19 -
Those are valid points.
You can argue that you think the playerbase was low, that everyone left when they changed PvP, that the profits just weren't high enough or that you don't think that NCSoft's other games had anything to do with the closing of CoH but the truth is that City of Heroes is the premier superhero game in all the world and it was doing just fine; this with practically zero advertising support from NCSoft.
Saddly, conjecture is something we have been forced to do because NCSoft has outright refused to release sufficient information on this decision. Morever, the manner in which NCSoft has conducted itself is entirely reprehensible. If it was about cutting costs, there were other logical avenues besides closing Pagagon Studios and CoH. If it's about them wanting to pull out of the North American market and concentrate on Asia, then why not sell the CoH IP and game? You can't say that it's to not have to compete with their own game if by all indications they don't care about our market. By what few communications they have had with us, they have blatantly stated "We don't care about you or your concerns or what you want; we'll still take your money though. We're closing, leave."
That seems to be satisfactory to some but it certainly isn't for me. While some of you may have trouble understanding the fervor displayed by some people in wanting to save the game, I have even less understanding for those of you showing compliance or apathy about the destruction of something you have enjoyed and less understanding still for those showing antagonism towards those still wanting to keep a perfectly good game running or at least wanting to fight this.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to say "Hey, it's a business."
There is nothing right about this or the manner in which NCSoft has operated and whether it is capable or not, they should be held accountable. -
Quote:I don't care if that statement was made by Golden Girl or Arcanaville, it was really really stupid. Again, go away and leave the discussion to grown ups.Quote:Of course. And when you post something stupid in a public forum, we'll feel free to comment on it.
Here is the article that makes the claims that two investments groups were interested, so I don't know what your issues are but don't dare to call yourself a grown up unless you act like one. As for me, refusing to grow up is a personal choice. With you, it's clearly a limitation.
http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/10...ndly-products/ -
Don't believe it. They are telling us that they had exhausted all options including the selling of the studio and the rights to the City of Heroes intellectual property, but in the end, efforts to do so were not successful.
I can't verify it but allegedly, two private investment groups contacted NCSoft with offers to buy the game and NCSoft refused to even discuss a sale, and ignored any and all offers.
What we need is bad publicity(and we don't need to make anything up, NCSoft is doing a fine job of running their own name through the mud), we need bad publicity where it will hurt. We need to get messages out in Korean media and to the Korean people about how NCSoft operates. -
Okay, this time I am bumping my own thread, sorry, not intentional, I just need the space for something and don't want to start a new thread. hope you guys don't mind.
"I come to you on behalf of the denizens Paragon City. We are desperate and pleading for help from anyone who is willing to provide us with any assistance. Korean game publisher NCSoft, in a seemingly arbitrary decision, has chosen to close the doors of it's Super Hero themed MMORPG City of Heroes. Players awoke one morning to the news that NCSoft had laid off the 80 or so employees of CoH's development studio only 10 days after having released new content and mere weeks from releasing it's next expansion. City of Heroes has been around for nearly a decade and is much more than just a video game. Not only is it above the standard by which new games should be measured but it is also a social networking platform in it's own right, every bit the equal of Facebook and Twitter. Even more than that, it is very much a community; the best online community that there is. NCSoft has released absolutely no information regarding this action and they have made no attempt to help us understand why they have chosen to kick us out of our online home. There is no indication that City of Heroes is no longer profitable and we cannot find any sense in this from what data is available. City of Heroes is the most accessible, most family friendly, most well rounded game of it's kind and it is not showing it's age for a game that has been around for 8 years. City of Heroes is responsible for the charity known as RealWorldHero and it is home to whole generations of families that enjoy playing together. I, personally, cannot count the number of moms and parents that I have met who use CoH as not only a place to unwind but a social outlet while on break from raising their famillies. We plead with you for any help you can provide and any attention you can bring to our cause. The heroes need you. Will you lend us your strength?" -
I'm just sharing something I came across in my searches.
Why do you feel you need to come attack me by calling me shameless and saying that my only reason for sharing a link is to bump my thread?
You really that cynical or have you just lost all hope?
If you aren't doing something constructive yourself; don't tear others down. okay? -
Keep morale high!
Continue fighting for City of Heroes in every game you play.
Unite all gamers!
We take a stand here and now!
