



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Sepultura: So much evil cannot be contained in this game or any other.
I'll take it!

I guess I could actually post a real farewell since I have calmed down a bit from the breaking news.

I did not start my villainous life on Champion when I first started out, I was a Triumphian. Although it was fun while it lasted, I do not regret the removal of myself from the Furioso Family and from meeting Ka, and later Steel who welcomed me with open arms to United Heroes Brigade (and to be quite honest, without UHB I probably would had never stayed on Champion). My anniversary would had been four years on Champion, and many more if I had my way.

I would give a list of the people who have had a great impact on my gaming or later became good friends with, however I certainly do not know the whole Champion server global list. It would be the people, whether brand names or not, that made this server wonderful in its own way. Although we do have our drama, what server does not. I realize that most of it revolving around myself is that of a personality conflict and basic misunderstanding. However I am sure we can all 'bury the hatchet,' just not into each other's heads like a few would had hoped.

Oh hell, why not,

@MAH: I am thankful that you actually took the time to get to know me and realize that I am not all that bad. To be honest, OtC became a 'second' family when UHB closed it's doors. Also without you I probably would had never created five million Stalkers and went further in League PvP. If anything, everyone can blame you for the Shark-O-Nator 9000.

@-Acid: Thankful would not come close enough when it comes to our friendship. Although it may not come through, I appreciate your friendship more than anything. You are the person I can talk to personally without the fear of being judged or turned away. If all else, I am fortunate that you landed in UHB with myself, and my favorite Canadian.

@Black Tabby: Canadia. <3

@Destructosaurus (Ascend): I would like to thank you as well and would like to apologize for my certain behavior antics that you should not have to deal with. You are a good friend and I should appreciate that a bit more. You also owe me 20 DR. Q's in advance sir, I will not forget.

@Craz Dragoon, @Wyngard: Although we had our moments Craz I am thankful for your friendship as well. Other than Maddie and a few others, you two would actually try to cure my boredom and pretty much jump on whatever I wanted to do.

@Painstake: You can have a max of twenty touches. kthnks.

@Braije, Sinny: Oh you guys... there are plenty of feelings revolving around butterflies.

@Myrmydon: What can I say, this was a beautiful story of how slavery turned into a decent sized friendship. You sir were a 500 Million well spent. In all honesty however, I am thankful. PvP matches with you will be something to remember.

@Marshman, Jester of Cowbell: Oh you two.. what more can I say. If anything I will surely miss the 8am phone calls and texts asking for my presence for a task-force, only to respond 4 hours later saying those simple words 'Sure'. I am not sure how we came to be, but I am not questioning it. Good things just happen.

@Artic Keeper: You are fat and I am thankful for that. You, as well as a few others are the means of which why I continued to pvp, otherwise I would had never continued alone. I appoint you sir, El Presidente Artic (Arctic) Loco of the Rogue Islands.

@Teh Artic: Although less fat than Keeper, you equally cannot spell. Thank you for the PvP support even if most of what we did would be laughable.

@Philly Girl: -HUMP-

@Johnnytick: Friendship thankfuls aside, I will surely miss looking over your Mids Builds to fix them, and the support you have given to me when I was on the Station.

@UHB: It feels as though half of my family just got deported. Without you all I would had never tanked my first STF, get my first hero to level 50, or learn how deep of a connection we have for each other.

@Masque: You will answer my emails and we will keep in touch.

@Terra-Mage: The things I would do to a moose like you. Come back, stop running, I love you.

No, I did not forget you Omeganchild, Shadow Wail, or anyone else that I may have skipped writing a book about; I was never much of a writer or do well with things requiring actual human emotion. As I have said before, it takes a community to raise a child and you all are my community through the good and bad. Saying thank you, appreciate it, will never be enough.

Honor Before Glory.

Glory Before Honor.

Farewell to you all,




‎'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'



Crap, I forgot to mention Silas, and all that time he spent helping me level my characters.

