Post Your Rep Comments Here!
I can't post all mine because alot of mine atm say things similar to this:
"I feel the same way you do about CO - Name"
That Biff guy that hates this game, but loves CO, and thinks CO is "Original" give me negative rep >.>
I've only got 4 reps so far, and only two comments. Only one was anonymous, the other was signed. It said:
"nice avatar and a solid d00m post. +rep for you."
So... yeah.
My d00m post was about how the reputation system was bound to be abused so this is somewhat ironical.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
"... **** you."
Yep someone negged me with that. Not sure how to report it since there is no name.
The rep comments are anonymous to YOU, NOT to the moderators, they can see all. So just follow the link to YOUR post that they negged, and then report YOUR post and ask that they look at the rep comments to the post.
"... **** you."
Yep someone negged me with that. Not sure how to report it since there is no name. |
When they start personally attacking you... That is when I got a mod involved.
Oh Oh Oh, it wasn't me who did that to you. I just don't think it is harsh enough to get someone involved.
I love my rep comments. Srsly. <3
Something about the angle of your avatar could have me staring all day... - I hope that's not creepy.
Stalking you is how I find the good threads!
Thank you for the support.
I am in your reps, burying dead mice
*names removed to protect the... reppers...?
Wow, much more fun than the ones I get.
Is that you in your avatar? Are we switching to rl pics?
I still have mine from last time I did that if anyone cares.
Yes. Well people keep asking me to put the "O" face PK avatar back up. I figured that this was MUCH more comical and easy to mock. I aim to please.
Should I or shouldn't I join in... the mod that yelled at me last time I did it isn't here anymore so... maybe.
Why would a mod yell at you for a RL pic? Was it showing stuff "inappropriate" for the forums? If so, Send me a PM with the pic and I'll "judge" it for you.
No, but it was during the so-called height of my popularity and I was told that I was encouraging stalkers.
Heck, I'd LOVE to have a stalker... of the female variety at least. Kathy Bates in Misery was HAWT in a creepy sorta way. So I'll encourage them! Will it get me banned?
Oh, like I told that mod, I've had rl stalkers. 'Net ones don't scare me. He said please take it down...
Eh, that avatar is nothing... you should crop it though for more face and less room.
On another note... my favorite fictional stalker of all time? Jennifer Jason Leigh in Single White Female. ROWR!
Crop... hrm... maybe I can figure that out without crashing...
*fingers crossed*
Bah, "you got me" remember? Here you go, I also sized it properly for the CoH boards AND made it a lower file size JPG instead of a PNG
This reduces the file size from 1.42 MB to 4 KB, which makes it MUCH easier for people on dial up.
Oh, you are so handy to have around.
That's what SHE said. Oh wait...
New comment! O M G O M G!!! (spaces to avoid the auto-not-caps-lock thingy)
You are a quality person whom I miss.
I've only had one negative rep so far, which read "like you?", and that was for a post in the "Comment on the avatar above you" thread.
WTS sense of humour and a Shift key. That is all. >_>
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

I wont post the mean stuff. >.< That severly limits the stuff I can post thoe. *lol*
You are the awesomest poster!
I do owe most of my PL/Farming opinions to reading your posts
Always polite and respectful in postings
Thank you for the Gojira pics and the Imperial tank pic
+rep cuz thats your real head
I love these peoples!!!
I didn't think this was appropriate for ANY other forum than forum games, and since I find the new anonymous rep feature hilarious, I've decided to start this thread where we can all view and comment on people's opinions of us and our posts. Please feel free to post your own rep comments and comment ON those rep comments yourself! By the way, if you go to your User CP in the top left corner, you can see the last 20 or so rep comments and you can even select them and copy and paste them here for ease of use. Here is an example with the ones I've accumulated so far, just from the last 3 days because the rest disappear after so many comments:
New Forum - Quick n... 08-14-2009 05:01 PM Just generally a marvellous dude
Regarding Defenders and... 08-14-2009 02:23 PM
Finished Half Life 2 08-14-2009 01:18 PM
Update on Siegal... 08-14-2009 12:04 PM neg
New Forum - Quick n... 08-14-2009 11:52 AM hhh
New Forum - Quick n... 08-14-2009 11:28 AM
Smilies! 08-13-2009 06:27 PM
I'm Turning My Rep Off 08-13-2009 11:13 AM Just because I like being different
NC reviews "We're... 08-13-2009 01:41 AM The daily PK neg
Presenting CoH Forums... 08-12-2009 06:44 PM
Zero Punctuation: The... 08-12-2009 04:30 PM I must see how high the rep bar goes!
Eerie Similarities 08-12-2009 03:03 PM Snackcake! -Blood_Spectre
Presenting CoH Forums... 08-12-2009 11:16 AM Thanks for this and your forum guide. Very nice!
Eerie Similarities 08-12-2009 09:43 AM "neg" Haha! I read your location and approve. -Dechs
I'm Turning My Rep Off 08-12-2009 08:24 AM PK writes the best guides!
so....1 more month then... 08-12-2009 07:31 AM
CDN_Guardian's FF/NRG... 08-12-2009 07:26 AM
Regarding Defenders and... 08-12-2009 01:58 AM
New Forum - Quick n... 08-12-2009 12:25 AM neg neg
New Forum - Quick n... 08-12-2009 12:24 AM Neg time

As you can see already, I've noticed from my experience that the positive Rep comments are MUCH more intelligent and well thought out, with the negative rep comments being almost entirely caveman grunts or monosyllabic.
I honestly wouldn't MIND negative rep if people were more CREATIVE with their comments! If you're going to insult me at LEAST try to be amusing about it!
And apparently I have an "admirer" who likes to Neg me daily just for the heck of it... fascinating. I think I feel honored by this special attention!
So, what do you all got? Anything interesting?
To help you, here's a guide!
Westley's Qwik N EZ Rep Posting Guide!
1. Highlight all of your rep comments like shown, then right click on any of the highlighted text and choose Copy from the popup menu that appears:
2. Then go to the bottom of the thread and click NEW REPLY. This is important. If you use Quick Reply, you won't get access to an important button later:
3. Once you are in the New Reply window, right click inside the white space and choose Paste, it should look like below. Once you see that, hit the Preview post button:
4. Now it should look like the picture below. There's all sorts of extra stupid spaces. To get rid of them, click the Preview Post button AGAIN:
5. Now it should look like this, with no stupid spaces!
6. Now simply format the remaining text in a manner of your choosing. I personally like to hit enter BEFORE every "jellybean" so that each comment is on its own line, and then bold the comment that comes after and leave the Time Stamp alone. I did half to show you what I do after and before:
It's that easy!