Justice Superteamers Pre-Freedom Events




The Justice Superteamers are a theme oriented superteam that has been playing on the Justice server for over two years. We would like to have an event for our community to come together, have some fun and take our money. These events will be taking place on August 26th and 28th.

If you like what you see here and would like to join us, our next team will be darkness and is starting on September 9th.

What- Lowbie Hollows race, Lowbie Red Side race and ship raid
Where- Justice server
When- August 26th - 5:30 PM PST/8:30 PM EST
Who- The Justice Superteamers
Why- Fun and prizes!

Lowbie Hollows Race

Many of the superteamers remember back when if you wanted to level, you had to go to the Hollows. And it wasn't easy getting around in the Hollows either. If you died in the Hollows and didn't have a wakie or someone to rez you, it was a long run back from Atlas. I can remember faceplanting on the mission door a few times. Ahhh...good times. This is why we're having a lowbie Hollows race.

The lowbie Hollows Race will start at 5:30 PM PST/8:30 PM EST at Dave Wincott. Participants will be racing to the Backwoodsman badge on the opposite corner of the Hollows. There will be a superteamer standing on that badge to declare the winner.


  • Participants must be a natural level 1. No exemplaring.
  • Blasters only*
  • No outside buffs (speed boost, inertial reduction, etc...)
  • No temporary travel powers (Pocket D jump pack, steam jump, raptor packs,LKT-1700 Rocket Packs, etc...)
  • Small inspirations only
  • Paricipants can use the in-zone hospital to rez. Use of bases to rez is not allowed.
  • Any violations of these rules will result in disqualification and possibly being shot by Multiple Persona.
Outside of these limitations, the rules are basically 'every lunatic for themselves'.


1st place- 500 million influence +260 reward merits**
2nd place- 250 million influence +140 reward merits**
3rd place- 100 million influence +100 reward merits**

*We decided that blasters would be the best choice for this race because a defender or controller would be able to keep themselves healed and a kheldian would have a travel power. Limiting the race to one archetype presents an interesting challenge. We also feel as the ones sponsoring the event that the risks and level of craziness needed to undertake this challenge match the rewards offered.

**I know that reward merits aren't transferable. The winners can accompany the superteam member that will be providing the merits to a merit vendor and they'll spend them any way that the winner wants.

Lowbie Red Side Race

Back when I first started running with the superteamers, it was with the Traps VG Bombs and Bullets. This was before the ferries and the black helicopter were merged making it incredibly easy to get around red side. Nowadays, you can go straight to Grandville from Mercy. We remember when going to Grandville from Mercy meant taking the ferry to Port Oakes, taking another ferry in Port Oakes to go to Cap au Diable, running to another ferry in Cap au Diable to catch that one to Grandville. This sounds like a great idea for a race...

The lowbie red side race will begin 15 minutes after the winners of the Hollows race have been declared. Participants will begin in north Mercy next to Arbiter Diaz. Participants will be racing to Arbiter Apolis in Grandville.

  • Participants must be a natural level 1. No exemplaring.
  • Dominators only*
  • Participants must travel from Mercy to east Port Oakes to west Port Oakes by foot, from Port Oakes to the south Cap au Diable ferry run/swim to to th north Cap au Diable ferry and then to Grandville.

  • The Hollows race winners will be automatically disqualified from winning this race.
  • The black helicopter is not available for transportation. Travel between zones must be on the ferry.
  • Using the same ferry twice to skip any zones is not allowed.
  • No outside buffs (speed boost, inertial reduction, etc...)
  • No temporary travel powers (Pocket D jump pack, steam jump, raptor packs,LKT-1700 Rocket Packs, etc...)
  • Small inspirations only
  • Paricipants can use the in-zone hospital to rez. Use of bases to rez is not allowed.
  • Any violations of these rules will result in disqualification and possibly being shot by Multiple Persona.

Outside of these limitations, the rules are basically 'every lunatic for themselves'.


1st place- 500 million influence +260 reward merits**
2nd place- 250 million influence +140 reward merits**
3rd place- 100 million influence +100 reward merits**

*We decided that the dominator would be the best choice for this race because a thermal or pain dom corruptor/mastermind would be able to keep themselves healed and a stalker would be able to toggle on hide and walk past mobs. Limiting the race to one archetype presents an interesting challenge. We also feel as the ones sponsoring the event that the risks and level of craziness needed to undertake this challenge match the rewards offered.