Was plenty of fun, and the conversation was great.

- Kali

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I guess it's about time I make a post on here. I made my account August, 27 of 2005. At that time I was 11 years old. By 2006 I had taken on leading one of Champions top 10 Supergroups, Order of the Champion. The amazing thing about it was that this wasn't any supergroup. This supergroup was where I got my first 50. It was where I realized that in an MMO you don't just play a video game like on Xbox then quit, you stick around because the people in the game are your friends. At first I remember thinking you can't have friends online. They're not real? Over and over again I was proved wrong. Whether it was my late night talks with Sinny, or cleaning up the mess that Nibz made. Early on those were the days. I remember when Stryker was trying to recruit me out of the SG I was leading... I remember when I saw PON and their High Council, and thinking wow it must be cool to be on the High Council of such a prestigious SG.I remember the first time I PVP'd. I placed 2nd in one of Bud's Tournaments on my Mind/Thermal against a Widow from Freedom. I remember the first time I made a Mids build, it was for my Emp/Psi Defender. That character alone has well over 1500 hours invested on him, and to think that I've got 13 other characters with just as much time and effort into them I don't even want to calculate how much time is now going to be just code on a shut down server. Losing City of Heroes is like losing a friend, and for me a mentor. Whether you all realize it or not because I played this game at such a young age as I was growing up you all influenced me heavily. I remember wanting to be just like @Teh Artic and @Sinful Blaze. Then I remember wanting to be a good Supergroup leader, and of course we all wanted to be as filthy rich as Enigma. I've done a lot of things I regret, but overall I couldn't have imagined a more fantastic turnout for a mere $50 purchase.

@4shes, words cannot explain how glad I am that we're going to stay in touch. There is nothing as magical as seeing the two of us on a team-kicking ***.

@Hunter, some of you may remember him, some of you may not. He was my first Supergroup leader, and the person I tried to lead Order the Champion in the name of. OTC was more than an SG, it was a responsibility, it was a family, and a home...thank you Hunter for showing me how wonderful a SG could be and then passing on the honor of showing others that exact experience to me.

@Black Tabby, I know we haven't known one another that long, but I'll always remember you as the ULTIMATE Claws/SR Scrapper, and for being a good sport about all the canadian jokes.

@Brutal, Mids builds. The end, glad you're still gonna be around.

@Taker, I met you through Angie B, and I'm so glad that you ended up joining us in OTC. You could always make us laugh, and you're an irreplaceable friend.

@Sepultura, I know you were never formally recruited into OTC, but wherever we were, you were also. Your the estrogen boost our group needed. I'm so glad that you came along.

@Jester of Cowbell, I'll never forget the 2 month break I took from the game and how you assumed the role of holding the Super-Lead for me in OTC. I'm going to miss you and Marsh a lot. But I couldn't ever thank you enough for the speedy TFs, and the great friendship. I hope to see you around.

@Marshman, you were always so soft spoke... until you ordered chinese food haha. I'm gonna miss you and the stories about your son. I hope you stay in touch on skype.

@Cherry, We were in a bit of a rough patch here towards the end, and all that aside. You've done wonderful things for the Champion Community, I thank you for assuming the role that nobody else wanted to.

@Artic Keeper, you're annoying, you can't spell, and there isn't a thing I would change about it. You're willingness to stick to villains side through all the loneliness is unbelievable. I'm glad you're coming with us.

There are so many more people..
Sinny, Braije, Enigma, Gladiator Engraged, Budweiser, Placta, Angie B, Nibz, Fiery Enforcer, Cam, Family Stone, Horus, Amygdala, Cobalt, Demon Enforcer, Kaszandra, Teh Artic, Sinful Blaze, Siphon Blaze, Habachi, Nator, Elf Stalker, Iltat, Ready Aim Fire, Prixy, Felicia Divine, UC, Ziva, Tanks for Nothin, LOG, James T Mobster, Larsen, Frost, Wynguard, Angel, Fanged Knight, War Admiral, Jonny Neutron, Masque, Tritonfree, Deno, Sgt. Claw, Athena Shadow, Azure, Viking Queen, Viking Princess, Streetlight, and the hundreds of others I've teamed with, or seen on the streets of Paragon City....



