Different Chat Problem
Right click the chat tab and choose 'Edit Tab'. See if the channel is there. If not, add it.
After that, you may want to go to Menu-->Options-->General tab-->(scroll all the way down)-->Chat Settings File-->hit the [Save to Default File] button.
Then, as you log into your other characters, go back to the Options and hit [Load from Default File] so they'll all be set up the same way.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Over the different characters on the same server I watch two channels usually trying to put the chat from those channels into tabs. On some characters I see the correct say TAB1 = "x channel" and the chat log appears ... on others I see TAB1 = "x channel" but the chat log appears for that tab.
What am I missing? Why will the chat log not appear on those heroes?
Anything would help .. thanks
Celtic Fist