Don't give up.
Agreed and welcome to the forums!!!
Don't ever give up.
The goal may be taken from us eventually, but there is never any reason to ever give up on what you want.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
That more or less sums it up. I was surprised they told us at all. My guess is, that was a calculated risk on Paragon studio's part. A way to keep our spirits up, because the commotion we were causing was having an effect. Regardless, this isn't something that is going to happen overnight. We're not talking about two people sitting down face to face at a table and hammering things out, we're talking about Paragon talking to the big shots over at NCsoft, who in all due probability have to hold meetings to discuss this sort of thing. But even just TALKING, having the channel open and going back and fourth, means something.
I guess what I am getting at is don't give up on this yet. Yes, things are dark right now. Yes, we're sitting dead in the water and the boat has a hole in it. But that doesn't mean its over yet. To use the boat analogy again, we ain't drowned yet!
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
Honestly, I'll be surprised if we hear anything definite before early November.
My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)
Captain America speaks the truth.
And so shall Aragorn!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
Truth man, truth.
I'll add something I've used in game for some time. It's the motto of my SG, the Lemming League.
We're heroes with a cause. It might be a lost cause, but we have one.
We're not dead yet.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.
This is the way I see things- Call it optimism or stupidity, it doesn't honestly matter to me. The NDA has been brought up several times- We know they're talking, but neither side will say what they're talking about, when they're talking, why they're talking. That's because the NDA swings both ways- Paragon can't say anything, neither can NCSoft. Just because NCSoft hasn't made a statement doesn't mean they're ignoring us.
I work and go to school 4 days a week. Every day, I come home, sit down at my desk and load up the Titan Network along with these forums, and scour the posts for the declaration of victory, that our voices have been heard and some arrangement has been made. Clearly, this hasn't happened yet. Does it stop me from coming home with that hope every day? Absolutely not. |
My point is, ignore the haters. Don't let the silence discourage you. I'm going to keep fighting until a redname tells me to stop. I'm going to to run TFs and level characters and RP and hold torches and signs in Atlas on my downtime until December 1st. And if December 1st rolls around and I can no longer log into City of Heroes, I'll be satisfied knowing I did everything I could. |
Don't let anyone tell you you're wrong for standing up to defend something important to you. Don't let them tell you you're being ignored when the others are just unable to speak. Don't let them tell you you're alone in this fight, because thousands of others are standing with you. You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't care. |
I'm not giving up. And I'm still playing the game, too.
I wrote emails. I think each paying customer has the right to express their feelings, and if anyone trolls them (I didn't, but someone might) then maybe next time they'll plan their next MMO closure a little better and treat those players a little better (we're far from the first and I doubt we'll be the last). And if they truly have put CoH completely behind them already, then nothing we say is going to bother them in the least anyway.
I'm actually glad people wrote in right away; later, they may block all "CoH" worded emails, or all emails outside of their contacts lists, etc. But as they still haven't directly said word one to us in two weeks even concerning billing refunds never mind anything else, I'm glad a few of us managed to get to a small potential audience (even if it's just their secretaries).
Also, Winston Churchill has some appropriate words for this.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I love that Captain America post. And the OP. And the other ones.
Keep it up guys, I know these have been a long two weeks but that's ultimately not all that long in the realm of corporate negotiations. We have to stay strong.
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

Long live CoH!
Let's come at them from all sides!
Curently up to 90 active toons of all ATs and Powersets across every server.
Because Char's post deserves to get back on the front page.
Hell of a first post. Hope to see more.
And I'm not giving up yet. For one thing, it's premature to do so...the effort to save the game is still underway; it's too soon to tell the results. Giving up now would be like putting one's money on a number on the roulette wheel, spinning the wheel, and then leaving and conceding defeat while it's still turning.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
They speak the truth, whenever I log on, Charcoal is usually around in the SG chat or on City of Formspring chat. I've mostly just been doing photo runs and trying out alternative games.
But in honor of Charcoal's first post, I will check in every night this week!