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Crap, I forgot to mention Silas, and all that time he spent helping me level my characters.

Was plenty of fun, and the conversation was great.

- Kali
Ah Jeebus, I forgot to thank Silas also. We are butts.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



This sucks!

Would like to say more, but can't.

Take care of yourselves everyone.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



This still hasn't really hit me. But since my VIP should be running out tonight I guess I'd better say my goodbyes v.v;

I'm so happy that I spent all my time here on Champion- I started playing back in beta, with a small group of real life friends who have long since moved on. I was 11 at the time, so I've spent nearly half my life on Champion, and you guys all rock. I'm glad I didn't miss out on meeting so many awesome people. You make the game what it is.

I'm real sorry if I forget to mention anyone here, but a lot of you know I have the memory of a goldfish. Thanks to...

Anyone who's ever been on my trials- I had so much fun with all of you, win or lose (but mostly win, because Champion). I've never seen myself as a leader but it turned out to be awesome due to all the great people I had along.

Amygdala- Learned sooo much from you. I was kind of sad when you didn't have insomnia anymore but always loved talking to you. I'm not sure there are words for this one. Really loved your leadership in everything from trials to Masters TFs (all of them) to our SG.

Cobalt- Glad I learned not to be afraid of you! Don't think I've ever had more fun than rockin' the Northwest BAF door with you. Wish we could do it a few dozen more times. You've always called Champion 'home' and it seems more true now than ever.

Horus- I don't know why I can't build shield scrappers, but thank you for fixing mine. I'll miss racing you to every objective in everything we run together.

Everyone in RdlV- Hunter, Witters, Calm, Dewm, Yves, all y'all (see even can't remember our own sg >.<). Always up for TFs and trials, you guys are
just great to have around.

Fuzzy- I doubt you'll read this. Now we fight like cats and dogs but there were a lot of good times. We only got to duo LGTF and ITF but it was pretty epic and you can make fun of my singing any time.

Stone-Wall- We don't team as much anymore but you were my partner in crime leading trials when they first came out and it was awesome.

Fashion-Pixie- I still wish you could chat and fight at the same time but you're pretty good at doing one or the other so it's okay. See you in our other game >.>

Craz Dragoon- So many redside TFs. Good times bro. Thanks for always helping on trials and just generally being up for whatever.

Nomadon- So much building. I owe you like 500 levels. You always took it really well when we didn't see eye to eye and that's pretty rare and

Avenkros- You haven't played in forever D:< But you gave me a chance when I was in noob mode, got me started badging, and we ran so many masters of TFs, I learned how to love cold manipulation. Oh and that BS/SD is crazy. Just... made stuff awesome.

Pringer Z- Totally not gonna read this either but how could I leave you out! We met way back when I was levelling my first 50 and you've been one of my favorite people through years and even different games. You also put up with my plain old insanity and blatant theft of your costumes, cos they were delightful. Keep bein' awesome.

Placta and Lady Clara- You guys were awesome leaders and I could always count on you. Amazing persistence from both, especially where Master of Keyes is concerned haha.

Silas- Woo I remembered. We haven't actually played much together but you're kind of a badass. The other day I read your support guides purely because they are so darn entertaining, even if I won't get to play support here anymore =[

Marsh- Run ALL the TFs! Always knew that if I joined something you ran it'd be awesome but also over really, really fast.

Newguy(s)- I sent you a PM. Was always great being around you and your son, you'll be missed.

Purple ManWolf- You make my warshade look bad but I forgive you because you're awesome.

Ping- All I can think about is penguins and hedgehogs.

Grey- You can pretend no one knows who you are but I'll never stop trying to get you to join PuG things.

