Hero Builder App




I was wondering if anyone had an idea if there was a Hero Builder App like Mids for mobile devices. If not, some friends and I are planning on working on one, the catch is it will be for iOS which means in order to use it you would need a jailbroken iPhone or iTouch. If there isn't and anyone would like to help drop me a line, not in game atm so it would have to be on the forums.



As far as I know there is not currently a functioning hero builder app. If you do a forum search I'm sure you'll find a few others that have expressed interest in getting something like this going. Perhaps you could join forces. I would love to see something like this but I'd rather not have to jailbreak my iTouch. Good Luck



Who says you'll have to jailbreak it? Someone makes an iOS app, posts it on the app store for free. There's the developer charge of like $99 like once on the app store, but assuming your app gets approved, which would be likely, no need for a jailbreak.



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
Who says you'll have to jailbreak it? Someone makes an iOS app, posts it on the app store for free. There's the developer charge of like $99 like once on the app store, but assuming your app gets approved, which would be likely, no need for a jailbreak.
I honestly didn't know that. I personally hate iTunes and the app store myself, due to apple deciding exactly what type of app we can have. Well we plan on getting started right after finishing finals. Look for it on the app store in a few months possibly, can't devote all our time on it as we are going to be helping on the iDroid project as well.



Originally Posted by Fritzdog View Post
As far as I know there is not currently a functioning hero builder app. If you do a forum search I'm sure you'll find a few others that have expressed interest in getting something like this going.
In the mean-time, your only option for mobile devices it to use a web-based planner like SuckerPunch's Online Planner. (Unfortunately, I don't believe SuckerPunch's planner is very up to date.)




I have to admit I was wondering about this the other day... of course, I'm looking at the Windows Phone 7 devices myself. Something done in Flash could work for any device except iThings, though, right?



We talked about it just a bit today and I guess we decided to not only do iOS but Symbian, J2ME(Java), and possibly palmOS and android as well. Not sure about Windows Mobile, would be easy enough though. We are only 3 college guys so putting an app out for every mobile phone isn't very feasible.

I used suckerpunch the other night, it doesn't seem to show set bonus and a few other things, it's also only updated to like i16.



Currently running iOS 3.1.3, and would be interested.

If you can, get it into the app store - more exposure for you and Apple has improved on letting apps in.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
mvdp_ already had a thread about his intent to develop one.

Hmm alright, I might get a hold of him and see if he wants to combine forces, or I might just let him do his iOS app and focus on putting one out for other mobile devices.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
In the mean-time, your only option for mobile devices it to use a web-based planner like SuckerPunch's Online Planner. (Unfortunately, I don't believe SuckerPunch's planner is very up to date.)

I'm working on this



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
I have to admit I was wondering about this the other day... of course, I'm looking at the Windows Phone 7 devices myself. Something done in Flash could work for any device except iThings, though, right?
Devices other than iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads are missing flash as well. But if the device does have a reasonably well functioning version of flash, theoretically it could work.



Originally Posted by Tracuer72nd View Post
I honestly didn't know that. I personally hate iTunes and the app store myself, due to apple deciding exactly what type of app we can have. Well we plan on getting started right after finishing finals. Look for it on the app store in a few months possibly, can't devote all our time on it as we are going to be helping on the iDroid project as well.
Typically, Apple will approve the app unless its completely offensive, political, pornographic, crashes the device, could break the device or open it up for security threats, or uses unapproved API calls. I can't imagine how a mobile MIDS like app could be offensive, political, or pornographic (unless you do some VERY interesting redesigns of the power icons or pictures).

Considering the nature of the app, I doubt that there would be any extravagant API calls, or much of a security issue since, with maybe an exception for transfering builds between computers/devices somehow, there wouldn't be much opened up to be a security threat. So, as long as you code decently and don't put up a buggy app, you should be good to go.



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
Typically, Apple will approve the app unless its completely offensive, political, pornographic, crashes the device, could break the device or open it up for security threats, or uses unapproved API calls. I can't imagine how a mobile MIDS like app could be offensive, political, or pornographic (unless you do some VERY interesting redesigns of the power icons or pictures).

Considering the nature of the app, I doubt that there would be any extravagant API calls, or much of a security issue since, with maybe an exception for transfering builds between computers/devices somehow, there wouldn't be much opened up to be a security threat. So, as long as you code decently and don't put up a buggy app, you should be good to go.
I have several people I know that use private APIs so apple rejects their apps. Its really annoying.



Hmm, probably would want to make sure it mentioned "Unoffical" somewhere in the title or right at the start of the description. Only thing that might cause issues that I could see.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Hmm, probably would want to make sure it mentioned "Unoffical" somewhere in the title or right at the start of the description. Only thing that might cause issues that I could see.

The Titan Network doesn't really mention "unofficial" anywhere but they do note that it's a fansite so I guess that's the same effect.



Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
The Titan Network doesn't really mention "unofficial" anywhere but they do note that it's a fansite so I guess that's the same effect.
I mean in the Apple App store.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I have also begun developing one for my Samsung Solstice (runs using Java something something =) and by begun, I mean I reopened my Java book to relearn it. =) But it gives me something to do.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



There's one called Meek Hero builder or something like that.

If you search the app store for "Meek" you will find it.

To my knowledge, that's the only one that's available for the iPhone right now.

Hope that helps.



Meek hero comes in 3 kind now:

Meek Hero Browser - Free - to consult power set and enh types for iphone and ipod

Meek Hero builder - expended fonction from browser - cost .99 cents I think need to verify as I did not buy it yet.

and the new version for Ipad: Meek Hero Planer - cost 4.99. not as sofisticated as mids but a very good start. Got all the AT, slot and regular EHN - training, DO, SO, pool sets and ancillary.

Will try to post link ASAP still toying around with this.