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  1. The first server that I clicked on. (gotta get my post count up I am wayy behind)
  2. It would be nice if we could get gold Save our City titles..
  3. Rama lama ding dong forever!
  4. Wherever I am , I will be there believing that there is no end.
  5. Jim_Justice

    1337 Badge

    Pretty cool and grats!
  6. Looking forward to ep3. fun stuff!
  7. Thanks for the cookie , gonna chase it with a cold beer and hope some fella gets his props fpr fixing this issue
  8. What is gonna happen is that it will rock
    allota folks will have fun
    and the current issues are temporary
    This is a game worth waiting for.

  9. someone somewhere
    pushed a button
    or two
    thinking it broke something
  10. Jim_Justice

    Return to form?

    Depends on when but I could bring Justin to such an event.
  11. I regularly skip "crown jewel" powers that do not fit my concept. Sometimes I have to pick up one on a respec though. Dual builds and respec trials...it's not set in stone.
  12. Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: Jim Justice
    Global Contact: Jim Justice
    Level of Classification: 50
    Origin: Magic
    Super Rank & Super Group: Fusion Force Legends
  13. Thanks for all the work you put into helping make this game what is...
  14. Jim_Justice

    Pantsless Hero

    Great laugh before work cool song...
  15. YaY! Now to get off work early!