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  1. The Big bug and his family are returning to their home...

    Too many folks to name that made this game fun, so I won't name anyone specifically since I'd be sure I'd left someone out and I don't want to do that.

    So... yeah. That's about it.

    -Robert Escher
  2. Well super cool Fista! I look forward to reading it!
  3. So... I wrote a bunch of stories about my latest creation: Shadowbat Squirrel.

    Posted them on in the City Of Heroes thread...

    Feel free to go over there and laugh at me because I'm nothing more than a dirty RP'er.

    -Da Bug
  4. Take care DC... may your next journey be free of pain and full of happiness.
  5. I'm not sure I have any words to add other than...

    See you in the next go around DC... You were a good teammate and fun to hang out with on Ventrillo. You knew your builds and you were willing to help out those who asked. I will miss you... but I'm planning on taking Aim at level 56 so... watch out.

    One Gentle Big Bug Huggle™

    -Robert Escher
  6. So, yeah, if any of you are planning a trip to Thailand in the next year or so... look me up.

  7. See, I wanted to put a Bow on Onus and go as "Bug Hunter" but...
  8. See, that's my situation as well. Just need it mainly for CoH and some games from the mid 2000s... such as the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and HalfLife series. I don't really feel I have to be on the bleeding edge, but now that I KNOW I can build a system from the ground up, I can more confidently invest in better tech when I need to.

    This is my first ever SATA machine, and I must say, I like it a lot so far. I'm still trying to fill up that 2TB hard drive though.. O.o

    -Da Bug
  9. Hehe, while the walk down memory (card) lane has in fact been fun to read... I must admit that now that I have apparently built a stable system that does everything I want it to do... I'm tempted to find some person with more money than sense and say "you tell me what you want in it, pay for the parts, give me a reasonable amount of money for my trouble... and LET ME BUILD YOU A @#$^@#$ING BEAST!"

    16 TB hard drive? DONE!
    Duel latest-generation-video-cards-that-totally-rock DONE!
    4 GB memory? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How much does your board take? 128 GB? DONE!
    Can we find a mother board that runs EIGHT processors at once? DONE!
    You want a pimped out case? How about neon lights, a fridge, and a walk in Humidor?
    Use a freaking Pratt and Whitney Engine to run the Liquid Nitrogen cooling system... turn it on and watch the entire block go dim cause of the power draw!!!
  10. NO sympathy for whiny students who want a better grade than they've earned... NONE. Extenuating circumstances aside - if they didn't do the work they get graded for only what they did.

    /cranky teacher voice.

    -Da Bug
  11. So, about two weeks ago both my desktop and laptop broke. One of them was my fault. I decided that I'd take advantage of a nice package deal at a local computer store and get a "build it yourself" kit. So yesterday, I put together a moderately good system: 3.2 GHz i5 CPU, 4 Gigs of DDR3 1333 MHZ ram (I might expand to 8 later, the board has room to go to 16 if I wish) reused my recent ATI 4750 Graphix card, 550 W Power supply, 24x DVD -RW drive... Here's the thing that got me...

    TWO TERABYTE Harddrive.

    I want all you youngsters to consider that in sixteen short years, we've seen a 2000 fold increase in the size of your average hard drive. (not to mention the speed of ram and cpu's).

    I mean... DAYAM!

    Makes me wonder what they're going to call the next iteration... Quadrabyte? Ultrabyte? OMFGByte?

    -Da bug
  12. Sniff... sniff... :_)

    It was so cool to see all the BUGS!

    Some of them were really nice, Fryeor (sp?) I think it was had a SICK costume.
  13. Hehe, thanks much folks! Wishes, belated or not are always welcome.

    I unfortunately am no longer the answer to life the universe and everything... Instead, I am a sucky prime number...
  14. Yeah, back when Krole Solo'ed the Hamidon...

    I thought it was 255 targets that triggered the error... but it may have been 100. I keep telling people about that error box and they're like "WHAT?"

    I did it on Onus Vox in the Crystal Titan room by herding the entire map of Geodes and hitting Tremor.

    Sigh... those were the days...
  15. There fixing it? NOOOOOOOO!

    Oh wait, I went Void...

    They'll probably fix that next.. :[
  16. Do you like the new trials?

    Yes. Now that I have a handle on what we're supposed to do during them to succeed I think they're pretty dang spiffy.

    If you aren't leading do they seem brainless/too easy like the CoP?

    Nope. It's always a challange to see if we can find a better way to do it.

    How long should we hold spots for people who disappear when forming?

    Individual leader's choice I'd say. It depends on how well you know the player I suppose.

    And, don't get too upset if someone leading gets short with you about something you are doing because often times they are trying to send tells/messages to 4 other people as well.

    AMEN! I've run one of these (Lambda) so far and yeah... it's scary having to communicate with that many folks at once. Especially as I didn't use binds.
  17. O.o! THERE'S a name I haven't seen in forever..
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zerlina View Post
    I'm absolutely devistated! Crushed and my ego may never survive!
    ::sobs endlessly::
    No more bug hugs for you!
    Wait... who are you again? Are you still playing? It seems like AGES since I've seen you in game...

    Offers Bug huggles to Z...
  19. Sigh, and once again, the Community™ hasn't let me down at all... the same slightly snarky responses that I've grown used to...

    But yes, Victory has lost a lot of people. But YOU are still here Voodoo, so we still have someone to blame Satanic is still here so we have someone to argue with Voodoo .

    I guess I just wanted to give a friendly shout out because there is a lot of real life crap that is going on in the world that for me to hear anyone complain about a change to a game just seems childish and pointless. I mean if the worst thing that happens to me is that my beloved stone tank suddenly becomes as squishy as the bug he's modeled after... well it could be worse.

    Besides someone has to be the sentimental old guy to counter all the GIT OFF MY LAWN!! other old guys.

    -Da Bug
  20. I'm pretty sure at least two of those branches you mentioned are part of the Axis, but I'm still waiting for more evidence...
  21. Shards, Threads, taking too long to get alpha / justice / whatever slots...

    Server / list merger doom™...

    It's been seven years (nearly). They've changed the game completely in some ways, partially in others, tried some things that worked, tried some others that haven't...

    There is ONE thing that has kept me going - the people in our community that I've played with, spoken with on Vent, and in several cases gotten to know "in real life". Sure I've done my share of kvetching about things, and I doubt that will change - we all do it, but we also all adapt. So, I'ma go light up a cigar and say: BRING IT!

    big Bug huggles to the VG crew (xtraspecial to 3Dev and 3Diva
    MP, both M and F versions, Masque, the Shifters, etc...
    BG, RHC, DHK, SS, EE, GP...

    If I've forgotten anyone, see me in game.

    -Robert "Escher"
  22. Escher

    Global friends

    Welcome back!

    Always nice to see folks come back to the game. Grey's thread should get you all the teams you need on our friendly little server.
  23. Strangely enough, I never seem to have problems finding folks for teams...
  24. I'm gonna play board games on Friday and Saturday nights... I'll probably burn a Cigar or two with my buddy Tye... and I will probably log in a bug or three to try and get them leveled up a bit.

    I'm most interested in finishing my Electric Controller, Kinetic Scrapper, and maybe even my Dual Pistols Blaster.