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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    As for the whole pie vs. cake thing?

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
    The chronic misspelling of "Nemesis" is a Rangle Plot.
    Nah... man >.> <.<

    Nemisis, is a guy on 44th and 2nd....

    who hands out sammiches to all the good boys and girls on All Brady-ween.

    totally who I was talking about...

    pshhhh, not NEMESIS.... nahhhhhhhhhh


  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    We went to interesting panels about the game and game development in general, sang karaoke, and broke a Rubik's Cube into pieces and tried to put it back together while trying to hide it from Ghost Falcon's camera...Thank you, Paragon, for helping to change my life, and thank you Fatare, for agreeing to be my wife.
    I was in a group that broke a Rubik's cube and tried to piece it together (ending in a rather sad looking jumble of tape, Rubik and glue...)

    If I was there with you guy, awesome, if not it doesn't matter - Congratulations my fellow CoHers!
  4. I had bacon yesterday.

    it was delicious.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Murder of Crows costume change was the only thing I needed to see. My god.
    very cool indeed!
  6. I start installing Windows - and essential programs tonight after work... City of Heroes comes after Office (hopefully, I can find those discs! eep!).

    Hoping I'll be able to show up and try out the new computer, put me in for maybe.
  7. that is one of my favorite episodes of MST3K!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    Leave the snakes alone.

    You leave JACK BURTON alone!
  9. give 'em the Alpha without being able to iTrial. It allows you to slot it up, but at a horribly slow pace through weeklies and randomly dropped shards. Which is devilish, but a carrot to dangle non-the-less
  10. least amount of work...

    upgrade RAM to 4gigs..


    look for a GFX card that is better and fairly priced for your budget.

    Anything more than that, you may need to rip out the motherboard.
  11. some interesting posts found here:


    Like this...

    "Now, yes, the Incarnate System was created with Going Rogue in mind, and the developers did make an intentional decision to make the Incarnate content only available to purchasers of the expansion. However, the implementation of the end-game system was only determined after players had already been informed about what Going Rogue would contain... in March 2010: http://goingrogue.na.cityofheroes.com/en/2010/03/"
    written by: je saist
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing
    Did anyone here go to herocon in 2009 and buy any of the convention exclusive costume powers for $20 American? Just wondering. I believe they did sell out.

    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    Forgive me for saying so, but such people may well have spent a great deal more on travel, as well as taking a great deal of time for an event associated with the game. Such do not, in my opinion, represent the situation of most players.

    For me: The price is to high. Someone went into an existing power and altered the duration of it, and you charge that much? The time/effort disconnect with the pricing is astounding. Will all the pricing be not "How much is it worth, as measured by our effort" but "What's the highest we can ask before they say no?"

    Folks, I've said it before. Don't aim for the few big spenders. Make moderate prices the masses will pay, you get not only a better return, but you also keep a better relationship.

    Being a player that was at Hero Con... Hell no, I didn't pay $20 for a costume toggle. I was given one in my goodie bag if I remember correctly. I purchased a hand full of pins... 1 defender pin for myself, 1 defender pin for a friend, 1 blaster pin for a friend... and maybe a Hero pin.... I guess I am cheap... I spent my $ on Long Islands that didn't even get me remotely tipsy *shakes fist at California bartenders*. >.> <.< and then there was Jameson in a sock.
  13. I haven't tried getting to the zone yet... but Atlas Park brings my computer to a crawl... I can only guess what that zone with a GM event will do to me.
  14. Undead_Bubble

    Big day today...

    now Atlas park makes my computer cry even more...

    I can't get that new motherboard and processor fast enough!
  15. Never forget...

    Never forgive...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    *gives Bubble a doomcookie*

    **snatches doomcookie**


    **runs off giggling**
  17. just stopped my work... loaded up the forums looking for some doom... and what do I get... sanity! *pshaw*

    I'm going back to work... *render render render*

    call me when the doom arrives.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    and if I already have a Hello Kitty Backpack, I gets job nao?
  19. Woooo!!!

    Grats on the gaming anniversary!