**I know that reward merits aren't transferable. The winners can accompany the superteam member that will be providing the merits to a merit vendor and they'll spend them any way that the winner wants.

Ship Raid
It wouldn't be a superteam night without mass slaughter of Rikti, Romans or some other unfortunate group that we decided to pick on. The Mothership raid will start 15 minutes after the lowbie red side race is over. We'll meet up at Point Du Hoc to form teams.

Edit-There will be a 100 million bounty on the kill shot to U'kon Grai.

Otherwise known as EF



What- Dead Body Race and MoLambda Trials
Where- Justice server
When- August 28th ---- 5:30 PM PST/8:30 PM PST
Who- The Justice Superteamers
Why- Fun and prizes!

Dead Body Race

When Freedom hits the live servers, it's taking Galaxy City out with a meteor. Before Galaxy is wiped off the map, we'd like to do something to remember that place we would hang out in and kill 10 Hellions while we were running Numina. And there's that guy we would talk to so we could get a cape. We'll miss him.

The dead body race will begin at Ms. Liberty at 5:30 PM PST/. 8:30 EST. The objective of this will be to transport a dead body from Atlas Park to Castle in Peregrine Island and get the dead body the Galaxy City explore accolade along the way. Teams will start at Ms Liberty and end at Castle. In order for a team to be declared the winner, they must be standing with their dead body at Castle.

Teams can be assembled just before the race or people can bring a pre-assembled team. If people decide to bring a pre-assembled team, please leave one space open for the dead body to join. We will make every effort to provide every team with an unbiased dead body. However, if there are too many teams for the number of dead bodies available, we'll have multiple races and the top finishers from each race will compete in a final race.


  • Teams will be assigned a dead body of the Justice Superteamers' choosing.
  • All team members must start with their dead body at Ms Liberty.
  • The dead body must have the Galaxy City explore accolade before being brought to Castle.
  • All team members must finish with their dead body at Castle.
  • In order for a team to be declared the winner, all team members must be standing at Castle with their dead body.
  • All teammates should have some form of team-based teleportation power. Vets will be allowed to use assemble the team and anybody that can acquire the summon teammates power from the Steel Canyon mayhem and safeguard missions will be allowed the use of these powers.

  • Use of Ouroboros, Pocket D, mission or base transporters will not be allowed.
  • Travel between zones will be limited to zone connections and trains.
  • Dead bodies will refuse any attempt made to rez them.
  • Dead bodies will be configured to auto-accept tp.
  • Any violations of these rules will result in disqualification.
  • Make use of the map patch and maps from Vidiotmaps
  • If you don't have recall friend in your build, consider making use of an alternate build
  • Bring a warshade with inherent teleport if you don't want to respec into recall friend or use an alternate build. Warshades get Shadow Recall at level 10.

1st place- 1 billion to be divided equally among team members.
2nd place- 500 million to be divided equally among team members
3rd place-250 million to be divided equally among team members

Master of Lambda Trials
We like a challenge. That's why we're going to be running multiple Lambda trials to get the Master of badge. Badge order will be determined by popular request. The trials will launch 15 minutes after the winners of the dead body race. All archetypes will be welcome. We'll be meeting up in the Midnighter Club to run these because it's co-op and has a store. Door prizes* (random io's that we found lying around in base) will be awarded for the most valorous and/or humorous efforts in the trial.

*Synthetic Nucleolus Exposure.50
Kinetic Combat: Damage/Endurance.35
Steadfast Protection: Resistance/Defense.30
Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points).36
Touch of Death: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance.40
Mako's Bite: Damage/Recharge.50
Numina's Convalescence: Healing/Recharge.50
Obliteration: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge.50
Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage.40
Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance (20).20] x2
Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage.50]
Touch of Death: Damage/Endurance.40]
Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Endurance.50]
Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification/Recharge/Accuracy.50]
Synthetic Cytoskeleton Exposure.50]
Obliteration: Damage.50 x3
Obliteration: Damage/Recharge.50
Numina's Convalescence: Regeneration/Recovery.50
Thunderstrike: Damage/Endurance/Recharge.50