Destructo- Offline tells! You came kind of a long way and you were always interesting.

AngieB- I kinda just met you, wish we'd gotten to hang out more v.v

Liquid- I may only remember that you called me the second best dom. But you were chill and still owe me a drink (eventually).

ReDorothy- We mostly chat about costumes but you've always been really sweet =]

Steel and Ima- You guys are great. Some of the most reliable players around and just plain good people.

Myrmydon- We haven't played together as much but you got me into Alliance and the Pingu chats and I've had great times there. Thank you =]

PAINSTAKE- /e popdance

Shin, Kadra, her husband, all of Not Vent- Tiny happy channel. Was fun, guys. I will never know how Shin gets those times on the damn ski chalet.

Shiny (Solar Dawning)- I think I initially liked you just because you let me make fun of your name but you're pretty awesome. Have fun inserting pony references elsewhere. Did we ever get Twilight Sparkle her hybrid(s)? =[

Black Tabby- Never stopped making fun of my toons but I liked you anyways =P

MAH- Thermal thermal thermal. But yeah, you had a really fun enthusiasm for the game and it was cool to have you around.

If I forgot anyone it wasn't on purpose, hugs all around!

If anyone wants to find me, I'm on Steam and Guild Wars 2, both under the name Jitsurei.

City of Heroes will always be my first and favorite MMO, and so much of that is dependent on the community. You guys were great and if all these petitions and things don't live up to what we're all hoping, the friendships I've cultivated here will outlive Paragon City.



Although many of us have said our goodbyes in here, there's still a chance for a reprieve.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



I want to say goodbye to Champion Server and the ppl I have meet in it. I like so many others when we heard of this games closing, was shocked and blown away. I knew that this game would eventually come to a close, but I thought they would still have ALL the servers running and allow us to still pay to play on VIP status, just not have any more new content and bug fixes....

This game has been apart of my life since I started playing it on August 17th, 2006. Champion Server is my home server and the server I was only on until about 3 and a half years ago. Champion Server is literally like one of those small towns were every1 knows each other or knows of each other. Its awesome, to think they we can actually have a REAL community over this game. With that being said I just wanted to say thank you Champion Server for making me feel like we are, in one way or another, a family. Now I just wanted to say goodbye to the names I will always remember.

Hinden: U r one of my oldest, loyalist and closet friends in this game, U helped me out with everything, and even in these what most ppl r saying is this games last days, u still do, thank u my friend. I'll always remember when I tricked u into doing a Dr.Q TF with us, I told u that we were just doing a Justin Augustine TF and after 3 hours into the TF u finally caught on and was like " Oh WTF! This is a Dr.Q TF?! ". Ur the best Emp this server has ever seen, and ur definatly one of the top 3 best Emps this game has ever seen PvE/PvP wise. Im glad we will still be able to stay in contact with each other.

Enigma: U r one of my oldest and loyalist and closet friends in this game as well, U helped me back in the days were we just PvE'd and never even knew what PvP even stood for. U r by far one of the richest dudes in this game lol. I still remember when u would do those Dr.Q runs with us for fun, I'll miss PvPing with u as well, U were so much fun to play around with, Im so glad we will still be able to stay in contact with each other if God forbid this game does close down.

Darklogos: Logos, U r the person who taught me how to PvP, and what PvPing was all about, I even remember U were the one who came up with the name " Exile ". I will always remember the time U scared the living crap out of Me and Sinful on vent one night when u were telling us about Demons and Ghosts and Stuff like that In Real Life, Lol it even made me sleep with my TV and Lamp going on all nite for a two months straight. This game has missed u since u left in i13, It would have been so much fun if U saw everything we and the rest of Exile has accomplished in the years since then. Goodbye Old friend I hope we meet again In this life or the next.

Budwesier: Dude, NO MATTER what any1 says about U, I want u to remember that U R A GOOD LEADER, And Im proud to have been a member of PoN and a member of the High Council. U were the person who showed me how to farm, and U were the person I fought side by side with, when all the different SGs and policitial BS came our way. Although we have had our differences in the past, Im glad we put it all behind us and r able to call each other friends once more.

