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  1. Congratz on the new addition to family.

    Shortly after our children were born I got the early shift each night to be on call. I wanted a game to play for the time from 8 to midnight, that I could jump away as duty called. Enter city of heroes, 2004 was a good year .. healthy triplets and COH.

    Celtic Fist
  2. I think Crimorea .. city area is quiet .. anyplace where the local bad guys or heroes con grey would work too.

    Celtic Fist
  3. I found the message from NCsoft discouraging and then it just made me upset. I have little faith in NCsoft. Week or so ago I asked a coworker how her play on Diablo3 was going and she said it was not as fun as the older version and one thing she pointed out was lack of her friends playing (her community). I mentioned about the whole shut down CoH/CoV and she came back with Guild WarsII was just released. My response was after NCsoft decided to close our game scatter the community as much as I might want to try one of their games I would not do business with them in the future.

    You will be able to find me being a hero on Victory and villian on Freedom until they shut down the servers.

    Mostly, I agree the recent statement from NCsoft was poorly executed and while it looks gloomy Nov. 30 is still far enough off. We might not change NCsoft mind but we can let them know we still care and wont give hope. So try to keep playing, participate in special events and let the developers know they just didn't create a game but a great community.

    Celtic Fist
  4. Over at the Massively site they are doing a poll on CoH. Should the game be save or should it be retired. "

    link - tinyurl.com/savecohpoll

    Please go vote on the site and if you care leave message in the thread. It was at 86% save game when I voted and with about 1500 ballots cast.

    Celtic Fist
  5. Been playing and enjoying the game just over eight years now and I can tell you I never thought about what went on much on the Corporate side. I had a game I loved to play and let me do fantastic things. I lurk on the forums and check to see what the red names have to say and found the community helpful and knowledgeable.

    Now, I know who NCsoft are (their from Korea !?!) and the way in which they handled the developers at Paragon did gain any loyality from me. Those folks work hard on the game and like many I was excited about what was coming next and i24 had great promise (could have even helped revenue).

    I generally understand this is about the bottom line and the figures show the game was making some profits, NCsoft is looking at core asia market but the way the message was delivered and what happened to the paragon folks makes it tough for me trust putting dollars and time into one of their products. If CoH can be sold I could see maybe reading a review about one of their products in the future and possible make a purchase but not investment myself like I have done in CoH.

    I do want to thank folks for work on trying to save the game, those providing updates on emerging details and the humor in time of impending doom. I will remain active in the game and support efforts to the best of my ability to preserve it in the future.

    Celtic Fist - Victory Server
  6. CelticFist

    I remember....

    I remember running getting a bunch of the Drunkin Idiots SG members to help me with Wildfire mission. Exiting back into FF and watching the Kronos Titan come over the hill and launch a barrage of missiles. priceless

    I remember fighting the caves with a full team against the Crey. MY kinetic/electric defender was taking hits and almost down .. the crey voltaic tank I was fighting went into thunderstike animation and at the top of his arc a scrapper came in from the side and sent him flying with crane kick saving my bacon.

    I remember my old system could not handle CoV or Talos near train station. New system made me fall for the game all over again.

    Celtic Fist
  7. I want to second that. Few times I had a tech issue or question folks on this forum helped me out. Thanks.

    Celtic Fist
  8. I received the new video card and installed it today. Everything graphic is working well. So thanks for advice .. now the darn DVD disk drive will not open. I guess another purchase to keep the system going for few more months.

    Nice to be back to CoH after a week off !!

    Celtic Fist
  9. Thanks for the recommendation on the card. I will try to order and the price seems reasonable. I am looking to upgrade the system in several months so this might be the trick to keep it going for a while longer.

    Celtic Fist
  10. Video card was 8800 GTS 640-P2-N821-AR 640MB PCI-E

    I found a few no sale on ebay for under 50 bucks which does not seem unreasonable as long as it would work for while longer. I remember paying over $300 from newegg when i built the machine.

    On family vacation for a few days.

