This still hasn't really hit me. But since my VIP should be running out tonight I guess I'd better say my goodbyes v.v;
I'm so happy that I spent all my time here on Champion- I started playing back in beta, with a small group of real life friends who have long since moved on. I was 11 at the time, so I've spent nearly half my life on Champion, and you guys all rock. I'm glad I didn't miss out on meeting so many awesome people. You make the game what it is.
I'm real sorry if I forget to mention anyone here, but a lot of you know I have the memory of a goldfish. Thanks to...
Anyone who's ever been on my trials- I had so much fun with all of you, win or lose (but mostly win, because Champion). I've never seen myself as a leader but it turned out to be awesome due to all the great people I had along.
Amygdala- Learned sooo much from you. I was kind of sad when you didn't have insomnia anymore but always loved talking to you. I'm not sure there are words for this one. Really loved your leadership in everything from trials to Masters TFs (all of them) to our SG.
Cobalt- Glad I learned not to be afraid of you! Don't think I've ever had more fun than rockin' the Northwest BAF door with you. Wish we could do it a few dozen more times. You've always called Champion 'home' and it seems more true now than ever.
Horus- I don't know why I can't build shield scrappers, but thank you for fixing mine. I'll miss racing you to every objective in everything we run together.
Everyone in RdlV- Hunter, Witters, Calm, Dewm, Yves, all y'all (see even can't remember our own sg >.<). Always up for TFs and trials, you guys are
just great to have around.
Fuzzy- I doubt you'll read this. Now we fight like cats and dogs but there were a lot of good times. We only got to duo LGTF and ITF but it was pretty epic and you can make fun of my singing any time.
Stone-Wall- We don't team as much anymore but you were my partner in crime leading trials when they first came out and it was awesome.
Fashion-Pixie- I still wish you could chat and fight at the same time but you're pretty good at doing one or the other so it's okay. See you in our other game >.>
Craz Dragoon- So many redside TFs. Good times bro. Thanks for always helping on trials and just generally being up for whatever.
Nomadon- So much building. I owe you like 500 levels. You always took it really well when we didn't see eye to eye and that's pretty rare and
Avenkros- You haven't played in forever D:< But you gave me a chance when I was in noob mode, got me started badging, and we ran so many masters of TFs, I learned how to love cold manipulation. Oh and that BS/SD is crazy. Just... made stuff awesome.
Pringer Z- Totally not gonna read this either but how could I leave you out! We met way back when I was levelling my first 50 and you've been one of my favorite people through years and even different games. You also put up with my plain old insanity and blatant theft of your costumes, cos they were delightful. Keep bein' awesome.
Placta and Lady Clara- You guys were awesome leaders and I could always count on you. Amazing persistence from both, especially where Master of Keyes is concerned haha.
Silas- Woo I remembered. We haven't actually played much together but you're kind of a badass. The other day I read your support guides purely because they are so darn entertaining, even if I won't get to play support here anymore =[
Marsh- Run ALL the TFs! Always knew that if I joined something you ran it'd be awesome but also over really, really fast.
Newguy(s)- I sent you a PM. Was always great being around you and your son, you'll be missed.
Purple ManWolf- You make my warshade look bad but I forgive you because you're awesome.
Ping- All I can think about is penguins and hedgehogs.
Grey- You can pretend no one knows who you are but I'll never stop trying to get you to join PuG things.
Destructo- Offline tells! You came kind of a long way and you were always interesting.
AngieB- I kinda just met you, wish we'd gotten to hang out more v.v
Liquid- I may only remember that you called me the second best dom. But you were chill and still owe me a drink (eventually).
ReDorothy- We mostly chat about costumes but you've always been really sweet =]
Steel and Ima- You guys are great. Some of the most reliable players around and just plain good people.
Myrmydon- We haven't played together as much but you got me into Alliance and the Pingu chats and I've had great times there. Thank you =]
PAINSTAKE- /e popdance
Shin, Kadra, her husband, all of Not Vent- Tiny happy channel. Was fun, guys. I will never know how Shin gets those times on the damn ski chalet.
Shiny (Solar Dawning)- I think I initially liked you just because you let me make fun of your name but you're pretty awesome. Have fun inserting pony references elsewhere. Did we ever get Twilight Sparkle her hybrid(s)? =[
Black Tabby- Never stopped making fun of my toons but I liked you anyways =P
MAH- Thermal thermal thermal. But yeah, you had a really fun enthusiasm for the game and it was cool to have you around.
If I forgot anyone it wasn't on purpose, hugs all around!
If anyone wants to find me, I'm on Steam and Guild Wars 2, both under the name Jitsurei.
City of Heroes will always be my first and favorite MMO, and so much of that is dependent on the community. You guys were great and if all these petitions and things don't live up to what we're all hoping, the friendships I've cultivated here will outlive Paragon City.