Master Wil: I will always remember just having a blast with u in every pvp zone in champion server and just ******* around and TPing ppl into drones and having All sorts of Villian SGs just hate on us, And I will always remember that I almost became a Badge Hunter becuz of U

Denomenator: Aka Deno, All I can say is BESTY! I miss u BESTY

Dave: My go to man for anything Villianside on Champion, U rock bro Im glad we can still stay in contact after this game.

Elf Stalker: Ive had some good laughs with u over the past bro, Its been fun, and Im glad we meet, becuz if we didnt I dont know where I'd be today.

I can go on and on and make 10 posts of nothing but lists of ppl from Champion Server who I just had the best of times with but to save myself the time I just wanted to give one last shout out to the following names: Decision, Oz, Elemak, Habachi, Hell, Sinful, Demise, skullz, Smeede, Meti, Lunacy, Fiend, Dark Dylan, Daddy Dark, Scribe, Droe, Dennis, Flafatron, Bad Wonka, Sinny, Brajie, Kas, War, Cherry, MAH, Cobalt, Klaw, Athena, Solider Prime, Couggy, Mrs. D, Myrmydon, Sepultura, Artic Keeper, Void, Ziva, Liquid, Cosine, X-Frost, Siphon Blaze, Scott, Goon, Dr.Shift, Gladiator, Cam, Shin, iBud, Xionian, Undead Cyborg, Toxic Chill, Steel, IMa, 4shes, My Queen, 93, Pyro, Targus, Testicles, Tony, Taker, Tabby, Jester of Cowbell, Holtrinic, Green Masher, Moonbeam, Casey, Iron, Felecia Divine, Exteme Coldness, Infernal, Flame, Diotrophes, Mojo 420, Kenu, Medic, Nomadon, Johnny Tick, Ray Kin, Skepty, Tiger, Lycan, Fiery, Jenn, Kickem All, Newguy, Newguys Son, Smack Dat, Painstake, Ultima, Rio, DS, JC, Simon & so many more, I can't even remember them all.

Too ALL the Above names ( and those who I forgot to write on it ) ^ I just wanted to say Thank u for everything & anything U did.

Goodbye Champion Server, I miss u.

Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League



It's been a great 7 and a half years Champion, I'll miss you all



Our small SG only recently migrated to Champion, but what I experienced here was absolutely great!

You were wonderful, and I'll miss you all. )-:




Wouldn't it be great if they gave us double XP from now until the end? Who would we petition?



About to hit a 1,000 post and i'm out, goodbye champs.




I honestly was not expecting to be able to make this post today since my sub had lapsed at the time of the freeze and previous attempts to post failed . . . .

It's with a heavy heart that I make this post. I doubt anyone will read this with the end so close but I wanted to take a moment to bid a found farewell to everyone who has taken the time to team with me over the years.

There are too many people who I have enjoyed playing with over the years to list everyone but without a doubt the Pingu were the best group of dysfunctional players that I have met in any game.

From a humble start as a solo player from day 1 to Sunday July 23 2006 (the first double XP weekend) when I received a random tell from Ping while I was playing my first MM I would have laughed at anyone who would have implied that this game (much less any game for that matter) would have led to so many great friendships. JW and I have traveled to weddings (Sorry RL kept us from yours Ping) and plans to try meet up with other Pingu across the country (State and Federal laws allowing).

I would type more but I have rambled enough and I fear that people will doubt it is me posting if I go much longer with out something Sarcastic or smart ***.

For anyone that I am not already in contact with via other methods if you want to keep in touch with a wayward agro magnet please feel free to message me here. I'm on WOW, TOR, XBOX and PS3 plus Secret world once I update my gaming system or if you have no interest in gaming there is of course FB.

In closing Shut the F#@# up and kill something.

-Infernal Jester