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  1. Infernal_Jester


    I honestly was not expecting to be able to make this post today since my sub had lapsed at the time of the freeze and previous attempts to post failed . . . .

    It's with a heavy heart that I make this post. I doubt anyone will read this with the end so close but I wanted to take a moment to bid a found farewell to everyone who has taken the time to team with me over the years.

    There are too many people who I have enjoyed playing with over the years to list everyone but without a doubt the Pingu were the best group of dysfunctional players that I have met in any game.

    From a humble start as a solo player from day 1 to Sunday July 23 2006 (the first double XP weekend) when I received a random tell from Ping while I was playing my first MM I would have laughed at anyone who would have implied that this game (much less any game for that matter) would have led to so many great friendships. JW and I have traveled to weddings (Sorry RL kept us from yours Ping) and plans to try meet up with other Pingu across the country (State and Federal laws allowing).

    I would type more but I have rambled enough and I fear that people will doubt it is me posting if I go much longer with out something Sarcastic or smart ***.

    For anyone that I am not already in contact with via other methods if you want to keep in touch with a wayward agro magnet please feel free to message me here. I'm on WOW, TOR, XBOX and PS3 plus Secret world once I update my gaming system or if you have no interest in gaming there is of course FB.

    In closing Shut the F#@# up and kill something.

    -Infernal Jester
  2. No one was ever supposed to see that . . . . They promised it would never be released!

    So much fire and explody.

    There were bodies everywhere...

    just gushing blood ...

    their faces were pulled off of their heads ...

    armpits were hanging from trees.

    Their eyeballs sticking out of their heads.

    We had to push them back in with a stick or something.

    And that was only the first mission
  3. Infernal_Jester

    Good. Bad.

    Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
    It's all about not-so-baby-anymore Kira. She runs that family.

    ohai jester
    Why halo there sir!

    Kira has a partner in crime now. Lilli is a bit young to be wrecking toons but she is holding her own.
  4. Infernal_Jester

    Good. Bad.

    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    So, no real change from the usual...
    No there is a change. Before I was pretending I knew what I was doing.
  5. Infernal_Jester

    Good. Bad.

    Now I just need to remember how to play my toons . . . .
  6. Infernal_Jester

    Good. Bad.

    I'm the guy with the angry cloud.

    Just figured I would add to the list of those who have come back and felt the need to say hello.
  7. Infernal_Jester

    I'm back...

    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
    Omy, it's a Pingu.
    There are no more pingu. I hear they have all died in a freak accident.

    Details are sketchy at best but some witnesses report hearing the word "oops" followed by a large explosion.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    Ummm is there a Pingu one scheduled? Pretty sure I still have a toon in there some where. :-)
    Not at this time.

    At least not by me . . .

    I'm just making sure that Censored and lunch money have the porters in case someone has the urge to run one.
  9. I've never done the trial but Rularuu stopped by the Pingu base to just give me the rewards when he saw that I re-added the raid porter.

    Game over.
  10. Infernal_Jester

    Free Speech?

    Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
    You cant say anything bad about Obama's taxes or his other komrade policies in CU... just sayin. Thankfully, in The Rabid Pingu, there is a real free speech channel.

    All rhetoric aside. glad things are working out and everyone who got their panties in a wad have been reinstated or removed as the case may be.
    Just this I intend to kick you from the channel when I get on tonight . . . . Just saying
  11. Wisecracker. Elec/Storm troller/ Resistance.

  12. I remember that Dinah . . . . .

    I still say that DA is one of the best looking zones. Shame most never got a chance to see it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post
    I think I'll rename Kahlan to:

    I support this renaming.
  14. Infernal_Jester

    New PvP Video

    I would offer my MM but the only one I have left is my LOL mercs/DM

    Maybe once I spend some time on my DS/storm and get 'er to 50
  15. Infernal_Jester


    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
    We know, Jester. Thanks to ^ this post.
    Wow I am so used to ignoring ping that I never noticed that post.
  16. Infernal_Jester


    Does having an SG genericed count?

    That's why there is a Pingu Coalition - Order of the censored

  17. Damnit everyone keeps talking about ships and I have yet to find a single one in the grand canyon province or figure out how to craft one . . . . .
  18. Infernal_Jester

    Anyone heard....

    Double xp has been scrapped in favor of a flaming monkey sneaking into your bedroom while you sleep and kicking you in the taint till your lowest level character reaches 50.
  19. You were gone?

    Not that I have much room to talk . . .
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    PCJL were such ***** with that storm team. That is all.

    Also +1 on memorable matches against Storms. My favorite is still the one we won against PCJL in Atlas, where Proj had to physically threaten Syph on Vent from rushing and sonic nuking them on the globe.
    Our vent was like a bizarro version of that scene from braveheart.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    how about no U to you both ..........

    and a new PvP group huh...interesting, I will have to get in touch with you when I finally get back home...

    oh and WHAT's Up EN3MY and Kat, 4shes, Neuronia...
    I miss rapin face with you guys.
    and I did find a good blast from the past with EN3MY, Helm, and Aura doing some face rapin whilst we did the support....ah the good ole fun times.

    PCJL Match

    not a slap at PCJL just found that screenie in a folder I was clearing out, loved every match we ever did. Be it when it was Integrity vs PCJL, or PE vs PCJL, always good times.

    and another good blast from the past:

    dUmb Match

    alright that was as much of a trip down memory lane that I can provide until I find some of thee other match screenies, I will talk at ya soon....oh I will be moving toons around when I get back some to Freedumb, and maybe even some here again. The only thing that is there on Champion is my Rad/Psy, I think, so I would have to move a corr over.
    LoL storms.

    srsly though it's nice to see PvP getting some love from the champion player base again.
  22. Meh.

    The monkey's paw would have made a much better movie . . . With a much cooler concept.

    Shame that hollywood would have still ****** it up.