If anyone has any questions, feel free to post them here or on the Justice Superteamers channel (/chan_join Justice Superteamers in game). You can also PM Esisteine Falle, PersonaMix, Big_King or Deacon_NA or send a /tell to @Esisteine Falle, @PersonaMix, @Big King or @HedgeFund

Otherwise known as EF



Never heard of the group



Well LSK, we have been around lurking in the shadows for some time. Granted, i have been with this group for two teams now. We are somewhat quiet but looking to expand a bit. So i encourge you to stop by if you can, and see what we are about.



Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
We are somewhat quiet but looking to expand a bit.
Which is exactly why we're having an event like this. Hopefully, we'll get some new people and at the very least, more people will have heard of us.

Otherwise known as EF



Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
Well LSK, we have been around lurking in the shadows for some time. Granted, i have been with this group for two teams now. We are somewhat quiet but looking to expand a bit. So i encourge you to stop by if you can, and see what we are about.
Sorry i am the leader of another SG called The Dark Hearts that has been around for years, and a few toons in Sister chrome and Brothers chrome. Although Most In my SG has stopped playing like the co founder @Cheapo.



Although we wouldn't turn anyone away that wanted to join, this event is meant to give the community an opportunity to come out and have a good time.

Otherwise known as EF



These events sound like fun. I'll do my very best to join you and if I am the only contestant I'll be guaranteed to come in second.

Enjoy your day please.



Looks like a lot of fun .

Thanks for putting this Community event together


Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



This sounds like fun, would love to do the Hollows race, brings back memories. And for sure need to do some MoLambdas

@Killerhurtz & @Killerhurtz 2 of Justice

Arc ID# 95628 What If...#1 The 'Hurtz' Family



Originally Posted by Killerhurtz View Post
This sounds like fun, would love to do the Hollows race, brings back memories. And for sure need to do some MoLambdas
You mean pre lvl 14 before they introduced the temp powers and you had to run all the way to the other side of the map to go up against ATTA or Frostfire? or hope there is someone on team with TP at the door? And must not forget the taxi bots waiting at the gate to AP to get you there so you can go into AP to level. But if you died on the way to the mish you have to start all over from AP, or some times sky and run all the way back. That was way before they added the trainer and hospital there. Good times good times, I missed doing a 6 hour ATTA



I am glad to see others are taking interest. If there are any questions about rules/regulations/who we are please feel free to post them here, PM us, ask them in our global channel (/chan_join Justice Superteamers in game), or find us in game (my self @PersonaMix). Our regular play schedule is Friday and Sunday 8:00 pm EST till about 10:30ish. There have been occasions where we will play later, till 11:30 or so. We have been working hard to make sure this event provides alot of fun for all.



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
You mean pre lvl 14 before they introduced the temp powers and you had to run all the way to the other side of the map to go up against ATTA or Frostfire? or hope there is someone on team with TP at the door? And must not forget the taxi bots waiting at the gate to AP to get you there so you can go into AP to level. But if you died on the way to the mish you have to start all over from AP, or some times sky and run all the way back. That was way before they added the trainer and hospital there. Good times good times, I missed doing a 6 hour ATTA

Don't forget about accruing debt before level 10. And the massive broadcasts & tells for help with Frostfire.

@Killerhurtz & @Killerhurtz 2 of Justice

Arc ID# 95628 What If...#1 The 'Hurtz' Family



Okay CSB time.

I used to take my emp fender out to the Hollows and patrol looking for people that were dead or needed a rez. I had some interesting experiences doing that.

1) Being called a killstealer by a group I was getting ready to hit with RA's.

2) Healing and getting yelled at by a guy that was taking the white light express to Atlas.

3)I rezzed a guy a few feet from a mish door, he sent me tells for about 10 minutes telling me how cool I was. Got a little creepy there.

Otherwise known as EF



Originally Posted by Killerhurtz View Post
Don't forget about accruing debt before level 10. And the massive broadcasts & tells for help with Frostfire.
You for got to mention help with ATTA as well



Just over 2 weeks till the running of the lowbies. I've been consolidating the io's that we'll be using as door prizes and will be putting a list here and in the op.