    Celtic Fist
  11. I followed the suggestions with regards to driver sweep. It said it could not find a few files (registry) even when trying in safe mode. I only did the Nvdia display not touching any other driver areas. When system came back up few error messages I guess associated with the drivers I just got eliminated.

    I ran the saved filed from Nvdia and rebooted and i still had the vertical lines on the display and trying CoH it gave me the message :

    An open GL driver for your video card was not found.

    So stuck again not sure what next step other then get a new system. Any other suggestions? Also, great community offer help .. thanks

    Celtic Fist
  12. With Drive Sweeper do I just do an analysis of the "display" for Nvdia card? Then clean it followed by going to Nvdia site to get latest set of driver?

    Read few reviews of the product and it appeared to have mostly favorable but a few mention to be cautious using the program to not wipe out other drivers.

    Thank you
  13. I do have some dust issues. Opened case and vacuumed it. Took graphics card out and cleaned that as well. STill get lines up and down the screen.

    I tried to launch CoH and got this message
    "An open GL driver for your video card was not found." and the game wont launch

    Video Card is a GeForce 8800 GTS.

    I did update drivers this morning so I think it might be the graphics card.

    Thanks for reply .. Celtic Fist
  14. Its not the first time its happened but today i am getting several sets of vertical lines on my screen. I don't have a spare monitor to test if monitor and was able to check drivers for my video card and did update with no change.

    My system is at least four years old and has been acting up on several issues. The lines on the screen is new. The problem also prevents smooth scrolling when looking at internet or other document. Any suggestion on what the problem might be would be helpful. Thank you

    Celtic Fist
  15. What are people's experience with "Hide" ATO? I have never gotten a stalker past lvl 33 so far but would like to go back and work on them. After I hidden I find my target in the group of mobs and use Build up and AS then I start scrapping it out.

    I do not have have feel for how after using assassin strike and start scrapping how could I make the best use of the special protocol when it triggers. I get into button mashing mode or trying to line a AoE that I could miss the advantage of becoming "hidden" again.

    Celtic Fist
  16. Looking for any suggestions on what might be happening. Everytime I go to log out of the game the game will lock up .. I can do quit to desktop and it locks or I try to character screen then server then to log-in screen and it locks upon trying to exit.

    Additionally, 80-90% of the time when I try to switch costumes using the pull down menu and access the costume screen the system locks. I have 10 costume slots.

    If any has same problems or suggestion I would appreciate. ITs only the CoH that locks up the rest of the system is running ok.

    Celtic Fist
  17. Over the different characters on the same server I watch two channels usually trying to put the chat from those channels into tabs. On some characters I see the correct say TAB1 = "x channel" and the chat log appears ... on others I see TAB1 = "x channel" but the chat log appears for that tab.

    What am I missing? Why will the chat log not appear on those heroes?

    Anything would help .. thanks

    Celtic Fist
  18. Ran the halloween trial last night eight times with pick up groups. On four heros I got all the badges. On one run we had just three people and beat the GM in the end ignoring the zombies. On a team of four we missed getting things done within 12 minutes timer, mostly because it felt the zombies spawned so slowly.

    Is the best way to get the zombies by just walking in the graveyard or standing still?
  19. Started a beam/trapper recently and just made 23rd. Picked up poison gas trap and have two recharges in it now and understand it can take the hold sets. I want to use it effectively and could use advice and questions answered.

    1)After I plant the little green trap in the mix of mobs I see the green smoke pop out and it can hit multiple opponents. Does the attack it makes one trigger once when it detonates and only affect close mobs or does it create a zone effect?
    2) suggested slotting it?
    3) I have an AR/Dev blaster and got used to toe-bombing. With FF generator I do not believe I can make that invisible so if I do get some sort of stealth going the FF generator will break it when I try toe-poisoning?

    Thanks .. Ace from Outerspace - beam/traps - Victory
  20. Last night I played my dual pistol/ mental blaster. For piercing shot and tier nine attacks the animation seemed broken.