We show all gaming companies that if they want to be in business; we will hold them accountable.
The power of Social Media is here. Spread the message far and wide.
Please share this - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=297323 -
Yes, CatMan, I believe you would have had the capability available.
http://city-of-heroes.livejournal.com/3571564.html -
Keep morale high!
Continue fighting for City of Heroes in every game you play.
Unite all gamers!
We take a stand here and now!
We show all gaming companies that if they want to be in business; we will hold them accountable.
The power of Social Media is here. Spread the message far and wide.
Please share this - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=297323 -
Long live CoH!
Let's come at them from all sides!
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=297323 -
I'm well aware of what everyone is doing and I'm not coming in late, I am pleading for anyone that is listening right now to please help me mobilize once more right now that the weekend is here again and the gaming hours will be primed on all games. The community is performing some amazing feats., but the servers are getting quiet, we need to keep the morale up. Please help me this weekend in this. Play something you like and spread the word there too.
Precisely why this is the time to mobilise, find the support anywhere you're able. Will it hurt to seek it?
>.> What the heck ya still standin' around for, you have to save The City.
If you care for the cause, I urge you to act while the gaming hours are hot, help spread it so some know by the time they reach home from work. -
Not the point, if you don't wish to partake, don't discourage others.
...I think I have our next move.
A forum post I read says the eyes of the gaming industry are on us; why don't we bring them into it.
They just want to play too.
The bullies are trying to close our playground down.
If they can take ours.
How long until they come for theirs?
If you have contact information for a CoH player we need to mobilise over the weekend while as many people are playing.
Not just CoH.
The post said the news is getting outside of the CoH circle, if you have the power, if you're willing to do it; then make it wider.
If you play anything else then get the word out there.
Get players of other games to sign the Save CoH Petition and to like Save CoH Social Media Pages. Get a surge of tweets going.
Make the tweets surge again this weekend
Reach anyone who will listen. Spread it through public channels or word of mouth with those you're playing with. Don't be obnoxious about anything. There's no shame in asking for help.
You can come at them with the angle that the way to make their game and their community better is to make sure it has the healthy competition to force it to aspire to something. Pepsi and Coke love to hate each other in a very healthy way.
Anyone you play something with, you ask them to pass it along.
If you play DC, if you're on Champions, if you got Guild Wars 2, if you have a home in WoW, if you're Star Treking or Star Waring, if you have access to Aion or Lineage or Blade & Soul, doesn't matter if you quest Final Fantasy or Diablo, Secret World or Perfect World, wether your Online is Hello Kitty or EVE, wether you're an X-Box Junkie a PS3 Addict or you are loyal to Nintendo.
Make a free account if you don't have any Liquid Courage on you.
If you feel you can contact Google to plead for them to make a Save CoH Google front page logo to seek help outside the gaming community, it's a task that can be performed that honestly couldn't hurt our chances. Try contacting Oprah if you're inclined or any talk show host and ask them to report on the community who's playground is being wipedout by something that some cruel person refered to as a realignment of company focus.
Whoever you talk to about gaming, you bring them in on it. You tell them what the big mean bullies are trying to do to our playground, see who cares to listen.
Those <expletive deleted> started a war,
if we will not make them our enemy; then see who our friends are.
The Heroes need their help.
Will they lend us their strength.
Good Links
=o) -
But is the ideal target defense number still 45% in PvP, as it is in PvE? does this mean that PvE defense numbers essentially get halved in a PvP zone?
I thought I'd try to make a PvP build for a gravity/force field controller. I was wondering what kind of defense numbers I should aim for, I imagine it's a bit different than in PvE.
I'm a total PvP amateur, so any extra advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you. -
Quote:Thanks for contributing, Tyrrano. You've reached very logical conclusions.That in and of itself tells me it's probably at least partially your end. Even if there is a problem at some level in a CoX server/ISP/etc., if it's only happening to a small percentage of clients then there has to be some portion of the problem stemming from the client.
Let me ask you this though.
If my system or configuration are set up in a manner that causes problems for CoH rather than simply manifesting existing problems within CoH or between CoH and my computer, why have I never had to alter a single setting in my system configuration in 4 years of having this same installation?(we're not counting windows updates and junk)
I go through the motions.