This is just a partial list. I'll add to it as I get more organized.

Synthetic Nucleolus Exposure.50
Kinetic Combat: Damage/Endurance.35
Steadfast Protection: Resistance/Defense.30
Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points).36
Touch of Death: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance.40
Mako's Bite: Damage/Recharge.50
Numina's Convalescence: Healing/Recharge.50
Obliteration: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge.50
Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage.40

Otherwise known as EF



Just under two weeks till lowbies get to run around the Hollows like it was Issue 7. I just wanted to pop in here and update the door prize list.

Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance (20).20] x2
Obliteration: Chance for Smashing Damage.50]
Touch of Death: Damage/Endurance.40]
Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Endurance.50]
Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification/Recharge/Accuracy.50]
Synthetic Cytoskeleton Exposure.50]
Obliteration: Damage.50 x3
Obliteration: Damage/Recharge.50
Numina's Convalescence: Regeneration/Recovery.50
Thunderstrike: Damage/Endurance/Recharge.50

This is still only a partial list of what we have in base waiting for the event. There will be more added as I get more organized.

I've added a bounty on the kill shot on U'kon Grai. Whoever gets the kill shot will get 100 million inf. We'll be bringing 2 bubblers to help insure that the raid goes well.

Otherwise known as EF



I think it is funny I just noticed that for the hallows race you have to be a lvl 1 blaster which I happen to have for ppl to get into there own SGs. As for the dom I do not have 1 atm but ill make one for this on my second account.



This looks like fun, if I'm around on those days I'd love to give them a shot.

Thanks for organizing this aanyways, guys!



Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
This looks like fun, if I'm around on those days I'd love to give them a shot.
It was a lot of fun to think these events up too. We were originally going to have a costume contest and a trivia contest when somebody pointed out that would exclude villains. This idea didn't sit well with us because we don't like to leave anyone out. So we threw some ideas around before settling on our final decisions. Just for fun, here's some of the ideas that didn't make the cut
  • A level 1 (no khelds) no travel power race around the Shadow Shard.
  • Instead of ending the lowbie villain race at the arbiter, it was suggested that the finish line be the door for the TV farm missions.
  • A lowbie race across the RWZ.
  • A costume contest on the Death Star in the Chantry.
  • A level 1 race to the top of Striga mountain

Otherwise known as EF



Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
It was a lot of fun to think these events up too. We were originally going to have a costume contest and a trivia contest when somebody pointed out that would exclude villains. This idea didn't sit well with us because we don't like to leave anyone out. So we threw some ideas around before settling on our final decisions. Just for fun, here's some of the ideas that didn't make the cut
  • A level 1 (no khelds) no travel power race around the Shadow Shard.
  • Instead of ending the lowbie villain race at the arbiter, it was suggested that the finish line be the door for the TV farm missions.
  • A lowbie race across the RWZ.
  • A costume contest on the Death Star in the Chantry.
  • A level 1 race to the top of Striga mountain
Ya be kind of hard to go to the TV farm entrance with out any way to fly up there, or to get to the SS with out some help getting to PI. You could of done the CC in RWZ though.



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
Ya be kind of hard to go to the TV farm entrance with out any way to fly up there, or to get to the SS with out some help getting to PI. You could of done the CC in RWZ though.
I don't know if it's even possible to get to that door without fly. I suppose you could run up the web but that would be a right pain.

We were going to have people on hand in PI to port to FBZ but decided against it because the Shard can be a pain to get around in with a travel power.

After much discussion, we decided against having a costume contest. They're nice but it seems like almost every player event has one. We wanted to be a little different.

Otherwise known as EF



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Put this in the Motd for JU looks fun let me know if you need help or prize donations.
Sweet! Thank you very much for putting in the JU Motd. More hands would certainly be appreciated. I'll talk to the others and PM you with the details.

Otherwise known as EF



The events are this Friday and Sunday! Prize distribution has been coordinated! Nothing will stop us from giving inf and merits to people we don't know!

Quote of the moment: This, too, shall pass.
Justice superteamers: We have a website now, in case the forums get closed early. If you've ever run with us, come visit us again before the curtain falls. We're running bucket list characters--anything you've always wanted to play but never got around to.