    Instead of the smoother changes it looked as if overlayed on dark model. Her costume is all white and the animation with those attacks did not display properly. Seems you might have had the same problem. I will test with a reboot to see if it happens again.
  21. Kinetics is a fun set and with kinetics/electric you can make an effective sapper build. A lot of kinetic power rely on hitting your opponent get your best power to stick, leadership tactics will help.
    1) Transference - went with touch of Nictus set 5 slots
    2) siphon power - acc, 2-rech
    3) Repel - have never taken and seen only one kinetic with it ever.
    4) Siphon Speed - Acc, 2-rech; could add more recharge to get a stacking effect
    5) Increase Desnity - I went two resist IOs and called it a day.
    6) Speed Boost - the buff to apply to a team as whole in one application was a god-sent for this power. I put in a few from either Efficency adaptor or Performance Shifter sets. Most are not looking for the Endurance recovery boost but recharge on powers and unsuppresed movement. I was just hunting for a few extra hit points slotting this power.
    7) Inertial Reduction - super jump on a timer, one slot Jump
    8) Transference - key power to sapping, frakenslotted with 2 Efficeint Adaptors, 3 performance shifters and one IO recharge. Acc/EndMod/Rech goals - sweet power you want up and as quick as possible and sucking all the blue away.
    9) Transference Shifter - 2 ACC/ 3 Rech and call it day.

    I have not tried any of the universl travel power in either speed boost of Inertial reduction so not sure if those would work.

    On the electric side typical slotting except I used Short Circuit as endurance drainer in stead of damage. I put in a damage protocol the rest is slotted with Efficeny Adaptor and performance shifter. Taking away blue from the bad guys is highly effective as soft control.

    I ran a duo with friend using Kinetic/Electric and was blast. The extra sapping from two of us had large mobs standing around waiting to hit us but were to tired to swing. Most kinetic/electrics play in melee range to get benefit from the buffs or apply chort circuit. Knockback stinks when it lands on you so getting even just one KB protection IO will help, other status effects a pain. Getting a stealth protocol will help with getting in close for first strikes. Picked up clarion incarnate ability that helps offer protection. Went with electric mastery epic set for extra endurance drain power, armor and replaced tesla cage with epic hold as it is more effective and eaiser to stack.

    Its a fun combo and hope you enjoy as much as I do. Its a very clicky combo to play and the addiction to hitting a button/speed caused me to jump into a mob while rest of team was planning some strategy.

    Celtic Fist - Victory; Cardioverter II - kin/elec/elec
  22. Chatting with a friend who was back on premium account and looking forward to playing again. In talking with her about the token system she was one short of filling out tier 6 so I figured she would have about 3yr vet with 7 character slots. She has a few lvl 50s, that were IO'ed but since she does not have the tier 7 filled her IOs on those characters will be unusable and grey'ed out.

    Was I correct on the predicted charcter slots since she did get going Rogue and about not having IO access?
  23. Disappointment ..

    I have two accounts one at 7yrs and second 4yrs. I was planning shortly after launch of update to put the second account onto a year plan instead of every three months so as to get enough tokens to complete tier 8. I guess this will have to wait until a way is found to implement the rewards as previously described.

    Celtic Fist - Victory
  24. Jut saw this posted. So I will not be taking off from the office for a half day tomorrow based on east coast time.
    Celtic Fist - victory

    Extended Live Server Publish- 9/13/11


    The Live European and North American City of Heroes servers will be offline for an extended publish on Tuesday, September 13, 2011.

    Start Time: 4:00 a.m. PDT / 7:00 a.m. EDT / 12:00 p.m. BST / 13:00 CEST
    Expected Duration: 9 hours
    Expected Finish Time:1:00 p.m. PDT / 4:00 p.m. EDT / 9:00 p.m. BST / 22:00 CEST

    This is for the implementation of Issue 21: convergence and patch notes will be posted after the downtime.

    We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!
  25. I am also curious about the download and when on Tuesday I-21 will be up and running. Will they be down a maintenance patch and if so have they posted times for that work on Tuesday?

    Celtic Fist - Victory