I encounter an issue. Do enough testing to be able to describe the problem in a few short sentences. Send in my bug or tech report. Wait for a reply and send in the information from the CoH diagnostic tool and whatever else they ask for and attempt fixes they recommend.
No issue that I have ever sent a report on has ever been resolved by a techie asking me to change some vague setting somewhere or updating my video card driver. I have always had to wait for a patch fix for any occurrences of a problem to stop manifesting and Tech Support has never found anything distinctly wrong with my system in the hundred or so times that I've sent in my info regarding incidents. This by no means signifies that my setup is perfectly configured, I'm just saying that when there isn't something particularly wrong with CoH; it functions as intended on my computer.
If there is a hypothetical problem with my system, I find it very hard to believe that any patches could fix it without me altering a single thing. What, the patches simply circumvent my unknown hypothetical problem?
As for my ISP, it's not out of the realm of all possibility that they might have problems that could affect CoH. However, them having problems coinciding with the release of an issue or a patch just doesn't seem likely to me, especially when you take into account that I've been with this ISP for a good decade now and I'm connected to the internet 99% of the year and I never have issues with them of any kind. I've called their tech support once in the entire time I've been with them and it turned out to be a billing issue.
It's entirely possible that there's something wrong with my computer. I just think that, given the available information, it's more likely that there's something wrong with CoH.
Have a socially relevant day. =o) -
You are not alone.
Take a small amount of comfort in the fact that I am 200% convinced the problem is not on your end.
This issue has likely been caused, in my opinion, either by Issue 17 itself, or the patch that was designed to fix the Auction House/Black Market shortly after I17's release.
The first occurrence of the problem for me happened on Monday, May 3rd, 2010 at 9:34 EST(Yes, it was so disturbing I remembered the time and date.)
I experienced a particularly strange manifestation of lag which I could not trace to anything on my side. I dismissed it and finished chatting with a friend. Upon trying to Wentworth Day Job teleport my way to Talos, the game hung in loading seemingly forever and then just dropped to Login.
Attempts to reenter the game were met with opposition. First, after entering my info, there would be a stall at the Login ending with a prompt displaying the message "The game client is unavailable". Second, if I made it past Login the game would stall at the Server Select screen ending with the prompt "Can't connect to DBserver". The next attempt would allow me to Select a character from one of the servers and then hang there for awhile before dropping to Login. If I made it past all that and actually reached the Loading screen, it would hang at Loading and drop to Login with the prompt "No Mapserver".
One out of maybe 7 attempts to log back in would make it through, but once loaded into the game, I could not leave the zone or even enter a mission because any loading screen would hang and kick me out. But from inside the game, it would not drop to Login anymore.
Instead, after hanging at the Loading screen for 5-10 minutes, the game would drop back into the zone I just tried to leave with my character coming back out of the train or mission door or portal they just entered and the message "NO MAPSERVER CONNECTION" flashed across the screen leaving me with no control of the character. (Note that this message is distinct from the often seen "LOST MAPSERVER CONNECTION message)
At this point I would have to manually end the cityofheroes.exe process because attempting to log out of a game session that has already been disconnected closes all windows and game graphics except for the sky texture of the zone you were in.(scary)
I had hopped that the Server Maintenance of May 6th had resolved my issue completely as everything seemed stable afterwards.
One night two weeks ago, the issue reared it's fugly head again and then yesterday morning the problem persisted for about an hour in the morning while I was helping a friend make the last few steps to level 50. I missed it entirely.
This is far and beyond the most annoying and frustrating problem I have ever experienced in my 5 years of playing this game. I'm a total pacifist but this problem really gets the rage flowing.
If the issue is not on our side, I cannot explain why more players are not experiencing it. I have posted on every server's Help Channel numerous times and until you, no one I spoke with encountered or heard about this problem. I can only speak for my own computer and tell you that my system seems to pick up on issues that most other players never experience or notice. Last year, I tracked a small amount of animation lag, that nobody else seemed to experience, to a problem with one of CoH's east coast Internet Service Providers.
Everybody was like "it's your system. it's your connection. you ****ed something up." and the CoH techies finally got back to me with "uuhm, yeah... one of our ISPs has the hiccups. nice catch. have a free month of game time."
For now, all we can do is send them bug reports with our information and system configurations and hope they are able to compile enough data to track down and resolve the problem once and for all.
Have a socially relevant day. =o)