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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I do want to go on about Inventions some more, because it is kind of relevant.

    I've made my dislike of the whole Inventions system painfully well-known, to the point where people are probably sick of me bringing it up. Recently, I finally conceded to Sets and started working on set-centric builds. It was never, not for a single moment, fun... But at least it made my characters solid for Dark Astoria, so I saw it as a price to pay. Spend all this time in unpleasant busywork, but it's OK because it's an investment for the future.

    Well, now the game has no future, so there's no point to invest in it. And you know what? I actually want to play the game MORE now that that's the case. No end-game, no grind, no repetition, no need for a strong build. All of a sudden, there's nothing to strive for and I'm free to do what I always god damn wanted to begin with - log into the game, kill stuff and not worry about the meta-game.

    I know it's probably counter-productive of me to say these things... Probably a little depressing, as well, but right now, my policy is "screw your efficiency, ima take this axe to that demon's Johnson and go from there."
    Reading this I think I could go street hunting and not worrying about it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    That's it in a nutshell, basically. I get to the character select screen and start crying. It's ridiculous. I'm 42. Even reading the forums breaks my heart.

    Best computer game ever made.

    It is the same for me. I know I should be playing now that the servers come down in a couple of week but I just can't, because I cry. I am 41 btw.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atomic_Saint View Post

    Is there another cause or concern coming up that we will be able to donate to?
    I missed this one, and I'm one of those silver aged gamers with some disposable income and would be more than wiling to throw some money at you for whatever.
    Same here!
    Best Community ever!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
    With every thread i see by you, tony, A little bit of light is restored to our little universe. Thank you for all your efforts
    Thanks Tony
  6. Razia

    Not Goodbye

    Originally Posted by Crazy1van View Post
    My fave bugs were costume creator related. My main still has a 'missing right hand' costume, for that time he was lost in the Shadow Shard.

    but THIS one takes the cake. Naturally I never took him/her out of the tutorial, and never posted the pic before, to avoid getting banned. But now...
    OMG, thanks for making me smile during these sad days!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    GW2 can go suck it, im never giving ncsoft another penny again
  8. I played most of the MMOs that are out there (I started with EQ1) and I can honestly say COH has by far the best community and by far the best Devs of any game I ever tried (and I tried a lot of them). Other are not even close.

    I am so sad... I mean I knew it wouldn't last forever, but now? It was doing fine and I had so many things to do with my lvl 50s, so many new powersets to level. Why has it to be now? It makes me so sad, because this is so sudden.

    But then again I think I can keep it in very good memory now, instead of remembering a dying game, but still... I was so 100% sure I will celebrate the 10th birthday of it.
  9. Razia

    To all of you...

    I am so glad I kept my subscription up since the game was released, so I think I did everything I can, but regardeless of that, it did not work out. I will miss this game and all of you so much *cries*
  10. Razia

    I remember....

    It was a great time with you all and thanks for letting me be part of the Victory Channel. Going to miss you.

    And R.I.P. Eurocore, so many great people in that SG.
    I was proud to be an officer.
  11. I am so sad, really sad. I did not think that I would ever cry over a game. But I just did. I will miss you all so much!
  12. Kudos to you for doing that. I really couldn't, I enjoy leveling and using powersets too much.
  13. "Doing well on SOs"... Anything/Willpower comes to mind.
  14. Staff/Elec here too. Just finished incarnating and it's a blast. Though I have an incarnated Claws/Elec already so you might say I am a fan of /elec on brutes.
  15. I can confirm, Staff/Elec is a beast. I played both my incarnated Brutes yesterday to compare them (Claws/Elec and Staff/Elec) and I really have to say on anything/x8 Staff is great, not the best Single Target DPs of course, but AoE wise it's nice.

    I am no build guru, both are softcapped to s/l (around 46%, I bet someone can squeeze out more) and they have both Superior Conditioning and PP (+ Stamina) slotted with Performance Shifter proc. I must admit I rarely use Power Sink. Though it happens that none of them proc so maybe every 10 groups of mobs I use it.

    The number crunchers might tell if spamming Spin is still better AoE dmg than spamming the AoE and 2 Cones of Staff. I do use Eviscerate from time to time.... and Shockwave might be wortwhile with the new IO sets that change KB to KD. Of course Claws is better Single Target DPS though.

    Sooo... what I tried to say is, that both are much fun and I am not sure which I like more.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    The "classic" scrapperlock combo is Claws/SR.

    No gimmicks to worry about.

    No click powers other than Practiced Brawler (which should be on auto anyway).

    Just hit things until they're dead or you are.
    This! Especially as I tend to get into scrapper lock mode with fast recharging powers.
  17. That's really though, I love them both! Good luck finding what you like more.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Reef_ View Post
    Hello All!
    I was pointed this direction from the costume thread.
    Back Story of photo: Solids is a Staff/WP Scrapper. While on a mission tonight his teammate A Grav Troller tossed an item using Propel and I about wet myself when I saw it fly past me. I couldn't pass up taking a screenshot of it. The only editing that was made was to lighten the image since the caves were pretty dark.
    So I give you...... SOLIDS!!

    Hope you all like it!!
    That's awesome!
  19. I vote for DB/WP Scrapper, easy and fun with only SOs.
  20. *Heartattack* don't do that again, I was all: "WTF happend to my forums name?" :-)
  21. Thanks for the advice Viper Kinji
  22. I found Caltrops quiet usefull when I am surrounded by too many mobs. Happens sometimes in maps with odd spawns. I took HB and SC while leveling up (at lvl 23 atm), but I think I will respec out of them when I get SB and CU. I did take Placate, but I already noticed I didn't use it much. Might keep it for leveling up though.

    Still unsure how to slot to get anywhere near the softcap without sacrificing too much. Is it even doable without purples and PvP IOs? I am also thinking to go Body Mastery just so I can have 3 Performance Shifter procs and powers that don't require slotting.
  23. If I remember correctly you cannot abandon and retake a timed mission. At least it did not work for me.