Too many tankers!
Thanks for all the replies, I honestly didn't think this thread would go past page 1. The humor and opinions are all greatly appreciated.
And just FYI, I have never been a primadonna. In WoW I always thought everyone (Healer, Tank, DPS) were important to the team, and often feel happy just to be invited to a Instance/Raid. The same has been my experience so far in this game. So if ya see me on, please, hit me up! Character name is Volken and I just love to play.
Heh, I love tanks who think they're in charge of the team.
"The team has to follow me, I'm the tank." "I respectively disagree; the team needs to follow the team leader." "You can't make me stick with the team. Besides, you can't beat the AV without me." "Want to bet?" "Sure." *kick* It's even funnier when you have this conversation 3.5 hours into a 4 hour task force. |
It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.
My two cents:
- I've played longer than anyone else here who's posted.
- My only tank is DA and I'll never do another one again.
- Never follow Des or Shamster in general.
- Never follow a tank who thinks he's the crux of the team, can't see where everyone else has already gone or is being played by Shamster.
- Regardless of AT, never "wait" for someone else to jump in the obvious group the team is going to fight next if you can handle the aggro. That just gives someone else time to hog all the glory.
- If a particular team doesn't think your AT/powers would add anything to the team, don't take it personally. Sometimes, a 4th Empath is, hopefully, not needed
- Never, EVER, follow Shamster
I've already forgotten about most of you

Hello. Don't worry about all tank teams. They can rock as hard as any AT gathering. Champion has a monthly Tanker Tuesday which is nothing but tanks.
As for AT snobbery, I'm all for it.
No, not really. It doesn't really make a difference. A team of all blasters, all scrappers, all controllers, whatever, can be very fun. Anyone who would intentionally not play on a team because of a particular AT is also someone you don't want on your team anyway. It's not the AT that is bad, it's more likely the player. I've been on all PB/WS ITFs where we finish in 1 1/2 hours. Sure, not land-speed record time but still respectable. Then again, I've been on mixed teams that couldn't take down Romy at all.
But then, it's your $15 so do with it what you like. If you have fun being a snob, great.
Be joyful! You can now post the final word on this without my further interference. ![]() |
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
Interesting little slice of Victory drama to spice up my afternoon.
Alt, I think your post came across extremely harsh, intended or not (and I have a hard time believing you really didn't think your post was going to be provocative). Volken is a newer player, and all he did was express worry that he chose an AT that many others did as well, and that it might negatively impact his ability to get teams. All that needed to be said was that a truly good group of players playing as a team would accept most any AT in CoX and be able to excel and enjoy themselves. And accusing him of being "part of the problem" isn't very nice -- he's a new player (which you acknowledged by welcoming him to the game), so he doesn't have that many alts yet to choose from. Give him time, I'm sure that will happen sooner rather than later.
Volken, hopefully you took some positives from this thread. 4.5 years ago when I started playing this game, I felt much the same as Alt seems to about Tankers. The first 2 or 3 I teamed with a significant amount DID consider themselves to be the de facto team leader, whether they had the star or not, and also seemed to think they were God's gift to AT build advice (and not just Tanker builds!). I remember feeling like I would NEVER want to roll a Tank because "all" Tankers were jerks -- but as I played more and made more friends I met many, MANY more people who played Tanks (some as their favorite or "main" AT, others as just one of their many alts), and I came to see that it truly is the PLAYER behind the toon that determines their behavior. A classy person playing any toon is classy; a crass jerkhole playing any toon remains a crass jerkhole.
That said, do keep in mind that now with I16's Super Side-Kicking (SSK) you don't have to be within any particular range to accompany a team anymore, so feel free to roll up some ATs you want to try out and get on a kick-a$$ Victory team! And as others have pointed out, play what you like and have fun -- it's a game.
Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
I just noticed that the winky face looks like he's trying really hard to go to the bathroom. Someone get that guy some Ex-Lax!
It's because the curve of the line flattens out which tricks the eye into thinking it's down turn, or frowning, because of the curve of the slight shadow. I'm sure it looked fine before they gave it depth.
Interesting little slice of Victory drama to spice up my afternoon.
![]() Alt, I think your post came across extremely harsh, intended or not (and I have a hard time believing you really didn't think your post was going to be provocative). Volken is a newer player, and all he did was express worry that he chose an AT that many others did as well, and that it might negatively impact his ability to get teams. All that needed to be said was that a truly good group of players playing as a team would accept most any AT in CoX and be able to excel and enjoy themselves. And accusing him of being "part of the problem" isn't very nice -- he's a new player (which you acknowledged by welcoming him to the game), so he doesn't have that many alts yet to choose from. Give him time, I'm sure that will happen sooner rather than later. ![]() Volken, hopefully you took some positives from this thread. 4.5 years ago when I started playing this game, I felt much the same as Alt seems to about Tankers. The first 2 or 3 I teamed with a significant amount DID consider themselves to be the de facto team leader, whether they had the star or not, and also seemed to think they were God's gift to AT build advice (and not just Tanker builds!). I remember feeling like I would NEVER want to roll a Tank because "all" Tankers were jerks -- but as I played more and made more friends I met many, MANY more people who played Tanks (some as their favorite or "main" AT, others as just one of their many alts), and I came to see that it truly is the PLAYER behind the toon that determines their behavior. A classy person playing any toon is classy; a crass jerkhole playing any toon remains a crass jerkhole. That said, do keep in mind that now with I16's Super Side-Kicking (SSK) you don't have to be within any particular range to accompany a team anymore, so feel free to roll up some ATs you want to try out and get on a kick-a$$ Victory team! And as others have pointed out, play what you like and have fun -- it's a game. ![]() |
Thanks, all of that was great advice and very well thought out points. I appreciate everyone who has posted. It's nice to get honest replies, rather then what I am used to getting on the WoW forums, which was....sad.
I tend to stay pretty quiet in most teams I have been in, not because I am shy or snobbish or anythig, but because I am trying to watch and learn. So if you do team with me, just remember I am not being a snob, just watching for good tactics.

