success, since the RWZ is capped at 50 people.
4. If I make an exception for one person to bring a lowbie, that opens a Pandora's Box. If I allow Joe Schmoe to bring a level 20 Brute, why should I not allow Tim Schmoe to bring a level 20 Controller? Then Jane Schmoe to bring a level 15 Tanker? Etc.
Regardless, my stance is not going to change. Anyone is welcome at my mothership raids, provided they are on a level 35+ toon. If they do not like that, they are free to lead a Rikti mothership raid of their own.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
What: Rikti Mothership Raid
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011
Time: 8:30 P.M. ET / 5:30 P.M. PT
Location: On the rooftop just south of Pylon 17 in the Rikti War Zone
Level Requirement: 35+
I will host a Rikti mothership raid in the Rikti War Zone next Thursday, September 22, at 8:30 P.M. ET / 5:30 P.M. PT. All level 35+ are welcome. We will meet on the rooftop just south of Pylon 17.
Come get Vanguard merits, two reward merits, an exploration badge (which is necessary to unlock the Rikti War Zone beacon), and work towards two other badges. Most importantly, come have fun!
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too