I have been inspired!
(( I guess I'm assuming this is the same Charcoal that I know. If not, still inspired ))
(( I guess I'm assuming this is the same Charcoal that I know. If not, still inspired )) |
I'm glad to see others speaking up. I think that Captain America panel was on my mind as I wrote that post. But, it's absolutely true.
Sometimes it's as simple as standing up to make all the difference in the world. Stand up, be counted, and make sure NCSoft knows your opinion matters.
There is but one Charcoal, my dear Eiko.
I'm glad to see others speaking up. I think that Captain America panel was on my mind as I wrote that post. But, it's absolutely true. Sometimes it's as simple as standing up to make all the difference in the world. Stand up, be counted, and make sure NCSoft knows your opinion matters. |
Whatever the final results for this particular case may be... I hope that we turn heads and change minds and help a better approach for these types of things for the future.
You may say that I am a dreamer... But I'm not the only one.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I'm not saying anything new here but... we're heroes. This is what we do.
Absolutely. It's not even just about making sure CoH continues on... For me, at least. People say this and that is acceptable and standard big business operating procedure and that you can't fight it, you can't beat it, and so on... Well, I don't accept it. I wish to change those standards. I'll fight it and I'll be damned if I listen to anyone tell me I can't win.
Keep morale high!
Continue fighting for City of Heroes in every game you play.
Unite all gamers!
We take a stand here and now!
We show all gaming companies that if they want to be in business; we will hold them accountable.
The power of Social Media is here. Spread the message far and wide.
Please share this -
Curently up to 90 active toons of all ATs and Powersets across every server.
At least Positron gave us a tiny bit of hope today....
That's good enough for me. Now let's put our heads together and find a publisher!
How'd the Valve campaign go, did anyone hear back?
They haven't said anything publicly. That could either mean they're not interested, or they're making a bid right now.
With business deals you never know.
Anyway, remember to still run Positron's TF on thursday and Saturday.
It is not over yet! Keep up the pressure! Keep Spirits up! We are all Positron's Ally!
Culex's resistance guide
Not the best fitting link, but...
If you ever feel like packing it in...
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
This is my first post on these forums, as well as my first comment on this whole situation anywhere other than my SG's official forums, so if this is a little hard to follow, please forgive me.
I was going to put a big spiel here about my history in City of Heroes, how I had been playing it since just after release, how I've met some of my closest friends through the game, and how much it means to me and how it's helped me grow as a person. But everyone knows those stories already; it's true for 95% of us. If this community and the people in it weren't important to you, you wouldn't still be here.
Instead, I'll get straight to my point. I've seen posts both ways, about how NCSoft is ignoring us and how the devs are silent on the matter other than "Thank you for the support", and posts on all the action being taken to save it.
This is the way I see things- Call it optimism or stupidity, it doesn't honestly matter to me. The NDA has been brought up several times- We know they're talking, but neither side will say what they're talking about, when they're talking, why they're talking. That's because the NDA swings both ways- Paragon can't say anything, neither can NCSoft. Just because NCSoft hasn't made a statement doesn't mean they're ignoring us.
I work and go to school 4 days a week. Every day, I come home, sit down at my desk and load up the Titan Network along with these forums, and scour the posts for the declaration of victory, that our voices have been heard and some arrangement has been made. Clearly, this hasn't happened yet. Does it stop me from coming home with that hope every day? Absolutely not.
My point is, ignore the haters. Don't let the silence discourage you. I'm going to keep fighting until a redname tells me to stop. I'm going to to run TFs and level characters and RP and hold torches and signs in Atlas on my downtime until December 1st. And if December 1st rolls around and I can no longer log into City of Heroes, I'll be satisfied knowing I did everything I could.
Don't let anyone tell you you're wrong for standing up to defend something important to you. Don't let them tell you you're being ignored when the others are just unable to speak. Don't let them tell you you're alone in this fight, because thousands of others are standing with you.
You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't care.