Hope to see you in game and look me up if you have a spare slot in your teams.

There are few things more fun than being a tanker on a team full of other tankers. No worries, and you just bowl over stuff without worrying who is squishy and getting aggro.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
Any poor player playing any AT is going to be bad.
Volken - Play what you like. Most people are not like Alt here and have no problems forming teams with whatever/whoever is available. Tankers are a fine AT, and are very useful throughout the game. |
I always try to have one of each AT when I build a team. If that doesn't happen, I make do. Also, I love to invite Khelds because they have so many tricks and a lot of them are really good players (a lot aren't, but you take that gamble on any AT, really).
Did I say I did?
Or did I say that every post was an opinion. In my calculations, the percentage of "tanks are about themselves" is about 90%. And that's including the amount of time that I play my tanks. My experiences may differ from others. But in my opinion 90% of tankers ::
and 25% of tankers :
Since you're playing an Empath, should I assume you're the type of clod who puts someone on follow and auto fires your heal?
If you're on a team with sucky teammates, find a real team. Or let the tankers who run off on their own faceplant a few times. They'll learn.
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
No, but you attacked someone else for "not having numbers."
Since you're playing an Empath, should I assume you're the type of clod who puts someone on follow and auto fires your heal? If you're on a team with sucky teammates, find a real team. Or let the tankers who run off on their own faceplant a few times. They'll learn. |
And then he heals people who aren't even wounded with his single target heal.
And he stacks 2-4 clear minds on the tankers and scrappers, but not a single one on the peace bringer or blaster.
Or never use their attacks when there's no one to be buffed/healed.
Currently listening to Luther Allison's South Side Safari
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
OOoo oooo ooo.
And then he heals people who aren't even wounded with his single target heal. And he stacks 2-4 clear minds on the tankers and scrappers, but not a single one on the peace bringer or blaster. Or never use their attacks when there's no one to be buffed/healed. |
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
![]() |
^Professional Katana/regen build thread
Glad to see that most of the advise the OP received was helpful (Welcome to the game!)
Glad to also see that my suspicions about the playstyle of some people were also confirmed.
To the OP - you'll find that most people that play care more about what type of teammate you are than what your AT/powersets are. People that are pleasant, have a sense of humor and team spirit and are willing to ask questions usually find a niche of friends quite quickly.
I'd also recommend, if possible, that you find an active SG. SGs usually have the attitude of "bring whatever" for anything but the most extreme facets of the game.
My Characters
I'd also recommend, if possible, that you find an active SG. SGs usually have the attitude of "bring whatever" for anything but the most extreme facets of the game.
Eh, while typically true, I don't think Supergroups are nearly as important as they are these days. Being active in Global channels is usually more beneficial, since you're exposed to far more people (usually) then you would in just a supergroup.
SGs are nice and definitely have a place, I'm just not sure it's as strong of a need as it used to be.
Eh, while typically true, I don't think Supergroups are nearly as important as they are these days. Being active in Global channels is usually more beneficial, since you're exposed to far more people (usually) then you would in just a supergroup.
SGs are nice and definitely have a place, I'm just not sure it's as strong of a need as it used to be. |
I still see some definitely advantages for a new player until they learn the ropes.
My Characters
I imagine Grey Pilgrim is just twitching to respond to this thread.
I've already forgotten about most of you

Volken, welcome.
I've played a Stone / Stone tank since I started and have found good teams whenever I needed them. I've also played other ATs and enjoy the challenges of each one. I don't really have any advice positive or negative to add that hasn't already been said. Just have fun, it's a game after all.
"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm
Hi, I also am new to the game. From the descriptions of charcters I picked a sonic/fire blaster for my 1st character, it seems fun, however I do not see many sonic blasters on the game. Am I missing something, is this a poor power choice?
Hi, I also am new to the game. From the descriptions of charcters I picked a sonic/fire blaster for my 1st character, it seems fun, however I do not see many sonic blasters on the game. Am I missing something, is this a poor power choice?
Sonic blast is a fine set.
Only problem with sonic blasters is that they don't "look as cool" as many of the other blaster primes.
Currently listening to Tito & Tarantula's Back Into the Darkness
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
If you are playing a Tank and there are nothing but Tankers, aren't you part of the problem for being unwilling to play another AT?
Honestly, if I'm running a team and I have my choice about which AT's to pick to fill a team, I don't pick any Tankers or Scrappers and, if possible, I won't pick any Warshades or Peacebringers either (because they have Dwarf forms).
If you invite a character that thinks that they can get away with charging ahead and taking the agro, the player thinks that they are running the team and it is the rest of the teams duty to keep up with them.
This is not the case, this is not the only way that a team can be successful.
I'm not trying to be harsh about this. If it comes across that way, I'm sorry. But I see it time and time again that many Tankers are about themselves and not about being part of a team.